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Dear Online Stalker....


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And now with this thread you have given him the attention he obviously yearns for.

Why is it such a big deal if someone visits the profile page ? I don't get it why its a problem

It's being going on for a year now.

Every single day. 1, usually 2 new members look at a group of us then they are banned before they make a single post.

Now Smokie gets a weird reply from a pm sent to the latest name.

I mainly put it out there to see who else is getting the visitor/creep.

So far it's 2 more.

make it 3

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And now with this thread you have given him the attention he obviously yearns for.

Why is it such a big deal if someone visits the profile page ? I don't get it why its a problem

It's being going on for a year now.

Every single day. 1, usually 2 new members look at a group of us then they are banned before they make a single post.

Now Smokie gets a weird reply from a pm sent to the latest name.

I mainly put it out there to see who else is getting the visitor/creep.

So far it's 2 more.

Just send in the troops.

Classic,the big kahuna burger scene,absolute classic.

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And now with this thread you have given him the attention he obviously yearns for.

Why is it such a big deal if someone visits the profile page ? I don't get it why its a problem

It's being going on for a year now.

Every single day. 1, usually 2 new members look at a group of us then they are banned before they make a single post.

Now Smokie gets a weird reply from a pm sent to the latest name.

I mainly put it out there to see who else is getting the visitor/creep.

So far it's 2 more.

make it 3

So that makes at least 13 of us.

Mcgeer, P46, that was 2 other recent names of this weirdo.

Edited by krisb
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Oh my god, I just noticed 5 people looked at my profile, probably more but the system remembers only the last 5.

I am not just stalked but bulk stalked, where do I report this?

For those who don't know, when a member gets banned his user name turns black.

We all get looked at in the profile but a few of us noticed that "lookers" names were black, banned.

On investigation the guy had just joined and was looking at some of us soon after joining then getting taken out by Tv time after time. Thats the story.

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And now with this thread you have given him the attention he obviously yearns for.

Why is it such a big deal if someone visits the profile page ? I don't get it why its a problem

I believe he visits each time to lower my star ranking.

Yes he really is that sad....biggrin.pnglaugh.png

My stalker seems to be happy now that he has gotten my star ranking down to one. I haven't seen him for a few days now.

I used to think this guy was one of my Chiang Rai stalkers who behaved so badly in there efforts to get me banned a couple years back, that they got themselves banned instead.

Anyone else enjoy the honor of having a whole new forum started, based on hatred of your good self?
Edited by villagefarang
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I never look at my profile, or anyone elses for that matter. But after reading this I decided to take a look. Of the last 5 visitors, 4 are in "black", I presume banned. I also have a 1 star rating, which I will take as a compliment (yawn, who cares).

Are some people really that desperate? Why bother??

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I am one of those who is being stalked via my profile (for a long time) bye a nutter who gets banned in a very short time, every time, then reappears with another user name to get banned again. Obviously a banned member with a chip on his shoulder.

I have tried to talk to the tosser with no reply. For sure a nutter, sad really. But hey, he puts a smile on my face, probably the opposite to what he wants....smile.png

There we go, trans is another.

Jt is another.

Add me to that list.

I have a stalker who has been banned on TVF at least 4 times and he just keeps making new accounts to come back and harass me.

This poster thinks that I am someone else and keeps bleating on about some past that I have never had.

Yep you're on the list Tony.

Raeu was 2 days ago.

Hey I got Raeu 2 days ago too.

I'm in the club....yahoo.....intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxNblz

If you hadn't told me I would have never known.

I feel so cheap, cheated......cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-

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I am one of those who is being stalked via my profile (for a long time) bye a nutter who gets banned in a very short time, every time, then reappears with another user name to get banned again. Obviously a banned member with a chip on his shoulder.

I have tried to talk to the tosser with no reply. For sure a nutter, sad really. But hey, he puts a smile on my face, probably the opposite to what he wants....smile.png

There we go, trans is another.

Jt is another.

Add me to that list.

I have a stalker who has been banned on TVF at least 4 times and he just keeps making new accounts to come back and harass me.

This poster thinks that I am someone else and keeps bleating on about some past that I have never had.

Yep you're on the list Tony.

Raeu was 2 days ago.

Hey I got Raeu 2 days ago too.

I'm in the club....yahoo.....intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxNblz

If you hadn't told me I would have never known.

I feel so cheap, cheated......cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-

See. That makes 14 of us at least. Weird.

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Oh my god, I just noticed 5 people looked at my profile, probably more but the system remembers only the last 5.

I am not just stalked but bulk stalked, where do I report this?

For those who don't know, when a member gets banned his user name turns black.

We all get looked at in the profile but a few of us noticed that "lookers" names were black, banned.

On investigation the guy had just joined and was looking at some of us soon after joining then getting taken out by Tv time after time. Thats the story.

Then Smokie sent him a pm and the pm back was his post count!

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I am one of those who is being stalked via my profile (for a long time) bye a nutter who gets banned in a very short time, every time, then reappears with another user name to get banned again. Obviously a banned member with a chip on his shoulder.

I have tried to talk to the tosser with no reply. For sure a nutter, sad really. But hey, he puts a smile on my face, probably the opposite to what he wants....smile.png

There we go, trans is another.

Jt is another.

Add me to that list.

I have a stalker who has been banned on TVF at least 4 times and he just keeps making new accounts to come back and harass me.

This poster thinks that I am someone else and keeps bleating on about some past that I have never had.

Yep you're on the list Tony.

Raeu was 2 days ago.

Hey I got Raeu 2 days ago too.

I'm in the club....yahoo.....intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxNblz

If you hadn't told me I would have never known.

I feel so cheap, cheated......cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-

See. That makes 14 of us at least. Weird.

Can you PM me the other 13 Krisb. Not that I care about some sad weirdo, just looking for a link between us. I have pissed a few people off, but they asked for it..

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Yep you're on the list Tony.

Raeu was 2 days ago.

Hey I got Raeu 2 days ago too.

I'm in the club....yahoo.....intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxNblz

If you hadn't told me I would have never known.

I feel so cheap, cheated......cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-

See. That makes 14 of us at least. Weird.

Can you PM me the other 13 Krisb. Not that I care about some sad weirdo, just looking for a link between us. I have pissed a few people off, but they asked for it..

Well I'm on the list and I have never pissed anyone off ......... Oh wait, maybe just one or two. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I am ............I mean he is, hardly a stalker if he does not do anything but just peep at your bio,

which I think if stats were done, would find most people on TV don't even put details in there.

Some of the social sites I am on--(Mainly the sports ones) you have to do a short intro when you join, before you can proceed.

The lady walking ahead of me on a dark street began to speed up so I did too.
Then she began running so I ran too.
She screamed so I screamed as well.
I never did see what we were both running from.

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They find out other forums where you post, and make fun of what you post there, which has nothing to do with here or there. Then they find out your real name and make fun of that, then they find out your e mail and send you nasty stuff, Not a nice thing to go through. It was sorted.

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In the end, if people go to silly leangths to stalk you around the bladdy world, they really have something wrong with them.

I know Kris, i have beeing doing it for years and have found out that you are a really boring person, so in the end i thought that i would stalk Neverdie, but he flits alot and is out of my age zone,

Who can i stalk now - I rather fancy Possum.... He's got a bit of Irish in him, ruggedish...

Edited by Patsycat
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With nearly 10 years as a member here I've excited quite a few stalkers over the years. Probably something to do with my charming personality and tendency to say it as I see it.

Only two have really pissed me off. Curiously, both were from my home town, and both I had met personally.

What they did to get at me was to quote, or I should say misquote, on the forum, personal conversations from social occasions.

I've met about a dozen forum members over the years (that I'm aware of) and consider at least four to be dishonest or to have toxic personalities.

Not a good percentage, and enough to deter me from seeking any more contact with members.

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I could handle the stalking, it was the vitriol against me, my family, and my friends that were written that i could not handle. I got to the stage of not even opening my laptop because i knew there would be an e mail there. I had to go to the doctor to get pills for anxiety attacks.

That person, and some of you perhaps know who he is, ruined my forum fun. I don't babble like i used to do. I am very cautious about what i write etc.

So those who know who i am talking about, understand that that person almost ended my life. I lost weight, i didn't eat, all because of him.

I hope he is happy.

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I've got mine as well, member of this same ThaiVisa forum, looking at my profile at least on a daily basis.

He must be dead bored on Phangan island...

PS: cannot find anymore the <deleted> emoticone which suits him best

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It was a joke.

And you Mr Old Croc, had the smiliest eyes in that years ago photo thingy, I hope you still have them.

One day we shall sit and chat,

Yes, the good old days in Bedlam, Patsy when you could still post photos of yourself online without worrying about the nut cases.

For you an exception to my no meet rule, I would be happy to share a glass of wine with you any time.tongue.png

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