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In The Nation letters to the editor on March 24, 2004, is a letter from "Long-term resident" entitled "What happened to the online collection of HM's speeches?"

This letter is as follows: "Up until late last year, His Majesty the King's speeches were available for downloading from a dedicated website that was publicly accessible. Most of the speeches were in Thai, some had been translated. Shortly after HM's wonderful December 4, 2003 speech, I looked for that website with the intention of downloading HM's amazingly incisive, candid remarks. I could not find it. I have tried to find that website many times since, but cannot.

I noted during my hours and hours of web searching that the entire government website system has been revamped, supplying unlimited encomiums to the Great Leader. One wonders how such a high-tech administration could have lost His Majesty's website. It would be a great public service if The Nation could find the link to the website where one can download HM's publicly-available speeches or, alternatively, make a transcript of HM's December 4 speech available through The Nation's website."

Intrigued by this letter, I tried a google search, but could come up with only HM's speeches from 1995 through 1998, translated into English, on Thaipro.com which linked to Golden Jubilee Network.

Does anyone know how to find out what HM actually said about Thaksin in his last several birthday speeches?

Guest IT Manager

At the risk of being called a censor, but with a clear picture of what will happen, this thread is closed. Please PM the original poster if you can help.

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