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Officials: US report finds racial bias in Ferguson police


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One white individual who has lived in Ferguson for 48 years told us that it feels like Ferguson’s police and court system is “designed to bring a black man down . . . [there are] no second chances.”

Even Ferguson's own City Councilmembers are saying that the system is abusive and just creates a revolving door of arrests and fines for poor people who can't pay their tickets right away. Even Ferguson's own City Councilmembers are saying that the Municipal Court Judge fails to treat defendants justly. Even the City Manager and other city officials acknowledge that the purpose of the court is to be a money-maker for the city, not to deal out justice for the citizens.

How can you keep calling the ordinary people of Ferguson a bunch of criminals, when you know nothing about them and the documents laid out in front of you paint quite a different story?

You appear obsessed by this flawed report you keep posting over and over and over again, OMG. If you had been unfortunate enough to have grown up neighborhoods like Ferguson, you would be more supportive of law enforcement that have to police these areas.


Did you really just repost the John Lott diatribe after it had already been debunked just a few comments ago?

John Lott was a proven fraud who made-up data to support his ridiculous right-wing theories and was dismissed as dishonest even by extreme right-wing commentators. The fact that he can still publish opinion pieces for the NY Post is simply a reflection on how well the content of the NY Post matches its appearance - it's a tabloid. Read my earlier comment for a rebuttal of Lott's nonsense.

I like how neither you, nor Lott, were able to debunk a single actual fact from the entire report.

And I lived for 6 years in Inglewood and South Los Angeles, and worked in those communities for longer than that, so unlike you I DO know what it's like for people who don't feel like the police are there to serve and protect them. Look up the LAPD Rampart Scandal, or the Donovan Jackson beating (which occurred just down the street from me), the Jule Dexter shooting, Rodney King beating, Wayne Calvin Byrd II beating, Javier Ovando shooting, Richard Ray Tyson shooting, the "Taser Twins" in the Inglewood PD, etc. Try and figure out why dozens of LAPD anti-gang officers quit their assignments when a new policy started requiring officers to disclose their personal finances in order to check for corruption, or why they keep being investigated for use of excessive force. As I mentioned in a previous thread, I've had some run-ins with these officers myself, and I know other people who have as well.

Will you apologize after making a false statement about me yet again? Or just move the goalposts?

So what do you actually know about the things Black communities go through when they have to face a corrupt and hostile police force that isn't out for their own good?

Edited by Bangkok Herps
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Tell that bullshit to my black classmate that is on an airport commission, or to another that is in an upper level education administration department job, or to the lady that is a bank branch manager, all from a very modest background.

I understand anyone can have difficulties, and that's good that we help them. But, before you had the child, did it not occur to you, that it was going to cost money? How about a little self responsibility.

Blaming whitey isn't the answer, well except for Al Sharpton, he's made a good living at it.

Al Sharpton is a fool, but that has nothing to do with anything.

I am not surprised that you used the "self-responsibility" line, quite close to the "personal responsibility" line that the city officials used against Black people in Ferguson...at the same time that they were fixing tickets for each other's White friends.

If you read the report, there's quite a bit about how Black people often tried to take responsibility, but how the city made it as difficult as possible for them to do so. I'll give you some quotes soon.

And I didn't realize it was against the law, for them to pack up and move, if they didn't like it.

I have no doubt some things have gone on in Ferguson, and hundreds of other little towns scattered across the U.S. that aren't right. But, in the Ferguson case, I don't recall ever being there, or even having passed through there. Give the whining and bitching to some one else.

Because it's really easy for poor people to just move wherever they want and pick up a new life, new home, new job, just like that. Right.

Especially if those people are Black. This paper should be required reading for people who say things like that:

Can you read that paper and still believe that it has been the least bit easy for Black people in America to live wherever they like?

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It appears the DOJ report on Ferguson is actually a complete fraud.

" Sorry: The Justice report doesn’t prove disparate treatment, let alone discrimination."



The New York Post writer is a blowhard who thinks he knows more than the Department of Justice which has been enforcing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 since, well, 1964. Actually it's the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended....which means amended by Congress many times over many years.

The post and the story it cites specifically present "disparate treatment" as the legal standard to determine any discrimination in matters of disability, age, ethnicity, race, gender. Yes, but not only.

The fact is the CRA has been amended numerous times to include additional and more developed standards of discrimination, to include disparate effect, adverse effect, disparate adverse effect....disparate impact, adverse impact, disparate adverse impact, and much more.

The NYPost writer's focus on "disparate treatment" is in fact the standard of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which deals exclusively in employment law. The NYPost writer then carries on in his confusion and chaos to apply the Title VII employment standards to the Title VI findings presented in the months long DoJ Report of its investigation of the Ferguson Police Department. The DoJ investigation examined, not employment patterns and practices, but instead the Title VI provisions pertaining to discrimination in public policies and practices.

The two titles are mutually exclusive and, although it was a long time ago, I can remember when the New York Post was a respected and respectable newspaper.

The DoJ Report on the Ferguson Police Department is predicated on the CRA Title VI public policies and practices provisions, not, as the Post writer proceeds, on the employment law provisions of Title VII.

Title VI is enforced by DoJ....Title VII is enforced by the EEOC.

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Saying Prez Obama and Attorney Gen Holder engage in any "race baiting" is a 100% false statement from the far out fringe extreme of society and itself suggests an anti-social pathology toward people of color, against government per se, and it constitutes a complete rejection of democratic electoral processes. It, in short, makes the accuser illegitimate.

Pure unadulterated rubbish!

Firstly it's not a false statement.

Holder-" I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people."


So you're saying anyone criticising either Obama or Holder does so because they're racist. That's called 'playing the race card'. And an obvious lie to anyone with an ounce of intelligence.

And since when did criticising your own government "constitute a complete rejection of democratic electoral processes."?

What you're basically saying is any criticism of black government officials is racist

That's beyond laughable! I'm actually embarrassed for you. Not since you guaranteed charges being filed against Officer Wilson have you sounded so stunningly ridiculous.

So you're saying

Not what you're saying I said, no...not at all what you said I said...

Here again is what I did in fact say in the post...."Saying Prez Obama and Attorney Gen Holder engage in any "race baiting" is a 100% false statement from the far out fringe extreme of society and itself suggests an anti-social pathology toward people of color" etc.

An "anti-social pathology toward people of color" could or could not be, or include racism. So I did not use the word racism in the post I made to another poster. Anyone who wants to feel guilty however based on my post to another poster is certainly free to feel and behave pathologically.

Case closed.

Case closed?? H1w4yR1da has been very clear in his posts, so there is no need to try to twist what he says around. "Anti-social pathology toward people of color?" Huh!!

You are the person who went on and on about Officer Wilson being a "homicidal" and "Dirty Harry" cop, what ever that is suppose to mean, and said he would end up in prison.

The main objective of this investigation when launched by Holder, with Obama prodding him, was to go after Officer Darren Wilson. Once it finally sunk into their thick skulls, this was a justified shoot, then they switched up and went after anyone they could in the city government. This report of racial bias is nothing more than a bias report.

The post is a reply to a post by you. The other poster instead replied before you replied, so I posted to you to include him.

Youse guyz are stepping over one another or tripping over each other in determined efforts to avoid discussing the DoJ Report of its months long investigation of the Ferguson Police Department that found a pattern or practice of race discrimination in violation of the Constitution of the United States, Amendments 1, 4, 14....and of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.....of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994....the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.

The suggestion here therefore is for youse guyz over there on the outlier far right to deal with the Report and its findings rather than to address posters and focus on posters to the thread.

The more youse guyz at the fringe far right try to avoid addressing the Report, especially by trying instead to focus on posters youse guyz don't like or disagree with, the more it will become obvious youse guyz cannot address the Report or its findings, which by default confirms and validates the Report and its findings as being undisputed....and probably indisputable.

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Tell that bullshit to my black classmate that is on an airport commission, or to another that is in an upper level education administration department job, or to the lady that is a bank branch manager, all from a very modest background.

I understand anyone can have difficulties, and that's good that we help them. But, before you had the child, did it not occur to you, that it was going to cost money? How about a little self responsibility.

Blaming whitey isn't the answer, well except for Al Sharpton, he's made a good living at it.

Al Sharpton is a fool, but that has nothing to do with anything.

I am not surprised that you used the "self-responsibility" line, quite close to the "personal responsibility" line that the city officials used against Black people in Ferguson...at the same time that they were fixing tickets for each other's White friends.

If you read the report, there's quite a bit about how Black people often tried to take responsibility, but how the city made it as difficult as possible for them to do so. I'll give you some quotes soon.

And I didn't realize it was against the law, for them to pack up and move, if they didn't like it.

I have no doubt some things have gone on in Ferguson, and hundreds of other little towns scattered across the U.S. that aren't right. But, in the Ferguson case, I don't recall ever being there, or even having passed through there. Give the whining and bitching to some one else.

Because it's really easy for poor people to just move wherever they want and pick up a new life, new home, new job, just like that. Right.

Especially if those people are Black. This paper should be required reading for people who say things like that:

Can you read that paper and still believe that it has been the least bit easy for Black people in America to live wherever they like?

Maybe they can learn something from the Hispanic population, they seem to manage it.

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Beechguy, not only is your statement nonsensical, why did you quote me if you weren't even going to read what I said?

The link I referred to right there shows quite clearly why the majority of the Black population has not had the freedom to live wherever they like. I suggest you read it, or don't respond to me.

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The people in the document I sent you are all working. Not getting a job was not the problem. (Though it is often the problem for poor people in Ferguson with ridiculous warrants from a money-hungry city.)

In the paper, the fact that they have a problem is not just because they are some "minority", just like hispanics.

Either you didn't read the link, or you failed royally to comprehend it.

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Sitting here waiting for a live televised press meeting in Ferguson at which FPD Chief Thomas Jackson will confirm presently breaking press reports he has signed his resignation.

The rest of the guilty cops in the FPD need to resign and to not only get out of town, but get out of the state. Maybe they can go join the FPD unemployed homicide cop wherever he may be.

It would be good to see Ferguson city officials and the FPD radically reform themselves but they plainly seem not only incapable, but as social undesirables in every way. But let's see what the specifics and the possible scope of things that can be learned at the meeting with the press.

Ferguson Police Chief, Thomas Jackson, Steps Down Amid Criticism

The embattled police chief of Ferguson, the focus of bitter complaints of racial discrimination within his department that turned into national protests after one of his white officers fatally shot an unarmed black teenager last August, has stepped down, the city said Wednesday in a statement.

Questions, however, remain over the future of the city’s police department. Some residents and political leaders have said that it should be dissolved and that the St. Louis County Police Department should take over, as it has with other surrounding municipalities.

Ferguson officials must still decide whether they will reach a settlement with the Justice Department or go to court to challenge some of the reforms that federal officials have requested be made to the police department and municipal court.


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The Washington Post says the mayor, who is up for re-election next month should also hit the road.

This is the mayor who during all the riots said there isn't any race problem in Ferguson and that Ferguson is a model of transitioning from a majority white community to a majority black one. w00t.gif

The ousted chief Jackson is getting severance pay and one year of health and medical insurance at the expense of the city.

The mayor said at today's announcement to the press that he wants the Ferguson PD to remain as it is.

So far, the police chief, two police officers, the city manager, a municipal judge and a city court clerk have resigned since the DOJ report’s release last week. James Knowles, the Republican mayor of Ferguson, ought to join them. As racial tensions flared on his city’s streets 10 days after the shooting, he told MSNBC’s Tamron Hall, “There is not a racial divide in the city of Ferguson.”

Municipal elections will take place next month. Voter turnout in Ferguson is notoriously low. But there is a reason for folks to show up at the polls in April. Knowles and three of the six city council seats are up for reelection in April. Ferguson’s population is 67 percent African American. It’s about time they exercise their right to vote, show Knowles the door and usher in a municipal government that looks out for them instead of preys upon them.


Ferguson mayor: There's no racial divide here

Ferguson Mayor James Knowles tells NewsNation's Tamron Hall that there is “no racial divide” in the area and that’s the “perspective of all residents in our city.” He says the violent protests are “not representative of us” and the Ferguson has been a “model” for a city transitioning from being predominantly white middle class to predominately African-American middle class.Duration: 7:43


There are some demands surfacing for DoJ to petition the US District Court to appoint an FBI special agent to become temporary chief for the next couple of years to turn the FPD over completely.

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The apologists are STILL focused on Officer Wilson. Even after the moderators have told them that this thread is not about Officer Wilson.

Meanwhile, " the police chief, two police officers, the city manager, a municipal judge and a city court clerk have resigned since the DOJ report’s release last week."

But it was a made up report! How could so many people have lost their jobs over a bunch of lies and exaggerations with no legal force? Why doesn't the Police Chief just challenge the report, if it's so obviously untrue...the worst that could happen is he'd lose his job, which has already happened anyway. Draw out the case, and he could even outlast the Obama administration, which only has something more than a year to go anyway.

Unless, of course, the report is true and there's nothing to challenge.

The world goes on, reality is still reality, while you keep your foolish arguments going. Truth is, Ferguson has been exposed, and they are facing the consequences in the real world no matter what little poster fights you keep trying to perpetuate here.

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CNN is reporting that demonstrations being held in front of the Ferguson Police Department celebrating the resignation of the Ferguson Police Chief have now led to two Ferguson Police Officers being shot.

More details coming.

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It is all over the news everywhere....two police officers of the St Louis county PD, according to initial reports, in Ferguson.

People such as myself who want the FPD dissolved entirely to start completely over again know that if that did occur, St Louis county police would most likely take over public safety duties in Ferguson, which is what they did in previous instances of a municipality in the county dissolving its corrupt and lawless PD.

In 2013 when the Cool Valley PD not far from Ferguson was dissolved for massive corruption and abuse of the law, St Louis county PD took over.

In 2011 the Jennings municipality city council dissolved its gruesomely corrupt and lawless PD and the St Louis county PD assumed public safety duties there until a new police department was hired and fully functioning. Officer Darren Wilson was one of the officers on the Jennings PD who along with the rest of 'em was fired. The just resigned Ferguson PD chief snapped up Wilson back then to put him on the FPD.

Talk about a collection of upside down losers, inside out and backwards.

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So -- because of Holder, Sharpton, obama spewing their racial divisiveness, the crowds of protesters in Ferguson have resorted to anarchy. All because they will not accept a decision by a Grand Jury with testimony from black witnesses that the shooting was justified.

We have an upside down world going on in the USA... people who produce nothing, who think that what they want - cigars or otherwise are there for the taking and trying to wrestle a cops gun away is okay sport. Then the sob sisters and brothers fanned on by the racebaiters shoot two cops...

This kind of craziness will come to a head in America -- but not the way the black racists and liberal/leftist loons think it will be.

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Produce the posts.

Still waiting...............................................

No more waiting and no more spin. There are more of your posts like this one, but this one is very specific.

"FACT: Office Wilson will be arrested and charged."



"And you are dead wrong to say charges will not be filed.

Charges will be filed so save this post."


Thank you for that.

Eager beavers that you all are over there at the far right.

Michael Brown's Family to File Civil Suit Against Ferguson, Darren Wilson

Mar 5, 2015

Lawyers for the family of Michael Brown announced today they will file a civil suit for the teen's death.

At a news conference, the attorneys for the Brown family confirmed that the city of Ferguson and former police officer, Darren Wilson, would be named in the suit.


The Brown family is going to file charges in US District Court of federal civil rights violations by Officer Darren Wilson. Charges have not yet been filed but you'd need to continue to be patient on that accounting because charges will be filed. Save all posts in this respect wink.png .

So let's see and let's all find out how the case of Dirty Harry Wilson holds up on trial in an actual court of law....attorneys, sworn testimony, cross examination, evidence, and all of that actual legal stuff with two sides slugging it out to a definite legal conclusion.

BTW, the DoJ Report needs your urgent and immediate response. Did I mention that Darren Wilson is a self-ruined man and the FPD is being busted....that the Dirty Harry Ferguson Police Department is going down, down, down...


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Continued talking about off-topic subject matter will earn suspension. There will be no further discussion about Officer Wilson other than in the strictest context of this topic.

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"the 'facts' and situations you are talking about do not matter to most all Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians", well truer words were never spoken, yep, facts don't matter to you, never have never will. If it doesn't come from faux (not the) news, breitbrair or someother right wing liar then oh lawdy it can't possibly be true. Boy, do the racists come crawling out of the woodwork. If you want to hate Obama and Holder, do it for the real reasons, not because they are black. Read the report. I hope the Ferguson PD is disbanded, nothing but a bunch of redneck, right wing racists.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Look, look, we're STILL talking about Officer Wilson, even though the thread has nothing to do with him.

Because people who want to remain ignorant are afraid to acknowledge that there is 102 pages of clear corruption, abuse, and discrimination just sitting in front of them, waiting to be read in the report which this thread is actually about.

What you do not understand is that all the 'facts' and situations you are talking about do not matter to most all Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians and many millions of others in America - we recognize the truth of the matter. BECAUSE Holder's and obama's actions in this onslaught are nothing more than an extension of their agenda to create a crisis and proceed to take control ... Create a stir, blacken the names of anyone who is NOT OF THEM ... and otherwise act as dictatorial prosecutors using any and every avenue .... having little or nothing to do with justice. Black Racists - obama and Holder must extend control - it is their mania ... Send in Federal police forces to take control - create a crisis over an issue that never was.

Destroy the police department of Ferguson is their agenda.. .

Black Racists - obama and Holder must extend control - it is their mania .

blacken the names of anyone who is NOT OF THEM

The two unbalanced statements reveal more about the self than about the persons named. And while the two named daily demonstrate their balance and stability, the post suggests otherwise concerning those who in perpetuity rant and rage from an opposite universe.

The wild-eyed closing statement of the emotional and racial post indicates the bizarre ideations of the social, cultural and political marginals who not only need to believe there is a design, plot, scheme to destroy America, but that dissolving the Ferguson PD would contribute significantly to the imagined grand designs against America as the designs are arbitrarily assigned to Barack Obama and Eric Holder.

Indeed, the constitutionally bankrupt seem to not be aware Eric Holder is currently departing his historic tour de force as the first black attorney general or that Prez Obama leaves office January 20, 2017 no matter what. While it is obvious to normal people that under such a timeline neither nor both could accomplish the nefarious goals nefariously assigned to them by the aggressively paranoid right, it is just not so obvious to the bent racial profilers and campaigners.

"the 'facts' and situations you are talking about do not matter to most all Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians", well truer words were never spoken, yep, facts don't matter to you, never have never will. If it doesn't come from faux (not the) news, breitbrair or someother right wing liar then oh lawdy it can't possibly be true. Boy, do the racists come crawling out of the woodwork. If you want to hate Obama and Holder, do it for the real reasons, not because they are black. Read the report. I hope the Ferguson PD is disbanded, nothing but a bunch of redneck, right wing racists.

My disdain for holder and obama has nothing to do with their skin color ... it has to do with their racism against white people in America ... And for their constant agenda to destroy America by fabricating facts in furthering of their agendas ... The fiasco in Ferguson is only one example ... Notice my use of the word 'facts' was an euphemism but manic minds are not likely to pick up on nuances...

it has to do with their racism against white people in America ... And for their constant agenda to destroy America

It instead could seem that racism and an agenda to try to destroy America is the sole domain of certain groups of people who, to begin with, are themselves on the fringes of society. Such people unavoidably and necessarily call attention to their emotional and psychological balance, their intellectual stability or competence, their cultural values and perspectives.

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@Publicus #147

If you think my attitude concerning the destruction of America by obama and holder in this manufactured Ferguson crisis is on the fringe then you live in a cave. But then you do live in a cave - a cave created as a bubble you live in to avoid the truth about holder and obama in this yet another example of stirring up racial hatred --- which started in Florida and failed to ignite -- then they moved to Missouri to fan the flames of racism in that state... And they have ignited it - two cops shot now ... Why not try some exposure other than the Daily Kos, Media Matters and MSNBC ...

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@Publicus #147

If you think my attitude concerning the destruction of America by obama and holder in this manufactured Ferguson crisis is on the fringe then you live in a cave. But then you do live in a cave - a cave created as a bubble you live in to avoid the truth about holder and obama in this yet another example of stirring up racial hatred --- which started in Florida and failed to ignite -- then they moved to Missouri to fan the flames of racism in that state... And they have ignited it - two cops shot now ... Why not try some exposure other than the Daily Kos, Media Matters and MSNBC ...

then they moved to Missouri to fan the flames of racism

. Why not try some exposure other than the Daily Kos, Media Matters and MSNBC .

Almost every time I click on my pc screen I am exposed to the ranting and raging of the extreme right and their endless garbage as they hope one of these days to finally succeed in inciting violence against a certain person who resides prominently in Washington.

Crackpot rightist garbage has been consciously and relentlessly presented 24/7 for six years yet the tone and volume of it always increases and intensifies.

Daily Kos, Media Matters, MSNBC et al are the usual suspect chattering classes, and they come at us from the left of center. It is however long past time for the raging classes of the crackpot right to shut it down and to back off. The violent rhetoric has been completely out of line from its first word a very long time ago.

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