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do you believe in Dawin theory


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this is not a theory.

it is a fairy tale. when the scientists do not find the right answer they will present you junk like this.

And more to the point they will put forward many questions which will ensure scientists have funding for many years to come! just look into the amount of Scientists....

.....that are employed in the Global warming debate,fortunately,there is so much disagreement,they have ensured future funding will see them all into retirement!

A bit like Archiologists that go from one dig to another,dig up broken Pottery,Glass,walls,etc,but nothing that would warrant the expense of the Dig,

Beachcombers,with their metal detectors probably have more success than pottery shard diggers!

Edited by MAJIC
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this is not a theory.

it is a fairy tale. when the scientists do not find the right answer they will present you junk like this.

And more to the point they will put forward many questions which will ensure scientists have funding for many years to come! just look into the amount of Scientists that are employed in the Global warming debate,fortunately,there is so much disagreement,they have ensured future funding will see them all into retirement!

A bit like Archiologists that go from one dig to another,dig up broken Pottery,Glass,walls,etc,but nothing that would warrant the expense of the Dig,

Beachcombers,with their metal detectors probably have more success than pottery shard diggers!

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"Dawin" theory, embryology, climatology, genetics, physics, astronomy and the rest are rubbish.

The Devil doesn't want you to know you have a Creator and need a Savation. The planet is no more than 7500 to 900 years old only.

Evolution is a LIE directly from the PIT OF HELL! cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvY8zn8l

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I am not saying that evolutionary theory is wrong in principle but...

It is interesting to note that the sum total of differant human ancestor fossils could comfortably fit in the back of a pick up truck. Not much to go on really is it?

Hey Nova Scotia, you one of those Neanderthal Harper voting men?

Been a long time since I left the maritimes, Jagger was banging Mrs Trudeau when I left!

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Actually the last 3 Popes have thrown in the towel and are on board with evolution and the big bang.

God created evolution is what they are saying. Science explains the physical but God created the soul.

The Chief Vatican Astronomer says, "Intelligent Design isn't science, even if it pretends to be. Intelligent Design/Creation could be taught in religious or cultural history but not in science class"

Case closed. The Vatican supports Darwin after dragging it's feet since 1859.

While I agree in support of your views on life, I can't back your seemingly supporting Big Bang theory. That one is still totally Unkown and more and more data supports the Idea the the scientists have no idea about the start of the universe.

I would say there is no satisfactory theory of the start of the universe. The theory of the Big Bang needs to stop being held as fact or taught as though it's a well supported theory. I don't hold much hope, much like the teaching of the speed of light being invariant, and yet that is only true in return path ie two way calculations.

I don't like the BB theory either. I rather like the notion of a truely infinite universe. After all infinities are constantly popping up in quantum physics field equations.

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Its a perspective thing, like when your really embarrassed instead of wishing everyone else was dead, you wish yourself to be dead. Same for calling out to the highest power you have been taught to believe exists, pay no regard to the experience of such power interdicting in life amounting to nil... Desperation leads to irrationality.

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Plenty of well accepted scientific theories have been proven wrong. One of the biggest in recent time is the expansion of the universe. 20 years ago (ish) 99.9 percent of scientists would have scoffed at the idea of the universe expanding at an accelerating rate. They would have said there are only two possible scenerios Expansion was steady or most likely slowing down. They also would have told you that they had a good approximation of how much matter was in the universe (hint: what they call dark matter. they didn't know about 90% of the matter in the observable universe).

There are 480,000 earth scientists, geologists, archeologists, paleontologist and biologists that belong to the American Academy of Science. These are elite scientists

99.9% are backing Darwins theory.

Only the religious and FOX viewers are at war with reality.

But does that make the 99.9% correct?

After all, it was just a theory, a questimation on what happened.......................wink.png

I have often found that with academics, a little bit of practice messes up a whole lot of theory. I believe in the visual.

Just a theory?

A scientific theory is not a guess. It's well substanciated explanation acquired thru scientific methodology.

In this case, tested and confirmed thru observation and experimentation since 1859.

Be my guest if you want to dispute the 99.9% of the Earth Scientists that belong to the American Academy of Science.

You could be right. There is a chance that 2,000 year old book written by goat farmers has all the answers.

And that is the strength of science over superstition.

When additional evidence comes to light that shows the present understanding is wrong, then the present understanding changes to take in that new evidence.

I'm still waiting for Neeranam's explanation of why evolution is not correct and his evidence for that belief.

If he comes out with some kind of God argument (for which there is no concrete evidence), then I'd like to ask who created God?


Did I say evolution was not correct? I believe things evolve. I also believe in a God. No one created God. You obviously haven't had the slightest glimpse of the reality behind the word God. Kinda pointless discussing it. It;s like a worm and and a bat discussing the moon. discussing the

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