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'Equality only with justice' - Yingluck Shinawatra

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Ah, the usual 'courts are biased' suggestion. And of course the snide towards posters you disagree with, typical for a Cambridge alumnus it would seem.

As I said, to admit takes more than honesty, it also requires intellectual integrity and ability and courage to accept what one does not like to.

Are you suggesting the judicial system in Thailand together with related agencies do not serve the interests of the royalist elites?

On the basis of your posting history you utterly fail the quite sensible criteria set out in your second paragraph.

Are you suggesting the judicial system in Thailand with related agencies is serving what you call 'royalist elite'?

As for two I accept with reluctance and pain that Thailand with all it's elites in Bangkok and in the provinces is not a democracy and none of the political parties seemed really interested in making it one. Especially the Thaksin thinks Pheu Thai acts party is a good example of advocating the interest in poor people while only safeguarding the interests of a Chiang Mai elite family. The forwarding of a pretty face is a clear and cynical example of manipulating the masses. To have that face have a media team construct a facebook message with 'equality only with justice' shows a clear contempt for the masses and their intellectual capacity. IMHO.

Yes to para 1

Yawn to para 2

Para 1.: so we have opposing opinions.

Para2.: as I wrote "requires intellectual integrity and ability and courage to accept what one does not like to"

BTW even though you wrote "And you wonder why nobody serious is interested in debating with you." it seems you feel it in yourself to humour me. It warms the cockles on my heart.wai.gif


Message to Ying's spin doctors and ghost writers: You need credibility and integrity before you can carry off this kind of social opinion. Guess what? Your client has neither, and your pathetic attempt to position her as a woman of conscience is a fail. You have only succeeded in making her more of a laughing stock.

I really don't see why Thaksin is persisting with his attempts to make Ying a person of political and social substance and stature. She does not have the intellectual capacity for this, and no amount of spin doctoring and ghost writing will make a difference.

It frosts my tits to read garbage like this.

I guess you think that intellectual lions of American history like R Reagan, G W Bush, G Ford had "political and social substance" and never had spin doctors or ghost writers??????

In fact, I doubt whether any leaders in world history (except Stalin, Hitler and Churchill) wrote their own speeches.

Apart from the uncouth language, what a nonsensical and totally groundless claim.

Very gratefully, with grateful appreciation, with sincere appreciative gratitude, in appreciatively grateful sincerity of regret, I accept your rebuke concerning my uncouth language.

Assuming you accept my apology, would you at the same time be kind enough to demonstrate to my failing brain what exactly is 'nonsensical' and, worse, 'groundless' in my ill-conceived observation about the capacity of politicians to think for themselves.


Message to Ying's spin doctors and ghost writers: You need credibility and integrity before you can carry off this kind of social opinion. Guess what? Your client has neither, and your pathetic attempt to position her as a woman of conscience is a fail. You have only succeeded in making her more of a laughing stock.

I really don't see why Thaksin is persisting with his attempts to make Ying a person of political and social substance and stature. She does not have the intellectual capacity for this, and no amount of spin doctoring and ghost writing will make a difference.

Hmmmm a successful business woman, and has a hell of a lot more respect from world leaders than say Ummm the person that likes to throw insults and banana skins at reporters as well as saying political polls are allowed BUT,,,, NO negative polls of government are allowed,

Some people can protest and some can not.

all reporters must sit on the ground before me, have a bloody look at it man, she has more cred in her little finger than this guy will ever have.

How much for the Stickers on ur mobile???? MILLLIONS??????

How much for the MIC'S?????? MILIONS??????

How much for land transfers??????? your income and bank balance? and that of your family BEFORE AND AFTER???????

and don't ask questions I don't like or I'll punch you.

She carn't eat noodles if I say no,

93% love me.

If I want to use my full powers then I can take any person out and shoot them,

all this in public forum guy's

Successful business woman? Excuse me? She was a puppet executive, apointed through nepotism, not through any kind of a track record. And as for "respect from world leaders" ... yeah sure, the protests are flying thick and fast at her political ban. The whole world is outraged.

Get real, please.

Perhaps it is you that needs to get real.On a personal level Yingluck worked as an executive in the family business, in common with a very great many from her background.If you had any understanding of how Sino Thai businesses operate you would know that those family members that can't perform get shunted off to purely nominal positions.Yingluck was never in this category.However while your comments reveal your ignorance (not to mention your bile) the matter isn't that important.

The most salient factor - which of course you and others in the quisling camp always fail to mention - is that she won an election in which the Thai people gave her a solid mandate.In other words she had a legitimacy as PM which cannot be denied.Thailand is considered a friendly nation by most countries and thus non interference in its internal affairs is a diplomatic necessity.However most democratic countries have expresed concern and disapproval. urging a rapid return to democracy.As to Yingluck's reputation abroad it was first class not so much because of her personal qualities but because she represented legitimacy and the democratic choice of the Thai people.Thus she received the kind of international reception as Thai leader that the current government can only dream of.All very unpalatable facts for the little band of foreign haters no doubt.

Perhaps you should educate yourself on the subject before inserting foot in mouth. Ms Yingluck was in a 'created' position in one of her brother's companies and when that company was sold, the new owners did not retain that 'created' position. I wonder if she showed up more often at that 'job' than when she was PM.

As for the rest of your post, Ms Yingluck, as PM, squandered her mandate on trillion Baht, off-the-books project schemes and, though repeatedly denying it, working feverously to amnesty her felonious, fugitive brother. Please, give us some examples of how Ms Yingluck worked to uplift women or get them equality.

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Message to Ying's spin doctors and ghost writers: You need credibility and integrity before you can carry off this kind of social opinion. Guess what? Your client has neither, and your pathetic attempt to position her as a woman of conscience is a fail. You have only succeeded in making her more of a laughing stock.

I really don't see why Thaksin is persisting with his attempts to make Ying a person of political and social substance and stature. She does not have the intellectual capacity for this, and no amount of spin doctoring and ghost writing will make a difference.

It frosts my tits to read garbage like this.

I guess you think that intellectual lions of American history like R Reagan, G W Bush, G Ford had "political and social substance" and never had spin doctors or ghost writers??????

In fact, I doubt whether any leaders in world history (except Stalin, Hitler and Churchill) wrote their own speeches.

Really? The truth 'frosts your tits? Are you really comparing the lovely but air-headed Ms Yingluck to the intellectual lions of American history like R Reagan, G W Bush, G Ford? I agree they all had spin doctors and speech writers but you are really making a leap to insert Ms Yingluck into the same class as those intellectual lions of American history. So, Yingluck is an "intellectual lion" in your opinion? cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-


was she worse than others??????????? Really?????????????????

Try 700 billion Baht worse that will not be spent on Thailand's future but went into the Thaksin elite's pockets. Only 20% of the money went to farmers. Education may open your eyes; maybe not.


Message to Ying's spin doctors and ghost writers: You need credibility and integrity before you can carry off this kind of social opinion. Guess what? Your client has neither, and your pathetic attempt to position her as a woman of conscience is a fail. You have only succeeded in making her more of a laughing stock.

I really don't see why Thaksin is persisting with his attempts to make Ying a person of political and social substance and stature. She does not have the intellectual capacity for this, and no amount of spin doctoring and ghost writing will make a difference.

It frosts my tits to read garbage like this.

I guess you think that intellectual lions of American history like R Reagan, G W Bush, G Ford had "political and social substance" and never had spin doctors or ghost writers??????

In fact, I doubt whether any leaders in world history (except Stalin, Hitler and Churchill) wrote their own speeches.

Really? The truth 'frosts your tits? Are you really comparing the lovely but air-headed Ms Yingluck to the intellectual lions of American history like R Reagan, G W Bush, G Ford? I agree they all had spin doctors and speech writers but you are really making a leap to insert Ms Yingluck into the same class as those intellectual lions of American history. So, Yingluck is an "intellectual lion" in your opinion? cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear....it's always a potentially huge mistake ever to use irony in a den of those poor voters wot doan geddit.

On the other hand, it says a lot for your percipience (or your remarkable view of the world) that you could take seriously for one moment the proposition that Reagan, Ford and Dubya Bush could actually think for themselves. At any time. On any subject.


Message to Ying's spin doctors and ghost writers: You need credibility and integrity before you can carry off this kind of social opinion. Guess what? Your client has neither, and your pathetic attempt to position her as a woman of conscience is a fail. You have only succeeded in making her more of a laughing stock.

I really don't see why Thaksin is persisting with his attempts to make Ying a person of political and social substance and stature. She does not have the intellectual capacity for this, and no amount of spin doctoring and ghost writing will make a difference.

It frosts my tits to read garbage like this.

I guess you think that intellectual lions of American history like R Reagan, G W Bush, G Ford had "political and social substance" and never had spin doctors or ghost writers??????

In fact, I doubt whether any leaders in world history (except Stalin, Hitler and Churchill) wrote their own speeches.

Really? The truth 'frosts your tits? Are you really comparing the lovely but air-headed Ms Yingluck to the intellectual lions of American history like R Reagan, G W Bush, G Ford? I agree they all had spin doctors and speech writers but you are really making a leap to insert Ms Yingluck into the same class as those intellectual lions of American history. So, Yingluck is an "intellectual lion" in your opinion? cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear....it's always a potentially huge mistake ever to use irony in a den of those poor voters wot doan geddit.

On the other hand, it says a lot for your percipience (or your remarkable view of the world) that you could take seriously for one moment the proposition that Reagan, Ford and Dubya Bush could actually think for themselves. At any time. On any subject.

"... wot doan geddit..." It seems you are only interested in prevaricating and distracting. And please learn the real meaning of irony before you claim to be using it.

We're talking about YL here. Even Blind Freddie knows she's a manufactured product, and it's an insult to have her re-engineered as a socially aware and concerned bleeding heart and foisted upon us by Thaksin's spin doctors. We all know Thaksin is trying every little trick in the book to "maintain the rage" and prevent himself from slipping into irelevance - even if that means using YL who has no redeeming qualities. I mean, do you think she walks hand-in-hand with Sudarat or Paveena? Or Pasuk?

Anyway, I find this all rather pointless. She is of no value to the country and is only useful to Thaksin as a propaganda tool to try to retain the sympathy vote (the dirtbag's favorite ploy).

  • Like 1

Perhaps it is you that needs to get real.On a personal level Yingluck worked as an executive in the family business, in common with a very great many from her background.If you had any understanding of how Sino Thai businesses operate you would know that those family members that can't perform get shunted off to purely nominal positions.Yingluck was never in this category.However while your comments reveal your ignorance (not to mention your bile) the matter isn't that important.

The most salient factor - which of course you and others in the quisling camp always fail to mention - is that she won an election in which the Thai people gave her a solid mandate.In other words she had a legitimacy as PM which cannot be denied.Thailand is considered a friendly nation by most countries and thus non interference in its internal affairs is a diplomatic necessity.However most democratic countries have expresed concern and disapproval. urging a rapid return to democracy.As to Yingluck's reputation abroad it was first class not so much because of her personal qualities but because she represented legitimacy and the democratic choice of the Thai people.Thus she received the kind of international reception as Thai leader that the current government can only dream of.All very unpalatable facts for the little band of foreign haters no doubt.

Perhaps you should educate yourself on the subject before inserting foot in mouth. Ms Yingluck was in a 'created' position in one of her brother's companies and when that company was sold, the new owners did not retain that 'created' position. I wonder if she showed up more often at that 'job' than when she was PM.

As for the rest of your post, Ms Yingluck, as PM, squandered her mandate on trillion Baht, off-the-books project schemes and, though repeatedly denying it, working feverously to amnesty her felonious, fugitive brother. Please, give us some examples of how Ms Yingluck worked to uplift women or get them equality.

If a family company is sold then employed members of the family in that company (usually shareholders) go too.God, its like dealing with a bunch of toddlers sometimes.


Perhaps it is you that needs to get real.On a personal level Yingluck worked as an executive in the family business, in common with a very great many from her background.If you had any understanding of how Sino Thai businesses operate you would know that those family members that can't perform get shunted off to purely nominal positions.Yingluck was never in this category.However while your comments reveal your ignorance (not to mention your bile) the matter isn't that important.

The most salient factor - which of course you and others in the quisling camp always fail to mention - is that she won an election in which the Thai people gave her a solid mandate.In other words she had a legitimacy as PM which cannot be denied.Thailand is considered a friendly nation by most countries and thus non interference in its internal affairs is a diplomatic necessity.However most democratic countries have expresed concern and disapproval. urging a rapid return to democracy.As to Yingluck's reputation abroad it was first class not so much because of her personal qualities but because she represented legitimacy and the democratic choice of the Thai people.Thus she received the kind of international reception as Thai leader that the current government can only dream of.All very unpalatable facts for the little band of foreign haters no doubt.

Perhaps you should educate yourself on the subject before inserting foot in mouth. Ms Yingluck was in a 'created' position in one of her brother's companies and when that company was sold, the new owners did not retain that 'created' position. I wonder if she showed up more often at that 'job' than when she was PM.

As for the rest of your post, Ms Yingluck, as PM, squandered her mandate on trillion Baht, off-the-books project schemes and, though repeatedly denying it, working feverously to amnesty her felonious, fugitive brother. Please, give us some examples of how Ms Yingluck worked to uplift women or get them equality.

If a family company is sold then employed members of the family in that company (usually shareholders) go too.God, its like dealing with a bunch of toddlers sometimes.

The buyers might have thought likewise, but that's not nice to suggest Anyway, it seems Ms. Yingluck's position was not filled, but simply scratched as unimportant.

BTW in most take-overs only a few of the top positions are filled with new people initially. One would like to keep the new asset in decent shape. With Thai-Chinese family companies it would seem the top always has a few family members. So, from a business perspective it makes sense to retain a few of the 'members' and make that part of the take-over deal.

Of course, all under the assumption family members had meaningful positions and were functioning meaningfully.

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