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Thai Wife Makes Mistake... Should I Be Disappointed?


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mmmm kill her buy another wife

Hmmmmm..... serial trolls

Troll one sets the stage, troll two fans the flames, usually apologetic after a lapse in posts, he/she does this by making an inflammatory statement, usually negative against troll one.

But I could be wrong.

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It turns out that she has signed the form in the wrong place... I mean way off from where it should have been signed.

When my tax preparer does my taxes he puts a big sticker right where I am suppose to sign. Seems like he gets lots of people signing in the wrong place all the time...and we all read and write English.

Imagine how much harder it would be for a person from the LOS.

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Get real bud, where is option 4?

drop her and get a Thai girl far more inteligent..

Get real guy, sh*t happens, if you love her then you should laugh about it with her, if you can't laugh, then are you sure you want a Thai........?


Or maybe she should ask if she wants you......... looser

Edited by solent01
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I would never suggest this because we should never suggest doing anything...er....slightly shady on TV, but....you DO know what your wifes signature looks like, right? :o

You accomplish three things: dont offend the wife, save time, and get the job done! And no one is the wiser (except your 10,000 TV pals!)

:D:D anonymous rules!


What happens when she makes a real mistake ?

He should beat the living day lights out of her and make her beg for mercy before brutally violating her with that indian blokes second (now removed) penis.

This thread is a gas... pclowns20jw5.gif

I like Sol´s suggestion too.. Except I´d invert it... The girl should dump him and get another, real man....

thaddeus you´ve inspired me mate...I´m off home for an hour and a klown chill session....

be back for more laughs later...

Edited by kayo
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  • 3 years later...
Did you make it really, really clear where to sign the form? Highlighted with a little red X? Or, better yet, stuck one of these little sticky signature flags on it? (I guess your girlfriend isn't the only one who ever made this mistake.)



well, what would you do next....

when the farang lady is also color-blinded....? lol

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:) I am in middle of trying to apply for a US visa for my spouse, and everything is on track... except for the latest blunder.

About 2 1/2 weeks ago I sent my spouse (who is in LOS) a form to sign. I just received it back from her today. It turns out that she has signed the form in the wrong place... I mean way off from where it should have been signed.

I have several choices:

1) Be content, and forward the form to US immigration folks and take my chances;

2) Bark at my spouse because her lack of attention;

3) Repeat the process again by sending her the form to sign, and smile like a Thai and whisper "mai pen rai" over and over again to myself.

How would you react if this were to happen to you?

dont mean to offend but.

My wife over slept and forgot to cook my breakfast yesterday.

What should I do?

1. Divorce

2. Smash her head in with a hammer.

3. Make her kiss my feet and beg for forgiveness

4. Go and eat out in a restaurant.



Edited by sassienie
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How many times have I heard in Asia that "the women hear are great and none of this emancipated BS that you find in (insert your country of choice)"?

Nothing to do with emancipation; I suspect that there are a few people around the world that would never find a wife/spouse/GF back home as they are sad gits that can live out their superiority complex with some poor local lass (not that I am implying that the OP is a sad git with a superiority complex :) ).

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My fiancee burnt 1% of my toast the other day.

1. Should I just eat it anyway

2. Should i tell her she cant cook for crap and tell her its because she is Thai

3. Tell her to get back in the kitchen and do it again.

what would you do :D

Hmmm you are lucky...my wife buttered the WRONG SIDE :)

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