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Officials: US report finds racial bias in Ferguson police


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Respect, equality, wealth and etc. cannot e demanded, stolen, taken or forced. They are earned. Just another basic common sense concept that those who do not garner respect or have equality or wealth do not comprehend and , therefore, will never have.

Edited by F430murci
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Personalize it?

Besides you insinuating that I am a racist and a red neck, heck yeah I personalize it.

I am busy busting my tail working my butt off and paying 6 figures a year in taxes to support a bunch of losers, thugs, criminals and genuinely bad people who do nothing but complain. Heaven forbid they work for it or do respectable things to earn respect.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse in a far away land and complain about things that don't impact you? Boy, that's respectable and makes a lot of sense.

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Respect, equality, wealth and etc. cannot e demanded, stolen, taken or forced. They are earned. Just another basic common sense concept that those who do not garner respect or have equality or wealth do not comprehend and , therefore, will never have.

Preaching to the choir here yet you seem to think you need to make converts.

Punks and thugs are indeed repugnant and repulsive so what are we going to do with those who fit the description....incarcerate 'em all, maybe forever.....shoot 'em all....fence in their localities......close all the schools in each place.....etc etc....

Conservatives from center-right to the tea party have only punishments and a long list of failed programs that could only fail so they did fail.

What do you people have besides a police state for the gangbangers in their own communities.....

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Personalize it?

Besides you insinuating that I am a racist and a red neck, heck yeah I personalize it.

I am busy busting my tail working my butt off and paying 6 figures a year in taxes to support a bunch of losers, thugs, criminals and genuinely bad people who do nothing but complain. Heaven forbid they work for it or do respectable things to earn respect.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse in a far away land and complain about things that don't impact you? Boy, that's respectable and makes a lot of sense.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse

Sell the old nag to the rugged individualists who obsess and sweat about their manifest destiny as they make sure they are not the ones the system leaves behind.

The DoJ Report impacts me, same as the people, incidents and events that precipitated the Report impact me. Still, you pronounce me as the only one who is abroad and on a high horse. That is disparate treatment counselor wink.png but then as you'd know I'm not a member of a protected class under Title VII and that neither are you. You and I are in fact the people the Civil Right Act of 1964 as amended was created to protect certain others from.

Which brings us back to the DoJ Report, counselor.

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I think you will find many of the gang bangers live in strongly Democratic cities and states that very likely voted for Obama the last two elections and straight Democratic tickets for most of the last 30 years.

What have the Democrats done to better their situation?

Take a ticket and get in line cause I asked the other guy before you meandered in.....

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Yep, goin too fast.

Let's slow it down a bit here.

Not all Americans live in the same America but that's no problem because it's a big country with a lotta room for everyone and everything under the sun.

The main point I make to foreigners abroad over here when they ask me about the United States is that America is always changing. Fundamental values and attitudes remain, it's just yet another new set of demographics under the same Constitution.

The Anglo-American order is fading and a new order is shaping up, but it's still the same country and principles set firmly in the Constitution. Conservatives of the old Anglo-American order don't like that, which means, as we've been seeing, they don't like the Constitution that enables that either.

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Personalize it?

Besides you insinuating that I am a racist and a red neck, heck yeah I personalize it.

I am busy busting my tail working my butt off and paying 6 figures a year in taxes to support a bunch of losers, thugs, criminals and genuinely bad people who do nothing but complain. Heaven forbid they work for it or do respectable things to earn respect.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse in a far away land and complain about things that don't impact you? Boy, that's respectable and makes a lot of sense.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse

Sell the old nag to the rugged individualists who obsess and sweat about their manifest destiny as they make sure they are not the ones the system leaves behind.

The DoJ Report impacts me, same as the people, incidents and events that precipitated the Report impact me. Still, you pronounce me as the only one who is abroad and on a high horse. That is disparate treatment counselor wink.png but then as you'd know I'm not a member of a protected class under Title VII and that neither are you. You and I are in fact the people the Civil Right Act of 1964 as amended was created to protect certain others from.

Which brings us back to the DoJ Report, counselor.

You cannot answer simple questions without ridiculous, nutty, non-responsive bs.

Again, I pay 6 figures in taxes a year that subsidizes a bunch of losers that make no effort to get a high school, much less a college, education, that don't work, and that get everything free from Obama and now they want to loot and burn businesses, shoot at innocent cops and complain about their situation caused by their own failure to do anything or take any responsibility. And you want to defend them??? Says a lot about you, especially when you don't live here and carry the financial burden for taking care of these pathetic drains on our country.

What do you do? How much do you contribute to the US economy or do you just take money or draw from? Candidly, it only seems like those taking from the government instead of contributing to economy are the ones whining.

Of course the DOJ fond racial stuff, because the DOJ is run by racists with an agenda that want to find racists stuff so everyone working for the DOJ will give the racists running the DOJ exactly what they want to find.

Every police force in the country has quotas and pressure on them to write citations and bring money in for city governments, but this is the case whether the community is white, black, yellow, red, green, purple or alien. That's not racial profiling. That is pressure on cops to do their job who generally hate to write tickets as it is a hassle.

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I find it amazing that expats in Thailand are talking about Miami Gardens, an area I have lived near and have worked in and around since the 70's

Anyone who knows Miami knows that some areas are more dangerous than others but, also have their good areas.

Most of Miami gardens is fine,


Their chief of police a 45/ year old black man, was just arrested for solicitation of prostitutes off an ad in the Miami back page

The girls were black the cops arresting him were black, and he likely will have a black prosecutor and a white defense lawyer and a Hispanic judge

Welcome to Miami

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Personalize it?

Besides you insinuating that I am a racist and a red neck, heck yeah I personalize it.

I am busy busting my tail working my butt off and paying 6 figures a year in taxes to support a bunch of losers, thugs, criminals and genuinely bad people who do nothing but complain. Heaven forbid they work for it or do respectable things to earn respect.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse in a far away land and complain about things that don't impact you? Boy, that's respectable and makes a lot of sense.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse

Sell the old nag to the rugged individualists who obsess and sweat about their manifest destiny as they make sure they are not the ones the system leaves behind.

The DoJ Report impacts me, same as the people, incidents and events that precipitated the Report impact me. Still, you pronounce me as the only one who is abroad and on a high horse. That is disparate treatment counselor wink.png but then as you'd know I'm not a member of a protected class under Title VII and that neither are you. You and I are in fact the people the Civil Right Act of 1964 as amended was created to protect certain others from.

Which brings us back to the DoJ Report, counselor.

This particular act seems to have resolved the 1961 ethnic issues of 'West Side Story's" Sharks and Jets. Seems like we have come a long way since then and not necessarily in the right direction.

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Personalize it?

Besides you insinuating that I am a racist and a red neck, heck yeah I personalize it.

I am busy busting my tail working my butt off and paying 6 figures a year in taxes to support a bunch of losers, thugs, criminals and genuinely bad people who do nothing but complain. Heaven forbid they work for it or do respectable things to earn respect.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse in a far away land and complain about things that don't impact you? Boy, that's respectable and makes a lot of sense.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse

Sell the old nag to the rugged individualists who obsess and sweat about their manifest destiny as they make sure they are not the ones the system leaves behind.

The DoJ Report impacts me, same as the people, incidents and events that precipitated the Report impact me. Still, you pronounce me as the only one who is abroad and on a high horse. That is disparate treatment counselor wink.png but then as you'd know I'm not a member of a protected class under Title VII and that neither are you. You and I are in fact the people the Civil Right Act of 1964 as amended was created to protect certain others from.

Which brings us back to the DoJ Report, counselor.

You cannot answer simple questions without ridiculous, nutty, non-responsive bs.

Again, I pay 6 figures in taxes a year that subsidizes a bunch of losers that make no effort to get a high school, much less a college, education, that don't work, and that get everything free from Obama and now they want to loot and burn businesses, shoot at innocent cops and complain about their situation caused by their own failure to do anything or take any responsibility. And you want to defend them??? Says a lot about you, especially when you don't live here and carry the financial burden for taking care of these pathetic drains on our country.

What do you do? How much do you contribute to the US economy or do you just take money or draw from? Candidly, it only seems like those taking from the government instead of contributing to economy are the ones whining.

Of course the DOJ fond racial stuff, because the DOJ is run by racists with an agenda that want to find racists stuff so everyone working for the DOJ will give the racists running the DOJ exactly what they want to find.

Every police force in the country has quotas and pressure on them to write citations and bring money in for city governments, but this is the case whether the community is white, black, yellow, red, green, purple or alien. That's not racial profiling. That is pressure on cops to do their job who generally hate to write tickets as it is a hassle.

Your constant reference to your money, beautiful wife and her great car really dents your credibility. I occasionally find some brilliance in your arguments but that need to be better off than the rest of us really kills it for me. The best part is, you actually have no idea whether you are better off than the rest of us.

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Personalize it?

Besides you insinuating that I am a racist and a red neck, heck yeah I personalize it.

I am busy busting my tail working my butt off and paying 6 figures a year in taxes to support a bunch of losers, thugs, criminals and genuinely bad people who do nothing but complain. Heaven forbid they work for it or do respectable things to earn respect.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse in a far away land and complain about things that don't impact you? Boy, that's respectable and makes a lot of sense.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse

Sell the old nag to the rugged individualists who obsess and sweat about their manifest destiny as they make sure they are not the ones the system leaves behind.

The DoJ Report impacts me, same as the people, incidents and events that precipitated the Report impact me. Still, you pronounce me as the only one who is abroad and on a high horse. That is disparate treatment counselor wink.png but then as you'd know I'm not a member of a protected class under Title VII and that neither are you. You and I are in fact the people the Civil Right Act of 1964 as amended was created to protect certain others from.

Which brings us back to the DoJ Report, counselor.

You cannot answer simple questions without ridiculous, nutty, non-responsive bs.

Again, I pay 6 figures in taxes a year that subsidizes a bunch of losers that make no effort to get a high school, much less a college, education, that don't work, and that get everything free from Obama and now they want to loot and burn businesses, shoot at innocent cops and complain about their situation caused by their own failure to do anything or take any responsibility. And you want to defend them??? Says a lot about you, especially when you don't live here and carry the financial burden for taking care of these pathetic drains on our country.

What do you do? How much do you contribute to the US economy or do you just take money or draw from? Candidly, it only seems like those taking from the government instead of contributing to economy are the ones whining.

Of course the DOJ fond racial stuff, because the DOJ is run by racists with an agenda that want to find racists stuff so everyone working for the DOJ will give the racists running the DOJ exactly what they want to find.

Every police force in the country has quotas and pressure on them to write citations and bring money in for city governments, but this is the case whether the community is white, black, yellow, red, green, purple or alien. That's not racial profiling. That is pressure on cops to do their job who generally hate to write tickets as it is a hassle.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse

You cannot answer simple questions without ridiculous, nutty, non-responsive bs.

Nice rant but you should at least go easy on the horse cause he's only standing under me and not bothering nobody. So now that you ranted it all out, or some of it, come around again later sometime when you are your rational self.

Nice scolding rant too in your follow up post, all because I gave a very different and suitable response to your screwball questions that you in your right mind could not realistically expect me to answer directly, as if I would or should respect the assinine [sic] questions rattling around in the follow up post.

There also might be a better possibility of a dialogue after you realize you aren't the only American who pays taxes, plus or minus in whatever amount. I've paid taxes for several decades yet I don't think I'm the only one who pays taxes, nor am I the only one who draws on some government program to include my present Social Security annuity.

So let's make a deal about taxes since you are so rightfully riled up about who gets your high volume hard earned bucks.

So, you send your taxes exclusively to the Pentagon for bombs and for continued militarization of your local police and a lot of other local police. Yes, I'll send my taxes exclusively to the punks, thugs, gangbangers. Maybe then and finally youse guyz that are rightfully put out that they get your scratch can stop or at the least temper your cussing 'em out all the time. At the same time I won't have to pay for Republican party wars all the time. We'll call it economic and fiscal justice while declaring extinct both racism and ISIS.

Maybe then there will be peace in the world, if not at TVF. wink.png

So get back to me once you've crashed back down to being rational again and before the right wingers or some others start posting their nonsense about how idiotic this post is. Cause I'm still waiting on the answer to my question of what youse guyz propose as a responsible solution to Ferguson and the places like it. I remind you about my question because you may have ranted your way straight past it up there on the page.

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Continued talking about off-topic subject matter will earn suspension. There will be no further discussion about Officer Wilson other than in the strictest context of this topic.

Scott, I have searched for the Darren Wilson Acquittal thread in this forum, and I do not see it. We do seem to have two threads on the Justice Department report. Maybe I missed it, but is there a thread on the Wilson acquittal?


Are you Scott?

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Two white cops were shot by a sniper outside Ferguson police dept this week

How should the people there expect to be treated now?

I think the shooters are in for a bit of serious trouble from both sides, although the police certainly and rightfully have a severe axe to grind.

It's been several daze now yet the Ferguson and other PDs still can't find their <deleted> bottom with both hands at high noon while others are holding up a map. Might have something to do with the perps being armed.

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Personalize it?

Besides you insinuating that I am a racist and a red neck, heck yeah I personalize it.

I am busy busting my tail working my butt off and paying 6 figures a year in taxes to support a bunch of losers, thugs, criminals and genuinely bad people who do nothing but complain. Heaven forbid they work for it or do respectable things to earn respect.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse in a far away land and complain about things that don't impact you? Boy, that's respectable and makes a lot of sense.

What do you do, but sit on your high horse

Sell the old nag to the rugged individualists who obsess and sweat about their manifest destiny as they make sure they are not the ones the system leaves behind.

The DoJ Report impacts me, same as the people, incidents and events that precipitated the Report impact me. Still, you pronounce me as the only one who is abroad and on a high horse. That is disparate treatment counselor wink.png but then as you'd know I'm not a member of a protected class under Title VII and that neither are you. You and I are in fact the people the Civil Right Act of 1964 as amended was created to protect certain others from.

Which brings us back to the DoJ Report, counselor.

You cannot answer simple questions without ridiculous, nutty, non-responsive bs.

Again, I pay 6 figures in taxes a year that subsidizes a bunch of losers that make no effort to get a high school, much less a college, education, that don't work, and that get everything free from Obama and now they want to loot and burn businesses, shoot at innocent cops and complain about their situation caused by their own failure to do anything or take any responsibility. And you want to defend them??? Says a lot about you, especially when you don't live here and carry the financial burden for taking care of these pathetic drains on our country.

What do you do? How much do you contribute to the US economy or do you just take money or draw from? Candidly, it only seems like those taking from the government instead of contributing to economy are the ones whining.

Of course the DOJ fond racial stuff, because the DOJ is run by racists with an agenda that want to find racists stuff so everyone working for the DOJ will give the racists running the DOJ exactly what they want to find.

Every police force in the country has quotas and pressure on them to write citations and bring money in for city governments, but this is the case whether the community is white, black, yellow, red, green, purple or alien. That's not racial profiling. That is pressure on cops to do their job who generally hate to write tickets as it is a hassle.

Your constant reference to your money, beautiful wife and her great car really dents your credibility. I occasionally find some brilliance in your arguments but that need to be better off than the rest of us really kills it for me. The best part is, you actually have no idea whether you are better off than the rest of us.

No reference to wife or car and only throw out how much taxes to show why I am truly sickened when those getting a free ride and pay nothing still want more.

Never said I was better off than anyone and I don't care. Completely comfy with my life regardless who has more and many do.

If you have more, I am happy for you and I love the success stories as opposed to the constant whining and bellyaching about how the world just ain't fair.

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What do you do, but sit on your high horse

Sell the old nag to the rugged individualists who obsess and sweat about their manifest destiny as they make sure they are not the ones the system leaves behind.

The DoJ Report impacts me, same as the people, incidents and events that precipitated the Report impact me. Still, you pronounce me as the only one who is abroad and on a high horse. That is disparate treatment counselor wink.png but then as you'd know I'm not a member of a protected class under Title VII and that neither are you. You and I are in fact the people the Civil Right Act of 1964 as amended was created to protect certain others from.

Which brings us back to the DoJ Report, counselor.

You cannot answer simple questions without ridiculous, nutty, non-responsive bs.

Again, I pay 6 figures in taxes a year that subsidizes a bunch of losers that make no effort to get a high school, much less a college, education, that don't work, and that get everything free from Obama and now they want to loot and burn businesses, shoot at innocent cops and complain about their situation caused by their own failure to do anything or take any responsibility. And you want to defend them??? Says a lot about you, especially when you don't live here and carry the financial burden for taking care of these pathetic drains on our country.

What do you do? How much do you contribute to the US economy or do you just take money or draw from? Candidly, it only seems like those taking from the government instead of contributing to economy are the ones whining.

Of course the DOJ fond racial stuff, because the DOJ is run by racists with an agenda that want to find racists stuff so everyone working for the DOJ will give the racists running the DOJ exactly what they want to find.

Every police force in the country has quotas and pressure on them to write citations and bring money in for city governments, but this is the case whether the community is white, black, yellow, red, green, purple or alien. That's not racial profiling. That is pressure on cops to do their job who generally hate to write tickets as it is a hassle.

Your constant reference to your money, beautiful wife and her great car really dents your credibility. I occasionally find some brilliance in your arguments but that need to be better off than the rest of us really kills it for me. The best part is, you actually have no idea whether you are better off than the rest of us.

No reference to wife or car and only throw out how much taxes to show why I am truly sickened when those getting a free ride and pay nothing still want more.

Never said I was better off than anyone and I don't care. Completely comfy with my life regardless who has more and many do.

If you have more, I am happy for you and I love the success stories as opposed to the constant whining and bellyaching about how the world just ain't fair.

It has nothing to do with the world ain’t fair. You are supposedly a lawyer so you should have enough intelligence to understand why people whinge and bellyache unless you are so incredibly disingenuous that you won’t admit it. Of course working for the banking community it’s hardly surprising you won’t admit to the level of criminality by people you represent

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After my self-inflicted respite, I want to remember and pray for the police officers again, thanking God that they have both been released from the hospital. I don't remember another time when I have participated in such a heated internet discussion and then had a near-death so closely related to the same discussion occur suddenly in the midst of it. I am grateful for all involved (the police, the protestors, and the deluded shooter) that it was not worse.

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CNN is reporting that demonstrations being held in front of the Ferguson Police Department celebrating the resignation of the Ferguson Police Chief have now led to two Ferguson Police Officers being shot.

More details coming.


The two officers that were shot were not from the Ferguson Police Department. They were in Ferguson helping out with crowd control and are from the St. Louis County Police Department.

According to a police spokesman, they were standing around while the demonstration was winding down when shots were fired from a crowd across the street. They were specifically targeted.

One was shot in the shoulder and one in the face, but are both expected to survive.

Simply put, the shots did not come from the crowd of protesters, so you can stop blaming completely peaceful protesters for an attempt to kill by a man with bad intentions.

The incident was strangly reminescent to me of the attack of the American embassy in Libya, where the Obama administration was lambasted for initially conflating the attacks with the protests, when it in fact turned out that the killers were simply opportunists using the protests as a cover. How is this any different?

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So -- because of Holder, Sharpton, obama spewing their racial divisiveness, the crowds of protesters in Ferguson have resorted to anarchy. All because they will not accept a decision by a Grand Jury with testimony from black witnesses that the shooting was justified.

We have an upside down world going on in the USA... people who produce nothing, who think that what they want - cigars or otherwise are there for the taking and trying to wrestle a cops gun away is okay sport. Then the sob sisters and brothers fanned on by the racebaiters shoot two cops...

This kind of craziness will come to a head in America -- but not the way the black racists and liberal/leftist loons think it will be.

And here's another person falsely blaming the crowds of protesters for the shooting. In fact, he seems to know an incredible amount about the motive and identify of the shooter.

Wait, aren't these the same people who claim later on that "we don't know' who did it? Why is it okay for chuckD and JDGruen to jump to conclusions about the shooters so quickly?

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Look, look, we're STILL talking about Officer Wilson, even though the thread has nothing to do with him.

Because people who want to remain ignorant are afraid to acknowledge that there is 102 pages of clear corruption, abuse, and discrimination just sitting in front of them, waiting to be read in the report which this thread is actually about.

What you do not understand is that all the 'facts' and situations you are talking about do not matter to most all Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians and many millions of others in America - we recognize the truth of the matter. BECAUSE Holder's and obama's actions in this onslaught are nothing more than an extension of their agenda to create a crisis and proceed to take control ... Create a stir, blacken the names of anyone who is NOT OF THEM ... and otherwise act as dictatorial prosecutors using any and every avenue .... having little or nothing to do with justice. Black Racists - obama and Holder must extend control - it is their mania ... Send in Federal police forces to take control - create a crisis over an issue that never was.

Destroy the police department of Ferguson is their agenda.. .

Quote one inflammatory statement in that report that you believe would insight someone to murder. Tell us exactly what part of the report you think the shooter read that would lead them to decide that killing random police officers (not even from the same department) was a reasonable reaction.

And please, try and connect Attorney General Holder to the police officers (of non-White background, remember) who were killed in New York. Try that.Q

Quote anything that Obama said about Ferguson that should lead to murder.

What about that anti-Muslim right-winger who assassinated the two cops in Virgina? Are you going to somehow connect that incident to Holder as well?

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I find it amazing that expats in Thailand are talking about Miami Gardens, an area I have lived near and have worked in and around since the 70's

Anyone who knows Miami knows that some areas are more dangerous than others but, also have their good areas.

Most of Miami gardens is fine,


Their chief of police a 45/ year old black man, was just arrested for solicitation of prostitutes off an ad in the Miami back page

The girls were black the cops arresting him were black, and he likely will have a black prosecutor and a white defense lawyer and a Hispanic judge

Welcome to Miami

Did you have any reason whatsoever to post that other to engage in a bit of race-baiting?

The actual story I highlighted about Miami Gardens mentions the Chief of Police, mentions that he is Black, and portrays him as sort of a distant loser who just let his department go out of control. I have no idea what relevance your comment has to this thread in the least.

Here's the story again, so you can actually reply to something that was said instead of running with your own outside and unrelated agenda.


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This White Caucasian Hater somehow became an administrator of justice... the irony is beyond belief... and he has the nerve to label police in Ferguson MO. as Racists.. There is no greater racist in America than AG Eric Holder... \\\

As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office...



I am afraid that your positions are becoming more and more worrysome. To state as clearly as possible:

1) You believe that saying bad things about people can incite others to murder

2) You are spouting incredibly hateful statements about liberals, Black people, Ferguson's residents, President Obama and Attorney General Holder, etc.

If you really believe statement #1, then why do you so vigorously engage in statement #2?

Either you don't really believe that mere statements can incite others to violence, or you are trying to encourage violence of the worst kind against the people in this country that you don't like.

Is this something that you just haven't thought through, or are you knowingly hoping for a particular outcome?

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As for the actual shooting, witnesses both from the crowd and the police have been stating that the shots were fired from about 125 yards away, nowhere near the protesters themselves.

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar, said police did not return fire and asserted the gunfire came from the middle of the crowd of protesters.

"I don't know who did the shooting, ... but somehow they were embedded in that group of folks,"


Yep, and those fine citizens standing around the gun man or gun men are all coming forward and doing the right and honorable thing . . . Pathetic human beings, both the shooter and those standing around the shooters that do nothing. Then we have those being interviewed on the news saying the cops deserved it or it was just cops shooting cops to make blacks look bad. Not sure who is more pathetic, those doing the shooting or witnessing the shooting but saying nothing about or those happy about the shooting of innocent police officers trying to do a very difficult job.

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So -- because of Holder, Sharpton, obama spewing their racial divisiveness, the crowds of protesters in Ferguson have resorted to anarchy. All because they will not accept a decision by a Grand Jury with testimony from black witnesses that the shooting was justified.

We have an upside down world going on in the USA... people who produce nothing, who think that what they want - cigars or otherwise are there for the taking and trying to wrestle a cops gun away is okay sport. Then the sob sisters and brothers fanned on by the racebaiters shoot two cops...

This kind of craziness will come to a head in America -- but not the way the black racists and liberal/leftist loons think it will be.

And here's another person falsely blaming the crowds of protesters for the shooting. In fact, he seems to know an incredible amount about the motive and identify of the shooter.

Wait, aren't these the same people who claim later on that "we don't know' who did it? Why is it okay for chuckD and JDGruen to jump to conclusions about the shooters so quickly?

I have fully explained my position in many posts on this thread... I did not say the shot came from the crowd of protesters ... but it is not a giant leap to believe the shooter was of the same ilk as the protesters ... further back - across a street in or near a house... You add much to my original statement that I did not say ... How about this --- upset protester -- does not join the protest crowd -- but rather -- takes a gun and goes to a hidden place behind the rows of protesters -- in a house - beside a house - on top of a house and fires the shots...

Show me where I said that people in the rows of protesters shot anyone.... It is entirely possible one of their kindred spirits did it -- from further back ... USE A LITTLE IMAGINATION... please ...

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