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I generally have yearly blood tests to check all is ok with my bod and over a year ago I was told that I was vit D deficient. They gave me some supplements which I didnt take. Then 2 months ago I was told again that I was deficient.

I ended up googling vitamin d deficiency and had no idea it's really common and that its definitely worthwhile sorting out. I read online that vit d deficiency can cause cognitive issues / depression, cardiovascular issues and even cancer. Ive had the first 2 problems.

The dr gave me a dosage of 20,000 iu. Does this seem too high? How many mg is that?

I am gluten intolerant and have gut issues. I read that this could explain why Im deficient in this vitamin and perhaps a few others.

Any comments are appreciated.


Vit D is normally measured in IU rater than mg.

In people with malabsorption problems the dose needed to treat deficiency is significantly higher than for those without. US Endocrine Society recommendation is at least 6,000 - 10,000 IU daily until normal blood levels achieved and then at least 3,000 - 6,000 IU daily for maintainence.

I would go ahead and take the prerscribed dosage but be sure there are follow up blood tests scheduled so that dosage can be adjusted downward once you reach normal range.

See https://www.endocrine.org/~/media/endosociety/Files/Publications/Clinical%20Practice%20Guidelines/FINAL-Standalone-Vitamin-D-Guideline.pdf

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D levels, have been in vogue now for some years, though, I'm not sure there are RCT to support it so much, though, most of the elderly are deficient, and unlikely to get via sun and food exposure of modern lifestyle.

what is your level, I believe most recommend '30', but up to '50' is fine, it's hard to over take , but after it is 30, then take 2-5k /day probably , assuming it is D3

what is your age.

this topic was discussed not so long ago in TV if you google it ......


looking at the blood result now it says

D2: <2.4 ng/ml and there is no range specified

D3: 26.9 ng/ml which is in the insufficiency range. The deficiency range is <20

The vit d capsule perscribed is 20,000 iu every 2 weeks.


unless, i'm mistaken 27 for D3 is about normal ; if your saying <20 is deficient , yours is 27, so am confused what your trying to say

i'm not sure if D2 matters .

looking at the blood result now it says

D2: <2.4 ng/ml and there is no range specified

D3: 26.9 ng/ml which is in the insufficiency range. The deficiency range is <20

The vit d capsule perscribed is 20,000 iu every 2 weeks.


I thought Vitamin D is produced when you are in the sun.....Would staying more in the sun help?

You are right!!

If living in Thailand you won't need to take supplements. All you need to do is get out in the sun for between 15 - 20 minutes a day between 12.00 and 3.00 PM with about half of your body uncovered.

Doing it naturally is the best possible way (and its free).

As long as you don't get burnt, going a slight pinky colour is fine, then it is actually reckoned to be protective against a variety of cancers (including skin cancer believe it or not). If you are doubtful or unconvinced by what I am saying then feel free to check this out on the internet by putting the relevant words into a search engine and making an informed decision as to whether it is right for you - I do this myself BTW as I appreciate how dangerous being vitamin D deficient can be and am lucky enough to be residing in a country that has sun all year round.

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If you are a guy, Vitamin D deficiency has been definitively linked to a higher incidence of prostate cancer. This may be true of other cancers as well. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment in older adults, and bone density issues.

Being an office guy working here in BKK, I don't have the time to get out in the sun much during the week. And then there is the sweltering heat of summer when you are not so inclined to get out and get some serious sun on the weekend. I felt like I was having some fatigue and "brain fog" from time to time and went in to Bumrungrad to get that checked out. My doc there decided to check my Vitamin D blood level, and sure enough, I was very deficient. He put me on 20,000 IU once a week for a month, and then re-checked a week after that and I was fine. He further advised that I take D3 supplements. That did fix up my fatigue and brain fog issues.

I suspect there are a lot of us walking around here with D deficiencies, and considering the many health risks, you might want to get tested.

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Vitamin D is very important. In the west 90+% of people given autopsy on death are very deficient on Vit D.

You need to expose 70% of your body to the sun at least 3-4 times a week for around 15 mins as the sun gets your body to produce it.

The most important thing is Vitamin D3 not just Vitimin D. It helps your body a great deal to produce the defences your body needs to fight the like of cancer and many other killers. I take 6,000iu's a day in conjunction with Vit K. Also if you take statins you need to take CO-Q10 as this is the food that your heart needs and statins kill a lot of CO-Q10 that your body produces.

I stopped taking statins over 18 months ago and when I am back in New Zealand my blood tests show my colestrial down around 5. Start buying the vegetable Morning Glory and blend it to liquid and drink a glass or 2 every day it also cleans your body out.

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I thought Vitamin D is produced when you are in the sun.....Would staying more in the sun help?

You are right!!

If living in Thailand you won't need to take supplements. All you need to do is get out in the sun for between 15 - 20 minutes a day between 12.00 and 3.00 PM with about half of your body uncovered.

Doing it naturally is the best possible way (and its free).

As long as you don't get burnt, going a slight pinky colour is fine, then it is actually reckoned to be protective against a variety of cancers (including skin cancer believe it or not). If you are doubtful or unconvinced by what I am saying then feel free to check this out on the internet by putting the relevant words into a search engine and making an informed decision as to whether it is right for you - I do this myself BTW as I appreciate how dangerous being vitamin D deficient can be and am lucky enough to be residing in a country that has sun all year round.

well my mother has slightly low Vitamin D (checked in summer) and she is all the summer on a FKK camping ground....more or less in the sun. maybe it doesn't work for old people that good?


I thought Vitamin D is produced when you are in the sun.....Would staying more in the sun help?

You are right!!

If living in Thailand you won't need to take supplements. All you need to do is get out in the sun for between 15 - 20 minutes a day between 12.00 and 3.00 PM with about half of your body uncovered.

Doing it naturally is the best possible way (and its free).

As long as you don't get burnt, going a slight pinky colour is fine, then it is actually reckoned to be protective against a variety of cancers (including skin cancer believe it or not). If you are doubtful or unconvinced by what I am saying then feel free to check this out on the internet by putting the relevant words into a search engine and making an informed decision as to whether it is right for you - I do this myself BTW as I appreciate how dangerous being vitamin D deficient can be and am lucky enough to be residing in a country that has sun all year round.

well my mother has slightly low Vitamin D (checked in summer) and she is all the summer on a FKK camping ground....more or less in the sun. maybe it doesn't work for old people that good?

It is a bit trickier for woman (especially older women) as they probably have less skin exposed for obvious reasons. The fact that she is only slightly deficient from the recommended level is good. Don't forget, the arbitrary figure that is quoted is just that - some doctors argue that higher levels in the blood are desirable if maximum protection is to be achieved, so adding in a supplement of vitamin D3 to top it up further would do her no harm.


I thought Vitamin D is produced when you are in the sun.....Would staying more in the sun help?

You are right!!

If living in Thailand you won't need to take supplements. All you need to do is get out in the sun for between 15 - 20 minutes a day between 12.00 and 3.00 PM with about half of your body uncovered.

Doing it naturally is the best possible way (and its free).

As long as you don't get burnt, going a slight pinky colour is fine, then it is actually reckoned to be protective against a variety of cancers (including skin cancer believe it or not). If you are doubtful or unconvinced by what I am saying then feel free to check this out on the internet by putting the relevant words into a search engine and making an informed decision as to whether it is right for you - I do this myself BTW as I appreciate how dangerous being vitamin D deficient can be and am lucky enough to be residing in a country that has sun all year round.

well my mother has slightly low Vitamin D (checked in summer) and she is all the summer on a FKK camping ground....more or less in the sun. maybe it doesn't work for old people that good?

It is a bit trickier for woman (especially older women) as they probably have less skin exposed for obvious reasons. The fact that she is only slightly deficient from the recommended level is good. Don't forget, the arbitrary figure that is quoted is just that - some doctors argue that higher levels in the blood are desirable if maximum protection is to be achieved, so adding in a supplement of vitamin D3 to top it up further would do her no harm.

FKK camping ground is a place where you are naked.....you can't expose more skin.....And she is with very light skin type browner than some Thai women......yes she supplement a bit.

Doctor told that on Vitamin D there is still much unknown and the levels aren't sure. She shouldn't worry, supplement a little bit.

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I wonder where the Thais living in urban areas are getting their Vitamin D from. Most of them avoid the sun like the plague and even wear umbrellas to protect themselves from getting suntans.


<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="ghworker2010" data-cid="9237174" data-time="1427445639" data-date="Yesterday, 15:40 ">ghworker2010" data-cid="9237174" data-time="1427445639" data-date="Yesterday, 15:40 said:<p>looking at the blood result now it says D2:


Vitamin D is very important. In the west 90+% of people given autopsy on death are very deficient on Vit D.

You need to expose 70% of your body to the sun at least 3-4 times a week for around 15 mins as the sun gets your body to produce it.

The most important thing is Vitamin D3 not just Vitimin D. It helps your body a great deal to produce the defences your body needs to fight the like of cancer and many other killers. I take 6,000iu's a day in conjunction with Vit K. Also if you take statins you need to take CO-Q10 as this is the food that your heart needs and statins kill a lot of CO-Q10 that your body produces.

I stopped taking statins over 18 months ago and when I am back in New Zealand my blood tests show my colestrial down around 5. Start buying the vegetable Morning Glory and blend it to liquid and drink a glass or 2 every day it also cleans your body out.

I suggest you look up details on Q10 cos after the age of 25 our bodies are less and less able to use Q10.

The body has to convert Q10 into Ubiquinol and it forgets how to do that.

The answer may be to take Ubiquinol rather than Q10.

Check it out for yourself.

To create D3 by sunshine the sun must be high in the sky.

As a guide your shadow should be shorter than your height.

Stay in the sun for about 20 mins or so, basically if your skin turns slightly pink after the exposure, D3 has been created.

If you have a heavy tan you will need longer.

People in the north have a small mid day window to create D3 this way. In the winter, the window is closed so a liquid supplement at 2,000iu/drop is essential. 3-5 drops on a regular basis would be good.

Mercola.com is a good source of info.

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I wonder where the Thais living in urban areas are getting their Vitamin D from. Most of them avoid the sun like the plague and even wear umbrellas to protect themselves from getting suntans.

Well we European also get it somewhere in Europe in Winter....


if i were you, 20 min in the sun per day, this is thailand after all

no need for sunscreen, as that give you CANCER

don't get burned, that is the message

no need for pills in a tropical country like this one


if i were you, 20 min in the sun per day, this is thailand after all

no need for sunscreen, as that give you CANCER

don't get burned, that is the message

no need for pills in a tropical country like this one

Obviously there is a need for Vitamin D supplements ('pills'), even for people living in "a tropical country like this one". Like those of us who have inside office jobs.


if i were you, 20 min in the sun per day, this is thailand after all

no need for sunscreen, as that give you CANCER

don't get burned, that is the message

no need for pills in a tropical country like this one

Obviously there is a need for Vitamin D supplements ('pills'), even for people living in "a tropical country like this one". Like those of us who have inside office jobs.

yes...it is a shame that we must stay inside......actually here the aircon runs so cold, that it feels like Europe....


I thought Vitamin D is produced when you are in the sun.....Would staying more in the sun help?

You are right!!

If living in Thailand you won't need to take supplements. All you need to do is get out in the sun for between 15 - 20 minutes a day between 12.00 and 3.00 PM with about half of your body uncovered.

Doing it naturally is the best possible way (and its free).

As long as you don't get burnt, going a slight pinky colour is fine, then it is actually reckoned to be protective against a variety of cancers (including skin cancer believe it or not). If you are doubtful or unconvinced by what I am saying then feel free to check this out on the internet by putting the relevant words into a search engine and making an informed decision as to whether it is right for you - I do this myself BTW as I appreciate how dangerous being vitamin D deficient can be and am lucky enough to be residing in a country that has sun all year round.

You do not need to go out in the sun during the heat of the day and if you're fair skinned you'll burn. 30 minutes a day in the early morning and/or before sunset is quite sufficient. Wearing shorts, flip flops and shirtless of course!

As far as I'm aware taking vit D supplements is not the real answer and are mainly prescribed for the housebound.


50,000 in per week. Your best source of vitamin D2 is the sun. Our bodies have vitamin D2 receptors in various places on our bodies. Best time for vitamin D2 intake is during afternoon sunlight for a minimum of 15 minutes. Uncover your arms and legs. Most Thai Women have vitamin D2-3 deficiency because they avoid sunlight in fear of becoming dark but in reality causing future health problems.


I thought Vitamin D is produced when you are in the sun.....Would staying more in the sun help?

Yes. But no amount of time in the sun will help if you are blocking the UV rays via a sunscreen. 15-20mins arms and legs in the sun between 10am and 3pm. Before and after those times the angle of the sun to the earth means the UV will be filtered by o zone or something liek that.

Source> Awesome YT video by world's leading expert on Vit D. try find it, seminar style about an hr long lot of humour is used, easy watching.


50,000 in per week. Your best source of vitamin D2 is the sun. Our bodies have vitamin D2 receptors in various places on our bodies. Best time for vitamin D2 intake is during afternoon sunlight for a minimum of 15 minutes. Uncover your arms and legs. Most Thai Women have vitamin D2-3 deficiency because they avoid sunlight in fear of becoming dark but in reality causing future health problems.

Anyone considering taking 50,000 IU of D per week would be well advised to first consult with a physician. Consuming large amounts of Vitamin D over a period of time can lead to toxicity and kidney damage.


the problem with all medical therapy, most of which does not have RCTs, and so much depends of common practice, and in the US, staying with the norms 2' malpractice.

when it comes to supplements, its a crapshoot, i'm trying to make sense of the new large RCT that says tylenol is no better than placebo for OA hip/knee/back pain, cause I take it often....

this from berkeley wellness, re: "causality"

Though observational studies have linked low blood levels of vitamin D to a wide variety of diseases and conditions, it is very possible that low vitamin D is not a cause of these conditions but rather an effect of them (this is called reverse causality)—or it may also be just a marker of poor health in general. That is, disorders such as heart disease, depression, and diabetes, even in their early stages, may result in vitamin D deficiency because they keep people indoors and thus reduce sun exposure. Healthy, active people may simply spend more time outdoors, so they have higher blood levels of D.

Moreover, many factors that tend to reduce vitamin D levels—such as aging, obesity, lack of physical activity, and an unhealthy diet—also increase the risk of many diseases. In good studies, researchers adjust the data statistically to account for such factors, but “residual confounders” remain a concern. When such statistical adjustments are made, the connection between low levels of vitamin D and deteriorating health weakens or sometimes even disappears.


All blood work seems quite reasonable but when I want d levels ( at Bangkok Christian Hospital ) it's quite a bit ( 4000 Bhat !! ) when I asked why when most other test so reasonable was told it must be sent out with a week or two wait for results . Where is hospital that does the testing in house and more reasonable with quick results . Getting bloodwork here is such a great value compared to states but this very helpful test we should all get because most are low and it's such and important hormone actually seems to be challenging to get at good price in line with other test . Any ideas would be very helpful thanks in advance .

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