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Why are western man so unhappy in thailand


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my happiness is taking away the negative thinking of mixing with all the old farts who were rejected in own country by all women

then come here to show money to a inmature young girl or boy

So why did you wait until you met the right woman to stop mixing with the old farts?

Not to mention being himself rejected in his home country by at least one woman.

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Well said. Peace to you.

The posters against Thailand, they couldn't know how to appreciate . . . anything, anywhere. Nothing to do with Thailand.

They are disease (lack of ease) carriers. It is pathology. They should be lab rats. Just stay under the small minded rocks.

Praise God, Praise Thailand. I'm okay. You're okay. Thank you.

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Try not to listen to the small-minded here. They're just bored ogres who would steal candy from a baby. I like Thailand, and like you, found it easy to understand. On most forums like this one, the bashers always speak the most often, loudest and are the most verbose.

Thank you for a dignified and humane comment. It's a shame the disrespectful carry-on of the rest is so prevalent.

It reminds me of ISIS and what I don't like about it.

Not my normal style to comment on this type of posting, but I feel a need on this occasion.

I agree with the two posts above, both are sane and considered views.

I do however feel that the title of the original post 'Why are western man so unhappy in thailand' already starts on an overly generic and accusative basis. 'Why do some Western men who comment negatively on Thai Visa appear to be so unhappy in Thailand' may have been a little less inflammatory?

My own assessment of the OP and all of his/her subsequent comments is, that this is a troll post and that I and countless others are wasting our time responding.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

my happiness is taking away the negative thinking of mixing with all the old farts who were rejected in own country by all women

then come here to show money to a inmature young girl or boy

Well this has got to be the biggest load of crap I have read in a long time. What makes you think for a second that these Old Farts ( as you call the) have been rejected from there own country? They obviously have some money to spend or they couldn't stay here.

I don't know which country you come from but in mine the undesirables are the ones who live off of the Medicare and Welfare System. Not someone just because he is older, buy pays for the things he needs (consumes goods), pay all his bills, and taxes.

Or you closed mine view and explanation that he was rejected by a woman. Let me tell you a secret Son! About 50% of the people who get married in the Western Culture will end in Divorce. The age group with the highest Divorce Rate is between 30 to 40 years old. A Divorce may make you age quickly, but in my book a 40 years old doesn't qualify as an Old Fart.

I can't help noticing time and time again how these younger guys seem to hate these Older Guys for having younger and pretty wives. Almost like they shouldn't be allowed to do this, although in there own country they easily accept that the Rich and Famous all have beautiful younger wives. I guess it must be envy. Envy because at there age they can't find a woman like that, so think it is so unfair that someone much older, and not as handsome, can do that so easy.

It is not unfair as there is a good explanation why they have younger and prettier women then you do. It is because they are smarter than you. These Old farts know what they want, know where to find it, and go for it. While you do not.

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I am guessing that most posters here on TV are older gentlemen.

As people get older, many are unhappy and love to complain.

Maybe unhappy when they realize most of their life has been spent and they did not really accomplish much they can be happy about?

I also think many have come to Thailand as a result of not doing that well financially in their home country and find their limited income goes farther here...another reason to be unhappy in life.

I think that most who are unhappy and complain here would be just as unhappy wherever they lived and would complain just as much if given a forum like TV to vent on.

I have seen the same thing in other countries....it's not just in Thailand.

Edited by willyumiii
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Why do people think that we are unhappy ALL the time because we have a minor moan about something?

Anyone can wake up, have a nice breakfast, maybe go play golf, meet friends for coffee, generally have a good day, and then comes across something that annoys us. Then we dare to write about it, and we are told to go home if we don't like it here. It doesn't mean we hate everything and everybody, just that we saw something to complain about, then go home, then go out to dinner with our wives or girlfriends and have a pleasant evening, until check bill arrives, and it all kicks off again....hahaha i love thailand, hate thailand, love thailand....then start again tomorrow....

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Will my post why are western man so unhappy in thailand looks to me like a lot of you out there are very unhappy when you look at the reply I got and you look at the post why are western man so happy .

Unhappy post 132

Happy post 45

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Why would anybody be envious of something they could have for themselves if they were willing to drop their standards far enough?

Ever envied someone with a Ferrari, Ducati, big house, etc.?

Why, you could have had one too?

Why is a woman the only possession you feel a man should have for free?

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why would anybody be envious of something they could have for themselves if they were willing to drop their standards far enough?

You obviously don't know Thai Women, do you?

If you think Western Women are the Cream of the Crop then you have a lot of growing up to do Son.

And since I am not your Father it is not my role to educate you on this, or the Facts of Life.

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I like to have a gripe now and then, because it's not all roses here, but i am damn sure that i would rather moan in 'paradise' than moan in shitty UK....and not have to bust my balls working every day....

Oh no, here comes that chicken seller again, with his loudspeaker....shut the f*** up, can't you see i'm trying to finish my beer in peace? No, ok, thought not!

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Every visit I've been since 08 I've loved every moment

I started visiting in 98, and loved every visit.

After living here full time and not leaving for a few years, I have learned that visiting here is much different from living here...

I still love it, but hate it at times too.

Just like everywhere else I have ever lived full time.

I'm flying out the end of the year for 3 months to get more of a feel for the place. Learn more of the culture and try to learn the language better hence string a sentence together lol. Wouldn't holiday anywhere else. Edited by Ayutthaya11
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Georgie, you're obviously looking to pick a fight with TV members. Chill out, foo!

You are the foo little unhappy man and lean to spell little man


"Lean" to spell

Boys, boys, boys...

Most of us realize that when you resort to personal insults in a forum like this it means you have no more intelligent input about the topic itself to share.

Your personal insults should be exchanged in a PM, yes, a private message for personal insults and criticisms.

So, hold your breath, count to ten, and calm down and take a little "time out" now.

Take a break and give the rest of a break as well.

Let's try to be grown up about this....o.k.?

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It seems some are incapable of an adult coversation or exchange of opinion and insist on insulting/flaming other members.


7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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