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Netanyahu assails Iran deal, touts US-Israel ties


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We know that. That's old news already, but he called the idea that Iran could produce a nuke within a year BS. Obama's new deal would give Iran ten years. I didn't see where, as you say, he called the speech BS, but have it your way.

Your Ex-Massad chief gets one vote. There will soon be an election.

" There will soon be an election."

There certainly will be.......................

A rally seeking change in Israel’s leadership attracted tens of thousands to Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square on Saturday night.

According to the “Israel Wants Change” event’s organizers, more than 35 thousand people attended. Other officials estimate between 25,000-30,000 protesters turned out to the rally



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Straight question -

20 January 2017, a Republican is inaugurated as President.

On the same day, Iran announces it will have nuclear weapons capability within one year.

What does the new US President do about it?

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In an effort to avert potential war (on this matter anyway) this is one time I am rather glad Obama has got a pen and a phone:P

How Obama Will Bypass Congress On His Iranian Nuclear Arms Deal


What a time to have the reincarnation of Neville Chamberlain in power. bah.gif

So what Obama will do is announce his agreement, let other countries lift their sanctions for the first few years of the agreement, and then, years from now, long after Obama has left office, the next president will have to deal with Iran's nuclear program.


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If the actions of this bully don't wake up Americans I don't know what will. When someone can walk into your capital and go around the leader of the country and address the Congress something is definitely wrong. In many ways Isreal may well control the US govt.

Edited by losworld
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When someone can walk into your capital and go around the leader of the country and address the Congress something is definitely wrong.

How can it be "wrong" when Congress invited him to speak, which they have every legal right to do. cheesy.gif

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Straight question -

20 January 2017, a Republican is inaugurated as President.

On the same day, Iran announces it will have nuclear weapons capability within one year.

What does the new US President do about it?

I don't know.

Probably harsh sanctions.

What do you think?

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Straight question -

20 January 2017, a Republican is inaugurated as President.

On the same day, Iran announces it will have nuclear weapons capability within one year.

What does the new US President do about it?

I don't know.

Probably harsh sanctions.

What do you think?

I think this is the root question - Iran has built a nuclear capability while already under harsh sanctions.

As far as I'm concerned the US is powerless to prevent them from building nukes if they wanted to, especially if the Russians decide to put their weight fully behind the programme.

So what does the US President then do?

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When someone can walk into your capital and go around the leader of the country and address the Congress something is definitely wrong.

How can it be "wrong" when Congress invited him to speak, which they have every legal right to do. cheesy.gif

You have a lot to learn.

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When someone can walk into your capital and go around the leader of the country and address the Congress something is definitely wrong.

How can it be "wrong" when Congress invited him to speak, which they have every legal right to do. cheesy.gif

So what do you think about them inviting Khameini then UG?

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When someone can walk into your capital and go around the leader of the country and address the Congress something is definitely wrong.

How can it be "wrong" when Congress invited him to speak, which they have every legal right to do.

So what do you think about them inviting Khameini then UG?

It does not really matter what I think, because it is not going to happen. laugh.png

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I'm no zealot - I'm a pragmatist.

That is exactly what I would say about myself and there are no guarantees in life on almost anything. Don't be naive.

I'm known as many things, naïve is not in the top 100.

I'm not asking your for a step-by-step guide, I know how much you hate them.

Just a simple indicator as to how an American Republican President will prevent Iran from building nukes.

And will he have to run his plan past Likud first? seeing as how they are now part of the Republican party.

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Of course this is a risk of war with Iran as Iran is determined to do this no matter what, all honest people can see that.

Yes - I know.

So does night follow day?

Iran announces it has nukes, and the next day the US attacks?

I think not.

What do you think?

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Of course this is a risk of war with Iran as Iran is determined to do this no matter what, all honest people can see that.

Yes - I know.

So does night follow day?

Iran announces it has nukes, and the next day the US attacks?

I think not.

What do you think?

Once they have nukes, no, no attack.

Then too late.

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I'm no zealot - I'm a pragmatist.

That is exactly what I would say about myself and there are no guarantees in life on almost anything. Don't be naive.

I'm known as many things, naïve is not in the top 100.

Don't worry. I knew that you could not possibly believe what you were saying. I was just giving you the benefit of the doubt rhetorically.

I am afraid that a Republican President will not get the chance to prevent Iran from building nukes, if Obama gets his way. He has already relaxed the sanctions way too much and it will be very difficult to ramp them up again. Unless Congress can stop him from giving away the store right now, I'm afraid that 2017 will be too late.

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"The collapse of the Shah was down to his own greed and corruption."

Mostly incorrect but off topic.

If anyone here knows off the top of his head, it would be you, I'd say, so what was the collapse due to?

Was it a resistance against Western influences? The Shah being seen as a US puppet? The US and British fingers in the oil pie, creaming most of the revenue? The British monopoly on tobacco?

I'd be interested to read your take.

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Of course this is a risk of war with Iran as Iran is determined to do this no matter what, all honest people can see that.

Yes - I know.

So does night follow day?

Iran announces it has nukes, and the next day the US attacks?

I think not.

What do you think?

Once they have nukes, no, no attack.

Then too late.

It's too late already, Jingthing.

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Congress is powerless to stop Iran getting nukes if they wanted.

Just the same way as they've been powerless up until now to prevent them gaining nuclear capability.

There's nothing they can do that will make a blind bit of difference, except war - again.

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The sanctions were doing a good job of destroying Iran's economy before Obama eased them and they would have had even more effect now as the price of oil has plunged. That is the only reason that Iran is at the table at all. Obama refuses to allow Congress to pass more and make Iran sign a deal with NO enrichment of uranium, like most countries in the world - never mind the country with the worst record of state sponsored terrorism. .

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Congress is powerless to stop Iran getting nukes if they wanted.

Just the same way as they've been powerless up until now to prevent them gaining nuclear capability.

There's nothing they can do that will make a blind bit of difference, except war - again.

The only way to stop Iran completely is war. The price of war against Iran is too high and Im not counting in dollars.

Lets say theoretically that Israels military attacked Irans nuclear facilities. Iran would call Israels bluff of threatening to use nuclear weapons to kill people/destroy cities.

If Israel goes nuclear on Iran, the only playmate Israel has left is USA.

Expect all European embassies in Israel to be emptied and no hands being shaken. With one exception: The Germans.

Israel becomes a lonely island in a neighbourhood with enemies

There is only one viable option to make a bad situation become better: That is to make a deal and get closer and closer to Iran. Why not make Iran somewhat of an ally. USA are bestbuddies with the Saudis, USA can probably get along with Iran, just give it sometime.

Edited by BKKBobby
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If the actions of this bully don't wake up Americans I don't know what will. When someone can walk into your capital and go around the leader of the country and address the Congress something is definitely wrong. In many ways Isreal may well control the US govt.

I am at a loss as to why you interpret Netanyahu's visit to Congress in such a way .... He was invited to Congress by the political wing in power of Congress -- Congress is a separate but equal wing of the government ... we do not have a dictator or king yet


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If Israel goes nuclear on Iran, the only playmate Israel has left is USA.

Who said anything - besides you - about Israel going nuclear? crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

Israel can take out Iran's nuclear weapons capability with conventional weapons, and most countries in the Middle East would be thankful. Israel has done it twice before with Iraq and Syria and although there was grumbling from other Arabs, they were all (not so )secretly grateful.

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The sanctions were doing a good job of destroying Iran's economy before Obama eased them and they would have had even more effect now as the price of oil has plunged. That is the only reason that Iran is at the table at all. Obama refuses to allow Congress to pass more and make Iran sign a deal with NO enrichment of uranium, like most countries in the world - never mind the country with the worst record of state sponsored terrorism. .

They were doing that good a job that the Iranians built a nuclear capability.

Come on, wake up.

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If Israel goes nuclear on Iran, the only playmate Israel has left is USA.

Who said anything - besides you - about Israel going nuclear? crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

Israel can take out Iran's nuclear weapons capability with conventional weapons, and most countries in the Middle East would be thankful. Israel has done it twice before with Iraq and Syria and although there was grumbling from other Arabs, they were all (not so )secretly grateful.

I said: Israel can take out Irans nuclear facilities. (conventionally)

If, if and then if Israel has done so, it cant threaten Iran with nuclear weapon attacks to kill people/destroy cities when Iran wants and surely will retaliate. Iran will retaliate, Iran will do so in so many ways in so many places.

Israel wont use nuclear weapons to kill people/destroy cities in Iran. Israel can use them to bluff, a bluff which Iran would call.

Israel wont go solo with military action against Iran.

Reread my previous post slowly.

Edited by BKKBobby
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The sanctions were doing a good job of destroying Iran's economy before Obama eased them and they would have had even more effect now as the price of oil has plunged. That is the only reason that Iran is at the table at all. Obama refuses to allow Congress to pass more and make Iran sign a deal with NO enrichment of uranium, like most countries in the world - never mind the country with the worst record of state sponsored terrorism. .

They were doing that good a job that the Iranians built a nuclear capability.

You have no way of knowing how much those sanctions delayed their program. That might be why they are not nuclear already. wink.png

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Straight question -

20 January 2017, a Republican is inaugurated as President.

On the same day, Iran announces it will have nuclear weapons capability within one year.

What does the new US President do about it?

My guess might be that the new Republican President would then pick up his phone, call all the leaders of the "P"5+1 and Iran, and inform them all deals made by Obama are off the table and are suspended until further notice.

He would then go to a Republican Congress and ask for stronger sanctions against Iran and move forward.

Give Iran 3 months to get their act together with the IAEA on inspections or drop the sanctions on them...with no exceptions for any countries dealing in Iranian oil or gas.

That would be a good start for his administration.

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