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Enmarie (lovely South African wife!) and I came to stay in Phuket for seven months last year and now we live here permanently.

We're loving it................

but............... I'm still in holiday mode, and while this is obviously a great feeling, I'm eating and drinking more than I should which I'm not happy about.


I'm sure I'll settle down in time and I'm looking forward to exercising more when our house is sorted out and we have more time to ourselves.

But, while I'm in this state of mind, I'll be interested in anyone's feelings on the phenomenon of assimilating what must appear an idyllic lifestyle to some people 'back home'.

Clearly, there are some who have moved here and haven't stopped partying since. To them, I say, "Go for it!", but it's not my way, or hasn't been so far!

Before I get shot down in flames, please let me make it clear that I don't think Phuket, or anywhere, is perfect. I've traveled a lot but I haven't found myself 'lotus-eating' to the extent that I'm doing here. I moved from the UK to South Africa eight years ago and now we're here as SA seems to be heading the way of Zimbabwe. (If you think that SA will remain a bastion of semi-European, World-class culture, just dig deep into Google and you'll be glad you don't live there.)

Opinions, please.................................posting guidelines below............................

  • I'm not looking for lifestyle advice, just interested in how people view the process of making living on a 'paradise' isle a sustainable day-to-day thing.
  • I'm not looking for opinions regarding my willpower nor suggestions for any 12-step programmes. Again, I'm asking for other people's experiences, first- or second-hand, of the settling-in to Phuket process.

OK, tin hat firmly in place, I submit myself to the scrutiny of Thai Visa!


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I been through that phase, I think everyone has who now lives here. Drank many of those oversized hoegaardens while I was in holiday mode for over 5 years. It got old eventually as the weight piled on and became dependant on alcohol so i gave up drinking entirely as I got into other things. Now 2 years alcohol free and enjoying my children's lives instead of wasting mine away in bars.

I am not going to advise you on what's best but everything in moderation seems to work best. Get a hobby and the rest will fall into place.

Too much of anything will make you an addict.


That's an awesome mug of beer man ! Love that !

Living here you'll find you do much the same things you enjoy doing yet we have better weather to do them (most of the time). You'll find that holiday mode (nights out on Bangla) will wind down and become sort of boring. Can do that sort of thing in smaller situations with good friends, sans the bogans in other parts of the island.We're super lucky here as Phuket is not the 3rd world, compared to outpost parts of Thailand, tons of good restaurants, shopping, movies etc.

So whatever it is you like to do, keep on keepin on !


You are not really looking for any answers, as you said you know all and you are so confident.

You are just looking for gossip.

But have to say, I did admire that glass of yours.thumbsup.gif

Where can I get one for myself?


You are not really looking for any answers, as you said you know all and you are so confident.

You are just looking for gossip.

But have to say, I did admire that glass of yours.thumbsup.gif

Where can I get one for myself?

Kaneng at Chalong pier. I think 750 baht for a glass full.

Costas......Hans is quite correct, Kan Eang at Chalong Pier.............

However, the price has changed................it's five litres and that's a whopping 3,000 THB!

I had three litres which was more than enough to share with Enmarie, followed by an afternoon nap!



You are not really looking for any answers, as you said you know all and you are so confident.

You are just looking for gossip.

But have to say, I did admire that glass of yours.thumbsup.gif

Where can I get one for myself?

The written word is sometimes tough to get the feel of, one can read more into than is there. Costas2008, I didn't get that feeling at all and enjoy the spirit of the OP's post.



Thank you for your honesty.

Yes, I think I'm having an unhealthy relationship with booze. You're right, though, having interests is v. important..........for instance, we went sea kayaking of Koh Yao Noi two days ago...........no bars, and I was totally absorbed, so didn't miss it.

There's definitely an issue with having too much time on your hands and having so many fun things within easy reach.


Costas......Hans is quite correct, Kan Eang at Chalong Pier.............

However, the price has changed................it's five litres and that's a whopping 3,000 THB!

I had three litres which was more than enough to share with Enmarie, followed by an afternoon nap!


3000 baht. Wow. You gotta drink that thing quick or it gets warm.

I do miss a hoegaarden on tap sometimes. So smooth.



I'm thinking that the 'drink it quickly before it gets warm' idea might have something to do with my post. Beer never got warm in Gloucestershire (if not from UK.........rural county in England which has a temperate [for which read, 'cold and wet'] climate).

If one decides to give up something completely, there's a purity to that that in a way makes it easier (?). I'll be trying to reduce my intake and have established a 'three drink' rule (easy at 5l per glass!), sometimes broken, so that I don't go overboard.

I know that this isn't a self-help forum, however, as you're sharing, do you think that a structured re-introduction to alcohol would work for you?

They have Raspberry Hoegaarden next to the nice Italian place in Phuket Town. I prefer regular though.


Recently an Aussie bloke I've come to know, 60 years old, has dropped about 12 kilos. He said he has increased his exercise program, rides a bike, vigorous beach walks, but he contributes a lot to the two big beer Changs every night, becoming one.

So you don't have to completely drop the beers, but lessening can be positive. "Everything in moderation,even moderation"-Gandhi


That Gandhi, what a very enlightened fellow....................

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"



I'm thinking that the 'drink it quickly before it gets warm' idea might have something to do with my post. Beer never got warm in Gloucestershire (if not from UK.........rural county in England which has a temperate [for which read, 'cold and wet'] climate).

If one decides to give up something completely, there's a purity to that that in a way makes it easier (?). I'll be trying to reduce my intake and have established a 'three drink' rule (easy at 5l per glass!), sometimes broken, so that I don't go overboard.

I know that this isn't a self-help forum, however, as you're sharing, do you think that a structured re-introduction to alcohol would work for you?

They have Raspberry Hoegaarden next to the nice Italian place in Phuket Town. I prefer regular though.

I often think of having a beer or a wine but I like the money I save better as well as my health. I'm easily 100k a month better off.

I can't just have one beer as once I get that buzz off the first I just want to keep going, then I get too full to keep drinking beer so I hit the wine or spirits. Wake up hungover and just drink again at lunch to rid myself of it. It can become a vicious cycle before you realise it.

Being booze free works for me now at this stage of my life but once the kids grow up I'll maybe be able to enjoy it again.


As several posters say it's pretty much a natural phase that many go through....Of course some go overboard with it too long (not good for the waistline or kidneys, and if you're doing the girlie thing not good for the wallet, though that shouldn't be a problem for a married dude:) -- but having known you for a bit and climbed with you, it's clear you've got a good head on your shoulders and wouldn't let it go that far. So enjoy the 'honeymoon', you worked hard for many years before coming here so you deserve it (but soon as my shoulder's better let's get out for some more climbing, which will help to keep body and mind in better order too as you well know).

And of course there are other things to do at night here too, as a soon to be posted Gforcejunky adventure will show :)


One of my friends has an alcohol free day every week done this for a long time and he has now extended it to two days alcohol free days , I need to build a little more will power yet to join him at that, but I also have another friend who goes on the bash for a few weeks at the time then has a month free of booze to much will power for me might have to change bars soon at this rate, or I will end out sitting alone or with coke drinkers


My exercise program anchors me here in Phuket. I'm retired. I have two things I do everyday:

1. I swim 40 laps of the pool. It takes 25 minutes. Sometimes I go snorkeling for 1/2 an hour.

2. Walk Kamala Beach at low tide. I go at low tide because it's easier. That takes about 45 minutes. I do a fast walk, like I'm catching a bus. The distance is 4 Km. Running would be better but my basketball knees couldn't take it.

Your workout can be anything like this. Join a gym or bike ride. At least an hour a day. Do something you enjoy doing.

These workouts give my day structure. I never drink alcohol during the day, just plenty of water. Really, I force down water...hydrate. I also buy these sport drink powder for mixing with water instead of Gatorade.

This routine has kept my weight to the same as when I got here five years ago. Most of the guys around me have gotten fat.

I also fit in a power nap in the afternoon. closedeyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.9v32nXk90qxF


An old Hoyt Axton song goes:.." There's a whole lot a things I ain't never done - I ain't never had too much fun!"bah.gif

Personally, I had enough, and stopped while I still had my health. Two hard years of working in the gym has now got me down to the same weight as when I was 21..

If I had to do it all over again , I wouldn't have done what you are loving, but live and let live.

Thai women? No need to quit that - no hangovers there..




My exercise program anchors me here in Phuket. I'm retired. I have two things I do everyday:

1. I swim 40 laps of the pool. It takes 25 minutes. Sometimes I go snorkeling for 1/2 an hour.

2. Walk Kamala Beach at low tide. I go at low tide because it's easier. That takes about 45 minutes. I do a fast walk, like I'm catching a bus. The distance is 4 Km. Running would be better but my basketball knees couldn't take it.

Your workout can be anything like this. Join a gym or bike ride. At least an hour a day. Do something you enjoy doing.

These workouts give my day structure. I never drink alcohol during the day, just plenty of water. Really, I force down water...hydrate. I also buy these sport drink powder for mixing with water instead of Gatorade.

This routine has kept my weight to the same as when I got here five years ago. Most of the guys around me have gotten fat.

I also fit in a power nap in the afternoon. closedeyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.9v32nXk90qxF

same same but different, but sans booze, and there was no need for AA, although it works for certain personality types



Clearly, there are some who have moved here and haven't stopped partying since. To them, I say, "Go for it!", but it's not my way, or hasn't been so far!

You can enjoy yourself without partying around the clock, but you'll find any suggestion that you're actually having fun living in Thailand will bring out all the cranky old dears who will be desperate to ensure you're as unhappy as they are. Some of us still enjoy life here even after many years and without doing it from a bar stool. Generally people who are relentlessly unhappy here were or would be equally unhappy anywhere ... and they have a mission to spread their gloom far and wide.

Sorry to hear about South Africa in decline. In the 1980's and 90's I used to visit Zimbabwe. Also made many visits to Durban and Cape Town. I knew Zimbabwe had been reduced to ruins, but had hoped things would be better in SA.


To everyone who has contributed so far, many thanks for your thoughtful comments.



I got exactly the sort of response I hoped for from these kind posters. I wasn't after gossip, but just wanted to filter advice-giving comments and everyone has been most considerate.


So, I'm hearing that using a little self-control to reduce drinking, added to having things to do and taking some exercise are good ways to move into the 'really enjoying Phuket and now more on my terms' stage.

I've never ever experienced a 'support group' before and I'm not saying at all that this is one...........I'm sure some of you would be horrified at the thought!

However, and it's a first for me as I'm used to 'toughing things out', I feel more positive about the process of Phuketification than I was before this thread.

Oooo, Deepak Chopra, here I come!! (Deep sarcasm here!......... "Deepak" sarcasm, perhaps?......groan!)

So thanks for not tearing me a new one in some Thai Visa-esque way. I'd like to buy you all a drink......oops!



You mentioned something about making a living. Are you talking about work or just settling in ? Lived in many party places for 25 years in Asia, and would never let "fun" distract from work. The "fun" runs out over time anyway. Enjoy until you get sick of it. If you never get sick of it then there is something wrong.


An old Hoyt Axton song goes:.." There's a whole lot a things I ain't never done - I ain't never had too much fun!"bah.gif

Personally, I had enough, and stopped while I still had my health. Two hard years of working in the gym has now got me down to the same weight as when I was 21..

If I had to do it all over again , I wouldn't have done what you are loving, but live and let live.

Thai women? No need to quit that - no hangovers there..



The after effect of a hangover lasts a few hours.

The after effect of a Thai girl can last a lifetime........

Penury, back to the West, flying attempts from a condo, kicking in a shop window are some of the worst.....


You mentioned something about making a living. Are you talking about work or just settling in ? Lived in many party places for 25 years in Asia, and would never let "fun" distract from work. The "fun" runs out over time anyway. Enjoy until you get sick of it. If you never get sick of it then there is something wrong.

Enjoy while it lasts! Don't think about making a living if you are not happy with just the basics.

He actually said:

"interested in how people view the process of making living on a 'paradise' isle a sustainable day-to-day thing"

There was no "a" between "making" and "living". wink.png


You are not really looking for any answers, as you said you know all and you are so confident.

You are just looking for gossip.

But have to say, I did admire that glass of yours.thumbsup.gif

Where can I get one for myself?

Those glasses the beer gets warm to fast and you will get tired arms.


In a hot climate like this, i would think it wiser to use several smaller glasses than one large one that will last a longer time… but, sure, everything is a learning process, Phuket will be too - but since you are nearby, you should come visit actual Thailand some time...


Go look in the mirror...say to yourself: "No one deserves to be this happy!" Then hug your partner...and enjoy life to the fullest while you are still young and can...some things you may want to do in moderation...you will figure this out by trial and error...enjoy...


Hey Tapster, great post to start this thread. The wife and I have only been here for just over two months and I do get concerned for her sanity at times. It is is pretty easy for me as I am disciplined most of the time and I am the one working off the computer to produce an income. I have structured my weekdays into as much of a routine as possible without being boring or restrictive. I have a few things I do every morning just to get me going and this will include some sort of exercise, whether that be gym, walking or swimming. I do try to stay off the grog during the week with the occasional cold beer on a hot day, and probably binge a bit too much on weekends. I've even tried to reduce the beer by switching to Tequila and soda as I am a Paleo boy at heart. I am hoping the wife also gets into a better routine and enjoy life a little more here but it can take time in new place with few English speaking females around her age. I'm sure she will be right eventually though.

There has been some good advice already here with regards to exercise and staying hydrated (a must in this climate), or even getting a hobby, or meeting like minded people. It is not easy getting out of holiday mode as you stated, but you do have to watch after your health and your wallet. Sounds like you are a smart guy and I'm sure you'll work something out. I love the photo....cheers


You are not really looking for any answers, as you said you know all and you are so confident.

You are just looking for gossip.

But have to say, I did admire that glass of yours.thumbsup.gif

Where can I get one for myself?

The written word is sometimes tough to get the feel of, one can read more into than is there. Costas2008, I didn't get that feeling at all and enjoy the spirit of the OP's post.

The correct answer is as previously written:You are not really looking for any answers, as you said you know all and you are so confident.

You are just looking for gossip.


A gal from Pretoria I met in Hong Kong a long time ago (25 years) said before she and her husband moved to HK they had thought of going to Cape Town as it was "more peaceful"" ---- "but" she said, "it'd be like moving to the other side of the Titanic".

South Africa still plods on it seems, but I'd certainly not wish to live there now. I was at school there a while back..........Phuket is a pretty good place, tho' it sure is changing....

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