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On one of my many trips to Surin, we were relaxing on some lake or water way near the boarder. A Mahutan turned up with his elephants and had this really cute baby.

We started chatting and discovered my wife could buy the elephant for 10,000 Baht after one year etc etc.

Since we have a bit of land and the Mahutan comes cheap, maybe an elephant may be better than a Buffalo to till the fields etc.

I also thought since there was such a cultural and religous imprtance the elephant may not get as sick as a buffalo.

In years to come it might be fun for the kids to have rides etc when they holiday from Australia.......

What do you think


You serious? Sounds far to much like a Simpsons episode I saw once where the family won Stampy the elephant and tried to raise him in the backyard.

Not being a Mahut myself, I dunno too much about elephants, but at a guess I think that they eat a fair bit...and that food has to be paid for.

Don't reckon its a good idea unless, again like Homer Simpson, you like saying "D'oh" on a regular basis.


Some years back there was this old elephant living on the other side of the fence from the Nana Hotel (Soi 4) back by the Rex. Kids used to ride him for free.

I think one would make a great pet if you have the room and the budget for food! :o


Some years ago I had a talk with an old farmer, not far out of Sukhothai, who was the only one in his area, who still had an elephant. A very huge animal, over 40 years old.

I remember, what he told me, why now many people are not interested to keep an elephant anymore:

1) You need an experienced person, who takes care of this elephant - the elephant must know that person and respect him.... otherwise it is gone.....

2) Food is never enough now, so he buys every 3 days a big sack of banana as additional food...

3) He told me, the only reason he still keeps this elephant is because this huge animal is together with him since maybe 30 years or longer .... he loves it and he will not separate from it, until either he himself or the elephant dies.....

4) Sukhothai has tourists, foreigners and also many Thais from the city of Bangkok, even Thai children asking sometimes, if this is an elephant........

Yes, he makes some business out of the elephant, near Sri Chanalai.....

Feeding the elephant by food he is selling, riding on the elephant, playing with it....

I had not the impression, he is a rich man....


I read a story on a Thai webpage, about Thai elementary school children, trying to have fun with e-mail with other children in USA.

Question to the Thai children: How do you go to school? Are you going by feet or by elephant?

The Thai children did not know, what to answer, and one was asking his father, what to reply.....

Reply to the American kids:

Sorry, it is too expensive to bring my children to school by elephant. The school is far away here from our home, the elephant is too slow, often stops and will not arrive on time.

Diesel is much cheaper, so we are using our pick-up truck.

This is a true story, really happened - and not a joke.

I do not understand anything about elephants, but it seems to me, it is not easy to keep them like a cat or dog, pig or cow, ducks or chicken ....


Sounds fishy to mee. An elephant costs more than 100,000 Baht.

He was there, George 'cause he used to wake me up from time to time with his "hooting". When we got tired of laying around the pool at the Nana, we'd go over and feed him scraps from the restaurant.

We're going back a few years now, to like the late '70s - not modern times. :o


The reason you have to wait a year is that's how long it will take to train the elephant to return home to the man that sold it to you after he has your money.

think before you drink or in this case, buy an elephant.

Elephants don't get sick as often as the bar-girls' buffalos. This is a pro.

But they sometimes go as bersek as a bar-girl. This is a con.



Sounds fishy to mee. An elephant costs more than 100,000 Baht.

I was wrong, at the time of the negotiation it was $3600- Aus, Sorry, I missed a zero with the conversion, it should have been 100,000.

That money is paid after the year.

Since she has 40 Rai of land, (yes its not alot) but I have seen too much of Jackie Chan on Cable, so I thought it would be nice to give something back.

Another point is my Daughter goes to "Pony Club" in Australia, with all the self-effacing self-opinionated..... I would just love to see an elephant at Pony Club..... The rules do say if a member cannot get a horse, other animals would be sufficient.

I think they were talking about Donkeys and mules....... It would be worth the $$$$ and the hassle just to see a good mahutan show them a thing or two in the dressage. Mind you, showjumping may be a problem..... :o

OK - any going spare just give me a shout - may be still interested 

Sure PM me, this is Surin we are talking of....... and don't forget the Mahutan.

OR do you want ot see the fiasco at "Pony Club"

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