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London police investigated over claims it protected paedophile ring


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London police investigated over claims it protected paedophile ring
Julian Drape

Britain's Independent Police Complaints Commission is taking over an internal investigation that was being conducted by London police.

London: The police force in London is being investigated over claims it covered up child sex abuse by powerful establishment figures, including senior politicians and police officers, between 1970 and 2005.

An independent watchdog will examine the sensational claims, including that police protected a VIP paedophile ring that has since been linked to the possible murder of three young boys.

One of the potential victims, Martin Allen, was the son of the chauffeur for Australia's then high commissioner Sir Gordon Freeth. The 15-year-old, who lived at the high commissioner's London residence with his family, disappeared in 1979. His body has never been found.

Full story: http://www.smh.com.au/world/london-police-investigated-over-claims-it-protected-paedophile-ring-20150317-1m0vfk.html

-- Sydney Morning Herald 2015-03-17

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My brother lives next door to a top police official in England and as long ago as 1999 he told me that they were watching Jimmy Saville. I really thought he was joking at that time.

He mentioned a few other names and I still didn't believe him. So far nothing has come up with these people.

Yes, I belive there has been a cover up for years.

Edited by petedk
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Tip of the iceberg all this stuff. These rumours have been online for years and people said it was all conspiracy theories - the ones about Saville and others turned out to be true. Wonder how much more is as there's some really sick rumours.

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This sort of thing has been going on for decades. The corrupt British police are obviously complicit and have long turned a blind eye for a little tea money. It seems to be an accepted part of the culture.

In 1974, a group of child sex abusers launched the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). This group was legal at the time, and sought to promote the rights of ‘paedophiles’. The group espoused the view that children had the right to indulge in their sexual feelings with adults, and argued the age of consent should be lowered to four years old, or abolished altogether.

This was not some fringe group, hidden away. They had thousands of members, many from senior positions in the media, the security services, politics and other establishment positions.


The claims, by a man identified only as Nick, a pseudonym, were first made through the news media, including the BBC, more than a month ago. He described being taken to parties between 1975 and 1984, from age 7 to 16, at places including military bases and Dolphin Square, a legendary apartment block in an area of central London often used by members of Parliament, the secret services and recently separated men.


Scotland Yard is investigating bombshell claims that boys abused by men in a powerful pedophile ring during the 1970s and 80s were murdered.


40 year old cases that were reported to police were just ignored by them because of the hi-so people involved and bribes all around.

Sending these morons on a junket to Thailand to investigate the Koh Tao murders was just ridiculous theater.

Edited by Suradit69
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This sort of thing has been going on for decades. The corrupt British police are obviously complicit and have long turned a blind eye for a little tea money. It seems to be an accepted part of the culture.

In 1974, a group of child sex abusers launched the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). This group was legal at the time, and sought to promote the rights of ‘paedophiles’. The group espoused the view that children had the right to indulge in their sexual feelings with adults, and argued the age of consent should be lowered to four years old, or abolished altogether.

This was not some fringe group, hidden away. They had thousands of members, many from senior positions in the media, the security services, politics and other establishment positions.


The claims, by a man identified only as Nick, a pseudonym, were first made through the news media, including the BBC, more than a month ago. He described being taken to parties between 1975 and 1984, from age 7 to 16, at places including military bases and Dolphin Square, a legendary apartment block in an area of central London often used by members of Parliament, the secret services and recently separated men.


Scotland Yard is investigating bombshell claims that boys abused by men in a powerful pedophile ring during the 1970s and 80s were murdered.


40 year old cases that were reported to police were just ignored by them because of the hi-so people involved and bribes all around.

Sending these morons on a junket to Thailand to investigate the Koh Tao murders was just ridiculous theater.

There have been several high profile cases of corruption involving the Metropolitan Police Services of the last 50-60 years. Not so common in other forces within the UK but some notable ones like the former West Midland's Regional Crime Squad; and the South Yorkshire (and some other forces) failing to investigate sex abuse cases out of fear of being labelled racists. But most are against a minority of officers, the bad apples in the basket. It is not institutionalized corruption like within the RTP.

The biggest problem used to be the old boy network, the Masonic connections and the usual Hiso elite favorable treatment.

Murderers usually get caught in the UK though. And most definitely not allowed to travel all over whilst on bail, fail to attend court with or without a sick note and wait out statute of limitations on various serious offences.

25 years ago, I used to fly back from business trips to Asia, including Thailand, and reflect how lucky we were in the UK to have a robust justice system, laws that protect the individual and a police force that was mainly not corrupt. Thailand and other Asian countries have never enjoyed that.

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The IPCC is very limited in the powers that it has and the scope of the investigation that it can carry out. Most of the senior officers involved will have retired and/or died and it has no power of subpoena. It is the wrong vehicle for this. It could well be that that is by design.

This is just the latest move in a four-decade smoke and mirrors operation to prevent the truth being officially revealed and to protect senior politicians, civil servants, military and police who engaged in homosexual paedophilia. Every year sees another one die and so avoid a prison cell.

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This sort of thing has been going on for decades. The corrupt British police are obviously complicit and have long turned a blind eye for a little tea money. It seems to be an accepted part of the culture.

40 year old cases that were reported to police were just ignored by them

because of the hi-so people involved and bribes all around.--suradit69


Oh surly not suradit69...... looking at most of the overseas posters on here I thought that sort of corruption only happened in Thailand......

Yes the allegations seems to center around Cyril Smith--a very large (fat as anything) liberal politician. He was arrested several times & for some reason released without charge.

For people unaware of British politics, the labour government of the day (lead by James Callaghan) was a minority government (much like now) & had to rely on the liberal party for support. That party was then led by Jeremy Thorpe--an absolute raving gay who was arrested in the end for trying to hire someone to kill his ex male lover.

And people assume Thai politics are colorful...............coffee1.gif



Edited by sanuk711
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They can carry out all the investigations that they want. The answer will be the same, a complete whitewash.

A high-ranking friend of Cyril Smith tried to warn off police investigating claims that he had been sexually abusing boys, a report reveals.

A senior detective investigating the claims against Smith said a magistrate made "veiled threats" to officers.

The detective's 1970 report to the Chief Constable of Lancashire said there was "prima facie" evidence of the MP's guilt.


It goes direct to the heart of Government and will be covered up.

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It is interesting how we get into the Thai police for being corrupt, governments too for that matter.

Yet corruption is endemic in the West as well, just better concealed. Only the naive would believe otherwise, human nature crosses all cultures.

Rumours abound that politicians, bankers and so called high society have a penchant for abusing children sexually, yet no major arrests occur. Because they are just conspiracy rumours or because they are protected?

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Labour’s deputy leader Harriet Harman, her husband, home affairs spokesman Jack Dromey, and former health secretary Patricia Hewitt were all leading officials in the National Council for Civil Liberties.

Astonishingly this Left-wing group granted ‘affiliate’ status to PIE and built close links with it.

The group of predatory paedophiles was calling for the age of consent to be cut to just four.


Calling for the age of consent to be cut to just 4.

And they still serve in their Political Party. UK. Rotten to the core.

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If Jimmy Saville did "things" ( and did hear rumours about abuse on this when alive as from same city ) - why wait until he dies then come forward to accuse? He can't defend himself - Because of this the flood gates have opened - and lots of famous people found guilty and jailed - rightly so if found guilty - guessing politicians and police better at keeping quiet and hiding evidence than celebrities! Bring in the lie detector test in UK!! And use it in Parliment as well during PM question time ?

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This sort of thing has been going on for decades. The corrupt British police are obviously complicit and have long turned a blind eye for a little tea money. It seems to be an accepted part of the culture.

40 year old cases that were reported to police were just ignored by them

because of the hi-so people involved and bribes all around.--suradit69


Oh surly not suradit69...... looking at most of the overseas posters on here I thought that sort of corruption only happened in Thailand......

Yes the allegations seems to center around Cyril Smith--a very large (fat as anything) liberal politician. He was arrested several times & for some reason released without charge.

For people unaware of British politics, the labour government of the day (lead by James Callaghan) was a minority government (much like now) & had to rely on the liberal party for support. That party was then led by Jeremy Thorpe--an absolute raving gay who was arrested in the end for trying to hire someone to kill his ex male lover.

And people assume Thai politics are colorful...............coffee1.gif



You seem to be trying pin this on the Liberals, you are conveniently forgetting a few things:

  • The Lib/Lab pact was short lived lasted a little more than 6 months.
  • The Liberal Party was lead by David Steel at that time.
  • And many of the allegations go back to the time Cyril was a Labour Councillor and Lord Mayor of Rochdale.

I hope for and not just in this case that those who have been ordered to cover things up and told never to tell anyone (official secrets act or face sacking) should be able to go to some one like a judge or top legal person to decide whether the person can tell all.

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London police investigated really, by who ?. ,,, The Corrupt British Police , nothing changes, and never will.

The British Establishment , is shrouded in sexual abuse of the vulnerable , lower class.

Favours, and protection, for the special handshake masons , corruption , etc . Walls within Walls ,doors open , by invite only .

Proud to be british ?, I think not . wai2.gif

Edited by elliss
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I daresay that the constabulary in Great Britain, since at least the Elizabethan era, has been protecting the illegal and sometimes just socially disapproved sexual peccadilloes commonly found amongst the high and mighty who are also confined to living an isolated island lifestyle. The Japanese and the Brits have this in common.

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Same ol Same ol no matter where you go no matter what country There will be corruption and cover ups by the Police and Government That is a known fact. beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu That will never stop,,,,People are people and they will do wrong.

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VIP paedophile scandal: Police pinpoint 'dungeon' flat linked to abuse parties and child murder

Police investigating a VIP ­paedophile ring have pinpointed a luxury flat where they believe boys were held before being ­sexually abused by prominent men – and in one case murdered.


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  • 4 weeks later...

It's hard to know whats for the best now. Clearly the cover-up was wrong, and people should be punished for their crimes. BUT digging up historical crimes and sending old men to prison take up valuable time and resources that may be better spent dealing with more recent crimes where the perpetrators are still and active danger to others.

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