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$20,000, more than that?

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I am aware that you can take $20,000 or £12,000 out of the country no problem. In my case I need to take out £14,000. Now if you are taking out more than £12,000 you have to inform a customs official. Where do I find him/her? Is there a special spot they sit at in the airport? The funds have come from the sale of my house. I have the company closure ( cost me 35,000 to close the company, blimey that threw me a bit ) receipts, tax paid, transfer etc so it is all above board. The bank, SCB are being a right pain about transferring some money, I don't think they have a clue yet they deal with international banks, so I will just take cash in my pocket, get a better deal at Vasu anyway. So if any TV member has come across this customs official can they please let me know where he/she camps out?


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