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Fear of international backlash on Article 44


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"Deputy government spokesman Sansern Kaewkumnerd reiterated that Suan Dusit Poll's survey of public confidence vis-a-vis the use of Article 44 showed that 51 per cent of the public was comfortable with the law."

Wow just 1% over 50. Would love to know what the other 49% think?

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You will never know what the other 49% think. And I doubt any Dusit Poll. They are keeping their mouths shut, it's called survival. As for this: After Article 44 came under international fire, the government will tomorrow try to create a better understanding among foreign diplomats of Thailand's promotion of democracy and human rights. Exactly how do they propose to do so, a little "re-education" at an army base, or perhaps one of our CIA Black Sites that never existed? I think they will find even junior diplomats will be just a tad bit resistant to that type of education. Otherwise, I can see a smirking bunch rushing for drinks after listening to an hour of .................? tick tock, tick tock. China will be happy, that is the only predicament for most of the world governments.

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So far article 44 has already been used to allocate confiscated land to landless farming families for use!

Is that bad ?


PM attends first 'hand-out' of plots to landless farmers in Chiang Mai

>>Around 1,000 people in Tambon Mae Tha in Mae On district greeted the prime minister at the handout ceremony at Wat Huai Sai School. The atmosphere of ceremony was reportedly happy and cheerful.

Security was tight also with up to 2,000 soldiers and police guarding the area. People attending had to pass through thermal scanners, be registered and put a sticker on for security reasons.<< Quote

For a leader with support of 90%+, that is a lot of security.

2 soldiers for each civilian!!

And the land he is giving away, is a communal forest!! Not his to give away!!

Oh silly me, Art 44

Again is it bad to do this.. Yes or No?

It's utterly irrelevant. What has been done in one action doesn't define or limit Art. 44.

Of course it's relevant. You lot keep harping on about the bad things that it could be used for while missing the good things that it IS being used for.. Of course it can STILL be used as an oppressive measure BUT so far no evidence of that... Is there?

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"drew a strong reaction and rebuke from the international community, led by the United States and the United Nations,".

Okay, how about this, Thailand should announce loud and clear the following :" Look America and United Nations, we don't give a sh-- what you think, we can trade with China, and our neighbours (Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam) are not exactly going to put up partial sanctions against us, they're less democratic than we are. So, we don't care, why don't you lot just shut up".

In all honesty, how many people on ThaiVisa reckon that, yes, Thailand should go and say exactly this ??

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"If we compare Article 44 to a sword, it's like keeping it in its scabbard and wielding it only when necessary," he said.

Great analogy then what??? we will chop your head off

If you keep your sword in its scabbard and then "wield" it, it becomes a club to beat people with.

Maybe that is the analogy he was searching for?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"drew a strong reaction and rebuke from the international community, led by the United States and the United Nations,".

Okay, how about this, Thailand should announce loud and clear the following :" Look America and United Nations, we don't give a sh-- what you think, we can trade with China, and our neighbours (Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam) are not exactly going to put up partial sanctions against us, they're less democratic than we are. So, we don't care, why don't you lot just shut up".

In all honesty, how many people on ThaiVisa reckon that, yes, Thailand should go and say exactly this ??

In all honesty? Have you seen the items in the stores of Bangkok, Pattaya and Chang Mai? Where do you think the iPhones so beloved of the Thai masses come from? Laos?

How about the Toyota cars? Cambodia? They might be made in Thailand but the company is Japanese.

I'm guessing your post was tongue in cheek - right?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"drew a strong reaction and rebuke from the international community, led by the United States and the United Nations,".

Okay, how about this, Thailand should announce loud and clear the following :" Look America and United Nations, we don't give a sh-- what you think, we can trade with China, and our neighbours (Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam) are not exactly going to put up partial sanctions against us, they're less democratic than we are. So, we don't care, why don't you lot just shut up".

In all honesty, how many people on ThaiVisa reckon that, yes, Thailand should go and say exactly this ??

In all honesty? Have you seen the items in the stores of Bangkok, Pattaya and Chang Mai? Where do you think the iPhones so beloved of the Thai masses come from? Laos?

How about the Toyota cars? Cambodia? They might be made in Thailand but the company is Japanese.

I'm guessing your post was tongue in cheek - right?

It will be exremely unlikely for them to put sanctions onto Thailand, but let's imagine if it does happen.

Er, yeah, you mention Japanese cars and them mobile phones. :)

The Japanese car plants want to manufacture the cars, and sell them in Thailand and to countries next to Thailand, I think. Basically, they're going to lobby the Japanese government to not have sanctions, if sanctions ever come about. And those mobile phones. All we'ill see is a load of Thais going to Laos and Cambodia and buying those mobile phones, and then taking them to Thailand and sell. Mobile phone shops in Laos and Cambodia are hardly likely to say "we will not sell phones to you if you are going to take this phone and sell this phone in Thailand".

But Thailand's ace card is, is China !!

But back to my main point. How many people on ThaiVisa do actually reckon that Thailand should announce loud and clear "look, America and United Nations, we don't give a sh-- what you think, we can trade with China, and our neighbours (Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam) are not exactly going to put up partial sanctions against us, they're less democratic than we are. So, we don't care, why don't you lot just shut up". There's at least some, who feel this way, right ??

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The point eludes you. Land distribution does not require Article 44. It simply requires that the current legal system is enforced and any fair claim goes through the system. In 1900s the UK pushed through land re-distribution laws, in the 1890s New Zealand did the same. Neither required draconian laws. Many nations have done this.

And to the latter? Perhaps you missed the two threats to execute journalists?

Once again, this is utterly irrelevant. What has been done in one action doesn't define or limit Art. 44. Of course in another newspaper (which we can't quote) we now have the regime's spokesperson saying that they will now stay in power as long as is "needed".

Frankly, if you think any of this is being done for the benefit of the Thai people - politely - you're batty.

Of course it's relevant. You lot keep harping on about the bad things that it could be used for while missing the good things that it IS being used for.. Of course it can STILL be used as an oppressive measure BUT so far no evidence of that... Is there?

There is this saying for that in Germany (used ironically to make a point):

But the Führer built the Autobahn...

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The Thais have yet to grasp that perception is reality! So what the other gov perceive is what will be believed.

This article 44 so they say, can't be applied to harm anyone until it is used is about the dumbest comment I ever heard. It is being used and applied the minute they enacted it and the news everyday since has spread word of how it will be used. What about the uses that are not being printed to the public? Nobody really knows the extent of it because the news is controlled as well.

Hey! That's a gun... Nah.. You just perceive it to be a gun but it's really a water gun. How do I know you are telling the truth? You don't until I pull the trigger.

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