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Total electricity blackout in siem reap


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During my stay in siem reap this week, was a today blackout of the electricity!

Just was in a shopping center , klack and I stand in the darkness

God bless I always have my iPhone flashlight with me !

No counter was working no aircon in the room, it happens before noon, the hotel stuff was to stupid to bring some candles !

After I talk little bit Lauder from the 3rd floor someone was able to bring me light in to the darkness with a candle but still no aircon the shower was the only cool place I move out because canot breeze in room and see one hotel near my one that have a big diesel generator so I rent to hotels with my wife, and on the next day the electricity still not here a day on a swimming pool, but also in fact that no restaurant can cook is full menu from every corner I heard every secound and every step I walk do you need tuk tuk tuk tuk sir!

I begin to ignore them, and not recognize what the driver makes more aggressive !

Then I got a deharrera infection with stomage problems include like all the time in cambodia loosing more then one liter water everyday I not eat in Khmer food restaurants , last time served me something look like dog bones instead of ordered chicken!

I eat in restaurants like every tourist prices like 40 dollar up , but I got more and more problems!

The hotel stuff told me, sorry problem in thailand light is broken generator at boarder , now I knot Siem reap not have his own backup system of generator!

Btw the arms also not working but I withdrawl before, I move out because light not come back , this never happens before after 4 time cambo visit, I happy to come back to the land of smile the light comes back the aircon was working, and nobody ask me you want tuk tuk tuk , now I have silence coming across the boarder in osmach the van transport driver told me you must pay 50 Bhat for your big bag , others not pay in the bus only me , but I was happy the light comes back,!

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There are, perhaps, 3 restaurants in town where you could spend $40+ on a meal. None of them are the kind of place where you get food poisoning. In fact, to date in Cambodia - I've never had food poisoning; something I can't say for China or Thailand. I've been here 3 years too.

The power cuts were caused by a driver bringing down the electricity cabling as it comes into town - this happens every 3 years or so. On the bright side; it was fixed quickly this time. Last time round it took 5 ****ing days.

ATMs have never failed to work for me in 3 years.

It sounds like your tale of woe occured mainly in your head to me.

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If you want miserable food go in that street of Seam reap guesthouse and eat in the Khmer kitchen , everywhere flys no protection on food fish in black thick souce, a coleauge eat salad with a egg last year with salmonella bacteria in it then he got a black out in the hotel room later!

Restaurant was the nest have 2 order 2 menus and one salad because size was very small with drinks I pay 40 us!

And the driver must now maybe pay the coast of the blackout ?

I stay in this city now 2 month in my life , everything I report here is real, because I see it with my own eyes and not fiction !

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