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Thailand, Morality, ethics and me


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Nah - Lets just put some percentage on power eh ?

big city in the middle - bkk eh ?

there is a real reason why those farmers are the down trodden eh

Quite funny as when these luddites are throwing out there blank generalizations they forget that a lot of the North and North / East are most comprised of ethnic Laotian and quite often Khmer. Anyways my point is that despite population mass - its not always the best litmus test. Now I do understand that a lot of the degenerate scum riff raff here are shacked up and exploiting these people (or vicE versA?) for what ever, they/we/ thai forum/ should focus on reality of Thailand, which really is the old bkk / กทม kinda thing. its like reading <deleted> who stay at khaosan complaining of expensive taxis or pushy tuk tuks. for this i say: you made your bed, now have a nap

How many Thais in BK do you think weren't brought up in a rural (farming) area?

5% .... 10% ...... 20%?

Let's face it less than 20% of the Thai population ever attended high school, so they ain't that sophisticated.

As for who is exploiting whom, entirely different discussion.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Farangs are a strange species.

They usually (still) have more money than many Thais, so they can pay.

They're after Thai womenbecause they don't like Farang women so much.

They get Thai women and complain about being used as ATM.

Speak for yourself,

I like young white women just fine (I also like young brown, yellow and black women)

It's just the young white women won't have anything to do with me (can't blame them, as I am 60).

Some brutal honesty for a change. Nice to see that you are capable.

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Who are you to say what's morally and ethically acceptable for a developing, 3rd world country?

Do you think your own country isnt full of corruption despite being a wealthy and prosperous western nation?

If you disagree, tell us the country youre from and I guarantee there is plenty of fodder on google to dismiss any notions of moral/ethical high ground.

The world is not binary, there are many shades of gray.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure we're you come from back in my country we have good and bad people and it is the same here good and bad you come to thailand to have fun and not work out how the country is run and if you don't like not saying you , but a lot on this forum TV need to look at there selves and stop thai bashing I am sick of it here on TV you get some real good reading but you get to much thai bashing and it should stop if you don't like it here get out and go back home to your country.

So early in the thread and already a poster who doesn't read the OP thoroughly.

You are so far off the mark in your response that I thought it prudent not to answer but now and again I feel the need to say something to inane comments like yours.

Your inability to read what I writ doesn't surprise me at all but to actually respond in the manner that you did beggars belief.

For Gods sake read the post properly then read it again and then a third time and then define where, in what phrase or paragraph I was Thai bashing.

In the meantime telling someone to bog off back to their own country because you may not agree with their sentiment is like taking your bat and ball home, in other words very childish!

Now please think about what I am saying and if there is even the slightest accuracy in what I have said then and come back with a sensible and interesting reply.

Like for instance you could have made a comment like; the Thai people are so brainwashed that they do not have that sense of "empowerment" that we from the West or those in other SEA have in regard to these matters.

In other words am looking at why and I take the evolutionary process in consideration why after such a long time of "fraternisation" with the West and all of its contribution to Thai society they still havnt evolved like say Singapore , Japan or Korea.

I look forward to your answer to the points that I have raised

You might want to rethink what you are saying.

"Thai people are so brainwashed that they do not have that sense of "empowerment" that we from the West or those in other SEA have in regard to these matters."

There are many countries in SE Asia more corrupt than Thailand. You have been reading to much Thai Visa. They actually have two of the most corrupt in the world with North Korea and Myanmar. If you had thrown in Malaysia with your examples you would have the only countries with less corruption than them. Thailand is in the middle of the pack. wai.gif


With all the countries in SE Asia that are worse than Thailand I look at that statement as Thai basing.

Did I mention any other SEA Country in my OP?

No I didn't so your comments are both spurious and off topic, your further misinterpretation of me Thai Bashing or in your word basing has no merit whatsoever if you read what t I wrote and not what you thought I wrote

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Here I am sat in the home of MIL and FIL surrounded by loving people (family) whom I Have come to know and respect

I have often said in my posting on TV that to be lucky is to be blessed and I am lucky and Blessed in the family that I belong to here in Thailand

Tonight There are Thai family here from Australia to be with Mama and papa and at the same time other members of the family have come from all over Thailand to celebrate the new year and to ask for the Blessing of the parents. (me included and I am 70 years of age)

My inlaws are poor people but rich in the love and respect that the family have for them, including me.

I know that maybe on TV I am an exception but sometimes the exception is par for the course eh?.

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Just for the record, its not maudlin sentimental melancholy that makes me write these posts, its just a celebration of being part of something that is much bigger than oneself.

To be part of a loving family is the best one can ever achieve on this mortal coil, to be loved and to love in return is so fundamentally wonderful to be unexplainable

I have made many mistakes in my life but only in recent years have I learned that to receive you must wholeheartedly give and what little I have given to my Thai family has been returned 500%

Now I await the dissenters!

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God, grant me the ability to accept the things I cannot change.

God has nothing to do with it, otherwise he'd not allow the atrocities we see daily in the world.

You really cannot have it all ways,

if God give you the right of free will and any action then why blame him if there are people who dont follow his teachings and do atrocities or evil things .

If God is a loving father type of guy he must like many on here look at what his children do and be very upset and miserable or maybe like many on here he doesn't give a &lt;deleted&gt; about what they do!

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Morality Ethics , Thailand .err ?

The Human race , belongs to the animal kingdom ,which by nature , has no moral ethics .

Lust , desire and the multiplication of the race , is the norm ,the only purpose in life .

So , why complicate , what happens naturally .

Jealousy , attachments , love ,commitments serve no purpose , are non essentials .

These are negative emotions, engineered by the money orientated greed society . the so called Civilsed and Disciplined World ,

PS. internet nerds , keep their brains and their balls , in their disc .

What a waste , of the Gift of LIFE. wai2.gif


Edited by elliss
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