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Prayut remains favourite choice as PM

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Prayut he is the best choice Thailand has ,he has pushed for reform and honesty through all polices,he takes no bullshit and shoots straight from the hip,if he can continue cleaning up the mess the previous government left I believe all Thais will prosper from his leadership and bring back the true spirit into Thailand,foreign people want to visit Thailand and absorb the real Thailand,tourism is very important to this country it's livestock industry agriculture,seafood,ect not to forget the great history Thailand has

Yes, he shoots straight from the hip, straight down to his foot.

Many times.

And, shoots off his mouth without thinking.

Many times.

It's my opinion, his true charactor is exposed when he does so.

So I, for one, doubt his capabilities and especially, his sincerity regarding "all Thais" prospering.

And BTW, Prayuth was not a choice of Thailand.

Let alone the best they have.

I agree that his character is exposed in ways he doesn't probably want...

his capabilities are - however - surely many, but again, not what he would want exposed... perhaps.

the man has risen to the top of one of Thailand's most powerful and most corrupt institutions. That takes ability, capability and a special set of skills.

but it doesn't make him a good choice to lead the country - whether self-imposed or chosen is irrelevant in that regard. But of course, you are correct in that he was not the country's choice. And you are correct that it at least indicates his true interests and loyalties ....

"the man has risen to the top of one of Thailand's most powerful and most corrupt institutions. That takes ability, capability and a special set of skills."\

oh come on! "Elephant in the room" warning!!! - Are you not aware of his meteoric rise and suspicious that he may have had help????


One of those polls following the orders of Prayuth, the results must support me and the Junta. Total rubbish poll and don't believe it. Until he allows a real poll and not one conducted by him on himself.

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Bangkok Poll conducted survey from 1,158 people.... doesn't sound like enough people to make a statement like that when you have 67million people in the country.

these are the 1,158 who like him. Uncle Too normally conducts his polls with 1,200 people but the other 2 weren't home when they called. If the polled outside this close knit group then the results would not be in his favour and against his orders.

Prayut he is the best choice Thailand has ,he has pushed for reform and honesty through all polices,he takes no bullshit and shoots straight from the hip,if he can continue cleaning up the mess the previous government left I believe all Thais will prosper from his leadership and bring back the true spirit into Thailand,foreign people want to visit Thailand and absorb the real Thailand,tourism is very important to this country it's livestock industry agriculture,seafood,ect not to forget the great history Thailand has

Yes, he shoots straight from the hip, straight down to his foot.

Many times.

And, shoots off his mouth without thinking.

Many times.

It's my opinion, his true charactor is exposed when he does so.

So I, for one, doubt his capabilities and especially, his sincerity regarding "all Thais" prospering.

And BTW, Prayuth was not a choice of Thailand.

Let alone the best they have.

I agree that his character is exposed in ways he doesn't probably want...

his capabilities are - however - surely many, but again, not what he would want exposed... perhaps.

the man has risen to the top of one of Thailand's most powerful and most corrupt institutions. That takes ability, capability and a special set of skills.

but it doesn't make him a good choice to lead the country - whether self-imposed or chosen is irrelevant in that regard. But of course, you are correct in that he was not the country's choice. And you are correct that it at least indicates his true interests and loyalties ....

"the man has risen to the top of one of Thailand's most powerful and most corrupt institutions. That takes ability, capability and a special set of skills."\

oh come on! "Elephant in the room" warning!!! - Are you not aware of his meteoric rise and suspicious that he may have had help????

I don't allude to any support that he may / may not have had. I don't feel that that would be appropriate here.

I do cast doubt on his intentions and the suitability of a man from his background to be leading Thailand, much less pretending to tackle corruption and lead reforms to create a more democratic society. wink.png


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This again shows that Prayut is putting the people first by not having an election that will legitimize his position in the eyes of the west.

If he did have an election under martial law knowing he would win some (7% of Thai's and 8 falangs on TVF) would think it was rigged for him to win. If he had an election that was not under martial law knowing he would win the 7%'s would be out terrorizing, burning and killing again.

So for Prayut to know that he would win the next election and still hold off to allow reforms to pave the way to a peaceful sustainable democracy shows that he is truly heralding the voice of the majority and which is reflected in these polls today.

Just as a matter of interest, is there anybody left that's allowed to stand against him? The poll shows nothing, partly because of the size of the poll, it's not big enough to be representative of a 60 million population, and partly because negative polls are outlawed, he made that clear last week. Most Thais I speak with are not really bothered by him or martial law, they seem mostly bothered at having the airwaves dominated by his TV programme on a Friday afternoon!

You will be allowed to vote, like China for one party , can't say you haven't had a vote, big democracy in action


The Bangkok poll...is Bangkok the only city whose citizens are capable of giving opinions?

It's home of the mega elites, so it's the only one that matters. Rest of the country be damned!

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The Bangkok poll...is Bangkok the only city whose citizens are capable of giving opinions?

It's home of the mega elites, so it's the only one that matters. Rest of the country be damned!

Of course. The UK suffers from the "London" mentality. What London thinks the country must think, they know best. The assumption that the rich and intelligent gather in capital cities is insulting as well as plain wrong.

People on here wax lyrical about poll size. They should read up on sample sizes and educate themselves before making silly comments. They might discover a smaller representation than they imagined. However, the selection of that sample is very important - exactly how were they chosen, randomly or against what criteria - age, sex, occupation, where the poll was conducted etc etc.

Size, as they say, is not important, when compared to how the sample members were selected and exactly what questions were put to them. That gives the pollsters the ability to "engineer" polls should they wish to.

Remember - lies, damned lies and statistics.


The Bangkok poll...is Bangkok the only city whose citizens are allowed or capable of giving opinions?

No, but with the present regime they are the only ones whose opinions count!


Here in Isaan they are very Anti Prayuth but many would back Newin to turn away from PTP.

All those polls are purely Rubbish. Talked to many Bangkok people last week. Inside Sukhumvit and City area very much Pro Prayuth but Samut Prakan and Patum Thani very much against Prayuth.


One of those polls following the orders of Prayuth, the results must support me and the Junta. Total rubbish poll and don't believe it. Until he allows a real poll and not one conducted by him on himself.

Absolutely no chance of poll results with a negative content being published until the results had been subjected to Attitude Adjustment.

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The way question was structured does not lead to conclusion he is "favorite choice". He was the ONLY choice as far as this poll is concerned. It's like quote attributed to Henry Ford regarding Model T: "You can have any color you want as long as it's black". Would also like to see just how representative a sample of Thai population this was.

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Kind of reminds me of the teaching records. Didn't matter what happened in class as long as the paperwork had all the stamps it was all hunky dory. Looks like he has got all his stamps from somewhere and he really looks happy.


"The poll also revealed that 44.8% of people said six-month performance of the prime minister was better than they expected"

So a majority of those polled do not support Prayut's performance. But last week he polled as the nation's best PM in history!

Does the Junta think Thais are so retarded that they can't see this enigma of a "soldier of democracy" who stands before them everyday to remind them of the priviledges of rights and liberties that he grants them in exchange for his unquestioned and absolute power over them? These polls are a constant reminder that Prayuth is not accountable to the Thai People for his devisive actions and that his mandate comes from a gun and not from a vote.

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He's done a great job as a general, but his lack of political knowledge makes me sway more towards Abhisit. Abhisit has been to Cambridge and knows Boris Johnson, Prayut is a military man not a politician. I vote Abhisit, if I had a vote that is.


Fat Hagis said "What were his greatest achievements while being head of the army? "

His greatest achievement was the recent coup d'etat. He's brought the country out of possible civil war and economic striff caused by irresponsible leadership and bad policies of the previous government. Is that enough? His decision to run for PM in the next general election is his choice but I'd prefer a politician rather than a military general to lead Thailand.


The country has already got a civil war ongoing the past 10 years so he didn't stop a potential conflict/civil war as its been underway like I said for over 10 years and over 6000 Killed whilst he was head of the army down there too during many of those deaths.

He never stopped it whilst serving in the Army did he?

So let's rethink that success story shall we?

Come on, you can do better than this, if you're going to champion someone for his outstanding military career then post something none of us know, that's not from Wikipedia ?

Economic strife stopped? Really? You are are that since the coup the cost to the Thai economy has been greater than the loss from Yinglucks stupid rice scheme?

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Yes, I think the numbers are much better. The general was very wise to forbid negitive polling questions. As long as he can appoint who people are allowed to vote for and keep the commoners from voting, he should have no problem continuing on as Prime Minister. I think I heard that the new constitution will take away that bothersom voting stuff and just appoint him.


PM bans all polls that do not show the government in a favorable light. Next poll published shows that the PM and government have overwhelming support.


What a surprise......

This again shows that Prayut is putting the people first by not having an election that will legitimize his position in the eyes of the west.

If he did have an election under martial law knowing he would win some (7% of Thai's and 8 falangs on TVF) would think it was rigged for him to win. If he had an election that was not under martial law knowing he would win the 7%'s would be out terrorizing, burning and killing again.

So for Prayut to know that he would win the next election and still hold off to allow reforms to pave the way to a peaceful sustainable democracy shows that he is truly heralding the voice of the majority and which is reflected in these polls today.

Is this one for real?

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Fat Haggis said"Come on, you can do better than this, if you're going to champion someone for his outstanding military career then post something none of us know, that's not from Wikipedia ?


I'm not championing anyone, I'm merely pointing out that Prayut is for me less desirable as choice of PM than Abhisit who is qualified, experienced and a much better choice for the job. No offence to you, sir.

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A sample is suppose to be a number that represents a broad spectrum of people. The purpose of a lot sample in inspection is to gauge the quality of the lot or in this case to gauge the performance of an unelected official. I doubt if 1,158 is a good representation of the millions. Sounds like the went to Siam Paragon and handed out discount coupons for iPhone 6 if you'd take their survey.

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