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Man suspected of murder in Thailand convicted in Sweden

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A Swedish man suspected of killing a New Zealand man at a bar in Thailand in 2012 has now been convicted - in Sweden


The death happend during a fight between two men at a bar in Pattaya August 2012 when they argued about a dog.

The convicted Swede, Andreas Ringvall now 42 years old, went home and returened to the bar with a knife attacked Mr. Robert Hollick, 43, from New Zealand.
Mr. Robert Hollick died from several stab wounds.

The Swede was arrested and detained on suspicion of murder, but was later released on bail.
In suspicious circumstances the Swede also was given back his passport and fled the country.

In August last year after nearly two years on the run, Andreas Ringvall was arrested in Sweden.
He has now been convicted in Nacka District Court.

The court did not convict Andreas Ringvall for murder.
Instead, he gets one year and six months in prison for aggravated assault and manslaughter.
He must also pay damages to Mr. Robert Hollick relatives.

The court says the Royal Thai investigation has been both incomplete, inaccurate and unclear.
The Royal Thai police have not done any crime scene investigation and the suspected murder weapon,
a knife, disappeared during a renovation in an archive where it was stored.
The court says that the investigation is so flawed that it can not be the basis for a murder sentence.

Translated from: http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article20505147.ab

--AFTONBLADET 2015-03-22

Original Story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/649017-thai-police-seek-to-extradite-swedish-murder-suspect/


personally I thought that the Swedish authorities would not be able to try someone for a crime committed in another country as it isn't in their jurisdiction . I am only presuming this after things that were mentioned regarding the Koh Tao case. So basically, what is being said /done here is that if the real perpertrators of the Koh Tao murders step outside of Thailand , they could be tried and convicted in another country. Correct me if I am wrong , I may well be .


Seems the problem was with the way the Thai Police handled the evidence.

Unfortunately many criminals get off light not just in Thailand but in every other country in the world with a fair justice system that the prosecution have to prove guilt, not the accused has to prove their innocence.

Seems the evidence has been compromised, not only could he no be tried for murder in Sweden but I assume the Swedes would not extradite him for the same reason.

Far too often I see news reports on Thai Visa of crime scenes where clearly valuable evidence is being compromised by those reporting on it due to the lack of training of the RTP on how to preserve a crime scene.


Can't wait till our pro RTP Thai visa members chime in saying it was a one off and the Thai Police are still a professional capable force!.

They will come around as soon as the divers have paid for todays diving.............coffee1.gif

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Sweden can expect a lot of cooperation from The Royal Thai Government next time a person wanted for criminal charges in Sweden is apprehended in Thailand and Sweden requests that the criminal be promptly extradited to Sweden to face charges.


personally I thought that the Swedish authorities would not be able to try someone for a crime committed in another country as it isn't in their jurisdiction . I am only presuming this after things that were mentioned regarding the Koh Tao case. So basically, what is being said /done here is that if the real perpertrators of the Koh Tao murders step outside of Thailand , they could be tried and convicted in another country. Correct me if I am wrong , I may well be .

Countries can and do pass laws effect that apply to their citizen actions in other countries. For example Australia has passed laws that allow them to prosecute Australians that engage in paedophile activities in other countries. Many countries pass laws that prohibit and make it a domestic criminal offence for their citizens to fight in overseas armed conflicts.

Being a signatory to a relevant International Convention tends to make the actions easier.

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"The court says that the investigation is so flawed that it can not be the basis for a murder sentence."

If the evidence was that bad and that lacking, how did they convict him of anything? "Sorry, the evidence is so messed up and lacking that we'll just toss him in jail for a year or two for the fun of it."

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To translate, the Swedish authorities have found the Royal Thai Police to be incompetent, unprofessional, corrupt and moronic....a tiny step in the right direction of Thailand and its vile, corrupt, ignorant, useless ways being seen in the world for what they are.

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>>Instead, he gets one year and six months in prison for aggravated assault and manslaughter.<<

Tell me, they are bloody joking!! 18 months for premeditated murder!!

Words fail me!!

I agree with you, but let's be honest, it's more than what he got/would have gotten here...

Life is cheap here - Thai or farang - and the got his passport back?!?!?!?!?!?

At least the Swedes did something about it. As my missus would say "better than nothing".


It used to be that you could not be convicted of a crime outside of most home countries. The USA included....nowadays its a whole diffrent set of rules. Most crimes today dont pay attention to borders. Yet he would never be sent back here. So I guess its better than nothing.....as for paedophiles its pretty much a worlwide open season on them....


When he was bailed I'd heard from a farang who is with the tourist police that he paid the cops a million baht to get his passport back!....No surprise then that the evidence was compromised!

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Another coward who has to use a knife, he should be doing 20 years minimum but at least we have his photo and can keep an eye out. No doubt he will be back in Thailand.

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Another coward who has to use a knife, he should be doing 20 years minimum but at least we have his photo and can keep an eye out. No doubt he will be back in Thailand.

If he came back he will be charged with murder and skipping bail (not to mention loss of RTP face) - so why would he come back?


Presumably they will sue the swedes for libel. The case isn't useful enough to be used for a murder investigation. They lost the murder weapon during decorating?

These people are idiots. Pure and simple.

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"The Swede was arrested and detained on suspicion of murder, but was later released on bail.
In suspicious circumstances the Swede also was given back his passport and fled the country".

By that, I take it that the money passed under the table, not over it. coffee1.gif

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