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Netanyahu win dashes prospect for a thaw with Obama


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"...it was no secret that Obama and his advisers would have welcomed a change in Israeli leadership."

As if the Israeli people give a s... what Obama thinks.

Why do some people say that America should keep its nose out of other peoples' business until it comes to trying to push the Israeli people around?

This was their election. Obama can buzz off.

Obama single handedly gave Bibi this election. Obama does not use soft policy, a big stick, or other tools of state craft; this administration uses criminal-like tools to manipulate, weaponize the region through third parties, employ NGOs as proxies, and actually meddle and overthrow governments directly. Netanyahu's victory was an indictment of Obama. The jews have a greater sense of realpolitik with regards to the middle east than the muslim brotherhood advised US president (sources too numerous to cite). Obama will add one more canister of fuel into the regional war he is creating in the middle east. While the immediate vehicle to conflict may be seen as this election, a broad view reveals every single issue Obama has meddled in inexorably leads to a greater likelihood of war the region. If a person has a narrow view any one issue may look explosive, but rarely is. In the middle east there are so many tinder boxes left smoking and kindling due to this administration's meddling that fairly short time will set them further ablaze- but not before he further empowers DAESH. Can anyone provide one single instance where Obama's middle east meddling has lessened the likelihood of war? Anyone? Anyone?

(Note: The recent incidents where Obama has provided aid to Israel contrary to the narrative I am suggesting above is because he has to; he has no choice)!

Of course Obama has pushed against Israel's interests as far as he dares. He knows full well that the only thing that will allow future presidents sharing Obamas ideology to fully abandon Israel is a demographic change in the U.S. This is something he has set about with gusto, 300,000 Muslim third world immigrants into the U.S in 2014 alone.

If we cut to the chase a two state solution has always been a fantasy because the Palestinians want all of the cake themselves, hence they never renounce violence, never recognize Israel and quite openly say that any state they control will be Judenrein. Netanyahu is merely reflecting that reality with his statements. He never said anything about expelling Israel's Arab population, nor removing their voting rights. Indeed 77% of Israeli Arabs would rather be governed by Israel than the unaccountable and terminally corrupt Palestinian authority.

The Palestinians clearly do not want all the cake. They are in fact offering a very considerable compromise.

Yasser Arafat recognized the state of Israel way back in 1993. Hamas have frequently offered indefinite truces and agreed to accept Israel, if Israel will accept a state of Palestine within roughly the 1967 borders.

That has obviously just been scuppered by Netanyahu who says there will never be a Palestinian state. So all along he has merely been paying lip service to Obama and Kerry's 2 state solution diplomacy.

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‘3 Cheers for Benjamin Netanyahu! Hip Hip Horray!

Bibi Comes Out of Closet Removing Scooby Doo Mask Revealing Ugly Truth To World Publicly and Proudly Declaring Israel an Apartheid Racist State”

“Thank you Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu for publicly declaring Israel is a confirmed racist apartheid state. You’ve made everything so much easier for everyone!

Thank you for calling over 1.7 million of your Israeli citizens who are NON-Jewish traitors (over 20% of population) and labeling them a danger to your version of a racist fascist Jewish only democracy.

Thank you for declaring publicly that you will never allow a Palestinian state. And thank you for stating publicly that you intentionally created settlements to obstruct and insure that no Palestinian state could ever exist over the past 9 years as you pretended and duped the global community with fake rhetoric and phony red herring meetings for peace so that you can, with great impunity, deploy your real master plan for evil conquest.

And thank you for honestly removing your SCOOBY DOO MASK revealing the ugly truth that you and the few million hard right Israelis who stood with you are proud racists and bigots without apology. It’s rare we get such a public contemptuous admission from any regular individual let alone an elected leader. Wow! Just Wow! I like you bro! You are something rare in this world!

In fact, you are truly a one of kind racist! I would call you the Grand Poohbah of the Klu Klux Klan but that would be a serious demotion because they never had the power and position you have; not even close! They were idiots with lynch ropes compared to you!

Nice rant. I'm glad that wasn't real paper and ink.

The KKK was racist because it was whites on blacks.

How does Israel qualify as racist when Israelis, Persians and Arabs are all caucasian?

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‘3 Cheers for Benjamin Netanyahu! Hip Hip Horray!

Bibi Comes Out of Closet Removing Scooby Doo Mask Revealing Ugly Truth To World Publicly and Proudly Declaring Israel an Apartheid Racist State”

“Thank you Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu for publicly declaring Israel is a confirmed racist apartheid state. You’ve made everything so much easier for everyone!

Thank you for calling over 1.7 million of your Israeli citizens who are NON-Jewish traitors (over 20% of population) and labeling them a danger to your version of a racist fascist Jewish only democracy.

Thank you for declaring publicly that you will never allow a Palestinian state. And thank you for stating publicly that you intentionally created settlements to obstruct and insure that no Palestinian state could ever exist over the past 9 years as you pretended and duped the global community with fake rhetoric and phony red herring meetings for peace so that you can, with great impunity, deploy your real master plan for evil conquest.

And thank you for honestly removing your SCOOBY DOO MASK revealing the ugly truth that you and the few million hard right Israelis who stood with you are proud racists and bigots without apology. It’s rare we get such a public contemptuous admission from any regular individual let alone an elected leader. Wow! Just Wow! I like you bro! You are something rare in this world!

In fact, you are truly a one of kind racist! I would call you the Grand Poohbah of the Klu Klux Klan but that would be a serious demotion because they never had the power and position you have; not even close! They were idiots with lynch ropes compared to you!

I guess in place of lynch ropes from the last century it is better to line up with states that stone their citizens and forbid gays and insist on woman being second class citizens and live on the principles of many centuries ago. Idiot is as idiot does.

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"...it was no secret that Obama and his advisers would have welcomed a change in Israeli leadership."

As if the Israeli people give a s... what Obama thinks.

Why do some people say that America should keep its nose out of other peoples' business until it comes to trying to push the Israeli people around?

This was their election. Obama can buzz off.

Obama single handedly gave Bibi this election. Obama does not use soft policy, a big stick, or other tools of state craft; this administration uses criminal-like tools to manipulate, weaponize the region through third parties, employ NGOs as proxies, and actually meddle and overthrow governments directly. Netanyahu's victory was an indictment of Obama. The jews have a greater sense of realpolitik with regards to the middle east than the muslim brotherhood advised US president (sources too numerous to cite). Obama will add one more canister of fuel into the regional war he is creating in the middle east. While the immediate vehicle to conflict may be seen as this election, a broad view reveals every single issue Obama has meddled in inexorably leads to a greater likelihood of war the region. If a person has a narrow view any one issue may look explosive, but rarely is. In the middle east there are so many tinder boxes left smoking and kindling due to this administration's meddling that fairly short time will set them further ablaze- but not before he further empowers DAESH. Can anyone provide one single instance where Obama's middle east meddling has lessened the likelihood of war? Anyone? Anyone?

(Note: The recent incidents where Obama has provided aid to Israel contrary to the narrative I am suggesting above is because he has to; he has no choice)!

Of course Obama has pushed against Israel's interests as far as he dares. He knows full well that the only thing that will allow future presidents sharing Obamas ideology to fully abandon Israel is a demographic change in the U.S. This is something he has set about with gusto, 300,000 Muslim third world immigrants into the U.S in 2014 alone.

If we cut to the chase a two state solution has always been a fantasy because the Palestinians want all of the cake themselves, hence they never renounce violence, never recognize Israel and quite openly say that any state they control will be Judenrein. Netanyahu is merely reflecting that reality with his statements. He never said anything about expelling Israel's Arab population, nor removing their voting rights. Indeed 77% of Israeli Arabs would rather be governed by Israel than the unaccountable and terminally corrupt Palestinian authority.

The Palestinians clearly do not want all the cake. They are in fact offering a very considerable compromise.

Yasser Arafat recognized the state of Israel way back in 1993. Hamas have frequently offered indefinite truces and agreed to accept Israel, if Israel will accept a state of Palestine within roughly the 1967 borders.

That has obviously just been scuppered by Netanyahu who says there will never be a Palestinian state. So all along he has merely been paying lip service to Obama and Kerry's 2 state solution diplomacy.

Hamas doesn't want all the cake? Well I guess if its a lie might as well make it a big one.

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The Palestinians clearly do not want all the cake. They are in fact offering a very considerable compromise.

Yasser Arafat recognized the state of Israel way back in 1993. Hamas have frequently offered indefinite truces and agreed to accept Israel, if Israel will accept a state of Palestine within roughly the 1967 borders.

That has obviously just been scuppered by Netanyahu who says there will never be a Palestinian state. So all along he has merely been paying lip service to Obama and Kerry's 2 state solution diplomacy.

Israel isn't giving that land up. It took it as spoils of war after several nations lined up to destroy it. Now that the so-called "Palestinians" have fired thousands of rockets into Israel, Israel will keep it as a buffer.

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THERE IS no polite way to say this, but Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the most repellent and dangerous politicians in the world today.

He is a man who trades on fear and war, a cynical and amoral manipulator without a trace of honesty in his entire body, who lies as easily as he breathes.

In 2012 he warned the United Nations that Iran was a year away from manufacturing a bomb, even though his own security services had told him something entirely different,

Last year he deliberately used the murders of three Israeli teenagers to manipulate Israeli public opinion into supporting the ferocious and strategically meaningless slaughter in Gaza.

He also manipulates his most powerful ally. In public Netanyahu never ceases to express his love and gratitude to the United States, which props up Israel’s military machine.

Yet in private he’s not always so respectful. Back in 2001 he told a group of settlers in the West Bank ‘I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.’

Netanyahu cannot be ignored entirely, not as long as Israelis are crazy enough to keep voting for him. But no country with any respect for truth or even its own national interest would actually invite a man like this to speak to its own elected representatives if it didn’t have to, let alone invite him in order to undermine the policy of its elected president.

But no country with any respect for truth or even its own national interest would actually invite a man like this to speak to its own elected representatives if it didn’t have to, let alone invite him in order to undermine the policy of its elected president.

Yet America did just that!whistling.gif Oh I get it, America had no choice but to ask Netanyahu to speak.clap2.gif

Netanyahu must be right, Americans are too easy to manipulate. Never in the history of the human race has the tail been able to wag the strongest dog on the block!cheesy.gif

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"...it was no secret that Obama and his advisers would have welcomed a change in Israeli leadership."

As if the Israeli people give a s... what Obama thinks.

Why do some people say that America should keep its nose out of other peoples' business until it comes to trying to push the Israeli people around?

This was their election. Obama can buzz off.

Obama single handedly gave Bibi this election. Obama does not use soft policy, a big stick, or other tools of state craft; this administration uses criminal-like tools to manipulate, weaponize the region through third parties, employ NGOs as proxies, and actually meddle and overthrow governments directly. Netanyahu's victory was an indictment of Obama. The jews have a greater sense of realpolitik with regards to the middle east than the muslim brotherhood advised US president (sources too numerous to cite). Obama will add one more canister of fuel into the regional war he is creating in the middle east. While the immediate vehicle to conflict may be seen as this election, a broad view reveals every single issue Obama has meddled in inexorably leads to a greater likelihood of war the region. If a person has a narrow view any one issue may look explosive, but rarely is. In the middle east there are so many tinder boxes left smoking and kindling due to this administration's meddling that fairly short time will set them further ablaze- but not before he further empowers DAESH. Can anyone provide one single instance where Obama's middle east meddling has lessened the likelihood of war? Anyone? Anyone?

(Note: The recent incidents where Obama has provided aid to Israel contrary to the narrative I am suggesting above is because he has to; he has no choice)!

Of course Obama has pushed against Israel's interests as far as he dares. He knows full well that the only thing that will allow future presidents sharing Obamas ideology to fully abandon Israel is a demographic change in the U.S. This is something he has set about with gusto, 300,000 Muslim third world immigrants into the U.S in 2014 alone.

If we cut to the chase a two state solution has always been a fantasy because the Palestinians want all of the cake themselves, hence they never renounce violence, never recognize Israel and quite openly say that any state they control will be Judenrein. Netanyahu is merely reflecting that reality with his statements. He never said anything about expelling Israel's Arab population, nor removing their voting rights. Indeed 77% of Israeli Arabs would rather be governed by Israel than the unaccountable and terminally corrupt Palestinian authority.

The Palestinians clearly do not want all the cake. They are in fact offering a very considerable compromise.

Yasser Arafat recognized the state of Israel way back in 1993. Hamas have frequently offered indefinite truces and agreed to accept Israel, if Israel will accept a state of Palestine within roughly the 1967 borders.

That has obviously just been scuppered by Netanyahu who says there will never be a Palestinian state. So all along he has merely been paying lip service to Obama and Kerry's 2 state solution diplomacy.

what total rubbish. The Palestinians want all of the land from the river to the sea. They always have and always will. They do not want peace. Even Arafat said he could not make peace with Israel because the arab world would not let him.

Some quote by you're peace loving terrorist.

"The PLO will now concentrate on splitting Israel psychologically into two camps... We plan to eliminate the State of Israel and establish a Palestinian state. We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion. Jews will not want to live among Arabs. I have no use for Jews. They are and remain Jews. We now need all the help we can get from you in our battle for a united Palestine under Arab rule".

in a speech to Arab diplomats in Stockholm; Quoted in the Jerusalem Post (23 February 1996)

"We will not bend or fail until the blood of every last Jew from the youngest child to the oldest elder is spilt to redeem our land!"

In his speech "The Impending Total Collapse of Israel" at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden, January 30, 1996 as quoted in “The Legacy of Islamic AntiSemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History”, by Andrew Boston, Prometheus Books, c.2008, pg. 682.


Edited by ggold
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"...it was no secret that Obama and his advisers would have welcomed a change in Israeli leadership."

As if the Israeli people give a s... what Obama thinks.

Why do some people say that America should keep its nose out of other peoples' business until it comes to trying to push the Israeli people around?

This was their election. Obama can buzz off.

In my opinion, which is just a opinion: the big difference that makes it annoying when it comes to USA-Israel is that USA cripples justified UN decisions that goes against the interests of Israel with non-stop vetos.

The meddling of USA in the Middle East and North Africa has a chance to becoming less and less, USA notice that it stings everytime they try some new covert action (funding guys that shouldnt be funded, they might turn on USA and the west even, and not arming them as a principle and as said they can turn on USA and the west, no toppling or changing a bad regime to end up with a equally bad regime or a failed state). Stopping military action in the Middle East or North Africa and hopefully that will make USA stop opening cans of worms.

Theres a long list of countries USA can liberate and give democracy, but its more or less about protecting US interests and the interests of its allys. Nothing else.

But for the reasons I mentioned, the USA-Israel relationship is special and is difficult to change so the world community (UN) as a whole cant be the judge instead of one country (USA).

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It is going to be very interesting to see what Netanyahu and his right wing coalition plan to do about the 2.5 million Palestinians under occupation in the West Bank. Netanyahu has now ruled out the 2 state solution much to the chagrin of the US administration who thought they had been negotiating and supporting this plan for the last 20 years. It appears the EU is not happy about this new development either.

The US and EU certainly won't allow institutionalized apartheid, if the West Bank were formally annexed, leaving 2.5 million residents without a vote. They won't allow ethnic cleansing either.

Another factor is that Israel is still a divided nation. I don't have figures for the popular vote but presumably 40-50% of Israelis did not support Netanyahu's policies.

Another factor is that Israel is still a divided nation. I don't have figures for the popular vote but presumably 40-50% of Israelis did not support Netanyahu's policies.

On that basis most countries in the world are divided. even in the UK the winning party gets less votes overall of the total vote.

You go on about apartheid, lets not forget it took America nearly 190 years before it started to move away from segregation!

But there is no Apartheid in Israel. there never was and never will be. It is the only totally inclusive country in the ME where people are free to practice their faith without the fear of persecution unlike many other countries in the ME.

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from the OP..

Frustrated by both Israel and the U.S., Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has become increasingly aggressive in efforts to secure a Palestinian state through other means, including the UN Security Council. The U.S. has veto power on the council and has repeatedly warned Abbas it would block his efforts to use that avenue.

But on Wednesday, a senior administration official said only that the administration was evaluating its options on Security Council action and other possible responses, notably not repeating administration threats to block the Palestinians. A second official confirmed the U.S. could decide not to veto Security Council action.

Ironically, maybe the Palestinians are the only remaining partners for the US in their 2 state solution. Not vetoing Palestinian moves for statehood or charges brought in the ICC, could be a useful wake up call for Netanyahu and the Israelis who voted for him.

Netanyahu is certainly going to have to do some fast talking to mend fences after all the trouble he has caused the US administration lately, and of course his racist rant against his own Israeli Arab citizens, who were merely exercising their democratic right to vote peacefully. That sort of thing would not go down very well with an African American President.

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It is going to be very interesting to see what Netanyahu and his right wing coalition plan to do about the 2.5 million Palestinians under occupation in the West Bank. Netanyahu has now ruled out the 2 state solution much to the chagrin of the US administration who thought they had been negotiating and supporting this plan for the last 20 years. It appears the EU is not happy about this new development either.

The US and EU certainly won't allow institutionalized apartheid, if the West Bank were formally annexed, leaving 2.5 million residents without a vote. They won't allow ethnic cleansing either.

Another factor is that Israel is still a divided nation. I don't have figures for the popular vote but presumably 40-50% of Israelis did not support Netanyahu's policies.

Another factor is that Israel is still a divided nation. I don't have figures for the popular vote but presumably 40-50% of Israelis did not support Netanyahu's policies.

On that basis most countries in the world are divided. even in the UK the winning party gets less votes overall of the total vote.

You go on about apartheid, lets not forget it took America nearly 190 years before it started to move away from segregation!

But there is no Apartheid in Israel. there never was and never will be. It is the only totally inclusive country in the ME where people are free to practice their faith without the fear of persecution unlike many other countries in the ME.

Saying its not apartheid cause a muslim can practice his faith?

Let Schlomo and Abdullah swap their legal rights.

Let Schlomo live his life in the West Bank with the rights of an arab and let Abdullah have the fully equal rights that jewish settlers in the West Bank-border have, or why not let Abdullah move to Israel proper with the fully equal rights of a jew.

Edited by BKKBobby
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If Israel doesn't care about what the U.S. thinks then don't accept any money from them and don't cry about it when the U.S. refuses to veto in the UNITED on Isael's behalf.

We will then hear Israel bleating.

Israel is a very dangerous nation and are top of the list to start WW3.

America supports Israel because a HUGE number of Americans - Christians and Jews alike heavily back Israel. American politicians are enough in tune with this to understand the political consequences of not supporting Israel.... Representative government under Democratic principles works that way.

Conservative hardline rightwingers hate muslims. In secret they often dont like jews either. Its just that they dislike muslims more than they dislike jews.

Are jews popular to invite for membership in VIP Mens Country/Golf Clubs with rich white christian people in USA?

Give me a honest answer.

Edited by BKKBobby
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If Israel doesn't care about what the U.S. thinks then don't accept any money from them and don't cry about it when the U.S. refuses to veto in the UNITED on Isael's behalf.

We will then hear Israel bleating.

Israel is a very dangerous nation and are top of the list to start WW3.

America supports Israel because a HUGE number of Americans - Christians and Jews alike heavily back Israel. American politicians are enough in tune with this to understand the political consequences of not supporting Israel.... Representative government under Democratic principles works that way.

Conservative hardline rightwingers hate muslims. In secret they often dont like jews either. Its just that they dislike muslims more than they dislike jews.

Are jews popular to invite for membership in VIP Mens Country/Golf Clubs with rich white christian people in USA?

Give me a honest answer.

There you go again.bah.gif

Jewish people in the USA (or anywhere) and Israel are not the same thing.

Yes there is antisemitism (hatred towards Jews) in the USA but it's not nearly as bad as in Europe, particularly places like Sweden.

There are actually many more hate crimes in the USA against Jews than against Muslims.

There has been a spike in antisemitism in the USA with hatred of Israel being used as a cover (most apparent on college campuses) just as in Europe, but again not nearly as bad as in Europe.

In the U.S. past there were quotas on admissions of Jews to elite schools, country club bans, and systematic employment discrimination in many professions ... but that's gone now.

The U.S. has its own peculiar racial classification culture. In the past, for example Irish and Jews were not considered "white" in the U.S. culture. Now both groups are.

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If Israel doesn't care about what the U.S. thinks then don't accept any money from them and don't cry about it when the U.S. refuses to veto in the UNITED on Isael's behalf.

We will then hear Israel bleating.

Israel is a very dangerous nation and are top of the list to start WW3.

America supports Israel because a HUGE number of Americans - Christians and Jews alike heavily back Israel. American politicians are enough in tune with this to understand the political consequences of not supporting Israel.... Representative government under Democratic principles works that way.

Conservative hardline rightwingers hate muslims. In secret they often dont like jews either. Its just that they dislike muslims more than they dislike jews.

Are jews popular to invite for membership in VIP Mens Country/Golf Clubs with rich white christian people in USA?

Give me a honest answer.

There you go again.

Jewish people in the USA (or anywhere) and Israel are not the same thing.

Yes there is antisemitism in the USA but it's not nearly as bad as in Europe, particularly places like Sweden.

There are actually many more hate crimes in the USA against Jews than against Muslims.

Im actually saying that theres a lot of anti-semitism in USA. Its just that most christian Americans that are anti-semitists keep it as a well kept secret. Its hush-hush.

I didnt know about the hate crime against jews statistics (Europe/USA).

Im sure theres anti-semitism in Sweden, how much, I dont know. I dont know if you refer to muslim immigrants or native christian Swedes, or both as in Swedish citizens as a collective group.

I was a fulltime daytrader, my "idol" is a jew: Victor Niederhoffer. You can read about his experiences of anti-semitism in USA in his books. "The education of a speculator" is a gem.

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If Israel doesn't care about what the U.S. thinks then don't accept any money from them and don't cry about it when the U.S. refuses to veto in the UNITED on Isael's behalf.

We will then hear Israel bleating.

Israel is a very dangerous nation and are top of the list to start WW3.

Expanding your argument a little farther...If the United Nations doesn't care about what the US thinks then don't accept any money from them...

For your information:

"American taxpayers account for billions of dollars in funding for the world body each year, including 22 percent of the regular budget, 27 percent of the peacekeeping budget, and substantial voluntary contributions to assorted U.N. agencies.

In the most recent year for which full details were subject to a congressional reporting requirement, U.N.-bound money channeled through multiple U.S. government agencies in fiscal year 2010 totaled $7.69 billion."

Anybody willing to pony up that $8 Billion or so each and every year to be kicked in the mouth by every backwater country in the world for their participation in this august body?


Expanding on this. The U.S. is deeply in debt to the UN

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It will be interesting if the U.S. under Obama starts voting against Israel in the U.N. That might happen. If so, that is something Hillary can run against and differentiate herself from Obama, as she is to the right of Obama. It is unfortunate, and I blame Bibi for this mostly, that the U.S. relationship with Israel has now become much more partisan.

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If Israel uses nukes because it is attacked it is precisely for that reason they should not have nukes.

Especially as it is a rogue state in not allowing inspections.

Is Great Britain a "rogue state" for not allowing inspections? Has Israel ever admitted it has nukes, much less "threatened" with them. No.

No one including the hater Obama is trying to get inspections in Israel.

Has GB been asked to allow inspections?

So because Israel does not admit to having nukes you believe they don't have them...REALLY?

That adds a new dimension to the word gullible.

Edit: yes Israel has threatened to use nukes. Google is your friend

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