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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'


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People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

So how did they know where to look? It's not like they were just arresting black people at random all over the city.

Its not the fact they knew where to look or the nationality of those they arrested that makes this whole event racist.

It's the fact they did no surveillance beforehand.

It's the fact they gathered no evidence.

It's the fact that no intelligence took place.

It's the fact they "hunted" people on the basis of colour.

It's the fact that this whole operation was based solely upon prejudice, bigotry and racial profiling.

Is that clear enough for you?

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People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

So how did they know where to look? It's not like they were just arresting black people at random all over the city.

Its not the fact they knew where to look or the nationality of those they arrested that makes this whole event racist.

It's the fact they did no surveillance beforehand.

It's the fact they gathered no evidence.

It's the fact that no intelligence took place.

It's the fact they "hunted" people on the basis of colour.

It's the fact that this whole operation was based solely upon prejudice, bigotry and racial profiling.

Is that clear enough for you?

How do you know what they did or didn't do?

If they acted purely on the colour of skin, it was a hell of a coincidence that they happened to choose the exact spot where the crime in question was taking place.

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People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

So how did they know where to look? It's not like they were just arresting black people at random all over the city.

Its not the fact they knew where to look or the nationality of those they arrested that makes this whole event racist.

It's the fact they did no surveillance beforehand.

It's the fact they gathered no evidence.

It's the fact that no intelligence took place.

It's the fact they "hunted" people on the basis of colour.

It's the fact that this whole operation was based solely upon prejudice, bigotry and racial profiling.

Is that clear enough for you?

No gathering evidence or surveillance?

Are you sure?

You do know that about 3/4 of lumpini police are out there with no uniform. Probably misbehaving but they are out there and know what's going on.

There are 11 different gangs operating in Lumpini not including the police mafia.

They do know the score.

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The fact you do not see a problem in hunting people based on colour is a serious problem. Get some therapy. You need to lose that hate.

The fact is

The BIB were arresting known drug dealers in a well known drug dealing area

Where all the drug dealers are black

Have you ever walked the area in the hours of darkness?

How do I have a problem?

The cops are doing an excellent job

Stating facts

I have no problem with arresting drug dealers, they are scum.

However that is not what happened.

Here are some more facts for you.

People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

There was one criteria for this "hunt" and that was colour. Fact.

That is racism and it is wrong. Fact.


So what?

This is Thailand thank god and the cops do not need to worry about liberals like yourself

The blacks arrested were drug dealers not school teachers

Which brings us back to the subject of therapy and hate..........


No hate pal

The blacks arrested are known drug dealers in a known drug dealing area

Which bit can you not understand?

If the dealers were white

Whites would have been arrested

Stop trying the is it because I am black card (yawn)

Does not wash in Thailand

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People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

So how did they know where to look? It's not like they were just arresting black people at random all over the city.

Its not the fact they knew where to look or the nationality of those they arrested that makes this whole event racist.

It's the fact they did no surveillance beforehand.

It's the fact they gathered no evidence.

It's the fact that no intelligence took place.

It's the fact they "hunted" people on the basis of colour.

It's the fact that this whole operation was based solely upon prejudice, bigotry and racial profiling.

Is that clear enough for you?

How do you know what they did or didn't do?

If they acted purely on the colour of skin, it was a hell of a coincidence that they happened to choose the exact spot where the crime in question was taking place.

Racism was what it was.

I'm at work now, but I'll be back to point out why you are wrong again later.

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The fact you do not see a problem in hunting people based on colour is a serious problem. Get some therapy. You need to lose that hate.

The fact is

The BIB were arresting known drug dealers in a well known drug dealing area

Where all the drug dealers are black

Have you ever walked the area in the hours of darkness?

How do I have a problem?

The cops are doing an excellent job

Stating facts

I have no problem with arresting drug dealers, they are scum.

However that is not what happened.

Here are some more facts for you.

People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

There was one criteria for this "hunt" and that was colour. Fact.

That is racism and it is wrong. Fact.


So what?

This is Thailand thank god and the cops do not need to worry about liberals like yourself

The blacks arrested were drug dealers not school teachers

Which brings us back to the subject of therapy and hate..........


No hate pal

The blacks arrested are known drug dealers in a known drug dealing area

Which bit can you not understand?

If the dealers were white

Whites would have been arrested

Stop trying the is it because I am black card (yawn)

Does not wash in Thailand

A: I'm not your pal.

B: You are full of hate.

C: My colour is irrelevant but you are wrong about that as well as everything else.

D: This raid was based on "hunting" people based on their colour.

E: It was racist in nature and execution.

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I'm at work now, but I'll be back to point out why you are wrong again later.

I'll look forward to it. Your pompous presentation of opinion as fact is most entertaining.

Yours isn't.

Though it is funny you are incapable of recognising facts.

Prejudice does that.

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Off-topic, inflammatory, troll posts and replies removed.

Please stay on topic. Flaming is against the forum rules and will get you suspended.

Keep your remarks confined to the topic and not about other posters.

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you can disagree with statistics, but statistically certain skin colors commit a majority of crimes....doesn't matter what country you are in. Gotta love them statistical analyst....hmmm maybe they have tainted the data....conspiracy???? Wouldn't be the first time.... life goes on.

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detaining 72 clearly guilty of having black skin for drug tests.

'coloured' people?

who writes this stuff? they are not a journalist that's for sure.

who edited this piece? no professional editor would allow this to print.

Well the terms of reference made by the PC brigade do change rather rapidly, it used to be that it was impolite to say black so it was changed to coloured, i think we are back to black now but who knows and in my case who cares.

if it looks like a black duck,walks like a black & quacks like a black duck, then most likely it is a black duck. Unless you're one of the PC crowd !

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People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

So how did they know where to look? It's not like they were just arresting black people at random all over the city.

Its not the fact they knew where to look or the nationality of those they arrested that makes this whole event racist.

It's the fact they did no surveillance beforehand.

It's the fact they gathered no evidence.

It's the fact that no intelligence took place.

It's the fact they "hunted" people on the basis of colour.

It's the fact that this whole operation was based solely upon prejudice, bigotry and racial profiling.

Is that clear enough for you?

And how do you know they didn't?

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They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Does this mean that the black prostitutes standing in Suhkhomvit rd. opposite Nana have work permits??????????

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A few years ago younger people in cars at midnight in the UK are more likely to be stopped and breathalysed to see if they are driving under the influence of alcohol The police target such people because stats prove they are a high risk of drink driving.

I have never been in the areas the article refers to but have read a great deal about African drug dealers and small time crooks in this area, Either the majority of thai visa users who comment on this are spreading false rumours and the police fell for it, or perhaps there is a significant problem with African Criminals in the area and the Police acted. To the politically correct brigade they are being racist, but to the majority of people targeting any group .... god I am bored now

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People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

So how did they know where to look? It's not like they were just arresting black people at random all over the city.

Its not the fact they knew where to look or the nationality of those they arrested that makes this whole event racist.

It's the fact they did no surveillance beforehand.

It's the fact they gathered no evidence.

It's the fact that no intelligence took place.

It's the fact they "hunted" people on the basis of colour.

It's the fact that this whole operation was based solely upon prejudice, bigotry and racial profiling.

Is that clear enough for you?

And how do you know they didn't?

I read the OP.

"Saying they were acting on complaints of black people abusing drugs and “deceiving Thai women,” over 80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people found around Sukhumvit sois 3 to 13, Petchaburi and Ratchaprarop roads."

Does that sound like a well thought through operation?

Edited by Bluespunk
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no rascism in thailand, it is an open xenophobic nation

so what did all those colored do there, and on what visa are they on ?

no harm to do a check, right ?

it is their country after all (apologist attitude ?)

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More good news. You guys can play the racism card all you want, fortunately Thais and Thailand could not care less about such matters. Fact is the vast majority of drug dealers etc. in the mentioned area are black, hence it makes lots of sense to go after black people.

As a sidenote, most of the mentioned black people in that area are here illegally as well, which I am sure the police will find out once they check their passports and missing workpermits.

I think you'll find the majority of drug dealers here in Thailand are Thai.

Well, you won that 'Straw Man' argument because no one was talking about all of Thailand. In fact the poster specifically said, "in the mentioned area are black" so your response totally missed the point. How does your argument stand up now?

It stands tall and proud now as it did then.

Ah, spoken like a true narcissist who is never wrong.

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I wonder how many innocent Africans got caught up in this net?

I think you mean innocent people as the bib went after black people regardless of nationality, creed or innocence.

They had one and only one criteria for judging innocence or guilt and that was colour.

No one was judged innocent or guilty based on skin color. They were judged SUSPECT for their skin color. If you have some proof that anyone was found guilty based solely on skin color, please produce it. In the meantime stop muddling the two to make your baseless point.



You think hunting people on the basis of colour is ok?

The police went out to hunt prople based on their colour and nothing else.

That is stated in the OP. .

That is racism no matter how much you dislike the fact.

They were judged on their skin colour and nothing else.

They ended up in the police station because of their colour and nothing else.

You in your narrow thinking believe this ok because they were suspected because of their colour.

Laughable that you think this is better.

You are overusing your 'straw man' arguments. I took issue with your statement, and I quote, "They had one and only one criteria for judging innocence or guilt and that was colour." I wrote back, "No one was judged innocent or guilty based on skin color.".In fact, no one has been judged in a court at all, yet. The courts are the only ones who can find guilt or innocense and it will be based on evidence and not on the color of the skin of the defendant. You chose not to defend that statement you made because it is a lie and therefore, indefensible. You are a classic propagandist by your inflammatory statements, which you can't/won't defend and your straw man arguments against statements that no one made. I know you won't believe me because you are also a narcissist who's never wrong.

They ended up in the police station because of their colour and nothing else

If that were truly the case, every black foreigner in Thailand would be in jail. Hyperbole, much?

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Seems fairly easy to me, but maybe I don't understand the limitations of Thai law, but the moment drugs or sexual favors are offered or the moment a small amount of drugs is handed over you can arrest people. The law is clearly broken. Officers, or farang Tourist police, could go in in plain clothes and just wait for the bait to bite, Maybe soliciting to a crime is not possible within Thai law.

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some or most of you have never been there, so shut the fk up,just go off on the "black" card, i walk it every day/night, ok maybe the wrong wording from the cops but spot on all the same, this is Thailand. never been offered drugs by a "white man" here but i would need more digits to count the number of times i have been offered drugs by coloureds/blacks call them what you will, so to the cops .. bloody good job , keep it up, if need be every night. do this until you eradicate this scum.

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For those who don't like your group to be profiled you should try to change the behavior within it. There are reasons police and others profile and it is to stop crime from happening. Groups bring it upon themselves so it is up to them to change and people's opinions too.

So all black people are in the same group now?

Is it also the responsibilty of a white person to correct the behavior of every white person that behaves incorrectly?

So if some, for example, some white guy from Denmark is littering, it's responsibilty of some white Icelandic tourist passer-by to admonish him because they are both in the Pale Skin Group?

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Well, you won that 'Straw Man' argument because no one was talking about all of Thailand. In fact the poster specifically said, "in the mentioned area are black" so your response totally missed the point. How does your argument stand up now?

It stands tall and proud now as it did then.

Ah, spoken like a true narcissist who is never wrong.

Ah, the irony.

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No one was judged innocent or guilty based on skin color. They were judged SUSPECT for their skin color. If you have some proof that anyone was found guilty based solely on skin color, please produce it. In the meantime stop muddling the two to make your baseless point.



You think hunting people on the basis of colour is ok?

The police went out to hunt prople based on their colour and nothing else.

That is stated in the OP. .

That is racism no matter how much you dislike the fact.

They were judged on their skin colour and nothing else.

They ended up in the police station because of their colour and nothing else.

You in your narrow thinking believe this ok because they were suspected because of their colour.

Laughable that you think this is better.

You are overusing your 'straw man' arguments. I took issue with your statement, and I quote, "They had one and only one criteria for judging innocence or guilt and that was colour." I wrote back, "No one was judged innocent or guilty based on skin color.".In fact, no one has been judged in a court at all, yet. The courts are the only ones who can find guilt or innocense and it will be based on evidence and not on the color of the skin of the defendant. You chose not to defend that statement you made because it is a lie and therefore, indefensible. You are a classic propagandist by your inflammatory statements, which you can't/won't defend and your straw man arguments against statements that no one made. I know you won't believe me because you are also a narcissist who's never wrong.

They ended up in the police station because of their colour and nothing else

If that were truly the case, every black foreigner in Thailand would be in jail. Hyperbole, much?

"Saying they were acting on complaints of black people abusing drugs and “deceiving Thai women,” over 80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people found around Sukhumvit sois 3 to 13, Petchaburi and Ratchaprarop roads."

Clear enough for you? No lies. They were hunting for people based on their skin colour. That was their criteria for judging guilt or innocence. Nothing else.

quote you:

"You are a classic propagandist by your inflammatory statements, which you can't/won't defend and your straw man arguments against statements that no one made. I know you won't believe me because you are also a narcissist who's never wrong."

Again, the irony.

Edited by Bluespunk
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