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I have to laugh every time someone on TVF claims 'farang' is a racist term.

Just for everyone's information, non-white non-Asian Westerners are just as likely to be referred to as 'farang' as a white Westerner is.

Kind of blows a hole in the 'farang is a racist word' argument, now doesn't it? smile.png

I think you should reexamine your logic there mate.

I'll take an example similar to yours.

In North America Japanese are generally regarded more highly than Chinese for all types of reasons. However, when racist bigoted people refer to them both as "dirty Asians" or "little yellow Asians" or "insert some derogatory term here", they are taking them as a whole. They might be saying "while I acknowledge that I think Japanese and Chinese are not equally bad/good, I think they are both below me and I dislike them both."

Do you get that?

I get that. What has that got to do with the word farang being racist?


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You are dreaming.

Asians in america rank low on the pole.
They may never recover in the USA due to the american experience in Vietnam.

There is a reason most soldiers who fell in love stayed in Asia and didnt bring their women back to the us.

Nothing has changed in the us and if anything anti Chinese sentiment is growing as war rhetoric heats up, which it is

The Chinese in the West are buying up corporations, businesses, and property on a massive scale.

Chances are you are directly or indirectly working for a Chinese boss. The Chinese are also buying up huge chunks of Europe and Asia.

The earliest immigrants from China did go the laundry and restaurant route but that is big business for them now.

Many Vietnamese, Koreans, Japanese and Asians from everywhere prospering in the West.

Why look down your nose at hard working people?

The only war rhetoric is coming from the US as they need to find more countries to invade after Iraq.

The US now owes more debt to China for funding it's wars than it can ever pay back. Hello Greece!

I may be dreaming, but you are fast asleep.

(and the joke was very racist)


Bfd, the Chinese turn their debt into dollars and use them to buy things, what's new about that?

They own 11% of us debt, again, bfd, so does Saudi Arabia and Japan.

No one cares about us debt, just people that rant about it

Asian people in the SE are still in small businesses, restaurants and massage parlors

Beyond that, they are struggling, are polluted and as a business and manufacturing center, they have peaked


Asians own US debt?

What a precious economy...

Do you really believe Asians should pay your debts, while the original debtors escaped to Asia?

Who should value a bunch of debtors?


You are dreaming.

Asians in america rank low on the pole.

They may never recover in the USA due to the american experience in Vietnam.

There is a reason most soldiers who fell in love stayed in Asia and didnt bring their women back to the us.

Nothing has changed in the us and if anything anti Chinese sentiment is growing as war rhetoric heats up, which it is

The Chinese in the West are buying up corporations, businesses, and property on a massive scale.

Chances are you are directly or indirectly working for a Chinese boss. The Chinese are also buying up huge chunks of Europe and Asia.

The earliest immigrants from China did go the laundry and restaurant route but that is big business for them now.

Many Vietnamese, Koreans, Japanese and Asians from everywhere prospering in the West.

Why look down your nose at hard working people?

The only war rhetoric is coming from the US as they need to find more countries to invade after Iraq.

The US now owes more debt to China for funding it's wars than it can ever pay back. Hello Greece!

I may be dreaming, but you are fast asleep.

(and the joke was very racist)

Rather ironic as the Chinese are only so rich because the west exported most of the jobs to China so a few scum capitalists could make fantastical amounts of money.

However, let them buy it all. When it all turns to poo, as it will, they'll lose everything.

While everyone is worrying about the different sects of Islam slaughtering each other, the real threat to world peace is happening right now in the Sth China Sea.


Bfd, the Chinese turn their debt into dollars and use them to buy things, what's new about that?

They own 11% of us debt, again, bfd, so does Saudi Arabia and Japan.

No one cares about us debt, just people that rant about it

Asian people in the SE are still in small businesses, restaurants and massage parlors

Beyond that, they are struggling, are polluted and as a business and manufacturing center, they have peaked

You are seeing Asians how you want to see them.

You are not seeing the property and super mall owners, smart business people, innovators etc, because you don't want to.

They are there and they have wealth. But you need to think of them as inferior to you and that's what you do.


Bfd, the Chinese turn their debt into dollars and use them to buy things, what's new about that?

They own 11% of us debt, again, bfd, so does Saudi Arabia and Japan.

No one cares about us debt, just people that rant about it

Asian people in the SE are still in small businesses, restaurants and massage parlors

Beyond that, they are struggling, are polluted and as a business and manufacturing center, they have peaked

You are seeing Asians how you want to see them.

You are not seeing the property and super mall owners, smart business people, innovators etc, because you don't want to.

They are there and they have wealth. But you need to think of them as inferior to you and that's what you do.

I don't care about them, because when it all collapses, as it will, they are irrelevant.

If the US and China start a war because the Chinese shoot down a US plane over the Sth China Sea how long will it be till all property owned by mainland Chinese is confiscated? Not long I'll warrent.


Bfd, the Chinese turn their debt into dollars and use them to buy things, what's new about that?

They own 11% of us debt, again, bfd, so does Saudi Arabia and Japan.

No one cares about us debt, just people that rant about it

Asian people in the SE are still in small businesses, restaurants and massage parlors

Beyond that, they are struggling, are polluted and as a business and manufacturing center, they have peaked

You are seeing Asians how you want to see them.

You are not seeing the property and super mall owners, smart business people, innovators etc, because you don't want to.

They are there and they have wealth. But you need to think of them as inferior to you and that's what you do.

I don't care about them, because when it all collapses, as it will, they are irrelevant.

If the US and China start a war because the Chinese shoot down a US plane over the Sth China Sea how long will it be till all property owned by mainland Chinese is confiscated? Not long I'll warrent.

Not long?

You spent ten years in dinky Vietnam, 15 in Afghanistan, 20 years in the Iraqi sandbox, and still don't have resolution.

China will offer a lot more resistance than they ever could.

The US and China will not start a war, The US might attack China and start the war but it won't be mutually declared war.


Asians own US debt?

What a precious economy...

Do you really believe Asians should pay your debts, while the original debtors escaped to Asia?

Who should value a bunch of debtors?

If China wasn't selling so much plastic garbage in Walmart and Target across the Americas they would have less need to be paid in dollars and would have other choices other than US treasuries,

The most liquid and valuable and guaranteed investment on the planet


Bfd, the Chinese turn their debt into dollars and use them to buy things, what's new about that?

They own 11% of us debt, again, bfd, so does Saudi Arabia and Japan.

No one cares about us debt, just people that rant about it

Asian people in the SE are still in small businesses, restaurants and massage parlors

Beyond that, they are struggling, are polluted and as a business and manufacturing center, they have peaked

You are seeing Asians how you want to see them.

You are not seeing the property and super mall owners, smart business people, innovators etc, because you don't want to.

They are there and they have wealth. But you need to think of them as inferior to you and that's what you do.

I don't care about them, because when it all collapses, as it will, they are irrelevant.

If the US and China start a war because the Chinese shoot down a US plane over the Sth China Sea how long will it be till all property owned by mainland Chinese is confiscated? Not long I'll warrent.

Not long?

You spent ten years in dinky Vietnam, 15 in Afghanistan, 20 years in the Iraqi sandbox, and still don't have resolution.

China will offer a lot more resistance than they ever could.

The US and China will not start a war, The US might attack China and start the war but it won't be mutually declared war.

the US Navy will deal w China and their silly land claims off the coast of Malaysia and if they insist, they will see their new military bases in the Spratly islands incinerated along with whoever they leave their to be martyred

The US isn't playing games with them//and the only way they will learn this/ is to keep testing US commitment to that area//

China is not a super power

And the US has weapons no one has ever seen before and neither will China. They will just dissapear


Bfd, the Chinese turn their debt into dollars and use them to buy things, what's new about that?

They own 11% of us debt, again, bfd, so does Saudi Arabia and Japan.

No one cares about us debt, just people that rant about it

Asian people in the SE are still in small businesses, restaurants and massage parlors

Beyond that, they are struggling, are polluted and as a business and manufacturing center, they have peaked

You are seeing Asians how you want to see them.

You are not seeing the property and super mall owners, smart business people, innovators etc, because you don't want to.

They are there and they have wealth. But you need to think of them as inferior to you and that's what you do.

I don't care about them, because when it all collapses, as it will, they are irrelevant.

If the US and China start a war because the Chinese shoot down a US plane over the Sth China Sea how long will it be till all property owned by mainland Chinese is confiscated? Not long I'll warrent.

Not long?

You spent ten years in dinky Vietnam, 15 in Afghanistan, 20 years in the Iraqi sandbox, and still don't have resolution.

China will offer a lot more resistance than they ever could.

The US and China will not start a war, The US might attack China and start the war but it won't be mutually declared war.

I disagree,

the Chinese will be more.aggressive when the US goes after Iran directly

They are already saying that in diplomatic statements as Iran sells $30 billion in oil to China now, and is their number one supplier so, if they want to wage war they need Iranian oil

Iran has been boasting to any fool who will listen that they are ready for war with the US and Israel, but they are showing their supreme weakness in Iraq and Syria, and will soon lose what is left of Hezbollah, another big boaster


You spent ten years in dinky Vietnam, 15 in Afghanistan, 20 years in the Iraqi sandbox, and still don't have resolution.

China will offer a lot more resistance than they ever could.

The US and China will not start a war, The US might attack China and start the war but it won't be mutually declared war.

the US Navy will deal w China and their silly land claims off the coast of Malaysia and if they insist, they will see their new military bases in the Spratly islands incinerated along with whoever they leave their to be martyred

The US isn't playing games with them//and the only way they will learn this/ is to keep testing US commitment to that area//

China is not a super power

And the US has weapons no one has ever seen before and neither will China. They will just dissapear

The US had weapons no one had ever seen before during Vietnam and Iraq, and now Iran. Still it didn't win anything.

You think you can just wipe countries off the map and win wars but it isn't happening any more.

You'll get bogged down in an unwinnable war for years and years. You'll have to borrow money from China to fight a war in China. How will that work?

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