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tought those tickets were only worth 40 baht, so why still 100% inflated price on top ?

They are sold in pairs.....40B each. Dont ask me why lol !!!!

The number of tickets sold by disabled sellars is a tiny proportion of the total amount. Its sad for them, but Im sure if people were so concerned about disabled welfare, Thais will still pay a premium price to buy tickets from them, or will they, as I suspect, not give damn and buy them from 7/11 for 80B ?

The stores selling them will pay tax, unlike many if not all of the street vendors and breaking up the monopoly of the wholesalers and multitude of middlemen is hugely advantageous for many reasons.

Poor people buy tickets too, so they will be happy to pay 30B less...

All in all, win win for the govt and the people on this issue :-)

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My X-MIL used to sit at her door and people would come by and choose numbers, recorded in a book and then compared to the official numbers, rural mafia.


one more example of concentrating the wealth to the already wealthy, some of the poorest and disabled people get by selling lottery tickests, now their little income will be absorbed by mega rich 7-11.

wake up from your make everybody feel good dream . for years a scam has taken place .that I why it is being corrected . a 15 to 20% add on is a scam . if you want to help the disabled , give them a job , put them to work, do not turn them into sit on the corner sell inflated ticket scammers . this was never meant to be a full time job . feel good about yourself with your own money . how dare you lecture people on your feel good ideas.

I dare I dare however twas not a lecture but an observation of a trend that includes closing fleamarkets, clearing footpaths of vendors etc. some good and some not, this tends to displace the lowest from their incomes and favor those higher on the food chain as well as attempting to dislodge persons of influence from a previous regime. ......... that was a little more lecture like.


ABSOLUTELY the right thing to do it makes perfect sense to have the local stores sell lottery tickets just like it is in the USA and other places, I have never bought a lottery ticket even though I have asked a few times and the cost was over 200 baht they wanted to charge me for a ticket.

I will for sure buy some from a machine in 7-11 though

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Those people who carry wooden boxes with lottery tickets for sale...what happens to them. Boycott the animated sellers.

what happened to the hand weavers and chimney sweeps and gas lamp lighters?, times change things move on, tuff shit

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If they just banned the whole thing like all other gambling it would possibly have a significant positive effect on peoples standard of living here.

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Anyone remember the post from a guy who had a renowned fortune teller in his soi. He claimed a very famous person visited her sometimes and the street would be blocked off. After the teller would give out numbers that always won, not from second sight but passed on by the visitor. In any other country I would have my doubts but not so much here. Whole system is open to abuse and corruption.


The business and profits taken out of the hands of the poor and handed to CP....

Its called efficiency automation and transparency and removed the inflated prices

Maybe the 7-11's can employ those that will be out of a job


If they just banned the whole thing like all other gambling it would possibly have a significant positive effect on peoples standard of living here.

What was the saying concerning pearls and hogs?


If they just banned the whole thing like all other gambling it would possibly have a significant positive effect on peoples standard of living here.

They have ust taken a huge step in legitimising the lottery. If they did the same with gambling THAT might just have a significant positive effect on peoples standard of living here.

Pushing anything underground, or having 'grey' markets, invariably costs more.

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