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Thailand fifth in Asian children's literacy poll


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as long as they work in the fields and copy daddy, the next generation of poor farmers is secured

What about the half-farang children who go to the local schools? What future do they have? Can any of them even get into a decent university in the farang parent's homeland?

The Half Farang children get into the best schools and get the best job in Thailand.

Also the usually get huge amount of money when their rich old father dies

The farangs I meet who have children are all very very rich

Harry, your knowledge of mixed race children seems to be extremely limited. Do you really think that

1) All of these kids have fathers who are active in their lives (or even know their fathers?)

2) All foreigners are rich?

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Fifth up from the bottom in Asia, if I understand this poorly written article correctly.

Yes, the byline says, "THAILAND ranks second in Asean and fifth in Asia when it comes to the problem of children missing out on basic education."

So, the Southern Asia cesspools of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and the ASEAN lagger, Philippines, are the only countries in Asia with worse illiteracy in children--makes you want to have kids in Thailand and send them to local schools, doesn't it?

"Globally, 67 million children are estimated to have not been in school at the time they should have been receiving a primary education.

Aware that so many Thai children lack access to education, Unesco is striving to promote innovative financing in some areas where state funds proved inadequate to deliver education to children."

This sounds like a working definition of "Third World Country"

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Forget billions on High speed railways , Build some schools and train new teachers

The schools are built and the education budget is huge. Dual track high speed trains are for infrastructure and gdp / economic growth.

Are you saying they don't need to spend more on Education ? The borrowed money and repayment interest for the Railway all come out of Thailand's coffers overall , B400 baht estimate for the first route

Edited by ExPratt
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Forget billions on High speed railways , Build some schools and train new teachers

The schools are built and the education budget is huge. Dual track high speed trains are for infrastructure and gdp / economic growth.

Are you saying they don't need to spend more on Education ? The borrowed money and repayment interest for the Railway all come out of Thailand's coffers overall , B400 baht estimate for the first route

B400 is exactly what I paid for my first in Thailand.

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Fifth up from the bottom in Asia, if I understand this poorly written article correctly.

Yes, the byline says, "THAILAND ranks second in Asean and fifth in Asia when it comes to the problem of children missing out on basic education."

So, the Southern Asia cesspools of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and the ASEAN lagger, Philippines, are the only countries in Asia with worse illiteracy in children--makes you want to have kids in Thailand and send them to local schools, doesn't it?

"Globally, 67 million children are estimated to have not been in school at the time they should have been receiving a primary education.

Aware that so many Thai children lack access to education, Unesco is striving to promote innovative financing in some areas where state funds proved inadequate to deliver education to children."

This sounds like a working definition of "Third World Country"

I'd think that 67M estimate was low; India alone may have that many.

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as long as they work in the fields and copy daddy, the next generation of poor farmers is secured

What about the half-farang children who go to the local schools? What future do they have? Can any of them even get into a decent university in the farang parent's homeland?

The Half Farang children get into the best schools and get the best job in Thailand.

Also the usually get huge amount of money when their rich old father dies

The farangs I meet who have children are all very very rich

You must run in the hi-so circles, my friend. I know many farangs with children attending local schools in Thailand; few, if any, of the farang parents are rich; many of them are retired on state pensions and many others are NES teachers--many of the kids cannot even speak the farang parent's language fluently. Certainly, they will not receive much when their farang parent dies. Furthermore, I question the value of Thai education and jobs in comparison to farang education and jobs. I certainly am happy my son went to US schools and can get jobs in US wages.

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as long as they work in the fields and copy daddy, the next generation of poor farmers is secured

What about the half-farang children who go to the local schools? What future do they have? Can any of them even get into a decent university in the farang parent's homeland?

The Half Farang children get into the best schools and get the best job in Thailand.

Also the usually get huge amount of money when their rich old father dies

The farangs I meet who have children are all very very rich

Harry, your knowledge of mixed race children seems to be extremely limited. Do you really think that

1) All of these kids have fathers who are active in their lives (or even know their fathers?)

2) All foreigners are rich?

From my background all Farangs are very very rich. Look up what a Farang is

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Sounds like the good old U.S. of A. Except even when Americans get an education they don't know what to do but continue loosing their middle class. Anotherwords it is the same everywhere. education or no education people are sheep going to slaughter. It is only a few that are fortunate enough to get out.

You're kidding right? The richest man in the world never finished college. Some other guys were college students when they started google.

McDonald's was conceived and launched from a single modest restaurant by a restaurant equipment salesman. There is now a business college named after the man who started Walmart. Michael Dell started Dell Computer from his college dorm room. Mark Zukerberg started Facebook in his college dorm room. WordPress was started by a college freshman. Fred Smith got a "C" on a paper he wrote in college about starting "his" future FedEx.

The richest man I know personally made it himself.

Not everyone can succeed but sitting on the old butt and complaining won't get it done.

Richest man i've ever known personally is a Thai Monk, which proves that you don't have to know anything or use your brain, work hard etc to gather huge amounts of money. Person i refer to is in my wife's family and came from a dirt poor rural family, who out of the 'efforts' of said Monk are now all pretty well off. ' Who needs education? ' they would ask.

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Even if it were better -which it isn't- I never understood, why "literacy" is such a big deal?!

(nah...that sounds strange...)

I mean...it is great, if you can write and read...but it is useless, if you can not use these abilities.

Reading is nice...understanding is the main point, though!

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I asked my stepdaughter the other day a few general knowledge question which I knew when I was younger than her. What is the capitol of Thailand. She shook her head. What is the capitol of United States, again a shake of the head. I asked about a few other countries & she had no idea. She understands English well enough to be 35th in the northern area for her age group. She is 14. So what do they teach them about their own country & the rest of the world that is leaving Thailand so far behind. Is it that the teachers don't care or are just as uneducated as the rest of the population.

How do you know she is 35th in the northern area?

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as long as they work in the fields and copy daddy, the next generation of poor farmers is secured

What about the half-farang children who go to the local schools? What future do they have? Can any of them even get into a decent university in the farang parent's homeland?

You can have a decent future without a university degree. I was making $20 an hour as a welder 20 years ago. It didn't make me rich but it was decent money.

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as long as they work in the fields and copy daddy, the next generation of poor farmers is secured

What about the half-farang children who go to the local schools? What future do they have? Can any of them even get into a decent university in the farang parent's homeland?

You can have a decent future without a university degree. I was making $20 an hour as a welder 20 years ago. It didn't make me rich but it was decent money.

What is your point? Is decent money all you want for your child? I made $36/hr as a degreed software programmer in 1979. And, I'll wager neither of us were educated in Thai public schools.

Certainly, you can make it without a degree, Bill Gates did, However, unless you have a business to leave them, they have a unique skill, or you have some other way to avoid the employment door closing on them, don't stiffle your children's efforts for a good life, send them to college. Do some research, which would be taught in college, look at the salary statisitcs for degreed and non-degreed workers.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=77) For example, in 2012 the median of earnings for young adults with a bachelor's degree was $46,900, while the median was $22,900 for those without a high school credential and $30,000 for those with a high school credential . . . . 73 percent of young adults with a bachelor's degree worked full time, year round in 2012, compared with 60 percent of young adult high school completers (those with a high school diploma or its equivalent)

It's plain to see the odds are against you if you don't have a degree; and the disparity will be greater in the future.

Needed to edit the citation

Edited by smotherb
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Sounds like the good old U.S. of A. Except even when Americans get an education they don't know what to do but continue loosing their middle class. Anotherwords it is the same everywhere. education or no education people are sheep going to slaughter. It is only a few that are fortunate enough to get out.

You're kidding right? The richest man in the world never finished college. Some other guys were college students when they started google.

McDonald's was conceived and launched from a single modest restaurant by a restaurant equipment salesman. There is now a business college named after the man who started Walmart. Michael Dell started Dell Computer from his college dorm room. Mark Zukerberg started Facebook in his college dorm room. WordPress was started by a college freshman. Fred Smith got a "C" on a paper he wrote in college about starting "his" future FedEx.

The richest man I know personally made it himself.

Not everyone can succeed but sitting on the old butt and complaining won't get it done.

Statistically you can. The richest man you know is averaged out by all the drop outs you know.

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