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Ive killed a dog


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mate, its easier to blame the farang but get him to state the time the dog was killed first or they will surely change times to negate your proof. Seems easier to pick on the foreigner but once you have ascertained a definite time show him that they are all wrong and that irt was not you although they will probably not believe the evidence anyway, guilty means they get money. Let us know how thew meeting goes.

I already have the time as 7pm he told my Wife, actually he doesnt want to meet there is no asking of money Im going to see him as i dont like false claims made against me slurring my good name after all their laws are pretty strict on this .

By now Im sure the whole village has me down as dog murderer

I have 30 photos taken at 1 second intervals every 2 minutes all day and video too here is the 7pm shot.......I wont bore you with the 29 other frames to 7.00:30pm

Yes no doubt cunning Frang will have photoshopped all this.

Sue him for deflimation of character

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Reading the comment I find this guy grumpy, negative, know it all, always thinks he's right, unsettled, distrusting and generally difficult. This is why the neighbours don't like him. With his attitude he will continue to struggle to find balance and harmony in this beautiful land with beautiful people. The reaction by people around him are mirrored by his behaviour. Without buying his friends (whiskey and money) he'd be a lonely soul thousands of miles away from home.

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Do not sign anything if the police come and investigate.

Im on very good terms with my police both of them, they get their 1000 baht a month visiting money and the odd whisky except for the one who is a non drinker.

They will often come feed my fish If Im out but they dont have time to water as it would take an hour, His son even comes camping on my land if Im in BKK he will go to the land take a few pic to show hes been and e mail them to me, any problem he will give us a call.............basically the majority of the village are childish idiots with nothing better to do all day.

The village comprises at best 10 houses if that, ill wait for the you sound superior responseswhistling.gif

.basically the majority of the village are childish idiots

It takes an extremely intelligent being to choose to live amongst them.

Yuk, the trash Thailand attracts.



Definitely, dark clouds are looming above you.

Edited by ravip
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Reading the comment I find this guy grumpy, negative, know it all, always thinks he's right, unsettled, distrusting and generally difficult. This is why the neighbours don't like him. With his attitude he will continue to struggle to find balance and harmony in this beautiful land with beautiful people. The reaction by people around him are mirrored by his behaviour. Without buying his friends (whiskey and money) he'd be a lonely soul thousands of miles away from home.

Absolutely true!

Surprising the number of followers who agree to that type of attitude!

'Home' country must be fun to live in!


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Just my opinion, I would not go and try and set things straight with the neighbor. I doubt anyone will understand your need to do that here and it only increases the odds that an even bigger and deeper misunderstanding could develop out of whatever is said and done when you go to see him.

Going to see him to talk things over could likely be perceived as aggressive, not saying that it necessarily is aggressive, but if the guy already doesn't like you he will have an overly negative reaction to what you might think of as simply a visit.

The police are on your side, the neighbor has mostly backed down, in my own case, I really wouldn't be asking for more.

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Reading the comment I find this guy grumpy, negative, know it all, always thinks he's right, unsettled, distrusting and generally difficult. This is why the neighbours don't like him. With his attitude he will continue to struggle to find balance and harmony in this beautiful land with beautiful people. The reaction by people around him are mirrored by his behaviour. Without buying his friends (whiskey and money) he'd be a lonely soul thousands of miles away from home.

You are correct.....honesty, being observative and calling it how it is.....a rarity on here.....I guess that he does not use spectacles.

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Only a matter of time before your troubles increase greatly. Get out of that village! They don't like you and you are now a target. Your cleverness will only incite them. I'll never understand why you all live in these villages or in Thailand at all for that matter if you don't have to.

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Be glad that it was not a chicken you are accused of running over...you might be required to pay for all the eggs and little chickens that would have been produced if the chicken had not been killed...

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Have ya ever heard the more you stir it the worse it smells?If it had been me,I would have said to the wife to ignore

That she ever said it to me.As far as the neighbor goes.The ball is in his court.In other words I would ignore all of it.

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I have not read every post so sorry if someone has stated this already. Your wife should be a buffer between you and the yokals. In this situation my missus would give them grief. They would withdraw their allegations in order to sleep in peace at night. Cheers with that.

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Tonight i hit a cat,trying to avoid the drunken thai on the motorsai in front of me,with no lights,after a trip to town to the doctors,no i had not touched a drop ,lucky.had to swerve around numerous unlighted motorsai's,tractors,a drunk stumbling around the road,that i only hit the cat seem's a miracle.

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I have just created a website called Fine the Farang dot com. Everyone here must pay!!!! I hear all these bad stories, and it must be farang!!! You farangs must give your money to the Thais and accept full responsibility for all!!!! You don't understand the culture......

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Do not sign anything if the police come and investigate.

Im on very good terms with my police both of them, they get their 1000 baht a month visiting money and the odd whisky except for the one who is a non drinker.

They will often come feed my fish If Im out but they dont have time to water as it would take an hour, His son even comes camping on my land if Im in BKK he will go to the land take a few pic to show hes been and e mail them to me, any problem he will give us a call.............basically the majority of the village are childish idiots with nothing better to do all day.

The village comprises at best 10 houses if that, ill wait for the you sound superior responseswhistling.gif

.basically the majority of the village are childish idiots

It takes an extremely intelligent being to choose to live amongst them.

Yuk, the trash Thailand attracts.



Definitely, dark clouds are looming above you.

Oh the comments are hilarious

I dont live among them Im OUTSIDE of the village

2 the head of the village thinks they are selfish and childish, Wife spoken to him many times, he just told them they need a new water pump they said no we want a new road to our "individual houses" see only about themselves not the community as a whole, he is ex army

Ok Ill ignore the idiotic other comments from the "know all lovers"

The update

Weve told the neighbour if he wants to make us any problems it will not be in his best interest, his story now is the dog was pregnant ( hahaha) BUT it was a WHITE toyota pick up.............mines black.

You see full of BS

The most telling thing was the head of the village said he is getting tired of dealing with them due to their selfish ways

let me say that again THE HEAD OF VIILLAGE.

I have no plans to fit in with these village idiots and............my life is just fine thankstongue.png

Police and head of village say the dog should not be on the road and also the owner admitted such .

Luciifers comments.............oh dear where to start E- is all I can give you for that one.

Seems to me some Thais usually with some decent education are also very aware of how their fellow Thais now behave.

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I have not read every post so sorry if someone has stated this already. Your wife should be a buffer between you and the yokals. In this situation my missus would give them grief. They would withdraw their allegations in order to sleep in peace at night. Cheers with that.

My Wife always deals with all the crap I just hear whats going on from her

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Kannot, just let it go. I have found that a Thai accusation does not necessarily require a foreign, Western response. After having a proper argument with my Thai wife, I find that ignoring it and acting like the event never happened usually restores things to their proper state prior to the incident. Is it a way to keep or restore FACE? Perhaps. Perhaps it puts them back on their feet and makes them realize that their accusation has no effect on you and that they have the choice to take it up another degree or back off and accept the status quo. You should know that Thais, generally speaking, hate confrontation and will avoid a difficult situation if left to their own devices.

Let it go and be happy. Go about your business. Tell you wife to butt out and change the subject when it comes up. Go visit the head man and bring him a whiskey, but not for the purpose of currying favor. Do it because you want to.

I'll wager that the Thais in the village are in shock that you keep pushing the issue of what they consider a "normal", everyday gossipy accusation that has no bearings of fact.

Thais accuse each other all the time. They suspect things that they cannot define or prove. Just take a look at the soaps. These people thrive on gossip and accusations to break the monotony of their little worlds.

Let it go and get on with life. Let them see you unphased and seemingly ignorant of their scrutinous looks and whispers behind your back. Smile at them and give them a sly wink and nod.

People who do these things fear this sort of behavior because they are moral cowards.

Just my advice. Cheers.

Im not bothered by their comments one bit but its interesting to see the mentality.

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Do not sign anything if the police come and investigate.

Im on very good terms with my police both of them, they get their 1000 baht a month visiting money and the odd whisky except for the one who is a non drinker.

They will often come feed my fish If Im out but they dont have time to water as it would take an hour, His son even comes camping on my land if Im in BKK he will go to the land take a few pic to show hes been and e mail them to me, any problem he will give us a call.............basically the majority of the village are childish idiots with nothing better to do all day.

The village comprises at best 10 houses if that, ill wait for the you sound superior responseswhistling.gif

Gee'you must be desperate for friends,paying them to visit and buying drinks.

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Stay clear of the guy. If more shit happens call the police.

The guy is breaking the law by making false accusations..

its ok TRANS Im having special ops tv members "take him out " Bin Laden style later.......they wont even hear the Black hawkslaugh.png

Until it crashes in your yard.

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I did hit a dog in a village on the way to my place.

It was daylight, I was doing maybe 60kmh and the dog ran out at the very last minute and ended up splattered all over my bumper and wheel. Medium sized dog. Instant death.

I stopped and the Mom and Pop store that saw everything were sympathetic and got a hose and started hosing the bits of dog off my truck and dragged the body to the side of the road. A few cars stopped, like they do, for mid afternoon entertainment.

Then the Owner came out and said it was his dog. Before he could say anything more I said "You are going to have to pay for the damage to the bumper and fog light and clean my truck because your dog damaged it...".

That was the end of it.

My story sounded so much better in my head.

<deleted>,doing 60k in the village,your lucky it was a dog and not a child.By the way,did you get paid?

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Do not sign anything if the police come and investigate.

Im on very good terms with my police both of them, they get their 1000 baht a month visiting money and the odd whisky except for the one who is a non drinker.

They will often come feed my fish If Im out but they dont have time to water as it would take an hour, His son even comes camping on my land if Im in BKK he will go to the land take a few pic to show hes been and e mail them to me, any problem he will give us a call.............basically the majority of the village are childish idiots with nothing better to do all day.

The village comprises at best 10 houses if that, ill wait for the you sound superior responseswhistling.gif

Gee'you must be desperate for friends,paying them to visit and buying drinks.

You have a wealth of " no idea" when it come to dealing with the police here I see.

The "RED BOX" outside properties is used by not only foreigners but many Thais for police assistance. Many of the local factories also subscribe to this although totally unofficially.

Its called "hedging your bets" obviously you are so hi so and busy with all your "friends" you dont have to get involved in these trivialities

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I did hit a dog in a village on the way to my place.

It was daylight, I was doing maybe 60kmh and the dog ran out at the very last minute and ended up splattered all over my bumper and wheel. Medium sized dog. Instant death.

I stopped and the Mom and Pop store that saw everything were sympathetic and got a hose and started hosing the bits of dog off my truck and dragged the body to the side of the road. A few cars stopped, like they do, for mid afternoon entertainment.

Then the Owner came out and said it was his dog. Before he could say anything more I said "You are going to have to pay for the damage to the bumper and fog light and clean my truck because your dog damaged it...".

That was the end of it.

My story sounded so much better in my head.

<deleted>,doing 60k in the village,your lucky it was a dog and not a child.By the way,did you get paid?

perhaps he has control of his kids?

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you cant win this encounter.

obviously some rabid piece of racist small dick has taken objection to you. feels intimidated by your existence. you threatens his thainess.

just pack all your belongings into your truck and move to another province. repeat as necessary. rent dont buy. <solved>

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I did hit a dog in a village on the way to my place.

It was daylight, I was doing maybe 60kmh and the dog ran out at the very last minute and ended up splattered all over my bumper and wheel. Medium sized dog. Instant death.

I stopped and the Mom and Pop store that saw everything were sympathetic and got a hose and started hosing the bits of dog off my truck and dragged the body to the side of the road. A few cars stopped, like they do, for mid afternoon entertainment.

Then the Owner came out and said it was his dog. Before he could say anything more I said "You are going to have to pay for the damage to the bumper and fog light and clean my truck because your dog damaged it...".

That was the end of it.

My story sounded so much better in my head.

<deleted>,doing 60k in the village,your lucky it was a dog and not a child.By the way,did you get paid?

It was Samoeng Rd near. (Baan Fon)...easily a 60kph zone and not a village center per se. I was on the lower side of 60kph...not above 60.

No, never got paid, but I knew I wouldn't. I just wanted to take the offensive, so I didn't get hit up for money.

But the Owner of M&P store told him that that dog ran out at the last second and while I braked hard, I had no where to go. They took my side.

If it was a kid, it still wouldn't have been my fault.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

mate, its easier to blame the farang but get him to state the time the dog was killed first or they will surely change times to negate your proof. Seems easier to pick on the foreigner but once you have ascertained a definite time show him that they are all wrong and that irt was not you although they will probably not believe the evidence anyway, guilty means they get money. Let us know how thew meeting goes.

I already have the time as 7pm he told my Wife, actually he doesnt want to meet there is no asking of money Im going to see him as i dont like false claims made against me slurring my good name after all their laws are pretty strict on this .

By now Im sure the whole village has me down as dog murderer

I have 30 photos taken at 1 second intervals every 2 minutes all day and video too here is the 7pm shot.......I wont bore you with the 29 other frames to 7.00:30pm

Yes no doubt cunning Frang will have photoshopped all this.

Why do you assume your name is good?

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