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Monks to rally if NRC panel is not scrapped

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I thought they had no right to rally, or to get involved in politics or law, I think they are worried they will not be able to hide all their dirty little secrets soon,


Buddhism in Thailand seems to be one big joke...

When next meditating maybe some navel gazing as well, It is time those at the top of Buddhism in Thailand read all the stories that appear in the newspapers and realised there is no discipline in the ranks.

As corruption goes it seems it is only the RTP that beat them, this is a shame as many of the monks are decent fellows tainted by a few bad apples.


Does this tactic remind you of anything, like the previous administration for instance and their militant group ?

If you attempt to investigate us we will attack you, try to have you disbanded, go after your members personally.

Weng confirmed the links with his group and the big temple that is being investigated, lets hope the same tactics will not be used by the same people.

If they are then these indignant monks and their followers may have their coffins ready for burning and be cleaning their grenade launchers.

"Does this tactic remind you of anything, like the previous administration for instance and their militant group ?..

If you attempt to investigate us we will attack you, try to have you disbanded, go after your members personally."

Yes, it does sound like the PDRC after they took over Government House, and the slaughter during the student uprisinmg inm the 1970's, and the 2010riots that turned violoent after people were gunned down like sheep in a slew....

Yes, it does remind me of that.

Let's see... The current government wanting to investigate the financials of Buddhist temples after many recent scandals is equivalent to a previous government's massacre of protesting students at Thammasat University in 1973. Yeah, that makes sense.... NOT.

It looks like you want to be the hub of cheap shots.


They are worried because they have been 'untouchable' for so long they haven't bothered to cover their money trails so that even a cursory look at their finances will bring the whole rotten house down. Buddha's teachings have been distorted beyond recognition by the Thai version of Buddhism. I pretend to be uninterested in what they do so am privy to much shady goings on in a very important Wat in Bangkok. I would never let them know my feelings but some of what I seen is disgusting when I think of what the practice of Buddha's ideal could mean for Thai society.

There is one monk raising a stink and soon, I think he will be joined by others in the call for reform of Sangha.


The monks making threats against any oversight does not show them in a good light but makes people even more suspicious.

Thailands 37,075 Buddhist temples are meant to file an annual financial report with the National Office of Buddhism

In 2011 only 1,321 obeyed that rule.

3.5% have nothing to hide

The other 96.5% definitely need investigating

That is an amazing number but why am I not surprised?


Oh I'd hardly be letting off the PDRC carte Blanche when it comes down to intimidation Rob, Election Day last February slip your mind sir?

Of course it's always the Reds who are the child eating monsters and everyone else are saints, all sides are as bad as each other and the day you start accepting that it takes two to tango Rob will maybe be that hell freezes over eh?

Both sides have their tossers in their midst, as does the current establishments but that's just life, being a fanny doesn't belong to one side of the argument, it belongs to both and neither the Reds or the yellows or the Military are violence free are they?

The finger pointing here amongst some members here is a prime example why the Thais themselves will never agree on the colour of <deleted>!! Some posters here look down on others and display huge amounts of bigotism, and elitism, and believe they're the authority, dream on !!

so many preach about its all about the law, and yet most would break the many laws themselves without giving a toss, judge ye not and ye shall not be judged unless it's by a TVF moderator who wields the ultimate big stick!!

The bickering here is like what you'd hear in an infants school playground, it's hilarious to see retired old men behave like my pre school nephews and nieces the entertainment value is well worth it when despite all the mud slinging and accusations 90-95% here don't have a say in how the country they live in is run!!

So, Mr. FH, you call Robby nz on his post but have nothing to say about the ridiculous claim of FangFerang. Double standards, much?


Some thai´s teach me, if you want to do something good:
Give the monks food at morning,
Donate a yellow bucket with noodles, soap, and all the useful things.
If they want to build a temple give them cement and tools.
If they want to build up a garden, then you can donate flowers and seedlings.

The monks do not need money.
And they have no fears of the secular world.
They strive for enlightenment.
And they throw all the money away, when they go into a temple, as a symbolic act.

And then you must read about this Jet Set monk.
With over 10 or more luxury cars on his private property.
With millions and millions in his private Bank accounts.
With young girls in his bed.

Sure there is something wrong, or not?

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