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In praising the Lee model, PM could be endorsing Thaksin model

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In praising the Lee model, PM could be endorsing Thaksin model


BANGKOK: -- AMONG leaders of countries around the world, Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha made possibly the worst tribute on the passing away of Singapore's founder Lee Kuan Yew.

If he does not know any better about the regional senior leader, the prime minister could have only said "I would like to express my condolences to Singapore on his death." Instead, Prayut shot off his mouth by going on that "he [Lee] has been unwell for quite some time and I had wished for his recovery. But this is what happens to people who work hard all their life. A man working hard dies young."

Prayut even compared himself with the deceased Singaporean statesman by saying that since he is working so hard, he might not be able to live long, like Lee.

No one on this planet except Prayut could have said that Lee, at 91, was still young when he died. Perhaps Prayut, who once claimed that he was good in history, had only recently heard about the story of the strongman of Asia although Lee served as Singapore's prime minister for 31 years - around the same period when Prayut was growing and serving in the Thai Army. It is possible that Prayut, as a soldier, might not know about a leader of a neighbouring country, as the Thai military does not require such knowledge.

Even worse, Prayut and his fanclub posted on various social media this week, wishing Thailand could achieve development success like Singapore. Prayut said Singapore enjoyed prosperity and achieved a high-income status because of the continuation of the government's economic policies despite changes in administration.

He urged the next Thai government to carry on the current military regime's economic policies in order to ensure that the country's economic development does not fall back into "reverse gear".

If the Thai elite, Prayut himself and all his supporters wished Thailand to develop in accordance with Lee's Singapore model, it was not necessary for them to stage a military coup twice in less than 10 years to get rid of Thaksin Shinawatra and his cronies from Thai politics.

Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore model was indeed Thaksin's role model for nation building when the ex-PM was in office before the 2006 coup. Lee criticised leaders around the world, including many Thai elite, for mishandling their countries, but he praised Thaksin for visionary leadership and economic management. Lee has run Singapore like his company and hence the world knows the country as 'Singapore Inc", so did Thaksin who tried to make the Kingdom "Thailand Inc".

Singapore and Thailand's state-business nexus looked alike and in many cases are almost similar when Thaksin was in office from 2001-06. Their economic policies were mostly business-oriented.

Like Lee, Thaksin climbed the political ladder via election and popular support. Thaksin organised his Thai Rak Thai party similar to Lee's People's Action Party. Politically, both of them preferred centralised administration, which could sometimes be called "soft authoritarian", and loved liberal economic policies.

Personally, Thaksin is quite close to the ruling elite in Singapore, as Thaksin has done business with them for a long time until now. He saw Lee almost every time he visited Singapore while the senior Lee also met him officially and privately when he was in Thailand. The business deal that brought a political end to Thaksin was the deal between Shin Corp and Singapore's Temasek. All Bangkok elite should remember that.

Shortly after the previous coup to topple him in 2006, the powers of the day hunted for him everywhere except in Dubai and Singapore where he could live and stay comfortably and safely.

Prime Minister Prayut should be well aware of the fact that he might have a chance to see Thaksin around when he joins the funeral ceremony of Lee in Singapore, as the former premier has been invited as well. Prayut joked on Monday that he hoped his Singaporean hosts would be kind enough to not arrange a seat for him next to Thaksin.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/In-praising-the-Lee-model-PM-could-be-endorsing-Th-30256708.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-25

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91 is a decent age to die. Can I say the PM is wrong to say he died of overwork, etc? He needs to learn to bite is tongue and not say what he is thinking!

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I would be willing to bet that most posters here really did not live here while Thaksin was the PM. Ha...democracy Thaksin style was horrific

Agreed x 2

  • Like 2

Hilarious numnut puts he foot in it again. This guy has to learn he is not cut out for the job, definately not a statesman and to compare himself to one is an insult. Not a day goes past without him opening his mouth causing the world to shake it's head in disbelief before breaking out in uncontrollable laughter. Prayuth do Thailand a favour step down and give the job to someone more qualified or just keep your mouth shut.

Sorry Mr Hypocrite but deputy PM Chalerm stands head and shoulders above everyone else for making a prize dick of himself in public. Never mind his drunken antics in Parliament.

The only time I remember Yingluck saying anything at all was to completely abuse her position in Mongolia for a propaganda speech on behalf of her brother.

So come back when you have a better alternative to offer Thailand.

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Lee governed by draconian legislation which was strictly enforced, with little or no corruption. Anyone believe Thailand could emulate this?


Hilarious numnut puts he foot in it again. This guy has to learn he is not cut out for the job, definately not a statesman and to compare himself to one is an insult. Not a day goes past without him opening his mouth causing the world to shake it's head in disbelief before breaking out in uncontrollable laughter. Prayuth do Thailand a favour step down and give the job to someone more qualified or just keep your mouth shut.

...........and Yingluck was!!!! w00t.gif.

  • Like 1

Hilarious numnut puts he foot in it again. This guy has to learn he is not cut out for the job, definately not a statesman and to compare himself to one is an insult. Not a day goes past without him opening his mouth causing the world to shake it's head in disbelief before breaking out in uncontrollable laughter. Prayuth do Thailand a favour step down and give the job to someone more qualified or just keep your mouth shut.

...........and Yingluck was!!!! w00t.gif.

But but but..

What has Yingy got to do with the OP


Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore model was indeed Thaksin's role model for nation building when the ex-PM was in office before the 2006 coup. Lee criticised leaders around the world, including many Thai elite, for mishandling their countries, but he praised Thaksin for visionary leadership and economic management. Lee has run Singapore like his company and hence the world knows the country as 'Singapore Inc", so did Thaksin who tried to make the Kingdom "Thailand Inc".


Lee Kuan Yew had the vision and leadership to build a country/nation

Thaksin's vision was to fill his pockets and those of his cohorts with a nations wealth.

Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore model was indeed Thaksin's role model

an ever bigger Nah....

Ferdinand Marcos and the Philippine model was INDEED Thaksin's role model

The problem you have with is that under Thaksin Thailand had its most sustained period of economic growth ever. You can repeat the cliches but Thaksin more than anybody took this country from a pretty broken place post 1997/98 to a nation where, in 2006 the north had seen average incomes grow 250%. He was flawed for sure, but he was no more corrupt than any previous administration and far less than most, and arguably the best premier since 1932 (the bar is very low of course). Thailand in 2000 and Thailand in 2013 were radically different - and for much of the population, much, much better - places. You can thank Thaksin for much of that.

I know that goes against the right wing memes you're reciting, but it's hard to sidestep the reality of what he did for Thailand.

Really.....and how do you rate the proxy Thaksin governments post 2006 until 2014...do they also show that continued growth and development of the Thai economy??


You can't compare the two. Lee Kuan Yen and Taksin, they are like chalk and cheese.

No not really. Both ran countries like business men focused on results.

I believe the general is getting unfairly slammed for his diplomatic speak. The man has a sense of humour in respect to his comment about not sitting next to Thaksin at the funeral.

Whether some foreigners want to believe it or not, Thaksin still carries weight in the region and is still held in high regard. He was the PM during Thailand's most successive economic growth and he took on the narco terrorists who destabilized the region, much to the chagrin of some westerners who did not live in the regions afflicted by the state within a state conditions.


I would be willing to bet that most posters here really did not live here while Thaksin was the PM. Ha...democracy Thaksin style was horrific

Agreed x 2

What does the democracy style have to do with the similarity in economic management? Which is what this thread is about.


Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore model was indeed Thaksin's role model for nation building when the ex-PM was in office before the 2006 coup. Lee criticised leaders around the world, including many Thai elite, for mishandling their countries, but he praised Thaksin for visionary leadership and economic management. Lee has run Singapore like his company and hence the world knows the country as 'Singapore Inc", so did Thaksin who tried to make the Kingdom "Thailand Inc".


Lee Kuan Yew had the vision and leadership to build a country/nation

Thaksin's vision was to fill his pockets and those of his cohorts with a nations wealth.

Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore model was indeed Thaksin's role model

an ever bigger Nah....

Ferdinand Marcos and the Philippine model was INDEED Thaksin's role model

The problem you have with is that under Thaksin Thailand had its most sustained period of economic growth ever. You can repeat the cliches but Thaksin more than anybody took this country from a pretty broken place post 1997/98 to a nation where, in 2006 the north had seen average incomes grow 250%. He was flawed for sure, but he was no more corrupt than any previous administration and far less than most, and arguably the best premier since 1932 (the bar is very low of course). Thailand in 2000 and Thailand in 2013 were radically different - and for much of the population, much, much better - places. You can thank Thaksin for much of that.

I know that goes against the right wing memes you're reciting, but it's hard to sidestep the reality of what he did for Thailand.

Really.....and how do you rate the proxy Thaksin governments post 2006 until 2014...do they also show that continued growth and development of the Thai economy??

What I have seen was a close correlation between economic growth and rise in debts of both household and govt.

  • Like 1

You can't compare the two. Lee Kuan Yen and Taksin, they are like chalk and cheese.

No not really. Both ran countries like business men focused on results.

I believe the general is getting unfairly slammed for his diplomatic speak. The man has a sense of humour in respect to his comment about not sitting next to Thaksin at the funeral.

Whether some foreigners want to believe it or not, Thaksin still carries weight in the region and is still held in high regard. He was the PM during Thailand's most successive economic growth and he took on the narco terrorists who destabilized the region, much to the chagrin of some westerners who did not live in the regions afflicted by the state within a state conditions.

Both ran countries like business men focused on results. Lee ran the country like a public company, with honesty and profits going to the shareholders.

Thaksin ran Thailand like Dracula runs a blood bank.

Actually that's wrong. Dracula would be covert, while Thaksin was completely blatant in helping himself.

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There's only one way for Thailand to mirror the success of Singapore and that is to do what Lee did initially ... stamp out corruption and punish the corrupt. Unfortunately Thailand is drowning in corruption and the powers that be don't want an end to it because it doesn't allow them to continuously enrich themselves.

Nothing to say about Prayut that hasn't already been said.

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I really do not know what to say about this childish fellow... and nope, you are not cut for this job if your thinking is like this...

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You can't compare the two. Lee Kuan Yen and Taksin, they are like chalk and cheese.

No not really. Both ran countries like business men focused on results.

I believe the general is getting unfairly slammed for his diplomatic speak. The man has a sense of humour in respect to his comment about not sitting next to Thaksin at the funeral.

Whether some foreigners want to believe it or not, Thaksin still carries weight in the region and is still held in high regard. He was the PM during Thailand's most successive economic growth and he took on the narco terrorists who destabilized the region, much to the chagrin of some westerners who did not live in the regions afflicted by the state within a state conditions.

Yes agree. And, there's more than one way to structure democracy. Benevolent dictatorship in the guise of democracy isn't necessarily bad for the country (as Lee proved and even the Chinese with their hybrid communism).


Hilarious numnut puts he foot in it again. This guy has to learn he is not cut out for the job, definately not a statesman and to compare himself to one is an insult. Not a day goes past without him opening his mouth causing the world to shake it's head in disbelief before breaking out in uncontrollable laughter. Prayuth do Thailand a favour step down and give the job to someone more qualified or just keep your mouth shut.

...........and Yingluck was!!!! w00t.gif.

My apologies I didn't mention Yingluk because I didn't see her mentioned in the topic. My apologies for not diverting my attention to something totally different.

Even mentioning Thaskin in the same breath as Mr. Lee is totally unacceptable Mr Lee loved Singapore as if it was his child Thaskin yes may have loved , but his real love was the baht instead of being noble and bring all Thai's up the a higher Standard he chose in enrich himself and few close friends only giving crumbs to the people. Then when time came to explain his side he ran as is the standard way.


Hilarious numnut puts he foot in it again. This guy has to learn he is not cut out for the job, definately not a statesman and to compare himself to one is an insult. Not a day goes past without him opening his mouth causing the world to shake it's head in disbelief before breaking out in uncontrollable laughter. Prayuth do Thailand a favour step down and give the job to someone more qualified or just keep your mouth shut.

...........and Yingluck was!!!! w00t.gif.

My apologies I didn't mention Yingluk because I didn't see her mentioned in the topic. My apologies for not diverting my attention to something totally different.

Ahhh...the trick worked. He sees the puppet, but not the puppet master?


Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore model was indeed Thaksin's role model for nation building when the ex-PM was in office before the 2006 coup. Lee criticised leaders around the world, including many Thai elite, for mishandling their countries, but he praised Thaksin for visionary leadership and economic management. Lee has run Singapore like his company and hence the world knows the country as 'Singapore Inc", so did Thaksin who tried to make the Kingdom "Thailand Inc".


Lee Kuan Yew had the vision and leadership to build a country/nation

Thaksin's vision was to fill his pockets and those of his cohorts with a nations wealth.

Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore model was indeed Thaksin's role model

an ever bigger Nah....

Ferdinand Marcos and the Philippine model was INDEED Thaksin's role model

The problem you have with is that under Thaksin Thailand had its most sustained period of economic growth ever. You can repeat the cliches but Thaksin more than anybody took this country from a pretty broken place post 1997/98 to a nation where, in 2006 the north had seen average incomes grow 250%. He was flawed for sure, but he was no more corrupt than any previous administration and far less than most, and arguably the best premier since 1932 (the bar is very low of course). Thailand in 2000 and Thailand in 2013 were radically different - and for much of the population, much, much better - places. You can thank Thaksin for much of that.

I know that goes against the right wing memes you're reciting, but it's hard to sidestep the reality of what he did for Thailand.

Oh really. Do you have any idea of Thaksin's activities around said 1997 financial crisis?

Here's a few hints... Deputy Prime Minister... Carlyle Group... "international currency speculation"...

But it's OK, the IMF came and bailed out Thailand and Thaksin paid back the loan from his own pocket.

And after Thaksin resigned as Palang Dharma's party leader (not because he lost an election, because Thaksin never loses elections), he stated the reason that the party didn't succeed was basically because they wer enot dirty enough. That would explain why he's kind-of gone the other direction since then.


Hilarious numnut puts he foot in it again. This guy has to learn he is not cut out for the job, definately not a statesman and to compare himself to one is an insult. Not a day goes past without him opening his mouth causing the world to shake it's head in disbelief before breaking out in uncontrollable laughter. Prayuth do Thailand a favour step down and give the job to someone more qualified or just keep your mouth shut.

...........and Yingluck was!!!! w00t.gif.

My apologies I didn't mention Yingluk because I didn't see her mentioned in the topic. My apologies for not diverting my attention to something totally different.

Surely, if you are unfairly running down Prayut's performance then I should be allowed a comparison against the most recent PM before him.

Perhaps you should divert your attention towards her as she is the goon who implemented and promoted her brother's infamous rice scam that enriched the farmers (not) and abused democracy on her brother's behalf!!

Now what has Prayut done in this area of corruption - oh!! he is tackling it and not entertaining it. I think that this is perfectly on topic and renders your point as futile!!

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Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore model was indeed Thaksin's role model for nation building when the ex-PM was in office before the 2006 coup. Lee criticised leaders around the world, including many Thai elite, for mishandling their countries, but he praised Thaksin for visionary leadership and economic management. Lee has run Singapore like his company and hence the world knows the country as 'Singapore Inc", so did Thaksin who tried to make the Kingdom "Thailand Inc".


Lee Kuan Yew had the vision and leadership to build a country/nation

Thaksin's vision was to fill his pockets and those of his cohorts with a nations wealth.

actually you are correct, the greater insult (by a country mile) in this article is the fact that SUPALAK GANJANAKHUNDEE

from the nation has tried to suggest Thaksin was modelling his political career on Lee Kuan - that has turned out to be so far removed from the truth that it is highly insulting to say the least - it is just simply ridiculous, there is maybe a vague alignment in the early years of Thaksin before he turned absolutely rotten with greed and power/office abuse and his criminal agenda exposed - the rest is history which speaks for itself

As for the current Thailand PM - he again shows his lack of experience in diplomacy which I suppose is understandable but not excusable - he really needs an experienced PR guy to write his script before presenting to the public

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