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Efficacy Of A Foot Massage


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i have tried a few places for an hours foot massage ,but all i seem to end up with is sore aching feet and hobble out of the parlour smelling of linament .

The charts on the wall look impressive but each organ in the body having some connection with some part of the foot seems unlikely .

so what do you think ??

i just kept on howling with laughter as she massaged each foot , kinda ticklish i guess . :o

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I don't know eric, sounds like you just have sensitive feet. I have had foot massages and loved them, but then I have sciatica which often makes my feet hurt. Maybe you should try the massages at wat po (or a wat po trained masseuse if not in Bangkok), I have found the masseuse I use to be excellent. None of this cracking stuff, just pressure points, massage and stretching. I end up feeling relaxed and loose. Hobbling is definitely not a good sign!

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I agree should feel invigorated after a massage- only time I hobbled from a massage when I had a shiatsu in Tokyo last fall. God- I literally was howling for an hour she was laying into me like a Thai Kick boxer. I felt better coming in than out. :o

Never had a problem in Pattaya- full body massages are lovely. (put me to sleep sort) I always got the slap on my head- no sleep. :D

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re foot massage...lose some weight and wear proper foot wear and notice the difference. Thai foot massage is intended to be pleasurable and not to alleviate dysfunctions...

lose wight ?wash your mouth out ,eric mainatins keeps his bod in good shape ,

usually around 70kilos , i most days take the 10,000 steps per day required to keep in good physical shape. shoes are well chosen for good comfort ,

any more ideas?

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I can relate to this one.

For me, Thai foot massage is basically TORTURE.

I tried it three times to make sure this isn't a fluke, because I really love Thai traditional massage (especially when done right like at the Medicine Hospital Place in Chiang Mai). One time, the foot masseur was a guy who also claimed to have lots of traditional medicine training. He claims that he can diagnose diseases based on feet, but also said feeling lots of pain during foot massage is not a sign of disease. He also implied if you don't apply lots of pressure to the feet, the benefits are lessened. (No pain, no gain? Hmmmm.) Take all of this for whatever its worth.

I have decided to pass on foot massage and walking on coals for life.

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