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Five Frenchmen arrested for Phuket ATM skimming fraud 'in the millions'


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French ?

Really ?

They all from the ex French Colony's they let them into France give them passports and that is that. Same as the UK does. Not looking good for Thailand letting in good quality tourist's, Ha, Ha. 10 yrs inside be good for them. Not like the Thai police not to get the other guys name, are they being nice. Why do they not do the normal thing and persuade them in their normal way.

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Took millions before caught! shameful! With regard to nationality, many have a passport of a country,it doesnt make them native to that country. There are plenty in the Uk with British passports.

Edited by kingalfred
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Just another set of crooks lining up Thailand as a easy choice and think they can do as they please. All they do is just add more bad publicity for the island lets hope one day all these petty crooks just decide to go home and get out of the place.

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They could be named as "French Nationals" but as Frenchman? No!

This isn't about racism. Just like they call Afro Americans or African Americans for you know, dark skinned, African origin American citizens, they should be called African-French Nationals/Citizens

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Kevin Tahiango Theodore Okito doesn't sound typically French to me.

This is getting so old. Not all French are called Charles Henri Duval, just like not all Brits are called Jim Smith and just like not all Germans are called Fritz Mueller. If they have French passports, then that is what they are; regardless of names or skin color.

Perhaps the "name" issue is actually an oblique way of asking this question:

"Why is it that North African/African minority groups make up about 13.5% of the population of France, but they seem to account for (according to the media) 90+% of the crime committed by French citizens in Thailand?"

Does it mean that "whitey" French crooks, with traditional Gallic names, prefer to thieve at home, or are the ex-colonised just easier to catch?

In France they are not 13'5 % of the population but hardly 10%. But 60% of the prisons inmates population.

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I am sorry that these fools look nothing like the FRENCHMEN I have met in my life. They resemble the Muslims and Terrorists who inhabit France. Now they are coming here to disrupt Thailand. I hope the Thai Government and Law deal with these creatures severely. Not like they would be babied in France.

Muslim and Terrorists ? Can you elaborate this ?

Buy a dictionary.
A French dictionary will tell you that a 'fourragere' is a high military distinction given by French army.

During WW1 only 17 regiments received that decoration. Nine of them were for the French African Army, more precisely for the Moroccan, Algerian and Senegalese regiments.

So they've sacrificed a lot for a country who wasn't theirs during several liberation wars in Europe.

That's one of the reasons that you will see nowadays a multicultural France.

Some integrated, others less.

These thieves caught in Phuket can't represent this ex-colonial community in terms of history and culture, neither the so called 'Muslim and terrorist' activities elsewhere.

And to surprise you, I'm not French, neither originate from a former French colony.

Edited by Thorgal
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They are not French. They are African and Arab.

They are French if they have a French passport because French is a nationality, whereas the terms 'African' and 'Arab' indicate an ethnic and geographical origin.

And you are obviously another Ignoramus from Ignoramusland.

Edited by Yann55
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Colonialism was not an act of invasion it was often a trade pact. It was a blessing for many countries. The demise of colonialism in Africa has not improved the conditions of the African people. As for religious issues. People do not choose their colour but do choose their religion. Nobody can be blamed for not wanting to employ people with delusions who disappear 5 times a day to 'pray.' It is time we stopped patronising Africans and stopped allowing them the excuse of their race to be dysfunctional. The lefties and liberals do people of colour no favours by promoting this chip on shoulder attitude. Nobody is forcing blacks to live in Europe.

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The French Africans and French Arabs we are seeing around Phuket are a constant menace. All riding around on there big scooters (that they have no skill in riding), beeping their horns, driving erratically nearly cause accidents. Now to add to the list we have card skimming. It was only on Monday that I had 3 people at 3 different times complain about these groups, their reckless behaviour and lack of respect for anyone else. Not sure how they are staying here because none seem to work, but they need to be turned around at the border or at the airport, nobody wants them here.

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They don't look a bit like Napoleon...............coffee1.gif

The one at the end right hand side maybe would if he was not "dark skinned" If he is that height sitting down then he must be under 5 ft tall standing up.

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looking at them i can only say this guys are not french even if they hold a french passport. this guys are originally from some of the islamistic or other states in africa. you can see a lot of them also in phuket. and guys like them are welcome in the eu since years. :-D

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Five man who happened to be lucky enough to have gained French citizenship decide to blacken the name, no pun intended of that said country by engaging in criminal activity in Thailand.

They should be stripped of their citizenship and not be allowed a transfer back to France to serve their time in a cushy western prison.

French prisons aren't much better than thai ones. Most of them are ravaged and overcrowded. At least you have some kind of mattress which is better I suppose.

Btw, those guys are probably 100% french, born there, have been to french school (not for a long time for sure). You can't kick them out or strip them of their citizenship

Edited by LivinginKata
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Kevin Tahiango Theodore Okito 29, the alleged leader of the group, Mel Duval Poaty, 29, Accel Jonathan Poaty Pambou, 26, Samir Maruof 29 and Jessy Bianvenu Vincence

Bonjour Tahiango, Poaty, Poaty Samir and Jesy, All typical frenchmen. And people wonder why the European Union is a joke

Simply amazed at all the jokes about these guys not being French. Do you really think all French are white? Are all Brits white? Perhaps part of the reason the EU is struggling is the rampant discrimination in all European countries; not just racist, ageist, or sexist, but regional discrimination. Don't you think it's time for you all to play nicely, or maybe you're not old enough yet.

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A number of off topic posts have been removed. Please read this forum rule ...

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Perhaps the "name" issue is actually an oblique way of asking this question:

"Why is it that North African/African minority groups make up about 13.5% of the population of France, but they seem to account for (according to the media) 90+% of the crime committed by French citizens in Thailand?"

Does it mean that "whitey" French crooks, with traditional Gallic names, prefer to thieve at home, or are the ex-colonised just easier to catch?

No, they're simply more likely to be thieves. Enough with this PC BS.

Lets call a spade a spade..these fine upstanding gentlemen are are an oppressed minority who as citizens of some french African 3rd world colony have the right to enter the 1st world mother country and travel on French passports. I am sure they earn't their tourist money honestly so they could come to Thailand for an extended holiday. The white guy coerced them into committing the crime (several hundred times) and the French govt will be doing cartwheels to help them...not

Edited by ICECOOL
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It is unfortunate that Foreigners of that kind are doing all wrong and it reflect on us trying to stay honest and be a good citizen.

I sure hope they will lock them up and integrated with the real prison that Thai has for their own people.

Never mind calling their embassy let them rot in jail.

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They don't look very "French" to me.... Maybe we should use the "African French" classification to better distinguish. Just like we do in the US....

Don't say we. They call themselves African American, it makes them feel special, but they are still black.

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Living in Phuket i can say the card skimming is a nightmare here , even in front of bank with camera all around they put skimmers. Iv been scammed and many of my friends too. Lucky enough they withdraw in USA while i was in Thailand so i could prove to my bank it was a scam and got money back . ( internet bank not thai one ).

I wonder what happens if its ur thai debit card and they withdraw in Thailand....

Now , i saw many news about police catching gangs for this kind of scams , but i never saw a news about the judgment and the sanction. Anybody got infos of that ?

Btw im french , for the guy wondering why all this types of guys are here without working. Most of them sell drugs in France ghettos , and come to Thailand for holidays/cash laundering.

I want to add that the french community is as pissed of as anybody and probably more about thoses retards making bad name for us.

Hopefully they get at least some years of jail......

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When stories like this get published where do they get their figures from? They say millions but where do the get this number, is it a pie in the sky guess or do they have evidence.I have been the victim of fraud 3 times, but i noticed almost straight away, the total over 3 cards was about £400. and on 2 occasions it was clearly a rogue bank employee

Edited by brianj1964
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