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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'

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Nope to all the above.

I don't like the term, never use it and with friends make known, just once, my feelings on it clear.

That done I just move on.

I ignore one and all who address me in that manner, but I don't react or have a go at them.

Simple really.

Delicate little flower, aren't we?

Should we change the meaning of the word because you personally don't like it?

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They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Because people of colour are causing problems in that area. You would be stupid to target whites or chinese. Good job by the Thai police. Last time I walked past that area, I was shocked by the things going on. They need to clean up and send some of thise undesirable foreigners packing.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Because the chance of getting a successful prosecution with "coloured" people - mostly Africans - is VERY VERY HIGH. Promise.


Sat here pissing myself at this thread.

Wonder how many actually live here and can speak Thai?

Cultural Imperialists the lot of them, the Nazis tried that in the 1930s and didnt succeed, our condescending sanctamonius we know better brigade would do well to remember that.

What is it that makes your culture so perfect you see fit to try and impose it over here?

Gotta love the irony, the Jackboots will probably be kicking my door in tonight.

You make the assumption that all associate themselves with a culture of a sort, or sorts. You also relate yourself to a culture, in that you relate to imposing any other "over here" culture - quote. Review your rhetorical irony before posting, in future, as you sit 'pissing' and reading - quote. If you are really so assertive, then get out of the general demographic analysis and go solo, without the need to barricade everybody you interpret into a one grouped set.

then get out of the general demographic analysis and go solo

As a 'free thinker' I did that years ago.

barricade everybody

Thankfully as one who lives In Thailand (speaks, reads and writes Thai) I am able to insulate myself from the western PC world gone mad.

What to you suggest, the Thais rewrite their language to take inot account of the feelings of some farang two week millionaire.

Is your contry going to rewrite its language to take into acount the feelings of others?

F FS, you really couldnt make this shyt up, I once tried to explain to a Thai that the person on the telly was talking to 'the chair' the Thai looked at me with a look of total bewilderment, and asked me, why would anyone talk to a chair, a chair cant talk.

Please tell me whats offensive about the DESCRIPTOR, khon dam?

There's an innate problem here, in what you try to assert.

You suggest insulation from Western PC is an achievement, but you don't mention isolation from both the individualist or collectivist societies of abode. You also relate me myself to being from a country, which I am rightly and able to deny because of developed processes. What is your country, as a rhetorical question? You're not so free from your beliefs as much you like to assume are you? If you were so free thinking, as again you asserted, then you would not have needed to respond with such rhetort as you did.


"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people,"

Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type.

It was YOU who added, "Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type." Not the BIB.

But your comment is - generally - accurate in Bangkok.


It's fair. They are abusing the whites just up the road in Thong Lor with their random illegal searches and piss tests.

Land of Smiles!!

I live in Thong Lo and in 4 years have been searched once and that was while drunk at 6am going home.....they were respectful, had a bit of a joke with me then sent me on my way. Don't believe everything you read on here from the Thai bashers.


Nope to all the above.

I don't like the term, never use it and with friends make known, just once, my feelings on it clear.

That done I just move on.

I ignore one and all who address me in that manner, but I don't react or have a go at them.

Simple really.

Delicate little flower, aren't we?

Should we change the meaning of the word because you personally don't like it?

You can't escape the meaning of a word once it has acquired a derogatory character. All you can do is not use it.

It's hard for wannabes to understand i know, but just because I like a place and enjoy living there it doesn't blind me to it's prejudices.

Can't change them but I don't have to go along with them.

As for your first sentence above, grow up.


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Oh, the irony!!

We all now that drugs kill and are bad for society.

But if someone call those merchants of death for colored/black it becomes the PC-crime of the century.

If I look out of my window every day and see a group of all black skinned men openly selling drugs, how should I to be political correct report the crime to the police??

Frankly, I'd be more concerned about the WHITE people buying off those black-skinned gentlemen.

I avoid them both like the plauge.

I am an equal opportunities discriminator.


I'm not passing that area as much as I used to and certainly no longer in the wee hours of the night, but till now and unlike some I've never ever been offered drugs. Should I feel discriminated against?

Same here.

I am not in that area often, but in all my years I have never so much as been offered drugs by anyone, let alone an African.

They seem to leave me alone.

The Indian tailors however...that's another story.

I don't go to the lower Suk area in general, because it's a sh**hole. No idea why anyone would go to that horrible area. It's crowded, dirty, is full of traffic, there's no place to park your car (except Terminal 21), you get hustled all the time (more by Indian tailors in my experience, you're right), there's no place to walk as the sidewalks are full of junk no one needs and might even kill them (like fake viagra) and there's plenty of other places one can go to have a drink (like Ekkamai or Thonglor), for shopping (Siam, any Central mall or even Mega Bang Na, the best of them all) or for flea markets there's Chatuchak or the Asiatique (next to the river). I avoid lower Suk like the plague...don't see the attraction whatsoever.


"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people,"

Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type.

It was YOU who added, "Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type." Not the BIB.

But your comment is - generally - accurate in Bangkok.

I added nothing, nearly rephrased what the OP said. Changed nothing by doing so. It was sarcasm and is far from the truth as can be.


What about a crackdown on Thai mafia?

Maybe you haven't seen the casino closures, head of CIB being given 31 years or real estate moguls being arrested in their hotel rooms....step by step they're getting there. I suppose where you're from crime is zero?


In London around 1970 a new word came into the language.


Many lone women who had for years walked the streets without fear were being robbed of their handbags in broad daylight...

Not long after another word came into use.'Steaming'

This was where a gang of men would surround a lone woman or teenage youth and harrass them until one stole their money..One of the gang would leave

with the goods and the harrassed victim could not say which one stole their belongings.Again in broad daylight.

The description of the thief/thieves to the police was always the same ..'Coloured'.

The police began a stop and search of young coloured gangs but the PC brigade and MP's who relied on the coloured vote to keep their seat put a stop to this practice.

London is now ruled by black gangs.


His comment was correct in the context of the OP. Had the police arrested white, brown, yellow or mixed race people then he may have commented accordingly.

Fact - black people commit a lot of street crimes in many countries. Fact many drug dealers and pimps in that area are of African origin - as anyone walking through can see.

Fact - black people commit a lot of street crimes because they grow up being routinely discriminated against and accused of being criminals starting so early in life, that after a while they hate people who say things like you do. And I don't blame them for it after seeing enough of it.

Nonsense. The criminals, regardless of ethnicity, religion or sexual persuasion chose to break the law. Some chose to rob people, assault them, and usually prey on the most vulnerable in society.

The "we'e all discriminated against and so it made us bad and really the victims" has worn out its welcome.

As for hating me - isn't that the normal retort of the liberals who want to pander to the criminals? Anyone who actually wants law and order and to arrest and prosecute criminals must be bad, especially if the crook happen to be black.

I've seen many of African or Asian origin playing the race card in mitigation for their criminal lives in Europe.


Nope to all the above.

I don't like the term, never use it and with friends make known, just once, my feelings on it clear.

That done I just move on.

I ignore one and all who address me in that manner, but I don't react or have a go at them.

Simple really.

Delicate little flower, aren't we?

Should we change the meaning of the word because you personally don't like it?

You can't escape the meaning of a word once it has acquired a derogatory character. All you can do is not use it.

It's hard for wannabes to understand i know, but just because I like a place and enjoy living there it doesn't blind me to it's prejudices.

Can't change them but I don't have to go along with them.

As for your first sentence above, grow up.

You can't escape the meaning of a word once it has acquired a derogatory character.

Who please tell me decided it has acquired a derogatory character?

That would imply that at one time it had no derogatory character, when did times change?

Jeez, on reflection it would appear the Thais were years ahead of the liberal brigade in the West.

Brit actor accused of racism for using the word coloured instead of black.

benedict cumberbatch used the word 'coloured' to describe black people in the year 2015, um, are we still using that word?

taken from here,


Perhaps one of our American friends can answer, if the word coloured is so offensive, why hasnt the NAACP changed its name to reflect to more enlightened times in which we live?


Maybe this article is not politicaly correct, but people who see any kind of racism don't know the profile of the drug dealers in this area.

When you know, you wonder why this kind of crack down doen't happen more often.

Agree 100%. Some people just don't like to see obvious. They are too afraid to be called "racist".


If reports about cheap charlie's (Thai owned) closure are true how is it that the Middle east nationals operating footpath food vending are still allowed, Soi 4 Nana, and next to Foodland soi 7.?


Nope to all the above.

I don't like the term, never use it and with friends make known, just once, my feelings on it clear.

That done I just move on.

I ignore one and all who address me in that manner, but I don't react or have a go at them.

Simple really.

Delicate little flower, aren't we?

Should we change the meaning of the word because you personally don't like it?

You can't escape the meaning of a word once it has acquired a derogatory character. All you can do is not use it.

It's hard for wannabes to understand i know, but just because I like a place and enjoy living there it doesn't blind me to it's prejudices.

Can't change them but I don't have to go along with them.

As for your first sentence above, grow up.

You can't escape the meaning of a word once it has acquired a derogatory character.

Who please tell me decided it has acquired a derogatory character?

That would imply that at one time it had no derogatory character, when did times change?

Jeez, on reflection it would appear the Thais were years ahead of the liberal brigade in the West.

Brit actor accused of racism for using the word coloured instead of black.

benedict cumberbatch used the word 'coloured' to describe black people in the year 2015, um, are we still using that word?

taken from here,


Perhaps one of our American friends can answer, if the word coloured is so offensive, why hasnt the NAACP changed its name to reflect to more enlightened times in which we live?

It is an offensive term and always has been.


White people get RED when they are embarassed or angry....YELLOW when they are sick.....BLUE when they are freezing cold....and PURPLE when they are out of breath.....and they got the nerve to call US "COLORED" 5555555


Always funny to see how white people argue with other white people
what and what's not racist towards a black person and most likely,
never even met or talked to anyone from Africa.

Any black people here on the forum enlighten us what HE thinks it's
racist towards HIM?

One of my friends, yes a black guy, calls me "White Boy" and we call
him "Blacky". Not he not me ever felt we were in any way racist towards
each other.

I find it more racist if people on this forum keep pointing out again and
again that this or that name doesn't sound very British or not very French
or whatever.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Didn't take long for someone to use the race card.

They have every right to target the Africans. They hardly come here to open legit businesses.


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How is it wrong to say colored? Should be say black? Oh... Africans? No no no... Let's call them Farangs.

It's not that it's wrong, it's the connotations the word has. Historically it comes from a time where being white was considered normal- and people who weren't white were viewed as lesser human beings- lumping all non-white ethnicities into one . (Which is why there's the contradiction in the term itself- that white isn't somehow a colour).

It's not about political correctness either, before somebody drags out that lazy phrase. It's just about not being a dick.

This is in Thailand, not the USA, or other areas where africans were brought as slaves or used in Africa by colonial powers as labor and mistreated later because of the color of their skin. Being Thailand, the word does not have the same connotation that is does in the west. Get over it! Colored was never necessarily a derogatory term at the time it was used nor was the N word. It was just discriptive in the era it was used. The N word became derogatory later and the term colored fell out of use. The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) still exists. The preferred terms today in American seem to be black or African American. 50 years from now it will be something different. Yes some of it is about political correctness particularly by cultures that have abused blacks and now find the previously used terms offensive. Times change and word usage changes with it. Colored may be offensive in the West but not necessarily in Thailand.


detaining 72 clearly guilty of having black skin for drug tests.

'coloured' people?

who writes this stuff? they are not a journalist that's for sure.

who edited this piece? no professional editor would allow this to print.

lordy , lordy , they not be undetstanding da rules of da reports job dey be a doing , yep dats it, dey dont no no stinking rules :-)

Even if the majority is no good, there is no need to do a a blind enforcement..

Most of the farangs in sukhumvit are not good, yet most of them use the services of prostitues which is illegal in Thailand, how would you react even if 90% of the white people were bad and you get arrested while you stood there just partying or having a chilling time with friend.

It s so easy to catch the dealers in this street that they may use a foreigner to catch themm.

The bangkok police don t do their job, they were asked to do it, it will start again tonight or tomorrow night and you know why? because the suppliers won t be arrested, and you know why? because the cops have a share of this deal...

But justify your racism as you want, you re a foreigner here too after all, just don t be in the next selection of the police

This old chestnut again - no, hiring a prostitute is not illegal in Thailand. Next urban legend please...


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

I do not know the ratio here but in US African Americans make up 26% of the population and commit 65% of the crimes, might cause you to be a little cautious based on there lack of respect for the accepted norm or law !! In this case looks like the victims, the Girls, are pointing out the root cause, not the police.


Many people on here are very confused. First not all African's are black, I am an African by birth but are lilly white. Secondly these people will not operate in BKK if they don't have police protection, if anyone doubt it, go and stand on a street corner selling sweets and see how fast you get deported for working without a WP. Thirdly political correctness isn't an issue for Thai's so they can call a spade by its name. Fourthly Nigerians are involved in crimes throughout the world and they have brought the bad name on themselves. If anyone of any race breaks the law in the country they should be dealt with according to the law and if they are targeted according to race so be it.

You've hit the nail on the head with your third point...

The Thais (and East Asians in general) haven't had the 'foie gras' of white guilt and affirmative action that people in the West have had for the last 30 years... They can say and do what they like...

Was working in Nong Khai and filtering through job applications in a school when 4 Cameroonian men came marching through the door demanding job interviews because they had sent us applications but we didn't reply (The applications were shit by the way).

According to the men in question, we didn't give them a chance because they were black, being a natural English speaker doesn't matter when being an English teacher and 'even though (their) CVs is not very good (they) are still really good teachers'... They then went on to insult one of our Thai staff, ask her how she spoke English so well and then call her a liar when she said she was Thai and not a Filipino.

So its not just the Nigerian drug dealers being a pain in the arse to people either...


If this is not an April 1st it's about time they do it and continue to do so. I know some black respectable guys from US also here and involved in teaching or the likes but they don't hang around every night on Sukhumvit and beyond. Get rid from this garbage from African nations forever. Everywhere the same problems whether it's here or in EU. clap2.gifbah.gif


Ah yes. Leave it to the forum members of Thai Visa to show their inner bigotry.

As a Black American who's lives here and has been stopped (and continue to be stopped for no reason than being Black) it's ridiculous. It isn't about the word 'colored'. Is it ignorant, yes. But it's just a word that has little effect on the bigger picture here. These 'colored raids' happen all the time in lower sukhumvit yet nothing changes. We all know the police are involved and get a cut. They get a few people off of the street to save face but the supplier is still free, so obviously more workers get hired to sell in the open again. Wash & repeat, nothing changes. The problem here is the hypocrisy of the police only targeting 'coloreds. When I go go to Khao San, Silom, RCA, Soi 11, Ratchada, or any other party area they have drugs sold right in the open by Thais & white farang. But you rarely hear of any raids happening there. THAT is why this is racial profiling and you all know it's true. There are legitimate Africans (which is a broad for representing a multitude of countries) that work here legally, and have shops, restaurants, & businesses. SMH @ some of you saying, "I've never seen any African restaurants or shops sooo...". Well get off your ignorant ass, its Bangkok there's literally a restaurant/shop/area for every nationality. I'm LOLing at some posters saying, "I was shocked to be approached on Soi 11 and asked if I wanted drugs!" LMAO. Really?! You're on a trashy party street, not at the Lebua State Tower. Your chances of being asked for drugs will significantly rise.


Ah yes. Leave it to the forum members of Thai Visa to show their inner bigotry.

As a Black American who's lives here and has been stopped (and continue to be stopped for no reason than being Black) it's ridiculous. It isn't about the word 'colored'. Is it ignorant, yes. But it's just a word that has little effect on the bigger picture here. These 'colored raids' happen all the time in lower sukhumvit yet nothing changes. They get a few people off of the street but the supplier is still free, so obviously more workers get hired to sell in the open again. Wash & repeat, nothing changes. The problem here is the hypocrisy of the police only targeting 'coloreds. When I go go to Khao San, Silom, RCA, Soi 11, Ratchada, or any other party area they have drugs sold right in the open by Thais & white farang. But you rarely hear of any raids happening there. THAT is why this is racial profiling and you all know it's true. There are legitimate Africans (which is a broad for representing a multitude of countries) that work here legally, and have shops, restaurants, & businesses. SMH @ some of you saying, "I've never seen any African restaurants or shops sooo...". Well get off your ignorant ass, its Bangkok there's literally a restaurant/shop/area for every nationality. I'm LOLing at some posters saying, "I was shocked to be approached on Soi 11 and asked if I wanted drugs!" LMAO. Really?! You're on a trashy party street, not at the Lebua State Tower. Your chances of being asked for drugs will significantly rise.

That's colorful first post.

Must be bored tonight creating a new account and all to BS.

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