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Clinton trying to put emails to rest - and prepare for 2016


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Clinton trying to put emails to rest - and prepare for 2016

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Trying to get the rollout of her presidential campaign back on track, Hillary Rodham Clinton says she should have used a government email address while working as the nation's top diplomat — an admission that sought to quell a political furor some Democratic allies say she could no longer avoid.

The focus on Clinton's emails has jumbled what had been expected to be a smooth glide toward the kickoff of her presidential campaign next month. The former secretary of state had planned to spend March promoting her work on women's equality, a signature issue for someone who could become the nation's first female president.

Instead, questions about Clinton's email habits have dominated her activities in the past week, following revelations that she used a personal email account at the State Department and did so via a private server kept at her home in suburban New York.

While Democrats have dismissed the notion that Clinton's emails are something voters will care about come Election Day 2016, her silence — aside from a late-night tweet sent last week — had led several of her former colleagues in the Senate to urge her to tell her side of the story.

During a news conference Tuesday at the United Nations, after she had delivered a previously scheduled speech on women's rights, Clinton pledged that all her work-related email would be made public "for everyone to see." But she also acknowledged that she deleted messages related to personal matters. She refused calls from Republicans to turn over the email server she kept at her home to an independent reviewer.

"The server contains personal communications from my husband and me, and I believe I have met all of my responsibilities, and the server will remain private," Clinton told reporters who crammed into a hallway to ask questions at her first news conference in more than two years.

Some Democrats fretted that she had yet to put the issue to rest.

"This is something that is going to be discussed until the State Department releases the emails," said Boyd Brown, a Democratic National Committee member from South Carolina.

"Then House Republicans will have a study committee to look at them, and then that will turn into an investigatory committee. Folks are going to be Clinton weary, and that's the point of this from the Republican standpoint, to make people tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton," Brown said.

Not long after Clinton spoke, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the chairman of a House panel investigating the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, said he was "left with more questions than answers" and that he planned to call her to appear before his committee at least twice.

Gowdy said one appearance from Clinton would be needed to "clear up" her role in using personal email, while the second would be to answer questions related to the Benghazi attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. Those appearances are likely to come after Clinton returns to politics as a presidential candidate, creating an unwelcome distraction for the leading contender for her party's nomination.

Clinton said Tuesday she had exchanged about 60,000 emails in her four years as President Barack Obama's top diplomat, about half of which were work-related. None contained classified information, she said, and her private email system did not suffer any security breaches.

But since the emails were sent to and from her personal server, there is no way to independently verify her assertion they were, as she said, "within the scope of my personal privacy and that particularly of other people."

Clinton insisted she did not break any rules, but she does appear to have violated what the Obama White House has called "very specific guidance" that officials should use government email to conduct business.

Republicans also needled Clinton for her explanation that she used the private email account out of "convenience" — a way to avoid carrying one device for work emails and a second for personal messages. They pointed to Clinton's appearance last month in California's Silicon Valley, when an interviewer asked her if she preferred Apple's iPhone or a phone running Google's Android platform.

"iPhone. OK, in full disclosure, and a BlackBerry," Clinton said, adding: "I'm like two steps short of a hoarder. So I have an iPad, a mini iPad, an iPhone and a BlackBerry."

Democrats defended Clinton, saying it was reasonable to want to carry just one device. Jerry Crawford, a co-chair of her 2008 campaign in Iowa, called her response "a very commonsense explanation that Americans will appreciate."

"The only people I know who want to carry two devices are my kids," Crawford said. "Ordinary folks get the hassle of that."

Still, Crawford and other Democrats appeared girded for a lengthy confrontation with Republicans over the issue. Clinton, meanwhile, brushed off suggestions that the email controversy might hurt a presidential campaign.

"I trust the American people to make their decisions about political and public matters," she said.

Pace reported from Washington.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-12

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Meanwhile, one of the (Republican) chaps on the Internet Policy Subcommittee doesn't even know HOW to send an email!

Odd situation that a bloke who helps formulate policy isn't familiar with how it all works.


Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) gleefully confessed that he has never sent an email, despite his prominent role in shaping our nation's web policy.

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Once she gets the Associated Press on her, she's toast but some don't see that.

By not coughing the emails up to the AP she's not only angering the press, she's breaking another law called The Freedom of Information Act in her coverupS plural.

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The CLINTONS have a way of twisting, changing or manipulating statements to their own advantage, Telling a lie, and repeating it over and over again

somehow in the American mind converts to:,,,,, he's telling the truth!.......this is how the new Politics in America works!

I think they must be the only Teflon-coated family in America. I am flabbergasted how Americans give so much leeway to politicians who clearly put their own interests in front of those they are meant to be representing.

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We all bitch about Thailand and look at our US government . Breaking the law should be breaking the law. No one gets a pass.

I do remember Hilary saying , ( WHO DO YOU WANT TO GET THE CALL AT 3 am )

Well after Benghazi I would have to say they both failed miserably and people died because of it.

There was a contracted security team told to stand down .

There were US military assets with in an hour flying time,

An unarmed drone videoed the event that took 7 hours.

It took Obama 90 days to agree with the troop surge in Afghanistan and US servicemen died.

Took him over 100 days to give green light to go get Bin laden .

Just something to think about . coffee1.gif

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Democrat front runner being attacked by opposition.

Nothing new here.

Conservative politics.

Why don't they concentrate in finding a viable candidate?

It's the Dems that need someone other than a serial liar and a crook. Try again.

See what I mean. That's all the conservatives have. Calling the democratic front runner a "liar and crook", even after hundreds of millions of taxpayers dollars were spent investigating/harassing her.

Seems desperate to me. Got to find some dirt or they don't have a chance.

Poor form.

It is her job and your helping her do it - flack bait is not running John Kerry is after he punches his so called I saved the world deal with Iran - your ether vary smart and know that too - or you like Kool aid a lot.

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The CLINTONS have a way of twisting, changing or manipulating statements to their own advantage, Telling a lie, and repeating it over and over again

somehow in the American mind converts to:,,,,, he's telling the truth!.......this is how the new Politics in America works!

The right wing fanatics have been investigating/harassing them for decades. How many convictions?

This story will go nowhere just like the long list of all the other accusations.

People like Bill Clinton because of the tremendous successes.

He balanced the budget and handed GW Bush a surplus.

Let's hope Hillary is half as successful as Bill.

I hope she wins so FOX can go ballistic for a few years. That will be entertaining watching Roger Ailes goons.

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This whole scandal is getting larger by the minute. Turns out that most if not all state department emails are not captured for posterity. Most transparent administration in history. LOL

Now this mess is rolling up hill and Barry got some splainin to do. As Neversure pointed out these emails are the property of the US government not the property of Mrs Clinton. If she were 2 percent as smart as the liberal whiners believe she would have known that on day one.

So, IAW your last sentence, the question then begs, "why?" "Why would someone risk this later email debacle when they clearly knew private control of federal property (emails) was illegal?" It is not a pointless matter, though it has no bearing on the matter directly. What acts, agents, policies, alliances, or entanglements were acted out under the cover of private email? Perhaps the answer is simply "all government functions; no particular ill will or dark nonsense going on." Maybe, but it seems to me that something had to have been weighed when considering to do this or not; these are not stupid people and their advisers are not stupid people.

There is a reason that not only Hillary but others have private emails in government, have destroyed hard drives, "don't recall," and "heard about it in the news." There is a widespread, concerted, RICO assault on the very nature of the republic, the mechanisms of government, elections, the Bill of Rights, the Leviathan of State, and individual liberties, and it is so dire, so vast, so full-steam ahead, that the changes wrought will necessarily make accountability for email deceit and obfuscation a moot point of lesser evil. This is the context in which Hillary Clinton's email fiasco is shaping her prep for 2016- she is a reflection of a totally renegade administration (citations too numerous to list).

Edited by arjunadawn
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We all bitch about Thailand and look at our US government . Breaking the law should be breaking the law. No one gets a pass.

I do remember Hilary saying , ( WHO DO YOU WANT TO GET THE CALL AT 3 am )

Well after Benghazi I would have to say they both failed miserably and people died because of it.

There was a contracted security team told to stand down .

There were US military assets with in an hour flying time,

An unarmed drone videoed the event that took 7 hours.

It took Obama 90 days to agree with the troop surge in Afghanistan and US servicemen died.

Took him over 100 days to give green light to go get Bin laden .

Just something to think about . coffee1.gif

Why would you keep spouting this nonsense when even your own party's investigation has shown most of it to be rubbish.

The frightening thing is that the more times Fox News keep plugging the lies, the more it seems to stick in the minds of simpletons to become an established "truth".

Edited by Chicog
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