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New 90 Day Report Ruling.

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The max fine set by the immigration act is 5000 baht.

Meaning, that the "Ruling" of the 500 Bht a day penalty ( 365 x 500 = 182'500 Bht per year, no matter what), is now off the table, right?


The 5000 baht max fine is for not doing or being late for making a 90 day report.

The 500 baht per day fine is for overstay with a max fine of 20k baht.

Nevermind overstay. It's only about "90 day non-reporting".

As you mention Max-Fine is 5000 Bht. Is this meant per missed report? ( 3 missed reports = 15'000 Bht ?)

If the 5000 Bht fine is the Max- fine until next Extension is due, I would be extremely happy to pay this 5000 Bht fine by the time another Extension is due, just to stay away from this 90 day hocus-pokus.


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If the 5000 Bht fine is the Max- fine until next Extension is due, I would be extremely happy to pay this 5000 Bht fine by the time another Extension is due, just to stay away from this 90 day hocus-pokus.

You can report by mail.

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If the 5000 Bht fine is the Max- fine until next Extension is due, I would be extremely happy to pay this 5000 Bht fine by the time another Extension is due, just to stay away from this 90 day hocus-pokus.

You can report by mail.

Thx Paz. Have done my 90 day reporting by mail for the last year. I travel a lot and by the time my extension was due (November) I happen to be in Ayuthaya. Not the province I call "home" in Thailand. These days, an extension acquired outside of ones "home-turf" may cause problems when it comes to 90- day reporting.


So, my question remains (quoting from post # 31:

"As you mention Max-Fine is 5000 Bht. Is this meant per missed report? ( 3 missed reports = 15'000 Bht ?)

If the 5000 Bht fine is the Max- fine until next Extension is due, I would be extremely happy to pay this 5000 Bht fine by the time another Extension is due, just to stay away from this 90 day hocus-pokus."


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;Thx Paz. Have done my 90 day reporting by mail for the last year. I travel a lot and by the time my extension was due (November) I happen to be in Ayuthaya. Not the province I call "home" in Thailand. These days, an extension acquired outside of ones "home-turf" may cause problems when it comes to 90- day reporting.


So, my question remains (quoting from post # 31:

"As you mention Max-Fine is 5000 Bht. Is this meant per missed report? ( 3 missed reports = 15'000 Bht ?)

If the 5000 Bht fine is the Max- fine until next Extension is due, I would be extremely happy to pay this 5000 Bht fine by the time another Extension is due, just to stay away from this 90 day hocus-pokus."

I understand - my suggestion remains, better to report by mail spending few tens baths, than be fined many thousands, with the related time loss and lecturing, once a year.

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willyumiii, on 18 Mar 2015 - 21:31, said:

This is old news...last December!

Does it really matter?

You can now do your 90 day report online!

Why go to any immigration office to report?

Decembers old news, comes as new news in March, when you only report every 90 days.

I suspect that even when online reporting is available, they can still refuse if you haven't crossed the 't's and dotted the 'i's.

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willyumiii, on 18 Mar 2015 - 21:31, said:

This is old news...last December!

Does it really matter?

You can now do your 90 day report online!

Why go to any immigration office to report?

Decembers old news, comes as new news in March, when you only report every 90 days.

I suspect that even when online reporting is available, they can still refuse if you haven't crossed the 't's and dotted the 'i's.

I have been traveling and have not been on TV for about two weeks.

I may have missed something.

I read on TV about a month ago that they had started online reporting for 90 day reports, but still had some "bugs" to work out.

I know if I read something on TV, it must be true! 555

Now it sounds like it may not be available yet???

My next 90 day is in May and I hope it is up and running by then.

Anyone have any details on this

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"As you mention Max-Fine is 5000 Bht. Is this meant per missed report? ( 3 missed reports = 15'000 Bht ?)

If the 5000 Bht fine is the Max- fine until next Extension is due, I would be extremely happy to pay this 5000 Bht fine by the time another Extension is due, just to stay away from this 90 day hocus-pokus."

If is is a max fine of 5000 baht for not reporting. It would not be 5000 for each report you missed.

But if they decided you were blatantly defying the law they could charge an additional 200 baht a day.

From the immigration act.

Section 76 : Any alien, alien, who fails to comply with the provisions of Section 37(2),(3),(4)or(5) shall be punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht and with and additional fine not exceeding 200 Baht for each day which passes until the law is complied with.

It is the law not "hocus-pokus"

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Contacted the 1111 centre this morning and discussed the problem with a Mr Kamen.

(The 1111 centre is actually located at Bangkok Immigration office)

OK, here's the outcome.

Provided a foreigner has followed the Immigration rules and Police Orders, that is, notified the Immigration Office in their province or local Police Station if their address is not in the same province of their local Immigration, AND completed a TM28 (Change of Address), AND a TM30 (Owners notification of an Alien), AND reported such WITHIN 24 hours of moving to a new address, the your new Immigration Office should continue to accept 90 day reports at that office regardless of where you received your Extension.

Any discrepancies to following the above and your new Immigration Office can refer you back to the office where you got the extension.

In the case of my friend, Amnat Charoen stated they have never received a TM30 from the house owner, hence they have told him to refer back to Bangkok where he received his extension. On checking his documents, he has a receipt for the TM28, but not the TM30 although he is adamant he handed the form in.

We will attend Amnat Charoen Office on Friday with a TM30 and see if they will complete his 90 day report then. It will be at their discretion as far as Bangkok are concerned because he did not follow the correct procedure. They (Amnat Charoen) completed his last 90 day report to allow him time to send them the TM30 which they say they never received.

(If they refuse again, it's over the border to Savannakhet to reset his 90 days)

Again, it is ultimately your responsibility to check the stamps and dates issued by Immigration and to make sure you get receipts and keep them safe.

Immigration is having it's knuckles rapped at the moment, by the powers that be, and are being instructed to 'follow the rules' themselves.

There are no changes to the rules (as many TV members report) just the tightening up and enforcement of the existing rules.

So if you are asked for something you weren't asked for last year, it's probably because last year they were lenient and didn't have someone rapping their knuckles. They are not being pedantic but are doing what they should have been doing before. Follow the rules and stay safe everyone.

I spent around 90 minutes online to the 1111 number (he twice put me on hold while he contacted Amnat Charoen) and the total cost was around 30 baht from my mobile, from Roi Et.................very cheap in my opinion..

Yes then it would be nice if all of these rules are clearly visible somewhere? Not at the official immigration website or at least not in english (maybe only when you switch to Thai language). How can you know as a non thai speaking immigrant all of this. Most immigration officers will tell you something different then on the official thai immigration website?!

I know I should get a 60 days extension with a Non-O single for seeing my child but the officers tells me only 30 days but if I want 60 days I have to pay 1100THB more.

Official Thai Immigration website says I need 400.000 THB at least 2 months on a thai bank account for a 1 year extension but Immigration officer tells me I need 4 months.

If Thailand wants to stop immigration corruption then they should start by giving immigrants the chance to learn the official rules so he know what he can do or not. The current system only supports corrupt officers, dubious visa agents and other criminals...

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A lot of people call it 90 day reporting of your address. But it is really a report of staying longer than 90 days in the country.

The best way to try to get a clarification of the rule would be to call 1111.

It seems not all immigration offices are applying the new rule the same way.

Immigration Act.

Section 37:

5. If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than ninety days, such alien must notify the competent official at the immigration Division, in writing, concerning his place of stay,

I hate to disagree with you Joe, or be pedantic, but reporting that one is staying longer than ninety days alone does not satisfy the law or immigration. The law requires us to notify our address every ninety days. Therefore, calling it "90 day reporting of your address" is correct.

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The max fine set by the immigration act is 5000 baht.

Meaning, that the "Ruling" of the 500 Bht a day penalty ( 365 x 500 = 182'500 Bht per year, no matter what), is now off the table, right?


The 5000 baht max fine is for not doing or being late for making a 90 day report.

The 500 baht per day fine is for overstay with a max fine of 20k baht.

Nevermind overstay. It's only about "90 day non-reporting".

As you mention Max-Fine is 5000 Bht. Is this meant per missed report? ( 3 missed reports = 15'000 Bht ?)

If the 5000 Bht fine is the Max- fine until next Extension is due, I would be extremely happy to pay this 5000 Bht fine by the time another Extension is due, just to stay away from this 90 day hocus-pokus.


I’m with you Swissie. 5,000 Baht would be a good deal, but I reckon that the penalty for not reporting during the year would be 58,600 Baht.

Here is all the info……….

Immigration Bureau

Procedure and notification.

4. The notification must be made within 15 days before or after 7 days the period of 90 days expires.


If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.- Baht.

Immigration Act.

Chapter 4

Temporary Stay in the Kingdom

Section 37:

5. If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than ninety days, such alien must notify the competent official at the Immigration Division, in writing, concerning his place of stay, as soon as possible upon expiration of ninety days. The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is an Immigration Office, the alien may notify a competent Immigration Official of that office.

Chapter 8.


Section 76 : Any alien, alien, who fails to comply with the provisions of Section 37(2),(3),(4)or(5) shall be punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht and with and additional fine not exceeding 200 Baht for each day which passes until the law is complied with.

My understanding.......

Section 37 (5.) says that we have to report our address every 90 days (Immigration give a 7 day grace period on top). That means reporting late by 8 days, or more, breaks this law and the penalties in Section 76 can be applied.

Section 76 says that the Immigration Bureau can charge a fine up to 5,000 Baht plus up to 200 Baht for each late day.

Immigration have set the fine under 5,000 at 2,000 Baht, and don’t seem to be applying the 200 Baht daily penalty at all.

Based on the law if someone failed to report for a year they could be charged 5,000 Baht (once not x3) for failing to report their address every 90 days, plus (365 – 97) 268 days x 200 Baht at 53,600 Baht in additional fines. Total 58,600 Baht.

The law is clear. But, as is often the case in Thailand, its application is grey. People are being charged 2,000 baht for late reporting, but under the law Immigration could charge 5,000 baht plus 200 baht per day, and we don't know how late one would have to be before they would apply the law.

58,600 Baht doesn't seem like such good value. So I'm going to stick with my 15 minute visits to immigration every 90 days. :-)

Edited by elviajero
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I’m with you Swissie. 5,000 Baht would be a good deal, but I reckon that the penalty for not reporting during the year would be 58,600 Baht.

If one wants to spend Bt 5,000 a year for not doing reports in person that is easy. Many Thai and foreigners would take up the job at Bt 1,250 per visit. Reporting doesn't have to be made in person.

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All you have to do is read the title of the TM47 form. The primary purpose is to report staying longer than 90 days. The place where you live is secondary.


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I’m with you Swissie. 5,000 Baht would be a good deal, but I reckon that the penalty for not reporting during the year would be 58,600 Baht.

If one wants to spend Bt 5,000 a year for not doing reports in person that is easy. Many Thai and foreigners would take up the job at Bt 1,250 per visit. Reporting doesn't have to be made in person.

You're right. I've paid people to report for me in the past. But you're missing the point.

Having to report our address, without proof of address, is a pointless waste of time for all concerned. Why should it be necessary to notify ones address every 90 days, if it hasn't changed, when the law requires that we notify a change of address. If I haven't notified a change of address immigration should assume that I still live at the address, I gave proof of, when applying for the extension.

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All you have to do is read the title of the TM47 form. The primary purpose is to report staying longer than 90 days. The place where you live is secondary.


The purpose of TM47 is to comply with Section 37,(5) of the immigration act. Which is to; notify, immigration division, in writing, every ninety days, concerning his place of stay.

What immigration call TM47 isn't important although it's title is clearly causing misunderstanding to it purpose. It should be called something like; 90 DAY NOTIFICATION OF ADDRESS. Because thats what it is.

When I complete form TM47 I notify in writing that; I HAVE NOW BEEN STAYING IN THAILAND FOR 90 DAYS AND MY PRESENT ADDRESS IS (address).

Having notified my present address I get a RECEIPT OF NOTIFICATION in my passport that says; PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR ADDRESS AGAIN ON (date). Neither it, or the law are asking me to "report staying longer than 90 days". Both are asking for me to notify my address every 90 days.

The title of TM47 is wrong and misleading. The primary and only purpose of TM47 is address notification every 90 days.

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Firstly, it appears that they made a real pigs ear of my friends 90 day report.

The new ruling officially starts from Monday 23rd March 2014.

That order states aliens should make 90 day reports at the Immigration Office where their Extension was issued..........UNLESS, they change residence to another province under the jurisdiction of another Immigration Office, in which case having complied with the Immigration Act for address reporting, their new Immigration Office will allow the alien to continue to make reports to that office until such time as their extension expires.

Where the alien has not complied with the Immigration Act for notifying a change of address (TM28), or the house owner has not notified of an alien at staying at their residence (TM30) then the alien will be referred back to the Immigration Office where the extension was issued.

In my friends case he had;

1) Notified the local Police station in Roi Et of his new address within 24 hours using form TM28 and form TM30. They issued a Certificate of Residence and returned the signed notification slips.

2) On the date of his next due 90 day report, attended Amnat Charoen with another completed TM28 and TM 30 forms and the Certificate of Residence and notification slips from Roi Et Police Station as proof of following the Immigration Act for address reporting.

Amnat subsequently completed his 90 day report and changed his address on the database.

So what went wrong?

After a 30 minute personal conversation with the senior Immigration Officer at Amnat we established that;

1) His postal report should not have been refused even if he hadn't complied with the correct procedure for reporting a change of residence, because the new ruling isn't in effect until 23/3/15.

2) There is no information stored on the database, other than your registered address, that would indicate to an Immigration Officer that you had complied with the procedure as opposed to just a verbal notification of another address.

3) The officer dealing with the 90 day report did not check my friends file to ascertain that he had completed and submitted the relevant documents.

(In fact they found they had the TM30 form which they previously stated was the case of the refusal)

There followed a short 10 minute personal conversation between the senior officer and 3 of his staff going through my friends file.

I personally think he used this case as an example to show his staff how it should have been dealt with under this new ruling and the fact they manually need to check an individuals file where the request to complete a 90 day report is at a different office to the one that issued the extension.

The outcome was a profound apology from the senior Immigration Officer and they completed his 90 day report...........so that saved a trip to Savannakhet!

By the way, he indicated that online reporting to any Immigration Office would be available within the next 6 - 8 weeks.


I would advise anyone who has changed residence and now reporting every 90 days to a new office to also send copies of the notification slips from forms TM28 and TM30 along with their other documents to make it obvious you have complied with changing address.

Yes, the Immigration Office should check your personal file to ascertain this information..........but it appears receiving a request to do a 90 day report at one office and an extension issued by another office is currently causing confusion for Immigration Officers and Offices.

How online reporting will operate and whether documents can be 'attached' to applications is anyone guess.

Edited by Faz
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elviajero, on 20 Mar 2015 - 13:13, said:
ubonjoe, on 20 Mar 2015 - 09:08, said:

All you have to do is read the title of the TM47 form. The primary purpose is to report staying longer than 90 days. The place where you live is secondary.


The purpose of TM47 is to comply with Section 37,(5) of the immigration act. Which is to; notify, immigration division, in writing, every ninety days, concerning his place of stay.

What immigration call TM47 isn't important although it's title is clearly causing misunderstanding to it purpose. It should be called something like; 90 DAY NOTIFICATION OF ADDRESS. Because thats what it is.

When I complete form TM47 I notify in writing that; I HAVE NOW BEEN STAYING IN THAILAND FOR 90 DAYS AND MY PRESENT ADDRESS IS (address).

Having notified my present address I get a RECEIPT OF NOTIFICATION in my passport that says; PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR ADDRESS AGAIN ON (date). Neither it, or the law are asking me to "report staying longer than 90 days". Both are asking for me to notify my address every 90 days.

The title of TM47 is wrong and misleading. The primary and only purpose of TM47 is address notification every 90 days.

Catch 22.

The way I always interpreted the rules is that PROOF of address is only required for an extension of stay.

90 day reports are to notify of staying longer than 90 days and confirming your address. (No proof required)

Your both correct depending on whether you read the Immigration Act or Police Orders...........that's Thailish for you!

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maidee, on 19 Mar 2015 - 12:59, said:maidee, on 19 Mar 2015 - 12:59, said:

you can always just skip this 90 day reporting thing

what is the worst that can happen ?

Big fine.

Refusal to do any further extension of stays.

Blacklisted for entry on a Visa.

For the time it takes me to have a sh*te, shower and shave, I can complete a TM47, take a few copies, whiz down to the post office and mail it............no big problems or hassle. Of course I have the right to return to my own Country if I don't want to comply with their Immigration rules, or become an 'illegal' alien and spend time in a detention centre while I'm waiting for deportation.

I'm gonna have another cuppa coffee1.gif and think about your suggestion whistling.gif

Edited by Faz
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elviajero, on 20 Mar 2015 - 13:13, said:

ubonjoe, on 20 Mar 2015 - 09:08, said:

All you have to do is read the title of the TM47 form. The primary purpose is to report staying longer than 90 days. The place where you live is secondary.


The purpose of TM47 is to comply with Section 37,(5) of the immigration act. Which is to; notify, immigration division, in writing, every ninety days, concerning his place of stay.

What immigration call TM47 isn't important although it's title is clearly causing misunderstanding to it purpose. It should be called something like; 90 DAY NOTIFICATION OF ADDRESS. Because thats what it is.

When I complete form TM47 I notify in writing that; I HAVE NOW BEEN STAYING IN THAILAND FOR 90 DAYS AND MY PRESENT ADDRESS IS (address).

Having notified my present address I get a RECEIPT OF NOTIFICATION in my passport that says; PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR ADDRESS AGAIN ON (date). Neither it, or the law are asking me to "report staying longer than 90 days". Both are asking for me to notify my address every 90 days.

The title of TM47 is wrong and misleading. The primary and only purpose of TM47 is address notification every 90 days.

Catch 22.

The way I always interpreted the rules is that PROOF of address is only required for an extension of stay.

90 day reports are to notify of staying longer than 90 days and confirming your address. (No proof required)

Your both correct depending on whether you read the Immigration Act or Police Orders...........that's Thailish for you!

You're right that proof of address is only required when applying for the extension of stay.

You are staying longer than 90 days but the address notification is required after 90 days. There is a difference. The only place I can find it written "to notify of staying longer than 90 days" is in the title of the TM47 and I beleive that's mistake because it doesn't reflect what is being declared on the form. But if my explanation doesn't convince you then I guess nothing will. I respect Joe's immense contribution to TV and his knowledge, but it doesn't mean he's right about everything.

Where would I find the Police orders?

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Having to report our address, without proof of address, is a pointless waste of time for all concerned. Why should it be necessary to notify ones address every 90 days, if it hasn't changed, when the law requires that we notify a change of address. If I haven't notified a change of address immigration should assume that I still live at the address, I gave proof of, when applying for the extension.

That's the law. You're wasting you time in complaining, because except other foreigners nobody cares. You can hope for the online reporting.

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elviajero, on 20 Mar 2015 - 13:13, said:
ubonjoe, on 20 Mar 2015 - 09:08, said:

All you have to do is read the title of the TM47 form. The primary purpose is to report staying longer than 90 days. The place where you live is secondary.


The purpose of TM47 is to comply with Section 37,(5) of the immigration act. Which is to; notify, immigration division, in writing, every ninety days, concerning his place of stay.

What immigration call TM47 isn't important although it's title is clearly causing misunderstanding to it purpose. It should be called something like; 90 DAY NOTIFICATION OF ADDRESS. Because thats what it is.

When I complete form TM47 I notify in writing that; I HAVE NOW BEEN STAYING IN THAILAND FOR 90 DAYS AND MY PRESENT ADDRESS IS (address).

Having notified my present address I get a RECEIPT OF NOTIFICATION in my passport that says; PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR ADDRESS AGAIN ON (date). Neither it, or the law are asking me to "report staying longer than 90 days". Both are asking for me to notify my address every 90 days.

The title of TM47 is wrong and misleading. The primary and only purpose of TM47 is address notification every 90 days.

Catch 22.

The way I always interpreted the rules is that PROOF of address is only required for an extension of stay.

90 day reports are to notify of staying longer than 90 days and confirming your address. (No proof required)

Your both correct depending on whether you read the Immigration Act or Police Orders...........that's Thailish for you!

'Catch 22' makes no sense in this context- a 'catch-22' refers to a goal that is unattainable because of circular logic. In the book, it referred to the concession that pilots could be excused flying bombing missions for reasons of insanity, but if they applied to be excused bombing missions it proved they were sane because only sane people want to avoid flying bombing missions, so permission was denied.

Another 'catch-22' example would be needing to have a bank account to get a long term retirement extension, but being refused a bank account by the bank because you need to have a long term extension to get a bank account. The requirements being discussed here have no element of "catch-22' at all.

I am in total agreement that getting a form each time you report that tells you you must report your address again on a certain date, is justifiably called an address report. No-one claims the 90-day report requires PROOF of address.

The requirement is that a stay of longer than 90 days requires you to report where you are staying.

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Having to report our address, without proof of address, is a pointless waste of time for all concerned. Why should it be necessary to notify ones address every 90 days, if it hasn't changed, when the law requires that we notify a change of address. If I haven't notified a change of address immigration should assume that I still live at the address, I gave proof of, when applying for the extension.

That's the law. You're wasting you time in complaining, because except other foreigners nobody cares. You can hope for the online reporting.

I'm not complaining, just giving my opinion, and questioning the point of it.

Reporting is no big deal for me. I turn up at my local office at around 4 pm and I'm out by 4:15 pm, but hopefully online reporting will help others.

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elviajero, on 20 Mar 2015 - 17:47, said:
Faz" data-cid="9210023" data-time="1426846063" data-date="39 minutes ago said:
elviajero" data-cid="9209039" data-time="1426832017" data-date="Today, 13:13 said:

elviajero, on 20 Mar 2015 - 13:13, said:

ubonjoe" data-cid="9207983" data-time="1426817332" data-date="Today, 09:08 said:

ubonjoe, on 20 Mar 2015 - 09:08, said:

All you have to do is read the title of the TM47 form. The primary purpose is to report staying longer than 90 days. The place where you live is secondary.


The purpose of TM47 is to comply with Section 37,(5) of the immigration act. Which is to; notify, immigration division, in writing, every ninety days, concerning his place of stay.

What immigration call TM47 isn't important although it's title is clearly causing misunderstanding to it purpose. It should be called something like; 90 DAY NOTIFICATION OF ADDRESS. Because thats what it is.

When I complete form TM47 I notify in writing that; I HAVE NOW BEEN STAYING IN THAILAND FOR 90 DAYS AND MY PRESENT ADDRESS IS (address).

Having notified my present address I get a RECEIPT OF NOTIFICATION in my passport that says; PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR ADDRESS AGAIN ON (date). Neither it, or the law are asking me to "report staying longer than 90 days". Both are asking for me to notify my address every 90 days.

The title of TM47 is wrong and misleading. The primary and only purpose of TM47 is address notification every 90 days.

Catch 22.

The way I always interpreted the rules is that PROOF of address is only required for an extension of stay.

90 day reports are to notify of staying longer than 90 days and confirming your address. (No proof required)

Your both correct depending on whether you read the Immigration Act or Police Orders...........that's Thailish for you!

You're right that proof of address is only required when applying for the extension of stay.

You are staying longer than 90 days but the address notification is required after 90 days. There is a difference. The only place I can find it written "to notify of staying longer than 90 days" is in the title of the TM47 and I beleive that's mistake because it doesn't reflect what is being declared on the form. But if my explanation doesn't convince you then I guess nothing will. I respect Joe's immense contribution to TV and his knowledge, but it doesn't mean he's right about everything.

Where would I find the Police orders?

Police Order 327-2557 (2014) - extension criteria & conditions en - immigration.pdf

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elviajero, on 21 Mar 2015 - 16:27, said:

Faz. Thanks very much for the Police Order.

I can't find anything in this order that mentions 90 day reporting. Please would you point me in the right direction.


If your specifically looking for information on 90 day reporting, then other than the Immigration Act, there is only the Thai Immigration Bureau Website and a recent update notification that I am aware of.

Homepage Immigration Bureau: http://immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=90days

Notification of Staying in the Kingdom over 90 days: http://immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=90days

Notice: 90 Day Notification pdf file (attached)

Other links you may find of general interest are:

Immigration Forms for downloading (Word and pdf): http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=download

Thai Civil Registration Act: http://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/thailand-civil-registration-act.html

Police Order 138_2557 - Document Checklist

(Do a google search - exceeds upload capacity)


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elviajero, on 20 Mar 2015 - 17:47, said:
You're right that proof of address is only required when applying for the extension of stay.

You are staying longer than 90 days but the address notification is required after 90 days. There is a difference. The only place I can find it written "to notify of staying longer than 90 days" is in the title of the TM47 and I beleive that's mistake because it doesn't reflect what is being declared on the form. But if my explanation doesn't convince you then I guess nothing will. I respect Joe's immense contribution to TV and his knowledge, but it doesn't mean he's right about everything.

Where would I find the Police orders?


Police order 327/2557 read attachment.

Download the order of Royal Thai Police No.327/2557 Click here

Download the order of Immigration Bureau No.138/2557 Click here

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