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Lumpini Boxing Stadium


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This evening went with a friend from my home country to the Limpini boxing stadium. He is a huge fan of Muay Thai and looked forward to visit the stadium and watch the fights. I told him about my former visits, standing between the Thai spectators on 3rd row and mingle between the gamblers. The atmosphere on 2nd and 3rd row is something you have to feel watching the fights. People who went there know what I am talking about.

So we arrived at the entrance and after politely ( in Thai ) made clear we didn’t want to buy the expensive VIP tickets from the tout’s I ventured to the ticket boot to buy our tickets for 3rd row, 200 baht each. Asking politely (again in Thai) for 2 tickets I was waved to another boot where a sign was placed “Foreigners 1.500 baht”. I politely made clear again that we didn’t wanted VIP ringside tickets but that we wanted to watch the fights fom the 3rd or 2nd row where all the locals are. The guy behind the counter asked if I had a Thai ID card, but I showed him my 5 years Thai drivers license instead. A harsh “No, you foreigner” came out of his mount and he showed me the sign which stated the 1.500 baht foreigner entrance fee again and a look on his face to buy this VIP tickets or x#$&-off. To make a long story short, it was impossible to get a ticket for the so-called “Thai national 2nd or 3rd ring” which never happened to me before. The whole conversation was in polite Thai as I speak the language fluently, except the harsh “No, you foreigner” from the ticket guy.

Well, we decided to x#$&-off and spend our money on beers instead. It is not about the money, but it seems that we foreigners are not welcome anymore to watch the fights standing between the locals on 2nd or 3rd row in Lumpini Boxing stadium. It’s a shame.


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