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I Have a Ipad 3, about 6 months ago little girl smashed the screen so i brought 1 off ebay, after about 2 months it started doing random things on its own like opening apps, search bar opening and letters wriiten in, settings section opening etc so thinking it was the china purchased screeni brought another one on ebay from hong kong, this one did the same thing after about 1 week..

So im not sure if it is a problem that screens are cheap chinese or something more sinister is happening, has anybody else with a ipad experienced this and how did they fix it?


Have an i phone that does the same thing - and i have noticed a few other i phones that do similar things..Cheaply made crap sold at a premium price. Mine is supplied by my work so i just have to persevere ..


I had a screen replaced in the UK by a budget shop and this exact thing happened - had to return 3 times to get the job done right. It's a fault in the repair.


My iPad occasionally does silly things like scrolling by itself. I put it down to Apple geektards fixing things that ain't broke :) :). But now I wonder if there's a more insidious issue here - hope I'm not alarming anyone.



Probably an unstable 3rd party replacement digitizer screen.

I've also seen this with cheap tablets. Just as I think the thing is barely usable (cheap Chinese knockoff usable) it goes into unstable mode for a while, jumping around on its own to the point of being completely unreliable. So I end up being convinced by the Big Thai Family™ into giving them to their kids, and... it starts working fine again few week later.

Jupiter-Mars alignment, solar flares, RF-interference, angry ghosts, a Thai Conspiracy, who knows. But now I'm burned on buying inexpensive tablets.

Could even be something dirty on the display, a film of dirt, or a film of cheap screen protector. Try giving the display a really good cleaning with a very small drop of water and a clean micro-cloth.

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