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Officials: US report finds racial bias in Ferguson police


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Continued talking about off-topic subject matter will earn suspension. There will be no further discussion about Officer Wilson other than in the strictest context of this topic.

Scott, I have searched for the Darren Wilson Acquittal thread in this forum, and I do not see it. We do seem to have two threads on the Justice Department report. Maybe I missed it, but is there a thread on the Wilson acquittal?

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@Publicus #147

If you think my attitude concerning the destruction of America by obama and holder in this manufactured Ferguson crisis is on the fringe then you live in a cave. But then you do live in a cave - a cave created as a bubble you live in to avoid the truth about holder and obama in this yet another example of stirring up racial hatred --- which started in Florida and failed to ignite -- then they moved to Missouri to fan the flames of racism in that state... And they have ignited it - two cops shot now ... Why not try some exposure other than the Daily Kos, Media Matters and MSNBC ...

The language of the post is incendiary, never mind inflammatory, accusing the President of the United States and the Attorney General besides of "stirring up racial hatred" and that "they have ignited it."

These are wild and out of bounds statements that do not even rise to the level of accusations because no one in his right mind would say such a thing. Only the fringe extremists say this and so many other things like it. This includes of course Fox......

Obama Did It: Fox News Blames Cop Shooting In #Ferguson On President And Attorney General

Affirming the predictability of the Fox News brand of hack journalism, the network moved quickly to make sure that their viewers were misinformed about a tragic incident in Ferguson, Missouri last night.

Fox News aired multiple reports of the incident placing responsibility for the assaults squarely on the perpetrators whom Fox identified as President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Fox News made the leap from the protesters to the administration in record time.


The article goes on to present the established fact protesters were not involved or a part of the shootings.

Barack Obama is the first black President of the United States. Eric Holder is the first black Attorney General of the United States. It is and has been only the far extreme right wing who see either as racist, as hating America, trying to destroy America, as infiltrating America by placing enemies in vital positions of government, as a part of some secret cabal against the United States and which have a secret design to destroy it.....crackpots.

Only the crackpot extreme far right sees these lunatic apparitions everywhere and all around them, hovering, gesturing....

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Can you point to an inaccuracy in the article? Quite a few quotes in there, are they false? If it is said on faux (not the) news it is a lie, right wing hate propaganda. That group couldn't even report on a hurricane where I lived accurately. Some blogs are quite accurate, just not any on the right wingnut side. The shots did NOT come from the demonstrators. The police chief isn't the only one that should resign, the entire PD needs to be completely reorganized minus most of it's current employees. Try as you may, your made up facts are not true, the DOJ report is true and I suspect they went rather lightly on the PD. The Ferguson PD and the ciy government is rotten to the core.

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You actually read that crap? If anything it is worse the faux (not the) news. Lies, lies and more lies. The right wing racists learned well from Herr Goebbels and it seems to work well on the more willingly ignorant racist part of America's population. The picture at the bottom tells it all. Just another racist right wing rag.


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"News Corpse" again?

The author of this hit piece, Mark NC, seems to be your fount of all knowledge on everything Ferguson related.

Your source is a blogger.

Presumptuous and wrong.

Meaning, wrong again....yet again.

If youse guyz might be trying some probing lately, then you'd only be still stumbling around in the dark bumping into one another.

What you do see is what you do get. Youse guyz just don't know what that is, what it's done, where, with whom, how, much less the why or the decades of it all. Everyone your age and mine which is a bit junior to yours has a professional history to him, so let's just leave it at that, eh.

So keep the line moving plse thx.....

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And what does that have to do with anything regarding Ferguson, nothing. No bs, just facts. Did you even bother to read? If you think I'm a failure say so, and do it to my face. Unlike whining white racists that like to blame everything on blacks or what ever other minority they can I don't blame the anybody for my success or failure. I do blame the rich, right wing troglodytes and neoliberals for most of the economic problems in the US now. I do blame the right wing troglodytes for taking away voting rights. I do blame the government for spying on Americans. I do blame the neocons for the never ending wars. If you really think that just "dedication and hard" work, i.e pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, is all it takes then you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Typical right wing attack, when you can't win on the points, change the subject and attack the person. Man do you guys follow a pattern. Go watch so more faux (not the) news, polish your technique.

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The simple facts are, the shots did not come from the protestors. That is established. Whoever pulled the trigger was not with them. Who or how many pulled a trigger is not known although people in a house well beyond the protestors were questioned and shell casings were retrieved. Yea, could have been anybody, including the KKK trying to incite the police, put that in your pipe and smoke it. I don't rule out anybody. Can you people not read? Oh, I forgot, right wingers only rely on faux (not the) news for their false information.

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The simple facts are, the shots did not come from the protestors. That is established. Whoever pulled the trigger was not with them. Who or how many pulled a trigger is not known although people in a house well beyond the protestors were questioned and shell casings were retrieved. Yea, could have been anybody, including the KKK trying to incite the police, put that in your pipe and smoke it. I don't rule out anybody. Can you people not read? Oh, I forgot, right wingers only rely on faux (not the) news for their false information.

The shooter could have also been a person aligned with the protesters in that house. I don't know who it was and you do not either... Saying the shots did not come from the protesters - - the front line of the immediate crowd -- yes you seem to be correct... But a person of the same belief and feeling hostility toward the PD ... a person of the same motivation as the protesters -- MOST CERTAINLY could have been in that house -- if that is what really happened..

You rule out people who are pissed off at the Ferguson PD... a simplistic and biased analysis..

Edited by JDGRUEN
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No, I do not rule out those pissed at Ferguson PD, there are too many of them. In fact I would suspect that first, KKK types next. I doubt there is a black person in Ferguson that doesn't hate the PD, I would. Did anybody say there were protestors in the house, no. The shots apparently came from outside the house. Muzzle flashes were seen and could have even come from a vehicle, doubt that, shell casings were found. The investigators will need time to work. You, like all right wingers are still trying to twist the facts, it won't work. What is it you cannot, will not, refuse to understand? The protestors were not shooting at the PD, therefore the same motivation is not there. Really pretty simple logic, oh wait, there's that word that right wingers don't understand or apply.

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No, I do not rule out those pissed at Ferguson PD, there are too many of them. In fact I would suspect that first, KKK types next. I doubt there is a black person in Ferguson that doesn't hate the PD, I would. Did anybody say there were protestors in the house, no. The shots apparently came from outside the house. Muzzle flashes were seen and could have even come from a vehicle, doubt that, shell casings were found. The investigators will need time to work. You, like all right wingers are still trying to twist the facts, it won't work. What is it you cannot, will not, refuse to understand? The protestors were not shooting at the PD, therefore the same motivation is not there. Really pretty simple logic, oh wait, there's that word that right wingers don't understand or apply.

You are slicing and dicing ... I said both you and I do not know who did the shooting as is obvious... I just posted at least once maybe twice that YES -- it seems - believing your evidence that the shooting came from a house behind the group of protesters (inside or outside the house). The 'Protesters - the main body of the protesters were not directly involved in shootings -it seems... BUT you keep twisting what I said as being the opposite.... If it was done from the house area to the rear of the protesters -- then it could have been ANYONE.

You say "The protestors were not shooting at the PD" --- I have said 3 times now ... that the Protesters (correctly spelled) in the immediate up front crowd likely did not do the shooting ... How many times do I have to repeat it ?

BUT -- it is highly likely a person aligned with the protesters did the shooting -- more likely than anyone else did it --- BECAUSE -- at this time no one knows.. but logic tends to believe my position on the subject.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Jesus' h. christus! yes anyone, including the KKK or anyone with an agenda to start trouble. But it wasn't the protesters, they were the ones standing in front of the cop shop. Use some logic for a change, quit trying to make a mountain out of a molehill and spin the facts to make it look like the protestors did the shooting. Oh I keep forgetting, that word logic and the use of it is not in your brain. Like all right wingers, spin the subject when the facts aren't in your favor. A favorite tactic. The city of Ferguson is run by a bunch of racists, Ferguson PD is racist and anybody that takes their side must be one also. DOJ reports spells it all out. Pardon the misspelling, my spell checker isn't working for this site. Pain in the butt to copy and paste to email just to check spelling, but I will endeavor to persevere.

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When the KKK claim turns out to be as ridiculous as it seems, my bet is the next one being blamed will be a right winger allied with Rupert Murdoch and Fox News.

In the end, it will be a couple of protesters.

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The article goes on to present the established fact protesters were not involved or a part of the shootings.

No one knows who did the shootings, so claiming that protesters were not involved as an "established fact" is nothing short of ridiculous. Please stop the silly spin. facepalm.gif

Correct, no one knows who did the shootings, a very obvious observation....indeed, a redundancy.

From the link I provided above and do provide once again concerning the shots, the protesters, Faux Network, and assorted desperate disparate right wingers who may themselves be out walking and wandering:

Their slanders were in direct contradiction to public statements by the chief of the St. Louis County Police, Jon Belmar, who the Washington Post reported as saying that…

“[T]hree or four shots were fired from across the street from where about 75 protesters and 40 police officers were gathered. He said that the shots did not come from the group of protesters who were gathered near the police station.”


If the chief of the St. Louis County Police, as quoted in the Washington Post, is fully prepared to make the statement ascribed to him by the WaPo, as he did in fact do, then it is established fact in respect of the protesters.

It would be clear, then, the chief does not foreseeably expect to be changing his knowledgeable statement of fact any time soon, or any time at all.

So the chief is on the record until and unless we hear otherwise concerning the presence and the clear difference between the shooters in contrast to the protesters. If otherwise should come, you'll be the first to know. From this point forward, however, you are as always the last to know, but now you know.

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There is a rumor Holder's DOJ Civil Rights Division is going to investigate the National Basketball Association.

It seems that while blacks only represent some 13% of the population, blacks represent 76% of the players.

It is obvious white players are being discriminated against.

The tongue in cheek post obviously has its tongue somewhere else also as I borrow from a part of a SCOTUS ruling of some 60 years ago to say the post is of no redeeming social value.....zero...zilch.....oogats.

The post is in fact a bitter complaint by the conservative and far right against modern society and recent electoral developments in particular, developments the right are determined to arrest but which they cannot stop.

Some on the right rant and rage about it, others there simply cook up oblique and obtuse complaints.

The center right and the far right will carry on however driven by the tea party fringe right.


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I or nobody else is claiming the KKK had anything to do with the shooting, ah duh. You right wingers will do anything to avoid the facts and the truth. Typical right wing twists and tactics, it won't work except for yourself. Then again anybody that believes faux (not the) news has a problem with reality. If you can't handle the truth, please don't try to change the facts to suit your warped minds.

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There is a rumor Holder's DOJ Civil Rights Division is going to investigate the National Basketball Association.

It seems that while blacks only represent some 13% of the population, blacks represent 76% of the players.

It is obvious white players are being discriminated against.

The tongue in cheek post obviously has its tongue somewhere else also as I borrow from a part of a SCOTUS ruling of some 60 years ago to say the post is of no redeeming social value.....zero...zilch.....oogats.

The post is in fact a bitter complaint by the conservative and far right against modern society and recent electoral developments in particular, developments the right are determined to arrest but which they cannot stop.

Some on the right rant and rage about it, others there simply cook up oblique and obtuse complaints.

The center right and the far right will carry on however driven by the tea party fringe right.

I see you are one of those that think the teaparty is some sort of anti Obama racist program.


Do you even know who this is;

About the false charges against the pro-freedom, pro-Constitution Tea Party movement that it is somehow “racist,” Innis said he finds the baseless accusations “reprehensible” and “immoral.”

“They’re reprehensible, they’re immoral, they are factually untrue,” Innis said, while mentioning other congressional candidates who came out of the Tea Party movement, including Katrina Pierson in Texas and Erika Harold in Illinois.

Innis pointed out “Tea Party stars” Herman Cain, Allen West, Ted Cruz and others that are “hardly a group that you can call lacking diversity or racist.”

“There’s something palpably absurd about the notion [that the Tea Party is racist],” Innis continued.

BTW this is Innis the executive Director of the Teaparty - one of the big boogee men your trolling about.

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