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Khon Kaen Cost Of Living Any Ideas


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hi all

could anyone give me an approx idea of the cost of living in khon kaen for 1 thai female adult and 3 year old child,presuming that they rent a small 2 bed apartment in a reasonable area. i know this is a bit diffecult but i have no clue as to cost of living in this part of thailand.

the reason is that my girlfriend is moving back to her family area (khon kaen)and i need to know for myself wat to expect to send over, without going over the top as i am not rolling in it,

but do want to provide at least a reasanable level for them and still leave enough money so that i can actually afford to visit.

she will be working but i have been advised that wages tend to be about 5 - 6 thousand baht per month (shop or restuarent work) at most

any information would be apprecieted

thank you


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I have spent time in Kohn Kaen And Kalasin over the last 15 years , it is an inexpensive place to live for a city. 3/4000 baht would cover a 2 bed apartment easily. My wife's sister lives in KK and that is a reasonable figure. As ajanlau has said , another £150 $220 10000 Baht on top of 5000 baht would be enough IMO.

But these things are always subject to conditions and circumstances.

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Many ordinary female wage-earners, about 25 - 40 years old, in Bangkok earn about baht 13.000,- to 18.000,- for average work like sales, book-keeping and so on.... This is indeed considered as normal income. However rent is not so cheap in Bangkok, and if you do not own your accomodation, you are forced to a modest life.

Out of Bangkok living costs are much lower, especially in the NorthEast.

I think, in your case baht 15000,-/month is enough for all in Khon Kaen. This should cover easily all basic needs.

Beside that, I often said that, I do not see any reason, why a Thai woman, who has a foreign man as her friend, who is honest and supporting her, should not try to find a job and to earn some money by her own efforts.

It is good to hear that your girl friend thinks she will look for a job and have some own regular salary beside your support.


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Good post, Ive been courious about this, if 6000 baht is a monthly salery that people live on, why give 10/15000 baht over that? would'nt another 6k be sufficent? Thats double the average income.

Isn't 18k baht income in Bangkok on the high end of things? From what I have heard a clerk in Robinson's is makeing more like 6000 baht for a lot of hours. I could be wrong or have misunderstood.

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I just don't believe you guys - discussing what the allowance should be for a partner in KK. If she's your wife or future wife then this a fundamental of your relationship.

Give her more than she needs (I'm pretty sure you already know what that is) - see what she does with it - if it's squandered, get out quick. If it's invested wisely cherish her.

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Isn't  18k baht income in Bangkok on the high end of things? From what I have heard a clerk in Robinson's is makeing more like 6000 baht for a lot of hours. I could be wrong or have misunderstood.

Salary in Thailand (and same here in Japan and most in Asia) depends strongly, if you are looking for a permanent employment-contract, or if you like only some part-time job as a student or housewife.

Jobs like sales, cashier, hotel-staff are often considered as part-time jobs.

A Thai lady, my Japanese wife and me know very well, is earing as an accountant in a factory on the other side of Bangkok (Bangkok Yai) baht 18.000,-/month. She is 28 years old.

Another lady we know, is working in sales for some technical equipment, she is 35 years old and her income is baht 16.000,- near Bangkapi.

Then we know a lady, who is employed in the administration of a hospital in Sri Ratcha (not as nurse) the salary is baht 27.000,-, she is 39 years old.

The starting basic salary there as a nurse after school is baht 6.800,- but will climb up within 3 years to baht 13.000,- due to salary adjustments, additional examinations, night shifts, use in special wards.....Depending how many years the person is continuing to work, the salary will be updated every year....

Baht 18.000,- is not on the high side IN BANGKOK....it is somewhat in the middle what a responsible female employee will earn, if she is in a good company and willing to attend schooling for higher qualification, working as permanent employee.

One Thai lady we meet every year, is working in medical research (she is an academic, assistant to director, but not a medical doctor) and her income is over baht 80.000,-/month.

About the salaries of sales personal in department stores: Baht 6000,- is the minimum pay for a totally unexperienced worker (usually these are very young men and women from the NorthEast) - They are standing in front of a certain booth, are trying to sell the goods there, and if the customer agrees, they will bring the money and the item to a cashier. For anything they sell, they will receive a commission....(I am not sure, but what I heard it is 5 percent in most department-stores) -

Sales is often low paid, but without any real obligation by the staff, which often comes and goes as they like.... a cashier in a 7/11 shop is 25 - 35 baht per hour.

Makes about baht 6000,- per month.... but usually these are students, working part-time only. Nobody will look there for permanent employment.

Same is true with many jobs in hotels and restaurants.

In Bangkok, earning only baht 6000,- per month, you are somewhat entering the poverty line.

Thailand is cheap, but not so cheap as some Westerners expect it to be. True is for sure, that the difference between poor and rich is remarkable high in Thailand, if you are looking for a little comfort you will have to pay for it.


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Good post, Ive been courious about this,  if 6000 baht is a monthly salery that people live on, why give 10/15000 baht over that? would'nt another 6k be sufficent? Thats double the average income. 

Coming back again to that question. I think, it depends on the relationship, I try always to consider that case by case.

There was a question here at this board, if baht 3000,- and food and home is ok, plus some money for going out and mobile phone for a bar-girl, who is not working anything, not really willing to look for a stable employment and already 30 years old, no intention to marry....just a relationship like rent ....something like that....

I replied, I think, this is enough, and if not the girl might leave anytime.....

I also said, I think, the man is also nothing better than the girl.

I do not think, that FULL SUPPORT is really required in that case, this is not a family life. -


This time, the question was different and I see it in that way:

A man in a relationship, ready to marry, with child, prefer the girl to live near the parents place, and the girl willing to work on a regular basis. The man, willing to support the family to a level to be sure, the wife and child have a modest, but nice life free of any daily worries and troubles, the child is only 3 years old, still needs the mother, so not into full time employment.

To offer baht 15000,-/month as a foreign husband to the Thai wife and as father to the child, yes I think, 5000 for the apartment/month, and 10000 for daily needs (300 baht per day) is a reasonable sum for support, which should cover all basic needs in Khon Kaen.

I call this FULL SUPPORT and I think, the husband should go ahead with it.

Baht 15.000,- is not really much and far away from the top-end, but enough for the Thai wife and child to make a living with the feeling of some stability and security while depending on a foreign husband.


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hi guys thanks for the answers so far,

pnustedt i can see you point, but as this is a very fresh romance/encounter, i personaly thought that it would be better for me to get an idea of costs that an average thai would spend in kk, from the people that are in thailand and have a much better idea of cost than me.

its not the same but imagine buying a car without checking specs and maybe ringing around to get the best price, most people wouldnt just buy the 1st thing that came along so same, same

all was asking is a guide so that i can see if things are gonna go further, cos as you say i now have an idea ,having never travelled up into issan i didnt before

i didnt want to underestimate or in fact over,over estimate.


after ive had some more feedback from this site and others, i will feel better armed to go further, because lets face it we farang can sometimes be seen as walking atm machines, and thais in general do not understand the amount of money it takes to live in the west (uk,europe,america etc) eg taxes,taxes,rent ,food etc


thank you for your reply, i am not the childs father but as i see it if you want the lady then you look after the child,

thank you for the replies, all have been enlightening

allan :o

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