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How do I report a school for harassment and bad behaviour?


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You had me believing it was the same school I taught at in Kranuan five years ago. A campaign was set up to discredit the four farang teachers there, a report discreetly left on our desks, not handed to us personally. So simply, I and another teacher left and found a better school, no use hanging around and getting further upset, move on to better things.

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I have an old girl friend that managed a nice restaurant back in the US, it was sold and the new owner was a prick and did not want to pay her her salary. good thing she had a contract. owner treated her like do do and had her sweeping floors and cleaning out garbage cans. She just sucked it up and collected her check.

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Under English Law she would have had a claim for constructive dismissal since her length of service would have transferred under TUPE regulations (presuming she had been there for more than 2 years). Sucks when people get treated like "doo doo" at work. That said, good satisfying jobs are hard to come by.

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Is this your first or second gig ?

I just want to say as someone who has been through it before, successful teachers aren't necessarily good teachers, teachers who smile and can play the system are usually successful.

I think you need to find a balance that suits you.

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Under English Law she would have had a claim for constructive dismissal since her length of service would have transferred under TUPE regulations (presuming she had been there for more than 2 years). Sucks when people get treated like "doo doo" at work. That said, good satisfying jobs are hard to come by.

There is no protection here, if it was down, as you say to this problem caused by another member of staff, then it could easily be changed. If you were to get a lawyer and take it to a labour court the school would just say, they thought you were too "friendly" with the students, and to remedy the situation it was best to let you go at the end of contract.

If you signed a 12 month contract, and the school payed you for the full 12 months, and agreed to write you a nice reference, just go with it and smile.

Good luck for the future.

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Time to get out of dodge.. you know the people in question are just waiting to make your life.. yes, on purpose, because they feel entitled to make your life, as difficult as possible...and all types of information relays will obviously be at their command...

Sorry bud, can't win this one, it is not meant to be won.

Move on..

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Is this your first or second gig ?

I just want to say as someone who has been through it before, successful teachers aren't necessarily good teachers, teachers who smile and can play the system are usually successful.

I think you need to find a balance that suits you.

This is my second gig. I taught a full term in Isaan last year and it was probably the best year of my life. I get what you say and think it is the same everywhere to be honest. I just can't sit back and tolerate someone treat me this way, even if that may make me culturally ignorant or whatever some may say. If I am going to be going to be working feeling anxious, angry or upset I feel I don't want to keep it all to myself. Let them lose face.

Under English Law she would have had a claim for constructive dismissal since her length of service would have transferred under TUPE regulations (presuming she had been there for more than 2 years). Sucks when people get treated like "doo doo" at work. That said, good satisfying jobs are hard to come by.

There is no protection here, if it was down, as you say to this problem caused by another member of staff, then it could easily be changed. If you were to get a lawyer and take it to a labour court the school would just say, they thought you were too "friendly" with the students, and to remedy the situation it was best to let you go at the end of contract.

If you signed a 12 month contract, and the school payed you for the full 12 months, and agreed to write you a nice reference, just go with it and smile.

Good luck for the future.

I've heard such stories before, usually from agencies who want to have a quick clean and rid themselves of the more expensive older workers and often less desired older workers. I have also heard stories about teachers apparently hitting students and MD's shouting at the teachers to try get a reaction so that they can cancel the contract without severance pay.

Thanks for the good wishes. Will move on with my reference letter, holiday pay, and sweep this under the carpet.

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Sure, they should have just asked if I intended to stay for more than 1 year. Would have saved them so much effort facepalm.gif

I received just one warning letter that stated they will dismiss me next time. This was sent the day after our first and only formal meeting on Christmas Eve, during which nothing worthy of a warning letter was said. It was basically a meeting with the teacher saying I was evil inside, money obsessed, had a sham marriage and looked down on Thai people as if I am some kind of superhero. She is a 58 year old Thai woman who lived in the USA for a spell before teaching here for 30 years now. She has never been married. God knows what happened to her in USA to make her resent farang so much. She will make exceptions for some who brown nose and there is one here who will admittedly do that to "keep in with the queen bee". You wouldn't think that she was just a teacher with no other job title other than to supposedly take care of the school farangs, yet she is writing warning letters and threatening to cancel permits etc.

I know that what they did was completely not in line with the law, partly the reason why I wanted to pursue it. but there would be little to claim for in this scenario. I could have put in a claim for constructive dismissal should I have stopped working mid-contract due to "harassment" but I have a baby to support so am in no position to gamble, excellent odds or not. Also, I did care about the grades of the students and they would cheer me up. The funny thing is they knew about what was going on (it become obvious as the teacher would quiz them) and would call to me "su su teacher!" when they saw me cheesy.gif

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Posted Today, 14:29

Is this your first or second gig ?

I just want to say as someone who has been through it before, successful teachers aren't necessarily good teachers, teachers who smile and can play the system are usually successful.

I think you need to find a balance that suits you.

I would say that a successful teacher in Thailand is someone who perseveres every day to actually teach and discipline his students without letting the system discourage or stop him from teaching.

Teachers who give up and only play the system in my mind have completely failed themselves and their students. I don't know how anyone could live with themselves when they have no purpose at work other than self survival in the so-called system, especially when they work in education because it's the students who suffer.

To the OP, you may want to seek professional counseling sooner than later...

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Okay, I have scheduled a meeting with the Director of my current school for 3 hours time.

Basically, I would like to know as much as possible that I can mention to them to get them worried about being reported.

In a nutshell, they (1 person but her voice reigns supreme) have harassed me from my first day at the school. They tell me that my lesson plan (such as teaching about Guy Fawkes Night on 5th November) is not interesting, not popular and not relevant. They tell me that I think I am a superhero and look down on Thai people (despite having a Thai wife and Son). They hassle my students asking for information about my lessons to the extent that they come to me asking what is wrong. Also, they sent out a warning letter to me that was completely inaccurate stating they could cancel my contract with immediate effect if things did not improve. I presume all this was because they wanted to cut my 12 month contract short and not pay me for the holiday period. I pointed out the inaccuracies in warning letter and now they wont let me have a copy because I only complained to the Director now at the end of the term, and not at the time. In my defence, I was given the letter during a meeting with the Head of Department and made my feelings very clear at the time. Also, did not want to cause more of a stir midterm, I was just taking the abuse on the chin back then (with the exception of a 7,000 word complaint sent to the Head of Department about this persons behaviour).

So, in the meeting I will ask again for a copy of the warning letter and will tell them I will send it to the Ministy of Education and Labour Board with Student feedback attached to disprove it all. Also, will tell them (again) about my experience (I did send the 7,000 word complaint to them too but it was never answered - perhaps it's best to take it in person. I will tell my school I will make the British Council aware of their behaviour too.

It may seem extreme to you readers, I get that, but you must understand that this has been the most unhappiest year of my life and has just been complete hell gong to work everyday constantly watching over your back. I went them from being so happy in Isaan feeling valued by all to just being really miserable. I went from loving to teaching and feeling really motivated in that I was welcome and helping others, to just feeling like I never want to teach again (no doubt this will pass with the next good experience). So, I do want them to worry, but also if it is possible that the Labour Board do take action, that would be great and well deserved (two other teachers had the same problem last year and did not make it past the 6 month mark - so I guess I should see some achievement in that.


WHAT STEPS WOULD YOU TAKE TO TAKE ACTION IN REPORTING THE SCHOOL? (I live in "Phrae" in the North, would it require me going to Chiang Mai or Bangkok in person with all evidence (such as student feedback, an unanswered email to Head of Dept outline the harassment, and witness statements from previous teachers at the school)?

Hope someone can help.


Sorry I did not count, but is the above your 7,000 letter complaint?

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Okay, I have scheduled a meeting with the Director of my current school for 3 hours time.

Basically, I would like to know as much as possible that I can mention to them to get them worried about being reported.

In a nutshell, they (1 person but her voice reigns supreme) have harassed me from my first day at the school. They tell me that my lesson plan (such as teaching about Guy Fawkes Night on 5th November) is not interesting, not popular and not relevant. They tell me that I think I am a superhero and look down on Thai people (despite having a Thai wife and Son). They hassle my students asking for information about my lessons to the extent that they come to me asking what is wrong. Also, they sent out a warning letter to me that was completely inaccurate stating they could cancel my contract with immediate effect if things did not improve. I presume all this was because they wanted to cut my 12 month contract short and not pay me for the holiday period. I pointed out the inaccuracies in warning letter and now they wont let me have a copy because I only complained to the Director now at the end of the term, and not at the time. In my defence, I was given the letter during a meeting with the Head of Department and made my feelings very clear at the time. Also, did not want to cause more of a stir midterm, I was just taking the abuse on the chin back then (with the exception of a 7,000 word complaint sent to the Head of Department about this persons behaviour).

So, in the meeting I will ask again for a copy of the warning letter and will tell them I will send it to the Ministy of Education and Labour Board with Student feedback attached to disprove it all. Also, will tell them (again) about my experience (I did send the 7,000 word complaint to them too but it was never answered - perhaps it's best to take it in person. I will tell my school I will make the British Council aware of their behaviour too.

It may seem extreme to you readers, I get that, but you must understand that this has been the most unhappiest year of my life and has just been complete hell gong to work everyday constantly watching over your back. I went them from being so happy in Isaan feeling valued by all to just being really miserable. I went from loving to teaching and feeling really motivated in that I was welcome and helping others, to just feeling like I never want to teach again (no doubt this will pass with the next good experience). So, I do want them to worry, but also if it is possible that the Labour Board do take action, that would be great and well deserved (two other teachers had the same problem last year and did not make it past the 6 month mark - so I guess I should see some achievement in that.


WHAT STEPS WOULD YOU TAKE TO TAKE ACTION IN REPORTING THE SCHOOL? (I live in "Phrae" in the North, would it require me going to Chiang Mai or Bangkok in person with all evidence (such as student feedback, an unanswered email to Head of Dept outline the harassment, and witness statements from previous teachers at the school)?

Hope someone can help.


Sorry I did not count, but is the above your 7,000 letter complaint?

As I am sure you already know, foreign teachers are considered some of the most important and respected people in Thailand, so I would settle for nothing less than a personal meeting with the prime minister himself if I was you.

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Life is way too short to work in such a hostile environment...make your exit ASAP...your meeting with the Director will not change anything...your threats of retaliation will only cause you more grief...this is Thailand...

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The topic doesn't really matter as long as the students are engaged in speaking, listening to English.

You could do a topic about clowns. As long as they are engaging in English.. Who cares !

I have no opinion about Guy Fawlkes day as a lesson plan other than the issues that surround a monarchy. For that reason alone I would not teach the topic

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The level of insight shown by the OP into the system and culture here, plus his lack of sensitivity with regards to the topics he chooses suggest he would do far better seeking employment as a crash test dummy.

So yeah, best to get out of dodge... entirely.

7000 words of complaint... in English... in Thailand... to an employer.


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I have taught a lesson, or at least part of one, on Guy Fawkes for years. There have been no complaints. I am sure it is understood that England is not Thailand, and things are different- Thais aren't actually all a bunch of backwards bumpkins with no ability to see other perspectives, you know. I don't think it should ever be considered bad form to impart knowledge that deviates from a status quo (within reason, of course, for safety's sake), especially global knowledge, or showing how cultures differ / have differed.

I also agree that any subject is ripe for use for teaching English, as long as it is interesting, and the medium of instruction is English and is appropriately graded . Students get enough grammar from their usual or extra classes; as a foreigner, the key thing you can bring to the class is the placing of this grammar in context. Certainly, you can get them to do something more interesting than the usual dry and repetitive drivel that they have been subjected to.

If you want, during the lesson on Fawkes, you can always describe how he eventually ended up, which a.) prevents dangerous speculation about the teacher's leanings and b.) very much engages the boys in the class (in my experience anyway).

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Hey Mate,

Sounds like the 2 people involved are enjoying every minute of winding you up. Probably jealous of your wage or bitter at the ease in which you can achieve that wage when Thai teachers with degrees are on 30% or less of what your on. When people like that are involved you have to just ignore them or walk away.

Here's what I would do in your situation.

Be nice and agree to everything they say. Wait until they really need you, exam time for instance. Throw a sickie. Find a new job. As soon as you have got one cancel your work permit yourself. Send the school an email apologising that you cannot return as you have had to leave the country due to unforeseen personal circumstances. Revenge complete. (I like revenge).

Move to a large University town. Get a part time job at a College that has a set curriculum for you to follow . Set yourself up with some nice private groups. Charge them 1000 baht an hour get 10 in each group, minimum 2 hours twice a week.

Stop taking it all so seriously. Teaching is a job. Make some money at it.

Your not Mother Teresa and you shouldn't be expected to be.

Good luck

By the way, the Guy Fawkes thing, of course it's relevant. It's History so it's perfect for English in the Past tense.

Q1. Guy Fawkes was / is /were hung drawn and quartered.

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Teaching in Thailand is such a blast! Good, isn't it, how everything is focused on ensuring the best possible outcomes for the students!? Maybe the OP teaches in a Catholic school!

I've been exactly where the OP is at and amazingly I'm still in the same job. But no one will thank you for complaining here or challenging them. And they don't forget either. And you'll get more and more wound up.

Stop or get out.

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