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Greece threatens the EU with a deluge of refugees


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The latest tactic Greece has adopted to curb demands for austerity by the EU is to threaten to unleash a wave of economic migrants and even jihadists to the rest of Europe if payments of the €172 billion bailout continue to be withheld.

Since Greece is a member of the Schengen area, all they need to do to achieve that goal will be to issue migrants with 90 days visas to the Schengen zone and they'll be able to empty their detention centres overnight.

Although the threat is aimed squarely at Germany, migrants may well be tempted to choose France as their destination instead. Although the UK isn't a part of the Schengen area, Britain is generally perceived to be a soft touch by economic migrants. A sudden influx of an estimated 10,000 migrants to the port of Calais would swell numbers there considerably making policing virtually impossible.

The German police bond is already demanding that Greece be ejected from the Schengen area.

More on the story here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/islamic-state/11459675/Greeces-defence-minister-threatens-to-send-migrants-including-jihadists-to-Western-Europe.html

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A phony threat.

Just eject Greece from the Schengen area until its debt service can be sustained. It's not like the EU depends on Greecian tourists or businesses. Thank you Greece for providing the EU with further motivations to make you comply with your bailout agreements.

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