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Ex-minister Boonsong, 20 others, indicted over rice deals


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Aren't Customs concerned primarily with shipments into the country, not outbound ?

I must remember to try to clear Customs, next time I fly out of Swampy, just to see if it's even possible !

Export licensed are granted by the excise dept......

If you want to export 1mn tonnes of rice, I am not sure Swampy can accommodate you by air.....

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How do you ship something in this volume from Bangkok to China without customs being involved?

With WinZip? Of course customs and excise dept are involved. Oh whoops guys, yeah, there is a 1mn tonne shipment coming through the port,but don't worry,no paperwork needed...

There must be a massive amount of false paperwork. Normally these shipments are only done against LC.

So a bank must be involved too

I think it more likely that there was never an attempt to move the rice through customs from the beginning.

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How do you ship something in this volume from Bangkok to China without customs being involved?

With WinZip? Of course customs and excise dept are involved. Oh whoops guys, yeah, there is a 1mn tonne shipment coming through the port,but don't worry,no paperwork needed...

There must be a massive amount of false paperwork. Normally these shipments are only done against LC.

So a bank must be involved too

I think it more likely that there was never an attempt to move the rice through customs from the beginning.


Well then this was obviously the mist blatent attempt ever to not conceal anything at all.

Someone must have known that a supposed export never happened.

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How do you ship something in this volume from Bangkok to China without customs being involved?

With WinZip? Of course customs and excise dept are involved. Oh whoops guys, yeah, there is a 1mn tonne shipment coming through the port,but don't worry,no paperwork needed...

There must be a massive amount of false paperwork. Normally these shipments are only done against LC.

So a bank must be involved too

I think it more likely that there was never an attempt to move the rice through customs from the beginning.


Well then this was obviously the mist blatent attempt ever to not conceal anything at all.

Someone must have known that a supposed export never happened.

Why don't you try to track down the person at Customs whose job it is to check rice exports. Then you can ask Prayuth to have him shot.

Plenty of people knew the rice wasn't being exported, most of those were in on the scam, others ignored it because it wasn't their job, and a few informed the Democrats who raised it in parliament. And Yingluk lied about it.

Should we be concerned about the lack of action, or the criminals and those who covered for them?

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Go easy on the guys!!

They were just lying and stealing.

Normal behavior for politicians worldwide!!coffee1.gif

You used to defend the PTP?

It is interesting that now you have accepted that they are corrupt and lie and steal you believe it is a normal part of society.

Thank you for understanding why reform is needed...

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Aren't Customs concerned primarily with shipments into the country, not outbound ?

I must remember to try to clear Customs, next time I fly out of Swampy, just to see if it's even possible !

Export licensed are granted by the excise dept......

If you want to export 1mn tonnes of rice, I am not sure Swampy can accommodate you by air.....

rolleyes.gif "does sir have a little excess-baggage to declare ?"

You are indeed correct. wai2.gif


But if the rice isn't ever intended to leave the country, then no documentation would be needed, and this rice never left.

In fact some of it was allegedly re-purchased as new rice, under the government-scheme, at Yingluck's special-high-price.

And all that Cambodian/Laotian/Burmese rice, which was allegedly smuggled-in, how was that declared to Customs, I wonder ?

'Tis an imperfect world.

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According to the original information given to the NACC by the Dems after the 2012 no confidence debate the rice never actually moved anywhere :

Posted 2012-11-27 05:30:59


The whole fake deal was done on paper and the rice stayed in the same warehouse, a snip from that story :

Also, he said, the rice has not gone anywhere but is being stored in Siam President's warehouse in Phichit, he said. There are some 400,000 sacks of rice in the facility, collected between May 5 and July 16, he added.

This being the case there would have been no export or customs paperwork needed, nor would customs have needed to be involved in any way.

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According to the original information given to the NACC by the Dems after the 2012 no confidence debate the rice never actually moved anywhere : Posted 2012-11-27 05:30:59


The whole fake deal was done on paper and the rice stayed in the same warehouse, a snip from that story :

Also, he said, the rice has not gone anywhere but is being stored in Siam President's warehouse in Phichit, he said. There are some 400,000 sacks of rice in the facility, collected between May 5 and July 16, he added.

This being the case there would have been no export or customs paperwork needed, nor would customs have needed to be involved in any way.

Which would mean literally hundreds of people would have known that this product, supposedly meant for an international transaction, never even got close to leaving the country.

So boss, what about that paperwork for that export lot.

Don't worry son, I have it under control.....

A really dumb fraud if you ask me. Very easy to catch.

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According to the original information given to the NACC by the Dems after the 2012 no confidence debate the rice never actually moved anywhere : Posted 2012-11-27 05:30:59


The whole fake deal was done on paper and the rice stayed in the same warehouse, a snip from that story :

Also, he said, the rice has not gone anywhere but is being stored in Siam President's warehouse in Phichit, he said. There are some 400,000 sacks of rice in the facility, collected between May 5 and July 16, he added.

This being the case there would have been no export or customs paperwork needed, nor would customs have needed to be involved in any way.

Which would mean literally hundreds of people would have known that this product, supposedly meant for an international transaction, never even got close to leaving the country.

So boss, what about that paperwork for that export lot.

Don't worry son, I have it under control.....

A really dumb fraud if you ask me. Very easy to catch.

"A really dumb fraud if you ask me. Very easy to catch."

It would seem so, except to Ms. Yingluck of course

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According to the original information given to the NACC by the Dems after the 2012 no confidence debate the rice never actually moved anywhere : Posted 2012-11-27 05:30:59


The whole fake deal was done on paper and the rice stayed in the same warehouse, a snip from that story :

Also, he said, the rice has not gone anywhere but is being stored in Siam President's warehouse in Phichit, he said. There are some 400,000 sacks of rice in the facility, collected between May 5 and July 16, he added.

This being the case there would have been no export or customs paperwork needed, nor would customs have needed to be involved in any way.

Which would mean literally hundreds of people would have known that this product, supposedly meant for an international transaction, never even got close to leaving the country.

So boss, what about that paperwork for that export lot.

Don't worry son, I have it under control.....

A really dumb fraud if you ask me. Very easy to catch.

"A really dumb fraud if you ask me. Very easy to catch."

It would seem so, except to Ms. Yingluck of course

As I mentioned above, excise, finance and customs just neglected to notice that 1mn tonnes of product supposedly coming across their inboxes for processing, just neglected to notice it never happened. If this is the case, it doesn't absolve her, but the chain of custody goes way beyond her too.

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According to the original information given to the NACC by the Dems after the 2012 no confidence debate the rice never actually moved anywhere : Posted 2012-11-27 05:30:59


The whole fake deal was done on paper and the rice stayed in the same warehouse, a snip from that story :

Which would mean literally hundreds of people would have known that this product, supposedly meant for an international transaction, never even got close to leaving the country.

So boss, what about that paperwork for that export lot.

Don't worry son, I have it under control.....

A really dumb fraud if you ask me. Very easy to catch.

"A really dumb fraud if you ask me. Very easy to catch."

It would seem so, except to Ms. Yingluck of course

As I mentioned above, excise, finance and customs just neglected to notice that 1mn tonnes of product supposedly coming across their inboxes for processing, just neglected to notice it never happened. If this is the case, it doesn't absolve her, but the chain of custody goes way beyond her too.

However as the (very often absent) chair of the Rice committee, not to mention the PM the responsibility was always ultimately hers.

Just because she probably wasn't there doesn't mean that she had NO responsibility. She cannot pass the buck and blame somebody else for not informing her especially as the news of the sale was in the media and probably even on Facebook.

Edited by billd766
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