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Quickly 'lost' my wife to yaba


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Very sorry to hear this, I do know that you can not help someone that does not want help.

See if you can find an Ala non or Narc anon group. We tend to blame ourselves for not being able to save these people but the drug is much stronger. Amazing how you can see it in the family and you hope it will not come your way.

God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I can not change

courage to change the things I can

and the wisdom to know the difference

These are words to live your life everyday by. Good luck !!!

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That's a sad story man, I think your at the point off no return with her. If you do return and try to reconcile and she still has the habit you will be feeding both of them and they will bleed you dry. Can you get her to the UK? that might help, far away from him and some rehab. Good luck and a good post, don't worry about the troll posts and negative losers here, there just lonely people that have nothing better to do then be negative about life.

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I have a story also. My business partner (westerner) got stuck on it, and crashed our business relationship (and almost our business) and our friendship, and via the same source my then GF also got started. In fact there were six people in my immediate group that all started at the same time, and I didn't know a thing about it for the first week or so. That's friends/business partner/mother of 2 small children - still in breast feeding stage, her husband my gf etc.

My gf started hanging with the wrong crowd. She'd been with me nearly 24/7 for a couple of years, then vanished one day and I didn't hear from her for months. I know we all talk about farang in the hierarchy of things often come after the village dog, but I'd never known anything to get between a Thai and their family until this (a very good family, tee total btw). I'd asked her if she used before, and said that one time her Thai previous BF (not related to this incident) had given her a YaaBaa tablet and she hated it and never tried again. This time around it was Meth Ice, and that really hit the spot.

Eventually she got caught and went to remand, and being the idiot do gooder I went to fight for her and greased the palms of the right people to stop her getting sentenced. All was good for a month, then she did something (I don't know what, but suspect a 'small delivery with payment in goods' - pure speculation on my part), and got nabbed. I didn't intervene this time and she's still in prison to this day. I think/hope she's really got the lesson now - she is hurting, I know that much, but keeping the wolves from her door was not the right decision.

I could write a lot more, but don't feel good talking about someone else in too much detail online (especially when I don't know the whole truth), but you can private message me if you want.

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Drugs and alcohol, are a very destructive combination, my advise is stay away, it will get worse before better,and dont hate all thais for this, some actualy are good people, dont drink, dont do drugs, but hearing plenty of drivel on here may turn your mind.

good luck, and get your daughter away from family at all costs

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TV sure does attract some pond life to its forums. Ice is indeed a terrible drug and is capable of destroying the life of anybodywho is unfortunate enough to be lured into taking it.

I am sorry to hear about your experience, and hope that you find release from your grief in the near future. It appears that the girl is lost but there is always hope if a correct approach and strength of will are used.

Good luck to you.

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know a girl got nabbed for 45000 pills and did 13 yeays in different jails bkk chiang rai and a small town , learn massage in jail and was very good , after a couple of years of being good and making a nice personal clientele, i think she is falling again and i will not use her again and definitely not let her come back in my room ,

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To the OP. I rarely post on here, though I read through some of the topics quite frequently, having had ties and time in LOS. Anyways, if you require any real-life, factual info on the drug, possible approaches to assist without allowing yourself to be pulled into her new private gutter (and the crummy bfriend's, too), I'd be happy to help you out. My history, briefly: Doctorate, internal medicine, US medical school; med researcher for 20+ years; former Univ professor in Med Physiology; but, perhaps most importantly, have 1st hand experience with the drug under discussion (myself and others, from years gone by). It can be a disaster, but that is not guaranteed.

Not sure how you'd pm me on this site because I didn't even realize that I was still logged in and could post...so....you can email me at md silver dot phd over at gmail; obviously no spaces in the name; I think you can figure out how the address ends.

Nonetheless, I wish you the best. Not knowing more details, tis impossible to provide sound advice.

Hello Matt, it would be great if you could post your thoughts and analysis on this forum for all of us to see. A lot of us have had similar problems with girls hooked on this stuff in Thailand. The drug is rife in this country and even moreso in the circles that expats tread in.

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actually, crystal meth should not carry most of the blame!

it just amplifies weaknesses in one's character.

sad, but move on.

Please do some research on the subject.

Here is a link for some basic education on the subject:


"Weaknesses in one's character"? The sadness is the backward thinking on addiction and directing someone to "move on".

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actually, crystal meth should not carry most of the blame!

it just amplifies weaknesses in one's character.

sad, but move on.


Get off your high horse u pompous jerk

Meth is a dangerous drug and since its 100% chemical is takes over your body

I hope she can get some help or your wont recognize her in a yr

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Thread title says Yaba.

Thread content says Ya Ice.

Which is it ?

Does it matter ? Drugs can do you in when abused.

Ya Ba and Ya Ice are both methamphetamine. The only difference being that Ya Ba comes in tablet form and also has caffeine mixed in. I don't quite see how this 'difference' is relevant to the experience of the OP?

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Been married to a gorgeous, sexy young Thai lady for 5 years. Alcoholism runs in her family and over the years I had some issues with her drinking but it was controllable. About 2-3 months ago, my wife started a new job. Unknown to me, her boss, a Thai man about her age was a drug dealer and user. My wife began staying out nights and after some heavy altercations, I left her. Since leaving I have discovered my wife is now addicted to ya ice and this man with whom she is now living (he left his wife and child) has complete control over her. Gives her little money, has taken her phone from her etc. I tried reconciliation about 2 weeks ago but the day she was supposed to come back she was in contact with her boyfriend and they ran off together (got this from her cousin). My wife wants to give her daughter (11 y.o.) to her sister to look after. Her friends and family have turned their backs on her. All this has transpired in a few short months. I feel my wife is 'lost' and there is no hope for her. So sad. I am now back in London reviewing my options.

I didn't post this to gain sympathy guys. I suppose it's just to warn anybody (because I didn't see it coming) that even a short time of usage of such a drug as ya ice is so addictive that it can make you forsake everything as my wife has done. I certainly hope it doesn't happen to anyone else here on TV. It's broken my heart.

I feel for you pal ...that's really sad .

But me personally I wouldn't have left.. I would have got him arrested and her into rehab. Anyway just my thoughts .

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Sorry to hear about your sad situation. Drugs are a big mistake. She chose her way ... forget and move on.

What you need to do now is head down Nana way and find yourself a good honest hard working thai girl .... try to find one who has never been with falang before and is not interested in money.

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I am really appalled and ashamed about some people here. the quality of the comments getting more worst every day on TV.

I really hope, the people who blame here every single op having a problem, with women, overstay etc. will come in such situations!

Karma is a bitch! Its time for TV to get rid of, of such supermen!

To the OP: I am really sorry for you!

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She comes from a dysfunctional family of drunkens, what did you expect? Mother Theresa?

That's a retarded comment.

Based on reality, substance abusers often come from abusing family.

" children of alcoholics are about four times more likely than the general population to develop alcohol problems"


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I didn't post this to gain sympathy guys. I suppose it's just to warn anybody (because I didn't see it coming) that even a short time of usage of such a drug as ya ice is so addictive that it can make you forsake everything as my wife has done. I certainly hope it doesn't happen to anyone else here on TV. It's broken my heart.

Nonetheless, sorry for you, your daughter and even your wife. People who deal drugs and entice people into getting hooked are worse than murderers since the "death" they cause goes on and on and on.

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I dont think it matters whether it is yabba or ya ice. The end result is that she has lost the plot. Sad situation, you offered help but seems she is not able to be helped at this stage. Sad situation for you.

Dont forget to report the scum dealer to police.

As much as I agree with most of this response, I must advise, don't do this. It takes two to tango, and the drug, though exceedingly negative, is itself inert. It does not force itself into anyone's system. And the dealer is, once emotion is discounted, a dude who sells drugs. What you do for one, you will be doing for both. If he goes down, she goes down as a willing participant, and to what extent, is highly unpredictable given the circumstances.

Perhaps better would be to remove emotion and personal (read: selfish) desire to influence the outcome from the equation entirely, and allow this thing to run its course. And quite possibly, the situation sorts itself in some unforeseen but acceptable manner, somewhere down the road. It is otherwise, well documented that acts of vengeance in LOS usually bring about a reality-based, instant karma for all involved, Thai and Farang alike. You don't need that. And as unfortunate as this is on certain levels, there really isn't even anyone to rescue here.

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I dont think it matters whether it is yabba or ya ice. The end result is that she has lost the plot. Sad situation, you offered help but seems she is not able to be helped at this stage. Sad situation for you.

Dont forget to report the scum dealer to police.

As much as I agree with most of this response, I must advise, don't do this. It takes two to tango, and the drug, though exceedingly negative, is itself inert. It does not force itself into anyone's system. And the dealer is, once emotion is discounted, a dude who sells drugs. What you do for one, you will be doing for both. If he goes down, she goes down as a willing participant, and to what extent, is highly unpredictable given the circumstances.

Perhaps better would be to remove emotion and personal (read: selfish) desire to influence the outcome from the equation entirely, and allow this thing to run its course. And quite possibly, the situation sorts itself in some unforeseen but acceptable manner, somewhere down the road. It is otherwise, well documented that acts of vengeance in LOS usually bring about a reality-based, instant karma for all involved, Thai and Farang alike. You don't need that. And as unfortunate as this is on certain levels, there really isn't even anyone to rescue here.

I must say i disagree. Reporting a drug dealer can not be described as an act of vengeance. More like a public service. Even if one more person is saved from addiction then the act was worthwhile. That said one would need to go about this very cautously. If the dealer finds out who shopped him then big trouble can occur. With the reputaion of some police it is even possible they know of the drug dealer.

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I didn't post this to gain sympathy guys. I suppose it's just to warn anybody (because I didn't see it coming) that even a short time of usage of such a drug as ya ice is so addictive that it can make you forsake everything as my wife has done. I certainly hope it doesn't happen to anyone else here on TV. It's broken my heart.

Nonetheless, sorry for you, your daughter and even your wife. People who deal drugs and entice people into getting hooked are worse than murderers since the "death" they cause goes on and on and on.

Taking drugs is a lifestyle choice. Being murdered isn't. I'll spend the night partying with the dealer. You spend the night partying with the murderer. In the morning we can compare notes. That's right I forgot you'll be dead by the morning.

My sympathy goes out to the OP even though he doesn't seek it. Addiction is a terrible thing. Please don't blame yourself or anyone else. Your wife has a problem and needs help but no matter how much help she gets she has to want to give up. If she doesn't want to stop then there is nothing you can do. Devote your energies to your daughter and yourself. Maybe one day she will need help and the choice will be yours to make. If you choose to support her then be careful. There is no overnight cure to addiction. She will live with it for the rest of her life no matter how long she has been clean.

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actually, crystal meth should not carry most of the blame!

it just amplifies weaknesses in one's character.

sad, but move on.

Unbelievably ignorant remark from someone who clearly has no understanding of what these chemicals can do to the mind and body.

She comes from a dysfunctional family of drunkens, what did you expect? Mother Theresa?

Plenty of people come from broken homes and/or dysfunctional parents, yet are wonderful people. You should think before you speak.

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It doesn't matter whether it is drugs or alcohol, It is your decision to wait on the side for her to hit bottom and ask for help. You or anyone cannot force the help on her. She may never completely hit bottom and ask for help. All you can do is offer and, if your heart dictates, wait and be there to pick her up when she does ask. It doesn't matter what anyone here says.

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