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What Kind Of Snake Is This?


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งูสิงใต้ is my guess.

There are 8 types of rat snake and the one in the photo looks like the white bellied rat snake.

I killed one once when I didn't know it was not poisonous and my kids were young. It must have been 3 m long! Took three 8 - iron hits and a couple on the head with bamboo. It was eaten by a neighbour.


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It`s a common rat snake, completely harmless. Frequent visitors here in our garden. They like to get into small dark places, we presently have a nest of them under our garden shed.

Judging that the rat snake in the OP appears to have quite vivid markings, means it`s a young one. They lose most of their patterns as they reach adulthood.

Here is what to do: rat snakes don`t like water. Have a bowl of cold water at the ready. When the snake returns to the electric box again, make it go back onto the ground and then throw the water at it. Guaranteed it will get the hint it`s not wanted and won`t return.

That's him! The one in your pic looks bigger and older however. But that's the same snake. Same color and markings, same red tint on the head. That's him! Thank you!

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I found my little rat snake in the box again this afternoon. I haven't done diddly about him. I'm not going to do diddly about him. But everyday when I go to open the box and flip the switch I just stand there and watch him until he leaves the box then I flip the switch. it doesn't bother him it doesn't bother me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Big Rat Snake. Killed a few minutes ago. I always let him go before, but this time he got into the kitchen and terrified all the women. Too bold for his breeches. Bye, bye, big, handsome guy! Magnificent fellow, really. Shame to kill him. (My bamboo is about four feet long).



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