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Girlfriend of British Man who bled to death in Hua Hin speaks out


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I'm still trying to fathom out how you sever a main leg artery by kicking a "wall mirror", unless it fell off the wall in huge slices and his leg fell on a piece or the wall was hollow.

Don't worry I'm sure one of TV's resident Sherlocks will explain all.

One? That'll be a first.

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"planned to go out and get drunk"

"not a violent man but alcohol sometimes caused him to be confused"

"Mystery" killer strikes again in Thailand.

Yep, that's basically it. Stupid drinking. Such a useless thing to do. Had he just remained sober and happy he'd probably be alive today.

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If that had happened in the real world, somebody would have rushed and tighten the leg from the top to stop the bleeding.

Probably in this world of Thailand, people were watching him dying waiting for the Emergency services to arrive and may be taking photographs.

I hope I'm wrong with what I'm saying but I don't think I'm far away from the truth.

May he Rests in Peace.

Our Greek pensioner living in the sticks has done it again!!

Stereotyped the whole Thai population into insensitive idiots!!

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:Patty is not a bar girl. It had been a long term relationship. He was the one who decided to cool it. It wasn't a mirror, it was a glass door (Thais often call windows mirrors). He does lose it when he's drunk but that certainly wasn't a common occurrence.

It was a tragic accident. Nothing else.

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Poor guy looked in the mirror, and did not like what he saw, in terms of his life-style choices.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, I'll kick you hard and end it all..

Pity he didn't look for another fish in the ocean instead.

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Can't help but hear the Farang-ghost-writer of her story... Even the best educated Thai person I've ever met in over 40 years cannot compose such well written prose and sound so "frightfully english"!

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Scots and Drink...Beware always trouble,

Stereotype much? I've seen as many English blokes act like clowns with a scoop in them as I have jocks

And how about the good old Irish - Scottish mix? Now they like to tipple Mate.sad.png

A wee sample: Bob had the face of an extra belligerent bull dog, and acted acted accordingly. He's gotta be dead by now.

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Thailand, First Aid does not compute.....sounds like he bleed out.......raise the injured limb...direct pressure to help arrives..may be he would still be here to-day.....

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RIP. But bar girl, relationship on hold? And he freaks because she's not waiting for him the moment he beckons. Why do some men think they own their Thai gf.

There is nothing in the piece saying she is a bar girl, Bar girls are not the only women farang meet in Thailand.

This is TVF where all Thai ladies are bargirls until proven otherwise…

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I'm still trying to fathom out how you sever a main leg artery by kicking a "wall mirror", unless it fell off the wall in huge slices and his leg fell on a piece or the wall was hollow.

Yeah exactly.

In fact it says that he "severed an artery in one leg and badly injuring the other one.", so there must have been 2 large chunks of mirror that just happened to fall off the wall and just happened to cut deeply into both of this legs. hmmmmm

I mean, to penetrate deep into the legs the mirror must have fallen from a height to have pickup up enough momentum, or like you said have been a very large and heavy chunk of mirror with a couple of small pointing juts that happened to catch his legs...

Your last point about the hollow wall is most likely if his injuries were actually caused from a mirror. I once knocked to hard on a friends front door (whilst drunk) and my hand went straight through, cutting my wrist quite badly, so it is doable.

Oh sure. Like committing suicide by throwing yourself backwards on meat skewers, banging your head against a concrete wall or holding a pillow on your face. But how LIKELY is it...?

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RIP. But bar girl, relationship on hold? And he freaks because she's not waiting for him the moment he beckons. Why do some men think they own their Thai gf.

Maybe because they originally bought them, and think they come with a 1 year guarantee

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maybe he leg went right thriugh the mirror like a shop window and he sold his £2.5 million pound house to live there wow now that is crazy with that type money he could have had 1000 girlfriends oh well his time was up hope he enjoyed what he had of it

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Yes. Maybe I don't believe them. Maybe the poor fellow who died believed them, and maybe you believe them, but I wasn't born yesterday you know.

I live here. I knew IaIn. I know Patty. It was an accident caused by booze getting the better of him.

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Scots and Drink...Beware always trouble,

Stereotype much? I've seen as many English blokes act like clowns with a scoop in them as I have jocks

Scottish people are welcome across the globe. Unfortunately I can't say the same about English lager louts

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Just another common foreign alcoholic with a Thai bar girl that ended very badly. Happens every day. If your dumb enough to date or marry a bar girl you deserve what you get.

A bar girl is a girl working in a bar, nothing else.

Nothing dumb to date or marry a bar girl, but plenty if you complain if she's working in public.

Of course, not all bar girls are angels. You don't expect them to be, do you?

Please put a button on your sleeves if you want virgins only.

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Is there any independent article discussing what actually happened? any confirmation of what the girl said? What bar? Any CCTV? Any call to the police as the guy kicked or broke or fell on or through the mirror/door then what, lay on the ground bleeding? Nobody has a cell phone photo of that? Hard to believe in this day and age since everybody I see in Thailand, certainly any girl or bar girl has her little phone with the built in camera.

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RIP. But bar girl, relationship on hold? And he freaks because she's not waiting for him the moment he beckons. Why do some men think they own their Thai gf.

Working in a bar does not make her a "bar girl", many ordinary girls work in bars as a job and do not fall into the derogatory bar girl category.

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I'm still trying to fathom out how you sever a main leg artery by kicking a "wall mirror", unless it fell off the wall in huge slices and his leg fell on a piece or the wall was hollow.

Is it too difficult for you to imagine pieces of a large wall mirror falling towards the ground and hitting the drunk's leg? Those mirrors are made of heavy glass and, surprisingly, the pieces are sharp.

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