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Officials: US report finds racial bias in Ferguson police


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Supporting blatently racist emails? Referring to Black abortion as crime prevention? Blaming the entire findings of the report on "out-of-control" Black people? Blaming the entire issue of police violence and disparities in the justice system in America on...too many Black people?

Not 'too many Black people'. You're the only one saying that.

Too many black criminals.

If blacks break traffic laws more frequently than whites, maybe that's the reason they're being stopped more often.

Added to that the aggression and violence often shown by black men and the 'chip on the shoulder' gangsta attitude, it's understandable that they'll tend to be charged more than whites. But lefties ignore black behaviour and just pull out the race card as a defense.

Instead of trying to find institutionalised racism in everything, it's probably best for some blacks to take a good hard look at themselves and their behaviour.

The "hands up don't shoot" BS has also been shown to be a complete fallacy.


And who besides some hand-wringing lefties on a guilt trip would trust any report from Holder's DOJ? Especially after Holder's past support of the Black Panthers.

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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If you live in Ferguson, you're not likely to support your local police.

And with good reason. Relations now between the Ferguson Police Department and the community it is supposed to serve and protect are irreparably damaged but they were hardly commendable to begin with. FPD needs to be remade from top to bottom.

Fortunately, the Justice Department in Washington has federal laws enacted by those who are committed to professional police departments and professional policing and professional police-community relations, so now we have this DoJ Report.

This report will lead to radical reform of FPD in one way or the other. DoJ has won all 22 of the civil rights and Constitutional violations pattern-or-practice cases it has taken to the federal courts across the country, from Oakland CA to New Orleans to Cleveland, to include Los Angeles, Phoenix, Chicago, New York City.

But it will also give the Ferguson community reason to improve their own interaction with law enforcement and get a new respect of the law. Good on DoJ and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Justice Department To Sue Ferguson Police For Racial Discrimination

After former Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson was cleared of all criminal charges against Michael Brown in St. Louis County and avoided civil rights charges by the U.S. Department of Justice, the Justice Department is getting ready to file a lawsuit against the Ferguson Police Department.

CNN reported Wednesday the Justice Department, led by outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, will sue the Ferguson Police Department based on patterns of “racially discriminatory tactics used by officers” unless the department agrees to make substantial changes to their policies.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson told CNN, “I have received nothing new.”


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Supporting blatently racist emails? Referring to Black abortion as crime prevention? Blaming the entire findings of the report on "out-of-control" Black people? Blaming the entire issue of police violence and disparities in the justice system in America on...too many Black people?

Not 'too many Black people'. You're the only one saying that.

Too many black criminals.

If blacks break traffic laws more frequently than whites, maybe that's the reason they're being stopped more often.

Added to that the aggression and violence often shown by black men and the 'chip on the shoulder' gangsta attitude, it's understandable that they'll tend to be charged more than whites. But lefties ignore black behaviour and just pull out the race card as a defense.

Instead of trying to find institutionalised racism in everything, it's probably best for some blacks to take a good hard look at themselves and their behaviour.

If you had read the report, you'd know that it wasn't about "Black criminals". It was generally about people with parking tickets and their grass too long, "manner of walking" violations and people who were provably doing nothing wrong at all.

But of course, you haven't read the report because your agenda is already set in your mind. I do thank you for wording it the way you did though - it helps when posters show their true colors in the same post in which they trying to deny it.

I'll ask you the same question that you and those like you keep avoiding - is this discrepancy in "black behavior" or this "too many black criminals" claim that you point to a result of the fact that black people are inherently worse than white people? Or is it due to widespread problems in the system?

I've already made my position on the underlying causes of the problem very clear. Your constant blaming of Black people and suggestion that the emails weren't even racist appears to make your position clear too. You just haven't admitted it in so many words.

So why don't you want to directly answer the question?

Edited by Bangkok Herps
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Supporting blatently racist emails? Referring to Black abortion as crime prevention? Blaming the entire findings of the report on "out-of-control" Black people? Blaming the entire issue of police violence and disparities in the justice system in America on...too many Black people?

Not 'too many Black people'. You're the only one saying that.

Too many black criminals.

If blacks break traffic laws more frequently than whites, maybe that's the reason they're being stopped more often.

Added to that the aggression and violence often shown by black men and the 'chip on the shoulder' gangsta attitude, it's understandable that they'll tend to be charged more than whites. But lefties ignore black behaviour and just pull out the race card as a defense.

Instead of trying to find institutionalised racism in everything, it's probably best for some blacks to take a good hard look at themselves and their behaviour.

If you had read the report, you'd know that it wasn't about "Black criminals". It was generally about people with parking tickets and their grass too long, "manner of walking" violations and people who were provably doing nothing wrong at all.

But of course, you haven't read the report because your agenda is already set in your mind. I do thank you for wording it the way you did though - it helps when posters show their true colors in the same post in which they trying to deny it.

I'll ask you the same question that you and those like you keep avoiding - is this discrepancy in "black behavior" or this "too many black criminals" claim that you point to a result of the fact that black people are inherently worse than white people? Or is it due to widespread problems in the system?

I've already made my position on the underlying causes of the problem very clear. Your constant blaming of Black people and suggestion that the emails weren't even racist appears to make your position clear too. You just haven't admitted it in so many words.

So why don't you want to directly answer the question?

I always have a feeling that the number of racists on TV is considerably higher than the average in the countries they come from.

Funny, seeing how they live among them little brown folks.....

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A Bangkok Herps:

I feel honored that you would single me out with four (4, count 'em) quotes from this thread.

Let's examine them a little closer.

1. “Erik Holder's civil rights division has been investigating the Ferguson PD since Michael Brown attacked the police officer. If they haven't found any civil rights violations after some six months, perhaps there aren't any.” – chuckd

2. “Now it seems Holder's army of trained civil rights lawyers have found some questionable traffic stops over the years. If that's all they found, that would seem rather inconsequential in the long run.” – chuckd

3. “I would be curious to know how many of these arrests involved non-citizens of Ferguson. Ferguson is a suburb of St. Louis, which has a majority black community and one of the highest crime rates in the US. How many of those arrests involved individuals with criminal records or who a judge felt should be denied release because they were not residents of Ferguson?” – ChuckD

4. “The entire exercise by Holder is merely to try and bolster his legacy and raise his speaking fees for his lucrative retirement. Holder's DOJ will extort some money out of the city of Ferguson and then will likely donate that money to the Rainbow Coalition and NAN.” – chuckd

You then proceed to make this statement about my four posts and others as quoted:

"Yet, with all that clear ignorance being spewed, and clear facts to the contrary being posted in the report, has a single one of those posters admitted they were wrong?"

The first two of my four posts have words such as "perhaps", "it seems", "if" and "would seem". Using these sort of words in a sentence hardly makes it a statement of fact. It is rhetorical conjecture.

Number three in the line-up above asks questions. How does asking a question make it a belief of mine? For instance, if I ask you if you are educated beyond the 9th grade level, it certainly doesn't mean that is my belief. It remains, very simply, a question only.

Finally, you got me on number four. It is my belief that Holder's DOJ Civil Rights Division is not above trying to extort some sort of fine from the city of Ferguson and if one is received, it is my further belief the DOJ could donate any fine amount to either the Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton programs as a way of saying..."Thanks".

I have now admitted that I might possibly be wrong on one of the four, provided of course, my prediction doesn't come true later on.

Why don't you bookmark this post so you can give me an "I told you so" post if and when it really matters.

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The first two of my four posts have words such as "perhaps", "it seems", "if" and "would seem". Using these sort of words in a sentence hardly makes it a statement of fact. It is rhetorical conjecture.

Number three in the line-up above asks questions. How does asking a question make it a belief of mine? For instance, if I ask you if you are educated beyond the 9th grade level, it certainly doesn't mean that is my belief. It remains, very simply, a question only.

Finally, you got me on number four. It is my belief that Holder's DOJ Civil Rights Division is not above trying to extort some sort of fine from the city of Ferguson and if one is received, it is my further belief the DOJ could donate any fine amount to either the Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton programs as a way of saying..."Thanks".

I have now admitted that I might possibly be wrong on one of the four, provided of course, my prediction doesn't come true later on.

Why don't you bookmark this post so you can give me an "I told you so" post if and when it really matters.

This isn't a game, Chuck, where we get to count up how many times we are right and wrong and have a little scoreboard that shows us how right we can be. And me getting an "I told you so" doesn't win me any prizes.

Whether or not you said, "perhaps" or "it seems" in your posts is meaningless except to show that you use language carefully at times.

What actually matters is that you were making those conjectures as possible explanations to avoid the conclusion that there are systemic problems in the Ferguson PD.

Well, now you know that the civil rights division DID find violations in their investigation.

Now you know that those violations were MUCH more than some "questionable traffic stops".

Now you know that your conjecture about non-residents was immaterial to the civil rights violations.

And now you know that the recommendation involves no extortion of money at all - in fact, if Ferguson cooperates and agrees to the changes made in the recommendation (as I believe they have already said they will), no civil case will be filed at all.

So the actual, meaningful question here is - now that you know those things, now that your conjectures, by your own admission, have been proven false, are you willing to change the underlying beliefs that you wanted to defend with those conjectures?

Or are you still going to try to hold firmly onto the uninformed and unsubstantiated belief that there was nothing systemically wrong with the police department in Ferguson?

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The only people that could possible support the Fergunson PD at this point and think it isn't racist and corrupt to the core are racists. The evidence is damning and I'd bet it just scratches the surface. Then again, some people just can't handle the truth.

An African-American man lost his federal contracting job due to trumped up charges:

For example, in the summer of 2012, a 32-year-old African-American man sat in his car cooling off after playing basketball in a Ferguson public park. An officer pulled up behind the man's car, blocking him in, and demanded the man's Social Security number and identification. Without any cause, the officer accused the man of being a pedophile, referring to the presence of children in the park, and ordered the man out of his car for a pat-down, although the officer had no reason to believe the man was armed. The officer also asked to search the man's car. The man objected, citing his constitutional rights. In response, the officer arrested the man, reportedly at gunpoint, charging him with eight violations of Ferguson's municipal code.because of these charges, he lost his job as a contractor with the federal government that he had held for years. (2)

An African-American man was arrested because his wife asked officers a question:

In June 2014, an African-American couple who had taken their children to play at the park allowed their small children to urinate in the bushes next to their parked car. An officer stopped them, threatened to cite them for allowing the children to "expose themselves," and checked the father for warrants. When the mother asked if the officer had to detain the father in front of the children, the officer turned to the father and said, "you're going to jail because your wife keeps running her mouth." (27)

An African-American man was tased for 20 seconds even though he made no aggressive movements and was unarmed:

In January 2013, a patrol sergeant stopped an African-American man after he saw the man talk to an individual in a truck and then walk away. The sergeant detained the man, although he did not articulate any reasonable suspicion that criminal activity was afoot. When the man declined to answer questions or submit to a frisk.the sergeant grabbed the man by the belt, drew his ECW, and ordered the man to comply. The man crossed his arms and objected that he had not done anything wrong. Video captured by the ECW's built-in camera shows that the man made no aggressive movement toward the officer. The sergeant fired the ECW, applying a five-second cycle of electricity and causing the man to fall to the ground. The sergeant almost immediately applied the ECW again, which he later justified in his report by claiming that the man tried to stand up. The video makes clear, however, that the man never tried to stand-he only writhed in pain on the ground. (34)

A 14-year-old African-American girl who got into a verbal altercation with a classmate was tased by a School Resource Officer:

In one case, an SRO decided to arrest a 14-year-old African-American student at the Ferguson Middle School for Failure to Comply when the student refused to leave the classroom after getting into a trivial argument with another student. The situation escalated, resulting in the student being drive-stunned with an ECW in the classroom and the school seeking a 180-day suspension for the student. (37)

A Ferguson officer told an African-American man: "N*****, I can find something to lock you up on," then slammed his face into a wall:

This documentary evidence of explicit racial bias is consistent with reports from community members indicating that some FPD officers use racial epithets in dealing with members of the public. We spoke with one African-American man who, in August 2014, had an argument in his apartment to which FPD officers responded, and was immediately pulled out of the apartment by force. After telling the officer, "you don't have a reason to lock me up," he claims the officer responded: "N*****, I can find something to lock you up on." When the man responded, "good luck with that," the officer slammed his face into the wall, and after the man fell to the floor, the officer said, "don't pass out motherf****r because I'm not carrying you to my car." (73)

Ferguson officers dismissed concerns about bias, blamed disparity on lack of "personal responsibility" among African-Americans:

Several Ferguson officials told us during our investigation that it is a lack of "personal responsibility" among African-American members of the Ferguson community that causes African Americans to experience disproportionate harm under Ferguson's approach to law enforcement. Our investigation suggests that this explanation is at odd with the facts. (74)

A Ferguson officer called an African-American man standing outside of Wal-Mart a "stupid motherf*****," while police lieutenant watched and did nothing:

In December 2011, for example, an African- American man alleged that as he was standing outside of Wal-Mart, an officer called him a "stupid motherf****r" and a "bastard." According to the man, a lieutenant was on the scene and did nothing to reproach the officer, instead threatening to arrest the man. (80)

At the courthouse, a Ferguson officer mocked an African-American man as "hooked on phonics":

In June 2011, a 60-year-old man complained that an officer verbally harassed him while he stood in line to see the judge in municipal court. According to the man, the officer repeatedly ordered him to move forward as the line advanced and, because he did not advance far enough, turned to the other court-goers and joked, "he is hooked on phonics." (80)

Officers, court officials, and supervisors regularly exchanged blatantly racist emails:

. A November 2008 email stated that President Barack Obama would not be President for very long because "what black man holds a steady job for four years."

. A March 2010 email mocked African Americans through speech and familial stereotypes, using a story involving child support. One line from the email read: "I be so glad that dis be my last child support payment! Month after month, year after year, all dose payments!"

. An April 2011 email depicted President Barack Obama as a chimpanzee.

. A May 2011 email stated: "An African-American woman in New Orleans was admitted into the hospital for a pregnancy termination. Two weeks later she received a check for $5,000. She phoned the hospital to ask who it was from. The hospital said, 'Crimestoppers.'"

. A June 2011 email described a man seeking to obtain "welfare" for his dogs because they are "mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and have no frigging clue who their Daddies are."

. An October 2011 email included a photo of a bare-chested group of dancing women, apparently in Africa, with the caption, "Michelle Obama's High School Reunion."

. A December 2011 email included jokes that are based on offensive stereotypes about Muslims. (72)



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Well, for some of you because they have prosecuted more whistleblowers than all other administrations combined. Because they have failed to prosecute torturers. Because they were the leaders in the destruction of OWS. Because they have persecuted reporters. Because they have refused to prosecute war criminals. They refused to prosecute Wall Street criminals and banksters. Because they enabled spying on innocent people. Because they set up phony "terrorist" plot stings. Because the DOJ has failed to uphold the Constitution. You right wingers should just luv the Holder DOJ. I don't, along with Obama the DOJ will go down in history (if it's not rewritten) as one of the if not the most denier of civil liberties in modern history. It comes to mind maybe, just maybe some folks don't trust him for other reasons, he is black.

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The systematic problems in Ferguson is basically out of control black crime.

How do you know this about black crime in Ferguson?

Have you investigated the cases? Met the perpetrators?

Where do you get any evidence that black crime is out of control in Ferguson?

You don't have the slightest bit of evidence to support your assertion that "out of control black crime" is the problem in Ferguson. The belief can only be based on your desire to exonerate the Ferguson PD and attribute all problems in the justice system to Black people.

Just like you have no evidence whatsoever to doubt the DOJ report, which you would realize if you read it.

If you read the report, you would see for yourself that the evidence is primarily the police officers' own arrest reports, interviews with the officers themselves, and internal city emails. Residents and victims were also interviewed and their points contribute, but they almost take a back seat to the provable violations written in the officers' own words, at times even within the city ordinances themselves. The constitutional violations therein are numerous and obvious.

You don't have any room to doubt the large majority of the DOJ report. But you don't know that, because you haven't read it. If you had, you would just drop out of the thread because you'd see that the large majority of the black people being targeted unfairly by the system weren't even "criminals", and your agenda no longer has a seat in the discussion.

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And why would you have an ounce of trust in Eric Holder's DOJ?

Because the Republican right wing tea party extremists in the Congress hate his guts, which is as good a reason as any.

Eric Holder has on balance done a superb job as attorney general. He and Barack Obama have been the 24/7 moving targets of the unrelenting right wing in Washington centered in the Congress and which has global tentacles.

Eric Holder's handling of Ferguson has been a model for future DoJ and national action, reform, progress. It is what I voted for...twice successfully.

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I won't atop, although I didn't start. Wilson is a piss poor copy of Dirty Harry. It would be very hard to find an officer guilty of civil rights violations in any case like this but it certainly needed to be investigated as the entire St. Louis area police need to be. AS you should know from your time as a guard, the clue is "I feared for my life, shot to stop the action". I'm sure it was drilled into your mind like it was mine at the NM Law Enforcement Academy.

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The DoJ Report on the Ferguson police department has some revealing and incriminating data and info for anyone interested enuff to even peruse it.

It's a Byzantine criminal justice system in Ferguson. Once a black citizen gets pulled in, s/he finds it impossible to get out easily or cleanly....or alive. And the FPD has been busy pulling in citizens 24/7.

Fire 'em all, start over again from scratch. Included in the findings of the DoJ Report....

Ferguson's black citizens accounted for 95 percent of all jaywalking fines and warrants.

In order to pay for the local court system (and not motivated by public safety), the city of Ferguson engaged in "illegal and harmful practices" of charging residents high court fees and fees on nonviolent offenses (like jaywalking).

Some people have come to refer to this practice as "taxation by citation."


The homicide cop was unaware of any convenience store incident at the time he drove past his target while hollering at him to stop jaywalking, aka "drive-by policing."

Prez Obama's remarks about the DoJ Report and the sad trail of events in Ferguson have the strongly positive side of raising the Report to the national consciousness. It's there for even the most hard nose keyboardbanger on the right to see but they will never read the Report.

The Report documents how the police had been shaking down the black poor as the agents of the municipal government for the illicit purpose of issuing traffic and pedestrian citations and other bottom feeder revenue streams while the municipal courts enforced the scams against the residents of Ferguson.

So once again The Man is abusing the law and the Constitution while laughing and clicking off racist emails. Then when a black man blows a fuse over a drive by order by a cop to stop jaywalking something happens.

Edited by Publicus
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And why would you have an ounce of trust in Eric Holder's DOJ?

Because the Republican right wing tea party extremists in the Congress hate his guts, which is as good a reason as any.

Eric Holder has on balance done a superb job as attorney general. He and Barack Obama have been the 24/7 moving targets of the unrelenting right wing in Washington centered in the Congress and which has global tentacles.

Eric Holder's handling of Ferguson has been a model for future DoJ and national action, reform, progress. It is what I voted for...twice successfully.

Where do you come up with these crazy ideas? I believe one would look long and hard to find people that hate either Holder or Obama. However, it is easy to find people who dislike their policies and constant race baiting. These two people have left a trail of destruction and devastation behind them from their idiotic decisions and failed policies.

It's no mystery Obama and Holder wanted to find Officer Wilson guilty of killing an unarmed teenager (290 pound thug with the brain of a chimpanzee). Anytime DOJ launches these investigations against state and local law enforcement agencies, they have unlimited funds to find wrong doing when little exists. Holder had unlimited time and money and even with Obama prodding him along, he was unable to find any wrong doing by Officer Wilson. They did manage to ruin his career in law enforcement with their modern day witch hunt.

I see you stopped using your constant "Dirty Harry" name calling when referring to former Officer Wilson.

they have unlimited funds to find wrong doing when little exists. Holder had unlimited time and money


Anyone with any experience in government in Washington or in any federal department or agency in the country knows there is no such thing as unlimited funds for anything the government does as a part of its regular operations, such as the DoJ Ferguson investigation. Even the Pentagon as crazy as spending there gets have budgets that allocate scarce resources.

To say a cabinet secretary or anyone in government has an unlimited budget or funds is to make an uninformed, baseless and wild claim.

The exception that most often occurs involves special prosecutors especially, as in the case when the Republican controlled House of Reps gave Special Counsel K. Starr an essentially unlimited budget to pursue impeachment and the attempt (unsuccessful) to convict Prez Clinton and remove him from office. Republicans in control of the House gave Starr a blank Treasury check for that one and Starr kept adding zeroes to it without regard of judicious use of scarce resources.

So if there are any instances of unlimited budgets in the federal government it's the norm with Republicans when they have control of budget and federal taxpayers resources to pursue their own bents. In stark contrast, a department regular investigation such as the DoJ in Ferguson has to count its pennies every day.

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Publicus claims:

"To say a cabinet secretary or anyone in government has an unlimited budget or funds is to make an uninformed, baseless and wild claim."

The following from Eric Holder's press release of August 20, 2014:


The full resources of the Department of Justice have been committed to the investigation into Michael Brown’s death. This inquiry will take time to complete, but we have already taken significant steps. Approximately 40 FBI agents and some of the Civil Rights Division’s most experienced prosecutors have been deployed to lead this process, with the assistance of the United States Attorney in St. Louis. Hundreds of people have already been interviewed in connection with this matter. On Monday, at my direction, a team of federal medical examiners conducted an independent autopsy.


Forty FBI Agents, "some" DOJ Civil Rights Divisions prosecutors and a team of federal medical examiners wouldn't exactly indicate a shoe string operation...more like an unlimited budget.


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Look, look, we're STILL talking about Officer Wilson, even though the thread has nothing to do with him.

Because people who want to remain ignorant are afraid to acknowledge that there is 102 pages of clear corruption, abuse, and discrimination just sitting in front of them, waiting to be read in the report which this thread is actually about.

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Publicus claims:

"To say a cabinet secretary or anyone in government has an unlimited budget or funds is to make an uninformed, baseless and wild claim."

The following from Eric Holder's press release of August 20, 2014:


The full resources of the Department of Justice have been committed to the investigation into Michael Brown’s death. This inquiry will take time to complete, but we have already taken significant steps. Approximately 40 FBI agents and some of the Civil Rights Division’s most experienced prosecutors have been deployed to lead this process, with the assistance of the United States Attorney in St. Louis. Hundreds of people have already been interviewed in connection with this matter. On Monday, at my direction, a team of federal medical examiners conducted an independent autopsy.


Forty FBI Agents, "some" DOJ Civil Rights Divisions prosecutors and a team of federal medical examiners wouldn't exactly indicate a shoe string operation...more like an unlimited budget.


The "full resources" are not unlimited resources.

And there is no dollar amount indicated in the DoJ release so the post whistles in the dark. It is the general rule that in-house government investigations -- and one could say "full resources" investigations -- are shoestring budget investigations.

Special counsel Ken Starr spent $40 million to impeach but fail to convict Prez Clinton as the Republicans in control of the House gave Starr a blank Treasury check to do whatever he wanted and chose to do in pursuit of the failed partisan goal of convicting Bill Clinton, which failed because it was partisan....entirely partisan.

Holder's investigation of Ferguson got more bang for the buck than Starr's did, by a country mile besides.

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For those that really want to dig into the reports here are the DOJ reports: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/03/full-justice-department-reports-ferguson-darren-wilson

Anything from "Mother Jones" is going to have a liberal leftist view. In the 1950's these people would be been locked up for being communists. Unfortunately, this DOJ report is the result of an extensive investigation lead by Holder, who should have been relieved of his duties long ago.

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The DoJ Report on the Ferguson police department has some revealing and incriminating data and info for anyone interested enuff to even peruse it.

It's a Byzantine criminal justice system in Ferguson. Once a black citizen gets pulled in, s/he finds it impossible to get out easily or cleanly....or alive. And the FPD has been busy pulling in citizens 24/7.

Fire 'em all, start over again from scratch. Included in the findings of the DoJ Report....

Ferguson's black citizens accounted for 95 percent of all jaywalking fines and warrants.

In order to pay for the local court system (and not motivated by public safety), the city of Ferguson engaged in "illegal and harmful practices" of charging residents high court fees and fees on nonviolent offenses (like jaywalking).

Some people have come to refer to this practice as "taxation by citation."


The homicide cop was unaware of any convenience store incident at the time he drove past his target while hollering at him to stop jaywalking, aka "drive-by policing."

Prez Obama's remarks about the DoJ Report and the sad trail of events in Ferguson have the strongly positive side of raising the Report to the national consciousness. It's there for even the most hard nose keyboardbanger on the right to see but they will never read the Report.

The Report documents how the police had been shaking down the black poor as the agents of the municipal government for the illicit purpose of issuing traffic and pedestrian citations and other bottom feeder revenue streams while the municipal courts enforced the scams against the residents of Ferguson.

So once again The Man is abusing the law and the Constitution while laughing and clicking off racist emails. Then when a black man blows a fuse over a drive by order by a cop to stop jaywalking something happens.

"The Man is abusing the law and the Constitution while laughing and clicking off racist e-mails," lol. I guess "The Man" must mean police officer. How is laughing and sending racist e-mails abusing the law and Constitution? The last time I checked, it is okay to laugh at work. As far as sending racist e-mails at work, that is certainly inappropriate but abusing the law and Constitution?

"Then when a black man," I guess you mean the 290 pound unarmed teenager, blows a fuse when instructed to use the sidewalk instead of the middle of the street, "something happens?" Well, I would certainly guess something very bad would happen to anyone stupid enough to attack an on duty police officer in an attempt to relieve him of his weapon. That is beyond blowing a fuse, don't you think?

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The DoJ Report on the Ferguson police department has some revealing and incriminating data and info for anyone interested enuff to even peruse it.

It's a Byzantine criminal justice system in Ferguson. Once a black citizen gets pulled in, s/he finds it impossible to get out easily or cleanly....or alive. And the FPD has been busy pulling in citizens 24/7.

Fire 'em all, start over again from scratch. Included in the findings of the DoJ Report....

Ferguson's black citizens accounted for 95 percent of all jaywalking fines and warrants.

In order to pay for the local court system (and not motivated by public safety), the city of Ferguson engaged in "illegal and harmful practices" of charging residents high court fees and fees on nonviolent offenses (like jaywalking).

Some people have come to refer to this practice as "taxation by citation."


The homicide cop was unaware of any convenience store incident at the time he drove past his target while hollering at him to stop jaywalking, aka "drive-by policing."

Prez Obama's remarks about the DoJ Report and the sad trail of events in Ferguson have the strongly positive side of raising the Report to the national consciousness. It's there for even the most hard nose keyboardbanger on the right to see but they will never read the Report.

The Report documents how the police had been shaking down the black poor as the agents of the municipal government for the illicit purpose of issuing traffic and pedestrian citations and other bottom feeder revenue streams while the municipal courts enforced the scams against the residents of Ferguson.

So once again The Man is abusing the law and the Constitution while laughing and clicking off racist emails. Then when a black man blows a fuse over a drive by order by a cop to stop jaywalking something happens.

"The Man is abusing the law and the Constitution while laughing and clicking off racist e-mails," lol. I guess "The Man" must mean police officer. How is laughing and sending racist e-mails abusing the law and Constitution? The last time I checked, it is okay to laugh at work. As far as sending racist e-mails at work, that is certainly inappropriate but abusing the law and Constitution?

"Then when a black man," I guess you mean the 290 pound unarmed teenager, blows a fuse when instructed to use the sidewalk instead of the middle of the street, "something happens?" Well, I would certainly guess something very bad would happen to anyone stupid enough to attack an on duty police officer in an attempt to relieve him of his weapon. That is beyond blowing a fuse, don't you think?

At the least read the DoJ Report.

It's past time to begin to get a grip.

The post shows a complete deficiency of cultural awareness, social consciousness, analytical abilities.

A complete inability to synthesize, integrate, or to evaluate, a social or cultural whole.

Fragmented, incoherent. In a word, deficient.

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Hey right wingers, the MJ (far, far from being a commie left wing mag., jeez) article is a link to the DOJ report, not a rewrite or cherry picked like the right wing does. It is THE oficial report. I do believe we are back to "You can't handle the truth" and you can't. Ahem, CMNR, aside from the "Night Rider" which I think many of us can understand it's representation, "brain of a chimpanzee" is a dog whistle. You do understand dog whistle don't you? You know, kinda' like comparing Obama to a chimpanzee.

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Hey right wingers, the MJ (far, far from being a commie left wing mag., jeez) article is a link to the DOJ report, not a rewrite or cherry picked like the right wing does. It is THE oficial report. I do believe we are back to "You can't handle the truth" and you can't. Ahem, CMNR, aside from the "Night Rider" which I think many of us can understand it's representation, "brain of a chimpanzee" is a dog whistle. You do understand dog whistle don't you? You know, kinda' like comparing Obama to a chimpanzee.

I presume your reference to "the MJ" actually means Mother Jones?

This group is dedicated to anything and everything that supports the Obama administration and all it stands for. Think MSNBC on steroids.

They're a joke.

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While you are wrong anyway, exactly what is your point? MJ has nothing to do with nothing when it comes to the report. They provide a link to the origninal DOJ report, would you feel better if it came from breitbartliar? The report isn't doctored, unlike what the right wing does with any and everything. Your rational is not rational. The report is out, it is damning and it is factual.

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Where does that chart come from and your point is? Why are they incarcerated, drugs, you betcha'? Why don't you check the wealth of those incarcerated? I'd bet those whites that are imprisoned are poor by a large majority also. Why don't you check the minority status of all incarcerated? Why don't you check what the increase in privatized prisons has done? What does it have to do with the un-Constitutional acts of the Ferguson PD? Nada, nothing, zip, zero. Try arresting somebody that is kin to a governor, for flashing his penis at women, throwing beer cans at passing vehicles from a moving vehicle, evading police, resisting. I had a call from my top boss before I had even finished booking. No, he never went to court, and I damn sure didn't drop charges. Try writing a sitting Congressman's staff (do you KNOW who I am, I'm on Senators """" staff, you can't do this-yes I did) a citation and see what that gets you, one hell of a lot more trouble that he got, he got none. Try walking while black, it just might get you dead.

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