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Members of Thai govt-appointed agencies 'must be barred'


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Members of junta-appointed agencies 'must be barred'


NLA members oppose proposal by CDC sub-panel to exclude them from politics; Peerasak threatens to resign if the move goes ahead

BANGKOK: -- THE Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) sub-panel on drafting provisional articles for the new charter is proposing that members of the five main agencies installed by the junta be barred from political |positions for two years after their terms end.

The bodies, known as "five rivers", established under the roadmap of the junta are the National Legislative Assembly (NLA), the National Reform Council (NRC), the Cabinet, the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC), and the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

The drafting of articles under this topic would be done one by one, with no more than 20 to be completed, he said. The work on the articles was expected to start today. If approved, hundreds would be affected.

Scrutiny would focus on the authority and operations of the NLA, the NRC and the NCPO, particularly for the future involvement of the "five rivers" in the process of direct election of representatives and indirect election of senators, he said.

Jade Donavanik, a sub-panel member, said yesterday, "Personally, I believe that for at least two years after their terms end, they should not be involved in politics."

'NCPO must be barred'

During the subcommittee meeting, one member strongly urged the CDC to bar the NCPO from taking part in politics. The proposal has yet to be resolved.

"I see the possibility in this proposal, and it is a good thing to eliminate the NCPO from politics to promote justice for every side," the CDC member said.

Jade said a break from politics should be mandatory for the "five rivers", because these agencies are directly related to the |new constitution. That would also prevent the public from believing the "five rivers" had drafted the charter for their own sake, he said

According to the provisional constitution now in effect, CDC members should not have been a member of a political party in the preceding three years and cannot participate in politics for two years after their term ends. The aim was to avoid conflict of interest.

Wallop Tangkananurak, a member of the NLA and also the "five rivers", said there are regulations on becoming a CDC member and everyone must obey the law.

"Members who planned to participate in politics intentionally did not propose themselves for the CDC in the first place," he said.

If the proposal to bar the "five rivers" from taking part in politics was drafted, it could be perceived as the CDC amending its first regulation, he said.

Paiboon Nititawan, an NRC member and also a charter drafter, said Jade's proposal has not yet been discussed in the CDC meetings because at this stage it is still his personal opinion. However, the proposal would probably not pass in a CDC meeting, he said.

"One river is the CDC, which certainly won't participate in politics for two years, according to the interim charter, but if the other four rivers were banned as well, |it would not be the right thing to do," he said.

Up in arms

NLA vice president Peerasak Porjit voiced his opposition to the CDC subcommittee's proposal on prohibiting the "five rivers" from political participation.

"I do not agree with the proposal, and if there was such a possibility of the 'five rivers' being barred then I would not have agreed to be in the NLA; the possibility of such a proposal should have been informed to the 'five rivers' first," Peerasak said.

He said the NLA position is temporary, in which the agency's authority and workings are both representative and senator with no relation to or benefit from the drafting of the constitution.

He also said if there was such a move, he should be informed soon so that he could resign from the NLA.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Members-of-junta-appointed-agencies-must-be-barred-30255336.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-05

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"...THE Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) sub-panel on drafting provisional articles for the new charter is proposing that members of the five main agencies installed by the junta be barred from political |positions for two years after their terms end..."

What a refreshing idea. Anybody surprised some of these NLA members do not want this put in the new charter?

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"...THE Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) sub-panel on drafting provisional articles for the new charter is proposing that members of the five main agencies installed by the junta be barred from political |positions for two years after their terms end..."

What a refreshing idea. Anybody surprised some of these NLA members do not want this put in the new charter?

Yes, time to weed them out.
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All political office holders for the past 15 years should have a 5 year timeout for corruption.

I have thought that this might be a way out for a long time.

Let some of the smaller parties take the helm for awhile. Some of the parties that have followed the rules quietly and not been involved in all this squabbling. A party that is known for it's policies and not by the color that it likes.

That would be the end to all this trouble.

Edited by greenchair
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IMO I think that there should be restrictions in place preventing members of the agencies responsible for drawing up the new constitution. This should definitely reduce any perception "that the "five rivers" had drafted the charter for their own sake" and avoid accusations of conflict of interest.

They should look at accepting this proposal with pride, it will really prove that they are true patriots in formulating their countries' new constitution, fair and square.

Albeit "members who planned to participate in politics intentionally did not propose themselves for the CDC in the first place" it would be the 'right thing to do', by agreeing with the proposal on the table.

I agree in general with the previous posters but find the words used, 'banned' and 'weeded out', a little harsh. "Barred' and 'disallowed' may be more appropriate. smile.png (just my view)

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They should be allowed to run in contested elections and if voted in ... so be it

This scenario could be deemed as a referendum on the new charter. If they get it (the constitution) right with the people approving of it's contents and they go on to be chosen to be their representatives in government then I see nothing wrong with that!!

It is, in fact, anti-democratic to bar them from contesting elections as their positions are temporary and when their work is finished they will effectively be jobless and banned from taking on a political role for 2 years.

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