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Three European tourists beaten by Pattaya bouncers

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There was a pic in Khaosod of the 3 heavily tattooed men, one with a mohican, being taken away in a police pick up truck to the monkey house. Didn't state what nationality they were.


Kind of reminds me at the end of Scooby Doo where they take the masks/cloaks off and say "Oh it was Doctor Methuselah after all", off you go to soi 9 in handcuffs you nobhead.

Hitting a 71 year old guy <deleted>...

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Just to many bad images from Pattaya ....

There is no "smoke with no fire"

To many customers are cheated in "Go Go" bars (including me)

No wander "Europeans" got angry and all this argue.....

Unfortunately security guards are the tool for management hence law always must be on the bar side...laugh.png

Just how many times you were overcharged for price of beer when on the entry ladies are advertising beer for 66bht to later on(just 20 min) be charged 120bht...????

Thing only is; that I paid 120bht and telling management that it is misleading what they are doing and leaving bar in protest without argue.

To be honest when last time I visited Chang Mai it happened to me too and even in the same scenario manager got very angry when I was leaving and I saw security guards just ready to kick me out .

I was just smiling ironically to the the manager and it was also not very well taken...

I did found many occasions when Thai gor very angry when dealing with him and proving that he is trying to cheat me....

That's another face of some Thai's....

"Europeans" just had their lesson what not to do......in such situations....

In LOS you may need a dentist in some situations..giggle.gif



If only could shut down the girlie bars and get rid of most of the prostitution targeting foreigners, and had a police that deported forego criminals, we would not have this foreign trash entering Thailand in the first place. Not even on a tourist visa. In Malaysia and Singapore, the locals respect people, because the tourists visiting or the expats are educated and well behaved. In Thailand, Thais dealing with tourists think they are better and more intelligent than the farangs, and rightly so, because of all this foreign garbage entering Thailand and pulling the average Farang IQ down into the low 90's.


Some people never learn..

I learned in bad way when I was 20 years old in America. Just moved to the USA from Italy and I was visiting New Orleans. Passing by a go go bar I saw trough the front door a naked woman on a swing hanging from the ceiling. Nothing like that In Italy in 1964. Was afternoon, the place was empty. I had a beer and enjoyed the "pleasant" views for 20 minutes. The bill was $10 and I had only a $50 bill. A lot of money in that time. I didn't got the change, and when I complained in my bad English 3 very big guys come to show me the door out. I felt upset, immature, fool..and more..not only cheated and broke. Very bad feelings in exchange of 20 minutes of "excitement". Never again I got into another go-go bar...or any other bar at all...even during my "hippie" life.

Stupidity is a good teacher.

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Just to many bad images from Pattaya ....

There is no "smoke with no fire"

To many customers are cheated in "Go Go" bars (including me)

No wander "Europeans" got angry and all this argue.....

Unfortunately security guards are the tool for management hence law always must be on the bar side...laugh.png

Just how many times you were overcharged for price of beer when on the entry ladies are advertising beer for 66bht to later on(just 20 min) be charged 120bht...????

Thing only is; that I paid 120bht and telling management that it is misleading what they are doing and leaving bar in protest without argue.

To be honest when last time I visited Chang Mai it happened to me too and even in the same scenario manager got very angry when I was leaving and I saw security guards just ready to kick me out .

I was just smiling ironically to the the manager and it was also not very well taken...

I did found many occasions when Thai gor very angry when dealing with him and proving that he is trying to cheat me....

That's another face of some Thai's....

"Europeans" just had their lesson what not to do......in such situations....

In LOS you may need a dentist in some situations..giggle.gif


Try to find any other city, in the whole world, where you have a red light zone, without any venue that doesnt scam you. There are some venues that are ok, many that arent, this is all the same all over the world. Unnoticable if you only have been in bed with your wife or in Pataya.

Ever tried Paris, Madrid, Hamburg, Rome, Milano, Houston, Memphis, Budapest, Warschau, Moskow....?

There is no softer place to get hurt if you are drunk then in Thailand...

Dont drink to much and enjoy the ride...

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Easy to see how keeping bars open at 3:30 am is a recipe for disaster...every single time. What do people do at that hour? How about just closing and letting people sleep. (not to mention it is a holiday and they were in violation). Midnight sounds about right, for closing the cash register... although I would agree that door should be locked tight by 1am. That is plenty night life....and people are already drunk enough.

A lot depends if you are 20 or 80 year old

.A lot of people do not venue out until 10 or 11 at night.

That's why it's called night life and not early evening life.

Haha.. yeah.. 'Oooh.. folk nowadays.. wanting to be out till gone midnight...' blah blah drone drone... at least respect that other folks have their own ideas about 'fun' and 'life', and that just because many like to drink until the early hours, it doesn't necessarily follow that trouble will happen.. that it can and sometimes does, as here, is usually more a symptom of those who like to make it happen anyway, from one side or the other.. just the way of [some of] the people in the world we live in.. your right, if it and they are so offensive/ scary/ repugnant (circle as applicable), is to stay away from such places and people not to sit in judgement on what should and shouldn't be allowed, according to your own 'sensibilities'... thumbsup.gifwai.gif


I don't think there's anything wrong with nightlife as long as customers behave themselves.

Elderly Farangs that want to sleep at night don't live in the Red Light District of Pattaya anyway.

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I see that some of the usual TV "Thai beating crew" are having difficulty understanding the article, or don't give a damn about the facts as long as they can criticize the Thais (security).

The 3 foreigners (perhaps slightly intoxicated) were in a "heated argument" with other patrons.

The manager tried to calm the situation.

The manager was punched in the face.


The security staff did their job protecting the manager and quite possibly other patrons from the 3 foreigners.

What the hell were they supposed to do? Let the three get away with it simply because they are tourists?

It seems to me that its a case of stirring up some trouble, losing and then crying about the outcome.

If you want to play hard, live with the consequences.

No argument from me mate, but you and I both know there are only two kinds of people on TV - bashers and apologists, at least in the eyes of some here. They're out to fix the world, one keystroke at a time, and I'm afraid that's not going to change. My personal favorite is a perennial here - 'What would these cowards do if we all got together and fought back ?' : ironic that in this case it would appear that the Thais did precisely that, admittedly with the numbers on their side. Have a look at the three individuals in the back of that truck and ask yourself how many TV warriors would be prepared to wade in when our biker friends were in full aggro-ant mode at 3:30am ? They had no problems punching a 71-year old in the mouth - I doubt they would have had any qualms with the rest of us. This is one instance where I'm glad the Thais got serious with a group of punters - I expect the bikers may have their own side of the story but at this stage it would appear they are up a very smelly creek without a paddle. Yet another example where losing it with the Thais gets you nowhere - the last thing I want to experience here is regaining consciousness in a cell knowing my life is in the hands of the RTP and the Thai justice system.

And now the Club and its contents must be on guard against forth coming retaliation and explosions I dare say


Ok so those foreigners look like garbage, do you think Thai security in gogo bars are nice guys? I wonder how many it took to eject those 3. I would expect them to be pretty cut up in a photo too.

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Easy to see how keeping bars open at 3:30 am is a recipe for disaster...every single time. What do people do at that hour? How about just closing and letting people sleep. (not to mention it is a holiday and they were in violation). Midnight sounds about right, for closing the cash register... although I would agree that door should be locked tight by 1am. That is plenty night life....and people are already drunk enough.

A lot depends if you are 20 or 80 year old

.A lot of people do not venue out until 10 or 11 at night.

That's why it's called night life and not early evening life.

Night Life stops at Midnight , why not close all bars then ? After Midnight it is early morning , who needs to drink in the early morning. Winos and tourist p..... pots mainly.


I've always said: "Nothing good ever happens in a bar after midnight."

I've owned 3 bars/restaurants with an "active" bar scene on Mainland USA.

I finally closed at midnight.

Too many bar stools broken, fights, etc.

It's always about "The Bill" or a "Woman".



Ok so those foreigners look like garbage, do you think Thai security in gogo bars are nice guys? I wonder how many it took to eject those 3. I would expect them to be pretty cut up in a photo too.

I would say at least twelve with the rest of them security guys from other bars joining in.


Easy to see how keeping bars open at 3:30 am is a recipe for disaster...every single time. What do people do at that hour? How about just closing and letting people sleep. (not to mention it is a holiday and they were in violation). Midnight sounds about right, for closing the cash register... although I would agree that door should be locked tight by 1am. That is plenty night life....and people are already drunk enough.

A lot depends if you are 20 or 80 year old

.A lot of people do not venue out until 10 or 11 at night.

That's why it's called night life and not early evening life.

Night Life stops at Midnight , why not close all bars then ? After Midnight it is early morning , who needs to drink in the early morning. Winos and tourist p..... pots mainly.

After midnight is early morning? What do you think the "mid" in midnight stands for? Is after lunch (noon) already evening for you, too?

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First question is: Who started the fight?

It is good de-escalation strategy to come up with more people than the 3 that started in order to cool things down. Also the other customers have to be protected from 3 violent drunkards probably running amok.


Do you suppose...maybe ..there was cheap alcohol, floozy women and testosterone fueled emotions involved.

I was wondering!


Cheap alcohol....in showgirls? Have you even been to lk metro or do you drink the 60bt tiger?....with 10 top ups of ice

Sarcasm my boy.... sarcasm....while some people are slow to recognize sarcasm ....lol

I would not know about the prices of alcohol .........as I do not drink alcohol.



Ok so those foreigners look like garbage, do you think Thai security in gogo bars are nice guys? I wonder how many it took to eject those 3. I would expect them to be pretty cut up in a photo too.

They're hired for a reason, and you know the answer to the 'nice guy' question. So what if some of them got 'cut up' - that's their JOB ....

I dont care if it took 50 Thais to eject these three - hopefully they got the message and wont be back anytime soon. References to 'payback' seem to ignore the fact that the Thais here are no strangers to the concept, but where does it say these guys live here ? They're bikers - so what - no sign of any Harleys in the photos I've seen. Until I see something in black and white that says otherwise, I believe they're tourists - in either case without a significant fine I dont see any of them remaining in the country for much longer.

Let's dig ourselves out from under the tabloid media haze and accept that occasionally - very occasionally - perhaps bad things happen to bad people for a change.

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Do you suppose...maybe ..there was cheap alcohol, floozy women and testosterone fueled emotions involved.

I was wondering!


I'm wondering if you've ever set foot in a go-go.

For the record...not that many times actually...only about 2000 times since 1979 to 2015

I do not drink alcohol while I do not go with the floozy Go Go girls, only the quality Go Go girls.... while I always contain my testosterone based emotions and never get into an argument or fight in any Go Go bars while I purposely avoid associating with drunken brawlers .....LOL

Cheers and have yourself a nice day.


did they try to collect a monthly fee as a friendly motor organisation from the clubs? did they not know the police is in charge of that ?

so they don't give names nor nationality, hope they get deported , blacklisted, but first jailed a bit ?


The chaotic scene uncovered 3 foreign patrons, who are members of a Motorbike Club and refused to give Police their names or nationalities. -

none of them look over 50 - I wonder what their visa status is whistling.gif

Look like the new classification of quality tourist to me.


The chaotic scene uncovered 3 foreign patrons, who are members of a Motorbike Club and refused to give Police their names or nationalities. -

none of them look over 50 - I wonder what their visa status is whistling.gif

Sure look like and act like the new quality tourists that Thailand is looking for. Use them in the next Thainess commercial.


A lot of ignorance and wrong information being spouted on this thread. I know exactly what happened and situation but as I live here I am not at liberty to reveal everything. Suffice to say don't believe what 99% of what is being said about the situation regarding the individuals or the rules and laws being enforced yesterday. Lots of false and inaccurate information.

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