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Met my Filipina gf in Thailand

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Hi all ,

I was reading so many diffrent sentenses about this.

Anyone with new info about this? Is it so hard for filipina girls to go to Thailand for vacation?

We will stay 1-2 weeks then travel back to Phils together.

Shes traveling from Cebu.

What is the exactly requriments for this?

She has, valid new passport (first time the travel)

Round trip ticket

Hotel bookings

What more can we be ready for ?

Thanks alot for respond!


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Hi ,

Okey thanks. So the best is to go there and travel with her u mean?

She said she want to make in on her own haha,

What shood she brinf more the passport, return ticket and hotel booking?

Is the best to say shes meting me there? Or just that she have one week vacation in Thailand


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Definitely better to go to PI and travel back with her. If you live in Thailand, there is also a declaration that you can fill out and have certified by the Embassy of the Philippines in Bangkok, basically attesting that you will support her and she will have somewhere to stay. Unclear from the thread so far whether you live in Thailand or not.

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Young PI girl leaving with PI new passport alone. It's not going to happen!

You will have to personally go there to escort her though PI emmigation.

You will need to prove you have a relationship...be prepared to show half a ream of documentation.

You will be separated at emmigration and both cross examined.

PS The deal clincher here is a date-stamped photo of you her and her family from you previous holiday in PI!

You will need to declare your assets and provide sponsorship for her and still she may be refused.

Any air tickets including connecting flights will be no show and will most probably be forfeited!

It is not worth the time and effort you will have to expend for the short holiday in Thailand together.

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Young PI girl leaving with PI new passport alone. It's not going to happen!

You can't be certain. There is plenty of single PI youngnladies that are able to leave country by themselves. One can debate how they do it.

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