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California Plan to Execute Gay People


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A "Sodomite Suppression Act" has been proposed in California, which includes the phrase "any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head, or by any other convenient method".

If this appeared anywhere other than a respected newspaper, I'd assume it was a joke (albeit a very sick one).

The depth of some people's hatred is unfathomable.


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Every society has its nut jobs, and the lawyer who proposed this surreal idea would appear to be just that. It might stir the imaginations of a few religious cranks, but the average person in California is simply not going to have anything to do with it - I'm sure they'll initially be outraged that anyone could even think such a thing, and then probably sigh, "bloody crazy Californians". What a sicko this Matt McLaughlin is.

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Give it a couple of years and he'll be caught in bed with some male prostitute snorting coke and then praying for forgiveness. Fortunately, his measure will never get on the ballot, otherwise he would get the bullet to the head.

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What's more barbaric, depriving a person from life because they are LGBT or allowing life while dangling in front of them what might be thought of as life's purpose while depriving them opportunity to reach or teach so-called enlightenment?


Buddhist-majority Thailand has approved a bill that would ban LGBTI people from the entering the monkhood.

The junta cabinet approved the bill in August and is now preparing to submit it to the National Legislative Assembly.

Religious authorities have unsuccessfully tried to propose the Bill to Patronize and Protect Buddhism since 2006 but previous military and civilian governments rejected the measure.

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This jerks business address is a matter of public record. I mailed him a Thai Airways postcard with a simple message. "Hate always corrodes and destroys the vessel it is contained in". I drew a happy face and wished him Chok Dee.

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