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I do not believe I evolved from an ape, I have too many talents.

Besides there is no missing link.

However I also do not think I was created. I can become enlightened I know that much.

With regards to "Where did we come from" other than your mothers womb, what do you think? And Tutsi ( :o ) I am not talking YOUR mother womb.

I guess to further khun wilgus' thread , I would very much like to know what to general concensus is?

I lived for 1 year in what we may call a "Wat" but it was Christian based, I have read the bible cover to cover several times, but I am not convinced about where we came from. All it gave me was a few good quotes.

I understand the members of Thaivisa are a notch above the norm, so I am hoping someone can convince me.

Please let me hear it?


I come from a land down under

Where women glow and men plunder

Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

You better run, you better take cover.



I "believe" in evolution, just as I "believe" in Einstein's physics.

Evolution has a great internal logic to it -- those that fit their niche better, for whatever reason, are the ones who make more like them, and this slowly leads to divergent creatures.

And there is tons of empirical evidence for evolution. The fossil record goes back millions and millions of years showing extinct species, new species, species in transition from one type to the next. There is no "missing link", per se, for humans, but surely the same forces working with all other animals would apply to us as well. And there is a fossil record of our evolutionary ancestors such as cro-magnum man. We can even observe evolution in real time -- for example, in only a few generations of selective fruit fly breeding.

The fact that you have "talents" is not a sufficient reason to not agree with evolution. I suppose because a cheetah is so talented when it comes to running fast it must not have evolved -- let's just forget about the fact that it is a very useful trait for a hunting creature to have and we could easily see how it has evolved.

I think that the guys writing the bible have about as much insight into the science of how humans are here as my 10 year old niece. Studying the bible for a year would seem to be irrelavant to this discussion.

Given its logic and evidence, evolution would seem to be the only game in town.


The longer I'm "above ground", the more I'm convinced we came from - out there. And no, I haven't been somking any of those "Way Out Woodbines" when I say that.

Agree there's no missing link that's been found and believe the ancient Egyptians couldn't possibly have built the Pyramids no matter how many History or Discovery Channel programs show differently. :o


I was once told by some fanatical that God put the fossils of dinosaurs on the Earth to test our faith. There's no use in reasoning with people like this. Now this thread doesn't relate to Thailand whatsoever. Someone link it in somehow quick, before we all get banned!

The longer I'm "above ground", the more I'm convinced we came from - out there.

I would believe we came from Mars before I believe we "evolved".

Perhaps the animals did, but we certainly didn't.

This website certainly has evolved though, from strength to strength.

The longer I'm "above ground", the more I'm convinced we came from - out there.

I would believe we came from Mars before I believe we "evolved".

Perhaps the animals did, but we certainly didn't.

This website certainly has evolved though, from strength to strength.

Please don't hold us in suspense. Where did we come from then and why do we so closely resemble animals- down to our DNA which I believe is nearly identical to some apes? It doesn't take a genius to look at any animal and then look at ourselves and see that there is some connection. Arms, legs, a mouth, eyes, nose, same internal systems. What more do you need?


Perhaps "the soap box" is the order of the day! :D


Please don't hold us in suspense. Where did we come from then and why do we so closely resemble animals- down to our DNA which I believe is nearly identical to some apes? It doesn't take a genius to look at any animal and then look at ourselves and see that there is some connection. Arms, legs, a mouth, eyes, nose, same internal systems. What more do you need?

Well, I for one could not get by without my reproductive organ, I sure need that one :D

I am martian hear me roar :o


tukyleith...very annoying and gratuitous for you to insult my mother's womb. To start with the required retaliation I refer to Leith and Leith in Edinburgh where surely you must have been conceived behind a tip container somewhere...why bother the rest of us with your absurd pseudo evolutionary theories...?


I love the words from Tizme :D

If we did evolve from apes in Africa, why would the aboriginal race walk all the way to Australia, when they could have sat down in Africa :D

I also think we come from another planet, whether it be Mars or Uranus :D

I tell my wife every other day, your just a good looking abbo my dear - offcourse I am repeatedly slapped, but the making up is fun. :D






evoloution.. I have no problem being an animal...

the only thing special about us is we developed a brain that allowed us to go to the top of the food chain... which might well equal 42



tutsiwarrior comes from a higher species that floats in the ether and inhabits the corpus of a fat guy in suphan buri to transmit messages to thai.visa...

I have been watching you all and my associates from the film"The Day That the Earth Stood Still' still have you all under surveillance...

beware my friends...our patience is running thin...

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