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Carabao - Asia's best band?


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Carabao has been around 30 years and gods in Thailand. Mastered their art in the Philippines and renowned, are they best in Asia given their tenure? Opinions welcome, especially from those who have seen them live.

Edited by jerojero
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Too be honest i dont know any Thais who like them, it seems to be mainly farangs who like them.

My brother in law used to be a big fan back in the day, a few years ago he threw all his collection in the bin in disgust, for reasons I wont go into on here.

As for seeing them live, any time I have seen them live it always descends into groups of Thai motorcycle thug teens fighting each other.

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Too be honest i dont know any Thais who like them, it seems to be mainly farangs who like them.

My brother in law used to be a big fan back in the day, a few years ago he threw all his collection in the bin in disgust, for reasons I wont go into on here.

As for seeing them live, any time I have seen them live it always descends into groups of Thai motorcycle thug teens fighting each other.

thanks for comments, I caught them in concert few years ago and packed with screaming Thai's and a few farang. Was surprised how wild the crowd was! Edited by jerojero
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Banork Farangs like to brag that they have Aed's mobile number and he would come with his gang to safe them, anytime.

I know a lorry driver, who nearly could knock him off his Harley. He still laments that he did miss him.

Actually, Aed is a neighbour of me, I can tell you, he isn't liked in the community. He only shows up once a year, so, not really a problem.

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I've seen them loads of times. That stuff about fighting being a feature of Carabao concerts is rubbish. Just something that that comes from years ago and still repeated by people who haven't been to concerts. Also, if you go to any temple fair style concert, the local kids start fighting whatever band are on. Carabao are still popular and sell out when they do their special concerts.

I've seen them good and terrible, especially when Ad is the worse for wear. Generally, they're just going through the motions these days but were very good when they had a point and made some great albums. So, back in the day, they were one of Asia's best bands and they have a special place in Thai music history but their time is long gone.

That stuff about fighting being a feature of Carabao concerts is rubbish. Just something that that comes from years ago and still repeated by people who haven't been to concerts.

Of course how correct you are, the following is probably just an illusion.

Guy who wrote this account is probably talking rubbish as well is he?


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SAw them first on Sanam Luang in 1992 when the plac was surrounded by tanks.

Saw them more recently at Tawang Daeng in Khon Kaen. Got the VIP sofa because of knowing someone and got to meet the band.

I like them, especially the classic lung kee mao. Any Thai with a guitar has tried to play this.

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Too be honest i dont know any Thais who like them, it seems to be mainly farangs who like them.

I saw them in London in 2012 in front of a full house of 3000+ people, 99% of which were Thai. I can`t think of another Thai act that could draw that crowd in London. More conclusively, they are also the best selling Thai act of all time but an absolute mile, with success right across Asia.

The comment above reeks of a "I`m more Thai than the Thais" sentiment, designed to give the "in the know" look but gives quite the opposite.

The key to their sucess is they appeal to such a wide demographic. At the gig we went to in London there was 8 year olds and also 80 year olds. I compare that to another gig in London we went to, to see da Endorphin, where the audience was entirely made up of hiso students in their teens.

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^Craig, that is a good comparison, Santana. In my view, Carabao is sort of the equivalent of some of the most perennial touring or even jam bands in the US, Santana, Grateful Dead (minus the drug culture), or maybe even Jimmy Buffett.

I've been in large Thai clubs when the band breaks out into a cover of Carabao, and the every single person in the club stands, sways, smiles along to the music.

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Carabao really are a Thai institution - a band who have stood for Thai citizens rights, democracy and anti-corruption. Some of the older following didn't like it when they got "commercial".

Aed is the only member to have remained in the band throughout their career.

kŭn john sà-làt man bplôn rao
Pirates rob us
láew yát rao maa reua sĭn káa
and devour us coming with merchant ships
náp nêuang dtàe wan nán maa
And because of that day arriving
gôr mĕuan dtòk yòo ná-rók a-way-jee
it’s like falling into hell
dtàe sŏng meu kâa yang kaem-kăeng
But [this] slave’s two hands are still strong
dûay rîeow raeng jàak prá pôo bpen jâo
with strength from god
têe hâi rao gam-nèrt bpen chon pào
who had us born to be a tribe/race/clan
bpen pêut pan hàeng kwaam mee chai
to be the seedlings of victory

láew tam-mai mâi chûay gan róng playng
So why not help us sing this song
playng pêua ìt-sà-rà-pâap
A song for freedom
mêua gòn nán rao gôr koie dâai yin
[that] back then we used to hear
playng hàeng gaan bplòt bplòi
A song of liberation
playng hàeng gaan bplòt bplòi
A song of liberation

sôh dtruan mát dtreung kòm kĕun
The fetters bind and rape*
mí taan ton fĕun duang jai bpìam wăng
An assault against the heart full of hope
hèuat nám dtaa gòr gam-nèrt kŭm pá-lang
Dry the tears and generate strength
ที่โถมถั่ง พังกำแพงแห่งเวลา
têe tŏhm tàng pang gam-paeng hàeng way-laa
to rush and collapse the walls of time

gôr láew yai ton doo nîng chŏie
So why [do you] tolerate [things], watching silently
nêrn naan gôr yang kong làp-lăi
So long, and you just remain sleeping
ลุกขึ้นมาเถอะ มาร้องเพลงปลุกใจ
lúk kêun maa tùh maa róng playng bplùk jai
Get up! And sing this stirring song
ไปแต่งเติม จุดหมายปลายทาง
bpai dtàeng dterm jùt măai bplaai taang
Go progress towards your purpose/destination

(rao) maa chûay gan róng playng
So help me sing this song
playng pêua ìt-sà-rà-pâap
This song for freedom
mêua gòn nán rao gôr koie dâai yin
[Which] back then we used to hear
playng hàeng gaan bplòt bplòi
A song of liberation
playng hàeng gaan bplòt bplòi
A song of liberation
playng hàeng gaan bplòt bplòi
A song of liberation

sôh dtruan mát dtreung kòm kĕun
The fetters bind and rape
mí taan ton fĕun duang jai bpìam wăng
An assault against the heart full of hope
hèuat nám dtaa gòr gam-nèrt kŭm pá-lang
Dry [your tears] and generate strength
ที่โถมที่ถั่ง ทุบพังกำแพงแห่งเวลา
têe tŏhm têe tàng túp pang gam-paeng hàeng way-laa
to rush, pound, and collapse the walls of time
gôr láew yai ton doo nîng chŏie
And so why do you tolerate [things], watching silently
nêrn naan gôr yang kong làp-lăi
For so long [you] just remain sleeping
ลุกขึ้นมาเถอะ มาร้องเพลงปลุกใจ
lúk kêun maa tùh maa róng playng bplùk jai
Get up! And sing this stirring song
ไปแต่งเติม จุดหมายปลายทาง
bpai dtàeng dterm jùt măai bplaai taang
Go progress towards your purpose/destination

(เรา) มาช่วยกันร้องเพลง
(rao) maa chûay gan róng playng
So help me sing this song
playng pêua ìt-sà-rà-pâap
This song for freedom
mêua gòn nán rao gôr koie dâai yin
[Which] back then, we used to hear
playng hàeng gaan bplòt bplòi
[this] song of liberation
mêua gòn nán rao gôr koie dâai yin
Back then, we used to hear
playng hàeng gaan bplòt bplòi
[this] song of liberation
mêua gòn nán rao gôr koie dâai yin
Back then, we used to hear
playng hàeng gaan bplòt bplòi
[this] song of liberation
playng hàeng gaan bplòt àek
This song of removing the yoke
playng hàeng gaan bplòt àek
This song of removing the yoke

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Best Band in Asia --->>> Balinese Punk Rock legends SUPERMAN IS DEAD (who even dare to fight against new hardcore islamist laws in their home country)

Been around for decades too.

Looking forward to have a cold BINTANG with them again at the Punk Rock Club they run in Kuta's Poppie's Lane 2 next week ;-)

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Too be honest i dont know any Thais who like them, it seems to be mainly farangs who like them.

My brother in law used to be a big fan back in the day, a few years ago he threw all his collection in the bin in disgust, for reasons I wont go into on here.

As for seeing them live, any time I have seen them live it always descends into groups of Thai motorcycle thug teens fighting each other.

"Too be honest i dont know any Thais who like them, it seems to be mainly farangs who like them."

To be honest I know a number of Thais who do like them, though younger Thais probably consider them not to be young & modern enough.

I don't know if they qualify for being best in Asia since that covers a lot of territory, both in terms of geography and style, but I have a lot of their stuff on CDs and loaded onto iTunes and never tire of listening to them (and if I play anything of theirs, any Thais around seem to be able to sing along fully aware of the lyrics as far as I can tell).

Lot of Thai people packed in to see them


Edited by Suradit69
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I've been to see them several times in Udon. I always heard of the danger from fights, I never saw a fight. The first thing said when they take the stage is they quit immediately if a fight breaks out, and they will. Yes there have been fights, probably still are, but I don't believe at the concert itself. Folks in Nong Khai say watch out for the motorcycle gangs outside and later. A great band, and yes this farang understands some of the lyrics. My wife understands my sentiment towards the people and freedom, she will interpret as best she can. Are there anti-US government/big business lyrics, ya betcha', and rightly so. You can start with "Made in Thailand". Nothing about the people of the US. I was warmly greeted by the warm up band at one concert when we got there early. Maybe not the best in Asia, lot of territory to cover there, but certainly one of if not the best in modern history in Thailand.

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For whatever reason, there historically has been a fair number of fights at some Thai music concerts, especially at morlams; however, that's changed in the last few years and generally now you'll find a load of cops cruising around the morlam stages just waiting for some idiot to start something. While I'm sure fights have broken out at venues that Carabao has played, it's not the norm and they sure as hell didn't cause the problem (the problem, like lots of other places, is the usual formula: idiot + alcohol = instant a...hole).

The band Carabao probably has been one of the most popular bands in Thailand from about 1990 to about 2008.....and probably have had more fans than any band ever has had in Thailand. The poster who said he doesn't know any Thais who like Carabao obviously doesn't know very many Thais.

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I've seen them a couple of times, and never saw a fight.

It's great to go to shows like that where everyone is such a dedicated fan.

The songwriting is great (at least what I can get from the lyrics).

I took a month long class on Thai music last year, and we looked at Mo Lam, Luk Thung, and Phleeng Chitwit. Most of the Phleeng Chiwit tunes were Carabao. I really enjoyed the class. I wish I could understand the lyrics better.

Carabao has a pedal steel player who encouraged me to get a pedal steel. I am still struggling to learn it... but it was Carabao that made me decide to pick one up!

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