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Their dropping like Thai's at my village.

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I don't think putting up insulation is going to do much more than maybe cut some of the range of frequencies. Ear plugs are much cheaper, easier and more effective, if somewhat itchy and uncomfrotable.

Last week, we had the provincial government here throwing a week long party that included continuous blaring music from 10 AM till dusk and ended Friday with a 14 hour booming bass marathon at double the volume of the rest of the week. The dogs were cowering behind the refrigerator, step daughter had to go to hospital for severe headaches. Apparently this is Yingluck's people throwing the "party" and they are touring the province with barn burning salutes to themselves as they are now being asked to leave.

My usual solution is to wear ear plugs and I wore ear plugs for much of the week, but the last day was so loud the house was vibrating, so ear plugs didn't even work. I just cranked up my own music, didn't help my ears, but I was suprised how much better I felt to regain some control of what I was listening to. I had me a Black Sabbath, Van Halen, AC/DC and Jimi Hendrix marathon topped off with a screeching squawking free jazz John Coltrane tribute.

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I don't think putting up insulation is going to do much more than maybe cut some of the range of frequencies. Ear plugs are much cheaper, easier and more effective, if somewhat itchy and uncomfrotable.

Last week, we had the provincial government here throwing a week long party that included continuous blaring music from 10 AM till dusk and ended Friday with a 14 hour booming bass marathon at double the volume of the rest of the week. The dogs were cowering behind the refrigerator, step daughter had to go to hospital for severe headaches. Apparently this is Yingluck's people throwing the "party" and they are touring the province with barn burning salutes to themselves as they are now being asked to leave.

My usual solution is to wear ear plugs and I wore ear plugs for much of the week, but the last day was so loud the house was vibrating, so ear plugs didn't even work. I just cranked up my own music, didn't help my ears, but I was suprised how much better I felt to regain some control of what I was listening to. I had me a Black Sabbath, Van Halen, AC/DC and Jimi Hendrix marathon topped off with a screeching squawking free jazz John Coltrane tribute.

hopefully they leaving now to Dubay for ever !!

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I guess I am one of those rich barons, because I would never allow myself to be locked anywhere, especially in a remote village. I'd simply go to the shore, or go off-shore, while they slash and burn and die like Thais.

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In the backwards villages of Issan, take away electricity and motorbikes and you are back 1000 years ago -- sleeping & preparing, eating food ON THE FLOOR -- conversing i meter apart at a YELL level - generally zero manners or consideration for others. On the scale of evolution, not too far above the monkeys! "MONKEYS WITH MICROPHONES"as a friend always says.

So what makes you stay or visit there ? The feeling of Lord over peasants ? Or all these are just heresays from a friend of a friend ?

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Last time I was in Surin the wife's aunt had died. Good Lord! The noise... It had no sooner ended than a wedding kicked off down the road. Good Lord! The noise...

I haven't been back.

So there was no "Temporary Monk" party, with the inevitable coyote girls - that explains why you are grumpy.

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You guys have no respect for Thai culture.

Go back home to your nanny states.

Stereo, karaoke and PA are Thai inventions that date back thousands of years.

Don't forget electricity,invented in Thailand according to my wife's cousin,[even my wife rolled her eyes at that one].

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Have respect for the dead . And above all remember .............................

If you don't go to other peoples funerals they won't go to yours.

Your last sentence......

Read it again.


Think about what you wrote.

There is a movie, "The Walking Death".

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You guys have no respect for Thai culture.

Go back home to your nanny states.

Stereo, karaoke and PA are Thai inventions that date back thousands of years.

Don't forget electricity,invented in Thailand according to my wife's cousin,[even my wife rolled her eyes at that one].

And where in the world do you think that Facebook was invented?

I will give you a hint: FACE.

Get it?

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Last time I was in Surin the wife's aunt had died. Good Lord! The noise... It had no sooner ended than a wedding kicked off down the road. Good Lord! The noise...

I haven't been back.

So there was no "Temporary Monk" party, with the inevitable coyote girls - that explains why you are grumpy.

I find these are the worst,the last one two houses up from up from us,had finished,but as they had the speaker's for another half a day,well why not,booming bass at 4.30am,this went on until 7am,then,the guys [who had already gone to the temple],Father start's a 2 hour speech to who,no one was there,then more music another speech,which eneded abruptly,boy was i happy to see the speakers carted away,this guy is a serial offender,Songkran starts on the 12th,he starts on the 10th,New year,29th dec this year, my wife has a couple of rai well outside the village i am seriously thinking about building a bolt hole there,to flee too.

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Last time I was in Surin the wife's aunt had died. Good Lord! The noise... It had no sooner ended than a wedding kicked off down the road. Good Lord! The noise...

I haven't been back.

So there was no "Temporary Monk" party, with the inevitable coyote girls - that explains why you are grumpy.

I find these are the worst,the last one two houses up from up from us,had finished,but as they had the speaker's for another half a day,well why not,booming bass at 4.30am,this went on until 7am,then,the guys [who had already gone to the temple],Father start's a 2 hour speech to who,no one was there,then more music another speech,which eneded abruptly,boy was i happy to see the speakers carted away,this guy is a serial offender,Songkran starts on the 12th,he starts on the 10th,New year,29th dec this year, my wife has a couple of rai well outside the village i am seriously thinking about building a bolt hole there,to flee too.

Before you flee to outside the village, check the locations of the PA.

I live 3 km away from one of the local wats.

Believe me, I thoroughly regret not having received that advise before building a house.

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That's got to be a first. I've heard people whine about dogs barking, late night music, noisy neighbours but whining about funerals? The irony of life is that nobody gets out of it alive so one day it will be your funeral and you might hope that some people have a bit of respect for you at your funeral?

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I went go a farang funeral last week. They sung 2 hymns, had a bible reading, followed by a cup of tea.

<deleted> it was boring.

Don't blame us for the fact that you forgot to bring rum to add to the tea.
All over in an hour. A Thai funeral is heaps more fun.
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That's got to be a first. I've heard people whine about dogs barking, late night music, noisy neighbours but whining about funerals? The irony of life is that nobody gets out of it alive so one day it will be your funeral and you might hope that some people have a bit of respect for you at your funeral?

My funeral,i could not care less,let them feed me to wild dogs,it was the music i was on about not the funerals themselves ,and to say i was whining i think is drawing a long bow,my op basically asked why were so many people dying,smog,hot weather?So calm down old chap,go and have a cold shower.

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That's got to be a first. I've heard people whine about dogs barking, late night music, noisy neighbours but whining about funerals? The irony of life is that nobody gets out of it alive so one day it will be your funeral and you might hope that some people have a bit of respect for you at your funeral?

Yes I wish that at my funeral the guests would listen to Hard Rock and Punk, as loud as possible.

And that they would use earphones.

Now THAT would be respect, respect for me and respect for the living.

I am not trolling. I am very serious.

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I went go a farang funeral last week. They sung 2 hymns, had a bible reading, followed by a cup of tea.

<deleted> it was boring.

Don't blame us for the fact that you forgot to bring rum to add to the tea.
All over in an hour. A Thai funeral is heaps more fun.

In Belgium, funerals include sandwiches, small snacks and BELGIAN BEER afterwards, and a written guarantee that there will be no karaoke.

Sometimes even Trappist!

I will happily trade one Belgian funeral for ten Thai funerals.

I am looking forward to our visit to Belgium next week.

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5 funerals?

You lucky thing.

Free food, free entertainment and on top of that you are complaining?

What does it take to satisfy people, nowadays?


In the USA it is free, yessir.

In Greece it might be free, I dunno, Costas, you tell me.

But in Thailand, it ain't free. Gotta hand over that envelope.

(And the food is rarely worth eating.)

Five funerals and no wedding? Almost sounds like living in Hollywood.

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5 funerals?

You lucky thing.

Free food, free entertainment and on top of that you are complaining?

What does it take to satisfy people, nowadays?


In the USA it is free, yessir.

In Greece it might be free, I dunno, Costas, you tell me.

But in Thailand, it ain't free. Gotta hand over that envelope.

(And the food is rarely worth eating.)

Five funerals and no wedding? Almost sounds like living in Hollywood.
Yessssssssssss I get it: Four weddings and a funeral, with Hugh Grant. Right?
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That's got to be a first. I've heard people whine about dogs barking, late night music, noisy neighbours but whining about funerals? The irony of life is that nobody gets out of it alive so one day it will be your funeral and you might hope that some people have a bit of respect for you at your funeral?

Yes I wish that at my funeral the guests would listen to Hard Rock and Punk, as loud as possible.

And that they would use earphones.

Now THAT would be respect, respect for me and respect for the living.

I am not trolling. I am very serious.

I am a Brit and our cultural sign of respect is stillness and silence. Every year we honour our War Dead at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month with only one minute of stillness and silence.

For sure, Thais respect their King with stillness and silence and quite right too.

All that has to happen is that Thais learn to offer that at funerals too. Not sure that it should apply to house warnings, temporary monks, weddings, birthdays, new born as well though.

Thailand will always solve any newly perceived problem by passing a new law.

If you suggest a new law to the right person, problem solved?

Seriously though, in Thailand there are always noisy parties.

2012, MiL died - funeral, 2013, house warming, 2014, step son murdered - funeral, 2015, temporary Monk and a wedding to attend.

Always parties, multiple bolt holes are required.

They can be called friends, relies, guest houses, hotels.

There is always an answer.

Edited by laislica
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Noisy parties are a fact of life, especially in Thailand.

Lack of respect for others is a different issue, and not only in Thailand.

But what really bugs me, are the farang apologizers that claim that electrified noise is part of Thai culture, love it or leave. How many years ago did the average Thai or the wat acquire stereo equipment?

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Last year when wife and I staying with her mother in Hua Sai for 6 weeks we/she had 4 of her relatives pass away (she has a huge extended family) and funerals at temple couple of hundred meters away. I enjoyed meeting the, what seemed like, hundreds of uncles, aunties, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. Being the only farang was interesting smile.png, The food was great. Beer was cold. Music a bit loud but not an issue. The roosters crowing and dogs barking all night takes a bit to get use to.... so I drink loads of beer and snore very loud... my payback biggrin.png. When the monks bang on the bell early morning the wife laughs at me humming ACDC hells bells guitar intro. I can't wait to go back. (not for funerals though).

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You guys have no respect for Thai culture.

Go back home to your nanny states.

Stereo, karaoke and PA are Thai inventions that date back thousands of years.

The Thais are not even close to the Filipinos with Stereo, Karaoke, and especially PA.

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